B vits gals!

Lol.. hey, its a nice distraction from the other worries, right? :)

My reasons for worrying are that I'm underqualified for this position... I was supposed to be trained into it but the person above me up and left without training me on ANYTHING... so I had to pick it all up as I go along. I'm right 99% of the time, but I'm almost never SURE I'm right as I dont' have the experience to back up my decisions.
So if they hire someone with real experience, they will totally outshine me, lol!

And if they hire someone less experienced than me, then I'll worry that I'm teaching them wrong! :rofl:

Also, I butt heads with some people around here (at least half of the head-butting is due to me being over-zealous without any real authority and the other half is that I'm almost sure they don't like listening to me because I'm a girl and they don't see me as being assertive, but pushy/bitchy etc). So if we hire someone else who doesn't butt heads as much, I'm afraid they'll like them better instead of letting me learn and grow etc.

So my fears are totally unfounded!
(actually did lose my position as the 'favored' underling at one job... and instead of getting the promotion I'd been heading towards for 4 years, I was about to have a girl promoted over me, to be my supervisor who I STILL had to help do her own damn job... and why? because the boss LIKED her better.... left before that could happen though... my boss even gave me a horrible review and when I asked her to help me improve and we went through each area one by one, she ended up rewriting my review... she had this horrible impression for me for some reason and thought I didn't do my job well, but when we went over each point she couldn't substantiate her opinion - things like claiming I wasn't prepared... so I showed her all the steps I took to prepare and how there is nothing I can do when I get 100X the usual volume of work in one day... if I clear out my inbox and am ready for it, thats the most I can do since I can't control how it comes in... etc)
I'm lucky in a way that so few people are trained to do what I do, a world wide shortage. So my boss will be really happy for me to come back but probably won't be able to get cover for me. Also the NHS has all these work life balance policies that they would hold my job for a couple of years.

The chromosome causes a hormone testosterone I believe surge which causes the genital cells to turn male. With out it they stay female, so until that stage all babies are girls. Occasionally you get strange chromosome variations with sex but it's unsual. I do want a girl but don't really mind, as long as long as baby arrives healthy!

No call about blood test so that's good, they were only going to ring if a problem was found:)
I'm sure I could negotiate a reduced work schedule after I come back from my leave... especially if it was a transition with a timeline for tapering off. Only problem is they'll cut my pay if I work less... damn them! :rofl:
Some times work politics sucks, you have to be assertive to get ahead and get things done but then it annoys people. At least we will have other things than work to think about soon. :) :) :)
YAY!!! :) :haha:

I promise to update my signature soon with you guys as bump buddies by the way...
I just wanted to wait for my scan on Thursday before changing any more of my siggy stuff.
Went to work today and talked to my boss, he was really sweet and said that I shouldn't worry about work and just take care of myself. The bit where I told him that they couldn't rule out an eptopic I almost cried but managed not to. They haven't phoned do that is a good sign, hopefully the bloods tomorrow and scan next week will show a healthy baby and I'll be happy.

The boss also sent me home early as he said if I'm still under investigation then I shouldn't be at work, apprently I also looked green. Which I think was the morning sickness:(

Can't wait for your scan Lisa!! Very excited, fx for a lovely hb. :) Im also nervous about jinxing things, that's why I haven't really told any one, want to keep my bump a secret till I know it's all ok.
Wow your work is so understanding! I'm dreading telling my boss, he's one of those that is not impressed by losing his work force to something as trivial as having kids. Last year the secretary that helps him while he's at our Frankfurt office had her baby and I had to suggest we get her something. He agreed nonchalantly, like he would have even bothered and when I went to go show him what I got her he said he's not really a baby person. This coming from a father of 2! But he's not really involved with them. He's divorced (I wonder why) and is a workaholic, travelling at least 3 out of 4 weeks a month. I hope telling him doesn’t affect my increase (if I get one) and my bonus which are both discretionary.

In a sick twisted way I'm actually looking forward to telling him just to see the look on his face! :finger: One of the secretaries here just had a baby and another is due in Dec, then there's me! :haha: For a company of 90 staff members with only 5 secretaries it's quite a knock. :dohh: oh well, it's not rocket science, nothing a temp couldn't cover...

Merry such good news that you haven't heard from them! (that sounds so weird...) Can you call them just to make sure or will they not like that?
Too late to call them, will go at 12 for my second blood test and they will then call me tomorrow evening/Friday with the results. Your boss sounds like such a nice man, NOT!!! hopefully he will be a bit more supportive and not affect your bonus.

Lisa I saw that you posted on the 3/4D scans thread, it was getting a little bitchy so didn't want to post there but thought I would tell you my professional input:) I know that ultra sound is extremly safe, but does come with a small risk. Especially as these scans can be for quite a long period of time. There is no evidence to suggest any harm is done to the baby, but no long term studies are done as the tech is quite new. So the medical advice is given as if you don't need the scan, it's not worth even the small amount of risk. Most medical scansvthe info gained will off set the risk fir a net gain for the patient.

