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B vits gals!

Just found out that my mother is off to Spain tomorrow for 2 weeks, so will tell her my news when she gets back from holiday. Then I will of seen the baby's hb, will be further along so chances of things being ok better.
Had a rough day, the sickness bands, ginger beer etc are helping but still feel horrid!
Hey ladies, sorry, I was busy today.
So the person who was not as excited about the pregnancy as I thought she'd be was my MIL!!!! LOL, so not a TTC jealousy thing and she's been dropping hints for ages about us needing to get pregnant and apparently nagging my husband about it quite a lot. I don't think it really sank in, or just seems too early to her to get her hopes too high maybe? Or she was distracted with her sister in the hospital etc.

My step-mom in law on the other hand practically tackled me! She just threw herself and me and started squealing! It was awesome!! Its almost like their reactions were each the opposite of what I expected! :)

Merry - I understand about the not getting along with your mom thing... waiting until after her vacation sounds perfect to me! I'm glad that happened so you don't have a dillemma! Lol!
I was at work today, the morning was horrible but the afternoon not too bad.I've found sipping sparkling water helps quite a bit. I'm just so tired all the time though it's silly!
How are you ladies today?
My 6 week scan is tomorrow:) Really hoping to see a healthy hb. I also graduate to pea tomorrow! Very exciting, so jealous when your tickets go up;)
got the train journey home now, hate swaying trains!
I'm still at work, its only 9:45am here, lol.. I get jealous that all of you are home for the day when I still have HOURS to go at work!!! LMAO
I forgot to take all my vitamins/pills this morning :dohh: I used to take them first-thing, but now I've learned I need to get some food in my stomach first... but then I keep forgetting after I eat.

I can't wait to see my scan on Thursday.... can't believe how lucky I am to get all these scans :rofl:
I'm sure there will be a lovely hb for you Merry!!!

Crissie - hows it going today?
Hi guys, today was ok, just feeling really tired. It sucks cause I have all these intentions but don't have the energy! Just made pumpkin soup for dinner, and DH packed my lunch for tommorow.

Lisaf I'm sure you MIL will come around. And I love your step MIL's reaction :)

Merry, I can't wait to hear about your scan. And perfect timing re your mom's Spanish vacation :)
I know what you mean about the intentions Crissie.... we have so much we're supposed to be getting done around the house but its just not happening. I wish DH had let us get started on this sooner, but he wanted to be lazy and said once there is a baby to make room for he'd get off his butt and do it.... but now I'm the lazy one :dohh:
I've been so lazy! I just don't have the energy and evenbif I do I stand up, feel queasy and sit right back down again. I went shopping last night to the supermarket but felt horrid, so got a lot of ready meals! Usually I cook every thing from fresh but I know I won't be this week!

I think you MIL was just shocked, I'm sure once it sinks in and your a bit further along she will be very excited and happy. Also she may of been really happy, she may even thought she was showing it! Glad your SMIL was excited though.

I'm so jealous that you have a scan aweek! It feels that having to wait for most people 12 weeks is overly long. I can see why so many people buy private scans! To me waiting 6 weeks between scans is a long time, going to try not to give into the temptation, I have other things to spend money on but it is tempting!

I'm at the hospital now, killing time to my appointment, I'm quite excited but a bit scared. My good friend works here so will see her after, some one to comfort me of it goes badly or get excited with.
hello everyone :happydance:

Sorry haven't read the thread yet as should be getting ready for work lol

Have just rung my docs, they don't need to see me and have booked me in to see the midwife in 3 and half weeks time, so I'll be bout 8 weeks!

Feel ok most of the time just extremely sore and swollen boobs, feel bit sicky sometimes especially if I'm hungry and lower back bit achey but had that before anyway lol

Anyway will try read the thread tonight to catch up, bye for now have a good day
Every thing seems fine :dance: I saw the heartbeat and got a picture of a blob! Very releved:)
thanks merry, and glad your scan went well how exciting! I really want an early scan lol might be tempted to pay for one but it is £90 so will try hang on!
Hi ticktock! welcome to the 'other side' lol :hi: What's your estimated due date?

Merry! YAY all good with your bean. I knew it all along. You so lucky you got a scan and saw him/her. :baby:

I'm so bored today, don't feel like doing anything.....
Crissie I feel for you being bored:( Makes the day go so slowly!!!

