B vits gals!

Sorry to hear about the spotting Merry :hugs: Some people spot thoughout their pregnancies, I know that's not very reassuring but at least you are realxing at home and you have the hospital appointment. And remember the fact that you didn't hear from them about yout last bloods is a very good sign.

Keep us posted, thinking of you.
They said that the spotting is common, of it is a lot of red or painful go to a and e, but they took more blood and will ring with the results tomorrow. The consultant looked at my scan and said that it looked like the sac was in the right place. With the bloods they can rule out an eptopic. However they can't tell any thing about miscarriage being likely or any thing:(
trying to remember that lotsbof women spot and some have a lot more red blood and cramping than me and ever thing turns out fine. I think it's stopped, so hoping its just one of those things we will never know why it happens.

Only 35 weeks left of worrying!!

How are you today? I had a nap for about 2 hours, was so tired. I keep waking at 4.30 and am unable to get back to sleep. Been feeling a bit sick today bur nothing bad, novthrowing yet. Have you got any symptoms?
hey ladies.. I LOVE Thursdays!!! Yay for my snowpea!!!! (I'm always jealous of the girls who are ahead of me a lot, lol... one great thing about my EDD is that I'm near the start of the May group so I don't have to see too many people far advanced from me :haha:)

I took today off because I have a few doctors appointments... also so I can be on :cloud9: if the scan is good, or stay home and sulk if its bad. I'm expecting good but of course worrying at the same time!!

Merry - are they checking your progresterone level? Since you had the LPD already, its possible your progesterone is hovering a little low... and if so, they can put you on the suppositories to keep it up. Not trying to worry you, just gives you something to actually check on (maybe they're checking on that with today's bloodwork?).
Not sure what they are checking with the bloods to be honest, when they phone tomorrow I will ask. I'm still taking my 50mg of b vits, I was thinking of upping it to 100mg to see if that helps. What do you think?

So exciting about the scan, I think it will all be good news:) 1 healthy little baby :)
5 days till Im a snowpea, can't wait.

The spotting has stopped, hopefully won't come back!

ONE healthy looking baby in there!!! measuring 6w1d which is perfect.
Saw the heartbeat which totally made me cry!
He saw a section with a pooling of blood that he told me may cause me to spot a little so not to freak out but still call him and come in and check.
I'll be going in next week for another scan at 7 weeks, then again at 8 weeks, then if everything is looking good we'll do one at 10 and one at 12,... not sure I need all those scans, but it will be reassuring and they're quick so shouldn't be too much risk.

Have to run off real fast for a different doctor's appointment, lol.. be back in a while!
Seeing your scan picture is making me well up!!! So glad that you got to see a heart beat and that it's a single baby:) I think if your healthcare provider rcommends scans you should def. have them. Also normal scans are a bit different to the 4D ones. I think if I could I would have a normal scan every couple of weeks in the first trimester as to relieve my stress and worry.

You scan looks like mine did, though I didn't get a picture. A dark egg sac but in mine we couldn't see a heart beat or anything. I think 5 weeks was too early.

You must be on cloud 9:) :dance: seeing your little one for the first time. Did your other half go too? Did he cry?
Yeah, DH was there, he didn't cry though, lol... I expected him to!
We barely saw the hb... he was showing us the sac and pointing out the yolk sac and the fetal pole etc... then the scan shifted slighty further down and we saw the flicker.

I agree about the medical scans not having as much to worry about with... but let me tell you, I was very aware of the heat coming off that thing!!! LMAO
Brief scan's don't worry me, and it will be so nice to know each week that the hb is still going pump pump pump and the baby is growing right etc...
I uploaded it to photobucked, then pasted the image link on here (click on the little picture icon, paste the url link then click ok)
YAY for a healthy bean with a beating heart! :yipee::wohoo: Just a little blob but it's amazing what's already happening! You so lucky, I want a scan tooooo!

Merry great to hear the spotting has stopped, are you taking it easy today? :coffee:

I still don't feel many symptoms, sometimes my bbs are a bit sore, not much though and not all the time. I only feel it cause I never got sore bbs even during AF. This morning we had no milk at home so I waited till I got into the office to go and buy some to have my cereal. I felt a bit queasy on the train with an empty tummy. My skin still looks like a pizza :sad2: and I have such bad bloating, you would swear I was like 4 months already!

I started sleeping in an old sports bra last night and this morning I started slathering on the Bio Oil for the stretch marks I will most certainly develop. I already have them, I think it's genetic in the elasticity of your skin cause I have never really put on or lost huge amounts of weight very quickly?? Anyway prevention is better than cure. (not that there is a cure...):haha:
Ive also been slathering on the bio oil:) I already have stretch marks, and to be honest I actually quite like them. Strange hey! Though I don't want to get too much more though, I think my genetics mean that I will.

