B vits gals!

Blueberry is next!! :haha:

I don't understand this... I dragged my breakfast out, even ate some at work.. then at 9am, I started to snack on my grapes. I usually feel sick at 9:30am exactly and need a snack... so I thought if I snacked before I felt sick, I could avoid the yucky feeling.

So here it is... 9:50am and I'm feeling horribly sick. :(
I'm loving that I'm dealing with this.. but it still sucks.
Blueberry is next!! :haha:

I don't understand this... I dragged my breakfast out, even ate some at work.. then at 9am, I started to snack on my grapes. I usually feel sick at 9:30am exactly and need a snack... so I thought if I snacked before I felt sick, I could avoid the yucky feeling.

So here it is... 9:50am and I'm feeling horribly sick. :(
I'm loving that I'm dealing with this.. but it still sucks.

Ohhh blueberry:thumbup: Can't wait till Tuesday when I change :)

I can't work out this sickness thing either, I eat to stop feeling sick but some times when not feeling sick eat and then after feel really sick!!!

The funny thing is that every one says eat ginger, normaly I love ginger but it's making me feel the worst. Had a few ginger cookies and they made me gag like nothing else. The ginger tea I've been drinking for months can't even bear to look a the box!! Funny thing is my mother hates ginger. I've always loved it but now I'm wonderig if her hating of it comes from pregnancy. I will ask her once she's back and I've told her my news.

The computers at work have all broken, so I can do no work :( :nope:
O well off to read some threads :)
Hi Guys

Ok, so I'm still having this slight pink/brownish discharge every now and then. When I wipe. So I called NHS Direct and they said I should call my Doc.

I called and the receptionist was going to make me an appointment but I really don't feel like it's very serious. It's so little and I have no pain. So she said that she'll get him to call me.

So waiting for the call. I did go to the gym yesterday morning and did a leg work out with weights etc, so I'm wondering if I'm not maybe over doing it a bit and that's what's causing the spotting? Maybe my body is telling me to slow down. Another reason I'm thinking this is that I normally do these kind of workouts but today I can barely walk I'm so stiff! Maybe the fact that I'm pregas is making my muscles have to work extra hard. They say that your blood volume increases substantially early on in pregnancy, so maybe it's struggling to carry all the oxygen to my muscles I need.

Merry you are so lucky, I wish our computers would crash :haha:

Anyway hope everyone is surviving the symptoms. :kiss:
The Doc just called me back and said that everything is probably fine but if it would be reassuring, I should go to St Georges Hospital tomorrow between 08:30 and 10:30 to get an early scan. He says I can just do a self referral at the EPU.

DH said he'd come with me. So think I'm just going to go to be safe...
Crissie I don't think it's serious but once you've talked to the doctor at least it will be off your mind :) i think the exercise could be causing the problem, though not sure, maybe you should be careful not to overdo it.

I'm impressed though, for the last few weeks I've barely had the energy to get to work let alone the gym!! Once the sickness wears off I'm hoping to go swimming a bit :) The idea of even walking feeling as quesey as this though off putting.

Today I was in london on my lunch and saw Anne Hathaway filming a movie called One Day!!
oooo that's glamourous! I often still have to pinch myself when I realise I'm living in LONODN!

I've been feeling tired but I keep telling myself that I can't just sit arround and do nothing. But I got this book from the Library called 'My Best friends Guide To Pregnancy' and it's such a funny book. Anyway the author says we should just surrender and remember our bodies are trying to make a whole new person!

So I'm going to take it easy for the next few days and stop trying to be super woman, don't want to cause anything bad to happen. :nope: I'm so stiff I can't even walk without looking like a complete ass!

So I'm going to go for that early scan tomorrow, will let you guys know how it goes.

Hey where did ticktock go?
Keep us posted, lol... early scan all around it seems!!! SO nervous for mine (its in a half hour and I need to leave soon)
oooo, good luck don't be nervous you get to see your little blueberry!

Do they do it internally? I'm not sure what they will do tomorrow?
Well, at 7 weeks some people will try an external (they should tell you to drink a bunch of water and hold it before if they're doing an external). But its easier to see the hb on an internal when its really early.

