BFP Hopefuls! (October BFP Hopefuls!)

Hi Ladies,
To you ladies who have been trying for a really long time I pray that you will get your bfp very very soon.
Congrats to Mommyof2peas for winning the competition.

afm-My cramps r gone but I am pretty sure that af is just around the corner. I had a little bit of blood steaked cm yesterday and my temp went down .1 this morning. I would so love to be pg this month but I'm pretty sure I'm not. Oh well I'll just have to wait it out then probably on to next month.

My cramos were gone this morning back this afternoon...I know AF is comming just not sure when, I want it to hurry
wow some1 who understands my situation!!!!!!!!!!!! every time i post that i have a time limit every 1 says y? and that i have my whole life ahead of me blah blah blah......

well that means if i have 3 years for 2 kids and they each take 9 months thats already 18 months gone so leaves me with 18 months left. so i have a 18 month grace period inbetween if i get preg this month if not then my kids will have to be almost back to back

4 kids in 8 years could be done though hun u never know if u get preg soon after each it might happen in less than 8 years or you could have them 2 years you would have to get prego again whe ure LO is like 15 months .. hey we could be prego around the same time too!!!!!!!!! then we could be buddies
:hugs: I have my fingers crossed for you hon :flower:

Tomorrow we start :sex: in earnest. I'm nervous. I've never tried before, you know? :blush:
wow some1 who understands my situation!!!!!!!!!!!! every time i post that i have a time limit every 1 says y? and that i have my whole life ahead of me blah blah blah......

well that means if i have 3 years for 2 kids and they each take 9 months thats already 18 months gone so leaves me with 18 months left. so i have a 18 month grace period inbetween if i get preg this month if not then my kids will have to be almost back to back

4 kids in 8 years could be done though hun u never know if u get preg soon after each it might happen in less than 8 years or you could have them 2 years you would have to get prego again whe ure LO is like 15 months .. hey we could be prego around the same time too!!!!!!!!! then we could be buddies

That would be great if we could be bump buddies!

I get so annoyed with people in my life who keep saying that I shouldn't be trying to get pregnant, because I'm too young and I should be finishing college first, blahblahblah. Obviously, they never felt the immense pressure of running against time for the most important thing in your life! To me, college is something that can be done at any time. I've had a hard time finding anyone sympathetic to my situation and held back their bias opinion. Also, it's all women saying this! Can they not imagine what it's like to be soon stripped of their womanhood? (I say this because men cry that they're stripped of manhood when they get vasectomies - try having the actual things chopped off, then talk! :haha:)

I have my fingers crossed for both of us! If we get our BFP soon, then we definitely have hope to getting all of our desired children under the time limit! :hugs:
wow some1 who understands my situation!!!!!!!!!!!! every time i post that i have a time limit every 1 says y? and that i have my whole life ahead of me blah blah blah......

well that means if i have 3 years for 2 kids and they each take 9 months thats already 18 months gone so leaves me with 18 months left. so i have a 18 month grace period inbetween if i get preg this month if not then my kids will have to be almost back to back

4 kids in 8 years could be done though hun u never know if u get preg soon after each it might happen in less than 8 years or you could have them 2 years you would have to get prego again whe ure LO is like 15 months .. hey we could be prego around the same time too!!!!!!!!! then we could be buddies

That would be great if we could be bump buddies!

I get so annoyed with people in my life who keep saying that I shouldn't be trying to get pregnant, because I'm too young and I should be finishing college first, blahblahblah. Obviously, they never felt the immense pressure of running against time for the most important thing in your life! To me, college is something that can be done at any time. I've had a hard time finding anyone sympathetic to my situation and held back their bias opinion. Also, it's all women saying this! Can they not imagine what it's like to be soon stripped of their womanhood? (I say this because men cry that they're stripped of manhood when they get vasectomies - try having the actual things chopped off, then talk! :haha:)

I have my fingers crossed for both of us! If we get our BFP soon, then we definitely have hope to getting all of our desired children under the time limit! :hugs:

yes i know the feeling, well my OH'S mom and sis were saying today they think 18-22 are too young to have babies and cant imagine brandon having kids....well guess what they both had kids at 18 and 19 soooo they cant talk much were 21 and 22 and they both know i on a limit so i wish they would stop saying that!!!!! and his sis always says she wishes(kevin)oh's brother would have a baby so she can be an aunt. well me and my OH (her brother) have been togather orver 3.5 years...aghhh

what ever they say i cant wait to be bump buddies with u and enjoy the time we will have being prego. people need to ind there own buisness and quit taking about theings they dont know
I am in SOOOOO much pain...I even took a OPK thinking maybe I was ovulating and thats why I hurt so bad. But it said no. But its been two days since m,y cramps started...I was talking to my mom about them today and she was saying how she remembered my cramps always being really bad, To the point I would miss school...( I have a really memory, Dont think anything bad happened, just alot of things I dont remember ) but I seemed to remember this, but after having my daughter my cramps lightened up a little bit. They didnt lay me up for days. Now Im wondering , I started taking Maca root about qa week and a half ago, Its said to make periods normal. so maybe all the cramping is a good thing. I Just wish AF would get here so I can start my clomid...first round is always the most exciting. I think I am going to be jus tas happy for a OPK as I will be for a pregnancy positive lol anyhow just ranting...anyone have any ideas???
Hi Ladies,

Can we all say a big welcome to:







Welcome to October BFP Hopefuls Ladies.