Saying that though I'm still tempted :) hehe I probably won't due to money and being mocked at worked but totally get why people want to see their babies face:) I think reading up on all the advice is a good way forward and do feel a little sorry for the lady who got shot down for posting it, I think she was only trying to help. I agree that using phyc as a reason not to do a test but not enough to do a test is amusing.

Do you think you'll get a 4D scan? What about you Crissie? I think theybare quite expensive in the UK, I think I'll be more likely to pay for a scan to see a heart beat, that would make me more reassured. Any way just rambling:)
Hmm, the scan thing is up in the air right now (haven't checked it today so not sure how heated it got, lol... I'm all tied up in my vaccine thread :dohh: which probably isn't good for me as it gets my blood pressure up seeing some of the stuff posted).

My husband won't even consider being surprised on the sex of the baby.... so I think it would be nice to still be surprised by their face and what they're going to look like, you know? And they kind of creep me out :blush: Some of them look like a disease is eating away at the baby's face!

If the grandparents pay for it, I'm sure I won't be able to resist the temptation though, lol!!!

I have to stay on a medication that has unknown risks, so while I'm not eager to expose myself to further unknown risks, I also have sort of taken the plunge and if you don't know that its bad, it doesn't mean you have to avoid it, you know?
Ohh I haven't seen the vaccine thread, what's it called? Might go stalk:) I think it might be nice to be surprised by the babys face, get to see each other face to face seems nice some how. Strange hey:)

I think just cause we can't prove it's safe doesn't mean it's dangerous. TBH if my parents offerred to pay for me I don't think I could say no! However I don't think I would pay my own money. I'm going to try and practise patience, some thing I'm not known for. Also we use US at work to image prostates while we insert implants to treat cancer, some times we get great images and other times we can't see any thing. Same machine, same operator etc. I would hate to spend loads of money and barely see anything.

How are you today Lisa? Any more symptoms?
I'm fine, feeling a little sick but just need a nap.. symptoms have died down a little, but trying not to think about that cuz it will only make me worry when lots of women have fluctuations. At times my boobs seem fine, then they hurt super bad. I had heartburn so bad until I ate those Salt & Vinegar crisps... now its been days with no heartburn... I keep trying to get someone else to try it and see if it works for them too! :rofl:
Feeling bloated, but hard to tell as i'm pretty fat as it is :haha:

Scan is less than 22 hours now! They bumped my appointment time up to 9:30am instead of 1:30pm as they had a several hour long procedure to do with someone else that got moved to the afternoon.

I know its a very special moment to see your child's face and everything... I just would love to have that be part of the childbirth experience.... and not have any sneak previews... but again.. if someone pays for it, fine by me!!
My friend went for hers and the baby kept covering his face. They went back again the next day to try again and got some great shots... not sure if her parents paid again or if the site let them come back and try again for free since the first wasn't a success.

The vaccine thread is https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-first-trimester/406148-would-you-trust-h1n1-shot-after.html
Started as a discussion about the flu shots and H1N1 and if we were going to get it while pregnant and turned into a discussion of all vaccines in general...with a side track about my personal family history, my medication I'm on and breastfeeding... been fairly civil for most of it, lol... which is amazing given how hot a topic it is.

My medication can't be tested on pregnant women as the animal trials shows that if you gave the animals 100x the maximum dose per body weight that people take... that there are side effects on fertility/miscarraige/birth defects. There is almost no data at all about pregnant women on this drug... I've seen a few mention online that they were staying on it... I called my local teratogen hotline (sp?) and all they know is that 7 women were on it at some point in their pregnancy (no idea what dose, what stage of pregnancy or how long they were on it for) and they all had normal/healthy babies.

I have no side effects from it, and I need it in order to be alert enough to work or drive... its not in the same class as the amphetamines, is non-addictive etc.... so I'm not sure what effect it might have, but don't have a choice but to take the risk unless I could quit my job and hire help to drive me around, clean house, etc...
Will probably have to skip breastfeeding too (though I'll try the first few weeks as I wont' be driving etc anyway). Makes me sad though.
Had a quick read of the thread, I've had the vaccine working with cancer patients, get flue each year too. I would give any vaccine approved by NICE to my child. In the UK due to the faulty MMR report children have died from preventable diseases. There is a mumps out break currently in Surrey and that's a killer. I think driving my kids to my mothers is riskier than the vaccine, so will give vaccines to them.

I do think there is too many false reports and bad science out there. Need to read it with a critical thinking mind and unfortunatly a lotbof people just believe what they read, then pass it on to others and can't quote sources other than my friend said. As a scientist I believe in robust evidence:)
I was curious what your take on it was. I'm totally pro-vaccine in most cases... though not sure the chicken pox vaccine is necessary. The only thing I would consider is spacing out or delaying some of the vaccines as there is very little potential harm to doing that (though if your child is exposed before vaccination that is a real risk... and with fewer people vaccinating that makes it a riskier thing to do).