I'm overweight, so I'm sure I'll have internals until 10 weeks or so.
Ohh good luck at your scans today and tomorrow guys :) I had a 5 week scan internal and a 6 week scan external and they saw the hb at 6 weeks. I'm a slender build, so not sure if thats any thing to do with it. The internal one though is sooo not as bad as I thought it would be. Would be so reasurring to see the sweetpeas hb.

Lisa you are lucky getting so many scans, can't believe I have to wait another 6 weeks for my next scan. Don't get me wrong I would rather wait that have any complications like bleeding again and getting a scan, but waiting around hoping is hard.

Crissie I think you should try and take it easy, rest up. You are very busy trying to create a whole new person :)

Yeah it was quite fun to see the film set, they film in and around Waterloo quite a bit. We sometimes get famous people (British famous) in the hospital opening things. Always worth going and having a look see.

Right i'm off, almost home time. Let us know how the scans go

Merry xx
Hey girls, hope you dont mind me posting, just wanted to ask have you all dropped down to B50 complex (I know Lisaf is still on 100)and did you do this immediately? Ive started taking just 1 of my b50 tablets now but Im a bit nervous about my progesterone levels - Ive also been having a bit of a cramping so you can imagine Im worrying!! :wacko: its probably nothing but just needed a bit of reassurance

Glad to hear your pregnancies are all progressing well , :hi: hi to Merry - havent spoke to you in ages!

Hope you dont mind me jumping on board ladies - its gonna be a long road for us all! :hugs:
Hello Tinks, sorry I haven't been about for a while on the TTC board. Combination of being really busy and feeling so tired once I get home that I barely have the energy to eat let alone boot up the computer.

So happy for you that you have your :bfp: :) It's so exciting. Welcome to this board :hugs:

I've dropped down to 50mg complex, I think I did it quite soon after getting my bfp but don't think that taking 100mg would be harmful from what I've read. I'm also worried about my pogesterone levels, want them high :) Some say the b vits can help with MS but I still feel queesey even though I'm taking them.

Have you had any symptoms yet?
Hi everyone!

So I saw a blob with a beat! It was so cool! I kinda had my doubts that there was anything in there :haha:

I'm still getting a bit of brown/pink staining but they said that loads of people get it. I wasn't really worried, just wanted to see the blob :winkwink:

And I still can't walk today, I think my body just can't handle the weight training I used to do anymore. Will have to decrease the exercise a bit.

Aw Merry sorry to hear you are feeling so ill! Welcome Tinks, how you feeling? Lisaf how was the scan?

Anyway, I'm starving! Going to get a nice stodgy pasta, feel like a treat today as it's Friday and I saw my bean! Wonder what he/she will look like? Me or DH and how much.... hope it will be healthy and won't have 4 arms and 3 eyes. I told DH I worry about that and he laughed at me. :haha:

Chat later....
Hi everyone!

So I saw a blob with a beat! It was so cool! I kinda had my doubts that there was anything in there :haha:

I'm still getting a bit of brown/pink staining but they said that loads of people get it. I wasn't really worried, just wanted to see the blob :winkwink:

And I still can't walk today, I think my body just can't handle the weight training I used to do anymore. Will have to decrease the exercise a bit.

Aw Merry sorry to hear you are feeling so ill! Welcome Tinks, how you feeling? Lisaf how was the scan?

Anyway, I'm starving! Going to get a nice stodgy pasta, feel like a treat today as it's Friday and I saw my bean! Wonder what he/she will look like? Me or DH and how much.... hope it will be healthy and won't have 4 arms and 3 eyes. I told DH I worry about that and he laughed at me. :haha:

Chat later....

Yeah for seeing the blob and the hearbeat :dance: must make you feel so relieved to know it's there and every thing is ok. I'm sure the baby won't have 4 arms! I do worry about things like that but theres no point, I keep trying to get myself to stop. :dohh: But have trouble. I just remind myself that there has never been a time where having a healthy baby is as likely as now. Also with modern medicine many problems, eg cleft palates are treatable.So no use worrying!!! :flower:

Hmm stodgy food, I'm really feeling it at the moment :) Which had made me bloated and look 5 months pregnant!! I am only interested in carby, warm food. Salads are just silly!! Will try and keep away from the sweet treats but usually fail. I think though you should take the weights easier and eat the food you fancy. Do what your body is telling you :)

Hope the scan was ok Lisa :hugs:
hello! Am up at my sisters this weekend, she lives nearly 3 hrs away from me so making a weekend of it.

chrissie, bet it was so exciting to see your bean and reassuring too. you're v sensible not being too worried about the spotting, I'm impressed with your calmness!