We have a weekly competition running at the moment and it closes at midnight on 29th September - Prize is a HCG test (this includes people outside of the UK aswell)

If you want more information on the competition please see the first page.

Much Love


Hi Ladies,
Welcome to the October BFP thread
yes i know the feeling, well my OH'S mom and sis were saying today they think 18-22 are too young to have babies and cant imagine brandon having kids....well guess what they both had kids at 18 and 19 soooo they cant talk much were 21 and 22 and they both know i on a limit so i wish they would stop saying that!!!!! and his sis always says she wishes(kevin)oh's brother would have a baby so she can be an aunt. well me and my OH (her brother) have been togather orver 3.5 years...aghhh

what ever they say i cant wait to be bump buddies with u and enjoy the time we will have being prego. people need to ind there own buisness and quit taking about theings they dont know

I totally know what you mean! My grandparents had their first in their early 20's, my mother had me at 21, and his side all had kids very early and unplanned. But somehow me doing the same thing - but in a responsible way and with it planned. I'm learning to get thick skin and ignore everyone, but I know it'll be a difficult pregnancy with half of my family saying I shouldn't be.
It's so frustrating isn't it!

Well we have seen the doctor about getting test's done to see if there is anything wrong and said we can do an SA on Adam.

Otherwise any other investigations will have to wait until we have been trying for atleast 24 months!

So in the end I told Adam I don't want him having the SA because it's way to much pressure on him.

So when it comes to 24 months I will go to the doctors and demand all the tests you can think of to make sure things are happening.

Much Love


hun why do you have to wait 24 months? I'm in the uk and they started tests on me at 6 months, though i did say i was 8 months. maybe it's coz im a bit older than you, im 29 and dh is 36.

i want it to hurry up. i want 4 kids, if that takes 8 years then i will be 37 and dh will be 44 when we have our last one. I dont know how i feel about that.
mind you at this point, one would be nice!!
I believe I am to test October 12 - 14. I did an online OPK and it said yesterday was my most fertile day. I am new to all of this so I don't know all of the statistics and things like that! :dust: to all!
I don't even kno what I am doing anymore....

Our marriage is falling apart big time, well MIL was right we were too young to get married and have kids.

I imagined that when we got married we would get a place and he would be home for tea and we would get along like a proper married couple!

Well thats not happened, we are still living in my granmas house and he is constantly working or sleeping because he is tierd from working. I have been out of work for over 12 months now and I have been looking so hard to get the right job to keep us stable.

Some days I wonder why I even married him? Because it is what society thinks we should do? Because MIL wanted us to be married before we have kids?

Some days I think I'm bloody depressed, just this minute decided I wanted an arguement with him so I phoned him and started shouting at him over his Mum!! Am I trying to screw my marriage up? Am I doing it to deliberatley hurt him? I just feel really alone some days and that the world is out to get me.

First his MIL is picking at me, then it's taking so long for us to have kids, I still can't get a job, we still don't have a home we can call our own... Everything is so fucked up! and to top it all off we have my Dad's inquest this month which is killing me!

I just want my dad to be here to comfort me and I know it's impossible but I don't feel my dad around me anymore...It's been nearly 2 years since he died and I don't think I ever came to terms with it.

I just don't know if I am coming or going anymore....Everything is sooo screwed up!

Sorry for the rant.
I don't even kno what I am doing anymore....

Our marriage is falling apart big time, well MIL was right we were too young to get married and have kids.

I imagined that when we got married we would get a place and he would be home for tea and we would get along like a proper married couple!

Well thats not happened, we are still living in my granmas house and he is constantly working or sleeping because he is tierd from working. I have been out of work for over 12 months now and I have been looking so hard to get the right job to keep us stable.

Some days I wonder why I even married him? Because it is what society thinks we should do? Because MIL wanted us to be married before we have kids?

Some days I think I'm bloody depressed, just this minute decided I wanted an arguement with him so I phoned him and started shouting at him over his Mum!! Am I trying to screw my marriage up? Am I doing it to deliberatley hurt him? I just feel really alone some days and that the world is out to get me.

First his MIL is picking at me, then it's taking so long for us to have kids, I still can't get a job, we still don't have a home we can call our own... Everything is so fucked up! and to top it all off we have my Dad's inquest this month which is killing me!