I hate MS on the train! I had very queasy feeling this morning but didn't actually throw up, I'm taking today as AL so still at home resting:) not looking forward to thectrain journey next week:)

the hospital called this morning, my blood tests show a normal pregnancy, so that makes me feel so much better. My baby is growing as she should:) Still a bit worried about spotting but guess it's one of those things and hopefully will go away. They are going to scan me again Tuesday, I'll be 6 weeks so hopefully should see a hb:)

I'm really spotty at the moment, not fair. I thought we were supposed to bloom!!!
I'm already covered in stretch marks, lol.. not too worried about them tbh.. they'll happen and its not like I have a bikini body I'm going to lose or anything :haha:
This morning feeling really queasy and dry cornflakes are the only thing I could manage for breakfast.

I have at least 5 bikini's but doubt I'll be getting any wear out of them for quite a while! No trips to the sunshine planned and soon will be too big to get into them and nor sure I'll ever slim down back to a size 8 again!

I keep looking at all these lovely clothes that are out got the autumn season and keep thinking that I can't buy them as won't get any wear out of them. Love the military look as well, all those tailored jackets prob. Won't fit over a bump!
Today has been my most symptom filled uncomfortable one yet, felt queasy all day. Gagging at points and have also been exhausted, been napping most of the day and sitting resting the other. I'm back at work Monday, hoping it will be ok. Reallyvdontvwant to be sick or fall asleep at work.

My boss told me last weekthat I should ask occupation health if there was some where I could lay down and rest for a while, I thought why would I need a rest. I now think a rest area is a great idea. Wasn't really expecting to be so tired!
Hey Merry!
I had a rough day too with the MS... actually threw up without anything noticably triggering it. My boobs haven't been too sore, but I had shooting pains in my boobs this morning bad enough to wake me up! And I sleep through ANYTHING.

We've been telling all our family this weekend. Going well so far but the one person we thought would totally flip out with excitement was kind of like 'oh ok'. Paranoid that I've now jinxed it somehow :dohh:
Hi guys, sorry to hear about all the symptoms! I've been feeling tired today. I went to have my hair cut this morning and decided on a compete change! Went from long to short! Well a bob. Now I'm not so sure I like it :( I think it's the hormones too.

Then I came home and cleaned the house, we went grocery shopping and then came back and made 2 salads and desert for friends we had over for a barbeque tonight. I am now officially pooped! Also ate way too much. Can't wait to hit the sack.

We also have a 'sick bay' at work, like a room with a bed. Only it would be a bit strange me going to have a lie down at work cause no body knows yet. Waiting for that 12 week scan...
hey Crissie... you have a sweetpea!! :)
And you're halfway to that 12 week mark!
OMG Crissie you've done so much, last few days I've done nothing bur rest! I've been so tired! Went to bed at 9.30pm and slept through to 8am!! Now trying to figure out whether to go to church or not, would have to walk or take the bus as DH has the car. Worried that I'll get there be sick and have a hard time getting home.

Also I'm trying to figure out whether to tell my mother, I think knowing how she suffered with morning sickness, whether she spotted in pregnancy, etc. I think if I tell her at 12 weeks she would be upset i didn't tell her earlier, but if some thing happens I know she will be a nightmare. What do you guys think?

I think Lisa your friend may have issues of her own, maybe she's been trying but not concieve yet, maybe she's too inwards turned to be happy for you. Try to ignore her response and put it down to something in her life being off.
hey Crissie... you have a sweetpea!! :)
And you're halfway to that 12 week mark!

Yay! I can't see my tickers on my Iphone :(

Only 6 more to go till that scan...

And I agree with Merry, maybe your friend was just having a bad day.

Merry which church do you go to? Hope you guys feel better soon. But think of it this way at least you know there's a bean in there.

Merry I would definitley tell her at 12 weeks, and if you have a good relationship you could tell her now, maybe she could support you? I'm glad I told my Mom and sisters, at least I can share all my fears with them. Anyway up to you....
I go to the Catholic church, it's the one we got married in:) lit a candle and said a pray for our little beans. I got the bus as was too tired to walk, a few months ago I walked 23 miles in a day, today I got three bus stops down the road and decided to get the bus!!
While in town I restocked my Ginger biscuits, got soda water, cream crackers and sickness wrist bands. Will have to go to work tomorrow so taking advice from every old wives tale out there. Wrist bands seem to be helping, so that's good:)
still undecided about telling my mum, will definately wait till after the scan on Tuesday, wait till I'm a snow pea too:) then I'll decide. We aren't close and fight quite a bit over stupid things. Will see how I feel Tuesday:)

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