I'm still taking my b vit complex just in case my progesterone is low, can't do any harm right?

Have actually felt more sicky today :happydance: but I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon lol

Anyone getting teriible trapped wind? i have ibs and think its playing up already, am preparing myself for worse to come, am paranoid over every little cramp and most of the time its just a fart hahahaha

Welcome Tinks, is good to have you here!

How did your scan go Lisa?

When is your next scan Merry? I feel left out, I want one!!!

My sister has bought me baby things already shes so excited, shes my twin and is ttc next yr so hope she gets pregnant quick!

Am off to the zoo today with some mates, should be fun!Take care everyone
Oh my word, I just went on the 'Let's share some photos' thread! Don't go there... it's too depressing. They all look like freakin models! :wacko:

I think I have already put on a Kg! :dohh:

Especially after today, I had the greasiest pasta for lunch, 2 granola bars, nuts, dried apricots and sour worms. :rofl: actually feeling sick! And only craving bad things, like burgers and chips or pizza! Really don't feel like my usual yogurt, fruit and fish and veg :blush:
Hello Merry, sorry to hear you're feeling unwell - hopefully the tiredness and ms will pass after the 1st trimester.

I dont know about the bvits helping with ms - I have had it for the past few days! It was actually what made me test at 11dpo - I woke up a couple of mornings before and felt really nauseous, just like I did with my daughter (I thought it was a bit early for ms but couldnt help but test and there it was!:happydance: )

Apart from that I have been constantly peeing and really hungry, It helps though cos when my belly isnt full I start to feel a bit queasy :wacko:

Chrissie - glad everything went ok with the scan ,make sure you get enough rest!

-so now you 3 have all seen your little beans already! Just me and Ticktock now - it seems so long to wait!
Hey everyone, scan yesterday was great.. moment of panic when I didn't see anything right away... there were lots of shadows on this scan compared to last so it was pretty disappointing, lol.. heck there was even a moment where the doctor and nurse were pointing out the HB, and even DH said 'oh yeah' and saw it, but I didn't... but the doc tried another angle and I saw it.
Baby still measuring on track, a little behind but the doc said the ultrasounds have a margin of error of 3 days, and with the shadows its very hard to be as precise. So I'm not going to worry about it!

I get another scan next week! :)

As for the morning sickness... well I seem to have it worst a few hours after my vitamins.. but I think its the omega-3 oil capsules that are doing it... either way, my doc said to start taking the vitamins at night if they make me sick, so this is my first day without my vitamins in the morning. No real difference for me sickness-wise.

Past few days I've been getting more constant nausea than before... snacking is no longer keeping it away really. I hate it, but I'm happy to be dealing with this at the same time.
Last night I was EXHAUSTED though.. DH looked over at me and said I looked like someone hit me with a 2x4 ... I took a shower but that woke me up a little so I went to bed at the same time... boobs were not hurting before bed, but I'm a stomach-sleeper so they were killing me by morning... kept having things in my dreams that explained boob pain, lol.
Totally off topic but I just saw the Pope outside my work:) :dance:
I was soooo close! My baby must of been blessed, he waved in my direction!

My sickness is a lot less today, still a little there. I have found eating toast at 9am helps and never letting my stomach empty completly helps.

My next scan is 26 Oct, so seems ages away! Lisa your so lucky seeing the baby weekly, but I would rather not had the stress of spotting than seeing my baby. My decrease in ms worries me a bit.

Crissie I now want sour worms! It's so hard to eat healthy when your tired and craving chip shop chips. Hmmm salt and vinegar. I did have a salad for lunch so tried, but going out for dinner tonight. O well
I know what you mean about worries with the symptoms coming and going... and I'm lucky to get the weekly reassurances, but i'm just as nervous before each scan that they're not going to see anything :dohh:

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