I just want my dad to be here to comfort me and I know it's impossible but I don't feel my dad around me anymore...It's been nearly 2 years since he died and I don't think I ever came to terms with it.

I just don't know if I am coming or going anymore....Everything is sooo screwed up!

Sorry for the rant.

:hug: oh hun, im so sorry. things will get better. God loves you and pray about it, he wont lead you astray. Thoughts and prayers with you...
oh sofie im sorry to hear this :hugs:
maybe it could be added stress with ttc?
me and OH were on bad temrs when he was really stressed out then we figured things out to make him less stressed and now were doing pretty good so manybe you can talk to him and figure out what can be done and how to get it there even if its little steps at a time..i know its hard to live in families house when you want to be out on your own, i live with OH's family and its hard on us both:hugs:
Hang in there Sofie. Marriage is definately not easy but it's worth it. Try to be patient tell dh what you need and your fears and worries try to do it without shouting I'm sure that u can work it out. I'll pray for both of you.

Afm- nothing new temps stayed the same today no cramps no nothing I'm sure it's just another day or 2 and af will be here. Oh well.
I don't even kno what I am doing anymore....

Our marriage is falling apart big time, well MIL was right we were too young to get married and have kids.

I imagined that when we got married we would get a place and he would be home for tea and we would get along like a proper married couple!

Well thats not happened, we are still living in my granmas house and he is constantly working or sleeping because he is tierd from working. I have been out of work for over 12 months now and I have been looking so hard to get the right job to keep us stable.

Some days I wonder why I even married him? Because it is what society thinks we should do? Because MIL wanted us to be married before we have kids?

Some days I think I'm bloody depressed, just this minute decided I wanted an arguement with him so I phoned him and started shouting at him over his Mum!! Am I trying to screw my marriage up? Am I doing it to deliberatley hurt him? I just feel really alone some days and that the world is out to get me.

First his MIL is picking at me, then it's taking so long for us to have kids, I still can't get a job, we still don't have a home we can call our own... Everything is so fucked up! and to top it all off we have my Dad's inquest this month which is killing me!

I just want my dad to be here to comfort me and I know it's impossible but I don't feel my dad around me anymore...It's been nearly 2 years since he died and I don't think I ever came to terms with it.

I just don't know if I am coming or going anymore....Everything is sooo screwed up!

Sorry for the rant.

Oh sweetheart, first :hug: is normal to be on edge when TTC. It's hard when your the only one who seems to care. You want to feel like you matter, like having a child will help you feel that way. The fact that you ask yourself if your TRYING to mess up your marrage leads me to think that you are not. I know that sometimes its hard to not snap at your DH when you yourself are so angry. You have no other outlet. Try to do somthing nice....(My DH didnt go into work this morning because there is no work. Im very angry about this because we NEED the money. like really NEED the money. But I took a deep breath and thought, It isnt DH fault. He would be working if he could. I let him sleep in a bit then while little man was eatting , I crept into our bedroom and got a little morning BDing then I made french toast, with coffee to drink of course.) Little things like this make the guys feel just as good as it does us...they just dont say as much :haha: I know you seem all alone right now...but know that I was 21, living with my mom and B/F when I had my daughter....your not alone. Maybe the doc can give you something for anxiety? Something you can take JUST when you need it , it might help. Just try to remember why you are angry, before you yell..what are you really mad at. picking your battles is something you learn with age, trust me :)( hubby always over loads the laundry...then FORGETS to put it in the dryer....then I have to rewash the cloths. I want to yell and tell him to just forget it...why do it if he wont ever listen to me and do it right. But then I breath, and trry to remember that he just wants to help, it isnt his fault he is a stupid male lol )

My dad has passed too...but i wasnt ever close to him, I miss him, but Im sure its no where near how you feel. Have you thought maybe you cant feel him around you because you arent open to've got so much going on. Maybe taking some time out, to yourself where it is quite. Have a talk with your dad, leave yourself open to listen. I dont think our love ones move on untill they know that we can handle their passing. Untill they know we are strong enough to stand alone. So If he has moved on it is because he has faith that you are strong enough to walk on your own and you will make it.

Like I told you before hun you have alot of drama going on in your life and I dont know if I would have been strong enough to handle it at your making has brought down the best of couples. Again your not alone and I truly believe you will be ok, as long as you breath.
:hug: :hugs:
I´m so sorry hun... ttc can really bring out the worst (and sometimes best) in everyone.

I´m also hoping for a october bfp... so muuuuch.
Thanks for your support ladies.

We managed to patch things up so hopefully all is well.

Just going to update our members page :D

Much Love

More cm tinged pink and I'm just about positive af will be here tomorrow. Oh well on to next month. I am going to try to be more relaxed about it and let God take over. I just can't obsess anymore.

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