I'm so happy my scan was ok and that I saw the hb:) the DH says he can't wait to see the picture but it's just a blurry blob. Lol. At least he is excited:) I understand the temptation ticktock! I've read some threads were ladies are addicted to getting scans done. Even though I've had one I'm tempted to get one at 8 weeks! 90 pounds seems a small price to pay for knowing the baby is ok but I know they are really unecessary. However I want one but will resist:)
I'm now feeling queasy most of the day:( Nothing gets rid of it completly but I'm glad I haven't thrown up yet!
I do wonder what was going through my MIL's head... it might have been that the scan was so blobby she didn't think it was very real? Maybe she had multiple early mc's and knows that its still early days? Might have just been so worried about her sister in the hospital. I know she'll be exstatic.... though come to think of it... she was eager to take me shopping for maternity clothes down in LA.... and she lit up when I asked her to come to the baby fair with me next weekend.

I am HATING the queasyness... hate even talking about it because it kind of makes it worse! But I just get it about 9:30am even if I eat a good breakfast... and if I don't snack soon after getting that feeling, I will throw up. But of course nothing sounds good. I just ate something and the feeling isnt' going away so I'm going to try some juice... grr this stinks! :( (yet I love it at the same time :happydance: :haha:)

My dog is off at the vet today.. he's just not right... long story I'll write in my journal though... I love that puppy to death... my first dog, only a year or so old.
I *think* I'm about 4 weeks 5/6 days, if go by my lmp then its longer but I didn't ovulate til at least day 19 so is abit shorther than lmp date. This was the one month I didnt do opks so not totally sure when I ov'd though!

I worked out due around middle of May? Our anniversary is 5/5 so will be nice to all be in one month!

It still feels surreal saying all these pregnancy words and they're actually relating to me!

I told my boss today as I work in a day nursery so lift alot, don't get regular breaks and generally can't hide much lol
so at least if she knows then things might be a bit easier for me, everyone thinks I've got a bad back (which I do actually so not much of a stretch) cos I'm doing big childrens nappies on the floor rather than lifting them but its nice shes helping me out.

sorry to hear about the queasiness lisa but in a way its a good!
Hi everyone

Listen I just had a brownish tinge when I wiped now. I've had no cramps or anything, just a few twinges. And when I wiped again it was gone. Do you think I should call my doc? It doesn’t seem very serious. And I don’t feel worried but I don't want to miss anything.

I did go to the gym this morning so not sure if it could just be cause I'm tired?

Thanks for your advise!

I would say that brownish tinged discharge isn't any thing to be worried about but why don't you call NHS direct, they can advise you properly. Fx it's nothing
Thanks Merry! I think it's ok, it stopped. And it was really little. I wonder what brings these things on? Weird... Anyway I'm not stressing. I feel ok, just tired, maybe that's why? And I've had heartburn and a few waves of nausea today, nothing serious though just inconvenient.

I have a tutorial for my course tonight in Croydon :( what a pain....

How are you doing? How’s the MS :nope:?
If you get it again, I'd call... without cramping its still probably nothing, but you might get an early scan ;)

I know I had a spot on my scan that my doc said may lead to some spotting... it was to the side of the pregnancy and was dark, indicating some blood pooling. I think thats really common and what happens to a lot of ladies.
Even the bright red spotting, sometimes its the cervix bleeding.
I'm shattered:( I read before my bfp about ms and the tiredness but didn't realise how bad it would be. I've brought ready meals for dinner as too tired to cook. Normally I'm obcessed with fresh cooking! I was sick a bit today:( Also feeling really quesey still. :(
at least I know it's due to my pea sized baby:)
Lisa what do you graduate to tomorrow?
I hope you have fun at your baby fair, there is one in London soon which I'm hoping to go to:) Pick out cute things for my sweetpea:)

I've agreed to go out to dinner Friday, despite the sickness and tiredness as it's a group event and want to make sure that the girl who knows I'm pregnant doesn't get drunk and start telling people my news. Though I'm dreading it, all the food smells. Yeuck!

Hope your course is ok Crissie, hope no more spotting any thing but if you get more or get worried call the doctors:)

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