Its the misinformation and lies that are spread about vaccines that bother me the most... or the fear of all vaccines because of what was said about 1 vaccine. Its impossible to convince some of those people!

I hate that someone decides not to vaccinate because they heard there were fetus cells in vaccines.... and not on any moral ground, but from an 'ick' factor... and they don't even bother to learn the truth.

I guess it all worries me because I have a friend who is pretty dumb who might not vaccinate her kids because she hears the scary stuff that is said.

To me, a child dying from these diseases (a known possibility) is not worth the risk of some slight chance of a bad reaction or some fear based off of misinterpreted or unscientific data.

I did run out and get the Gardasil vaccine and sort of had second thoughts afterwards... but they only let you get it up to age 26, which I was at the time... and my grandmother had cervical cancer so I didn't think waiting was a good idea.
Hi guys, wow I haven't had a chance to read many other threads latley, this is the one week my boss is in the office so he's been keeping me busy. Where do you find these threads? 1st Trimester?

Anyway I've had quite a few friends who live in the UK and have been back to South Africa for their 4D scans as they only cost about £30! But in the UK it's a fortune. I haven't heard that there are risks with these scans! Might think twice, anyway in my opinion they kinda all look the same. I've seen three of then and found very little difference, but then again it's not my kid so maybe that's why. I'm not fussed if I don't get one.

I don't know the whole story on the vaccines but I would give my baby all the vaccines I got as a child (MRSA etc) and if it meant that a desease they could contract would be life threatening I would definitley research it a lot.

Anyway I'll be back in full posting swing next week when my Boss is away again.

I'm so tired tonight, I'm already in bed! Gonna read my heathy eating while pregnant book and then sleep....

Sleep tight gals.
Night Crissie... yes I think these threads are over in the First Trimester.
LOL at your boss... I get most of my BnB posting done at work too.. if they only knew how much time I spent on here!! (though I'm not ignoring my work by any means!!)
After seeing a 28 year old woman dying of cervical cancer I think that the vaccines are worth having, I'll make sure my daughter (if I should have a girl) gets hers. They give it in schools to girls here, some families opt out for moral reasons but i bet they would regret it if their daughter got cancer later in life.

I think a lotbof people get mis-information on moral grounds, then they believe their pastor, minster etc and never think to question it. I do think that critical thinking is a diminishing skill. If people do correct research, not just googling things and believing what comes up first, then decide against some thing than thats there choice. Though they may infect others I don't believe in forcing healthcare on people but educating them. We have patients refuse treatment on advice of herbalists, religious leaders etc and it just makes me sad.

We have the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, they take data from around the world, do their own tests and then conclude whether treatments are safe to be offered by the NHS, I trust there judgements and will take treatments they offer.
Night night, let us know if the book is good:)
Lisa your a snowpea:) I'm very jealous:) hopefully you will see your lovely snowpea later today, let us know how it goes. Fx fir you.

In the BBC news today they are talking about vit bs helping to stop brain degeneration, so b vits are good for our babies and our brain.

Got my second blood test today and should get the results. Fx it will all be ok:)
Hi, yes I also saw that insert on the news this morning. I'm still taking my B's and my prenatal.... our babies will be brainy :thumbup:

oooo, ladies good luck for the tests and scan. I look forward to hearing/seeing the results.

Merry you still home today? Lucky fish, wish I could stay home.

I have to call the doctors with my choice of hospital today and I'm torn... I have narrowed them down to either Kingston or St George's. I heard Kingston's facilities are great but that they are understaffed and take on too many pregnancies. But St George's is in Tooting :( have to battle the traffic up the high street to get there and not the best area. But I heard their care is great but facilities are not.... Choices, choices.

I have three friends that have been to Kingston and two of them had complications so were treated like royalty with their own rooms and all. And the other friend arrived at the hospital and they had no beds left in the 'drug ward' so she had to go into the 'natural' ward and gave birth with no pain relief! And she said she was left alone for most of the time. She had a really bad experience. I definitely want drugs!
Ohh that sounds like such a tough choice, I've worked at St. Georges and it's a nice hospital but it can be rather hard to get to in rush hour. I want pain relief, the idea of not having any scares me silly.

Yeah I'm off work today, had it booked as AL but as at the hospital later my boss said I can claim it back:)
I had a bit of spotting this morning:( it wasn't bright red, more ruddy brown. Hoping there won't be any more, I know I shouldn't worry about it but I do. Will mention it when I'm at the hospital again today. Haven't told DH as he got so worried last time. No real cramping or any thing. Trying to stay positive, as it was worst last time and that didn't really mean any thing. Have been nothing but stressed the last week!!

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