So todays question....
What are you using to help TTC? Are you using Pre-seed? Softcups? Soy? or anything along them lines? Are they good? What changes do they make?
This month I'm going all out. Grapefruit juice for me, tomato soup for my husband. Flax seed oil, iron tablets (I'm anemic), folic acid in my daily vitamins, and try to put on a few pounds (I've always naturally been a few pounds clinically underweight, maybe hurting my chances?) For September, DH and I BD'd every day, sometimes twice a day and we still didn't get it. I'm thinking every other day (If I can bear it - feels like I"m not doing enough that way) and every day during O. Since my cycles are a bit messed up still from BC pills (though I stopped them five months ago) I'm going to start every other day BD'ing the day AF leaves, and keep going until nearly when AF is due to show up again. No more taking chances that I understand what's going on with my body - it's just going to be done all the time! lol.
If I could afford OPK's, I would but as it is, my DH is skimping even of tests. We're putting all of our money away into savings and emergency funds - so there's not much to spend on not necessary things! (as much as I want want want to!)