Buddy while TTC#1

Elizabeth I am so very happy for you. I'm getting anxious and nervous for this month. I'm thinking positive but I'm scared of the what ifs...

Leens welcome! It's so hard when we don't have someone who understands what we are going through...just last night my hubby's sister put her 2 cents in when we were talking about having a baby at some point (she doesn't know we are ttc) and said she doesn't think we should right now and that we should wait. I kept my mouth shut but I was so iriotated. She made my wedding planning miserable and i don't need her making this experience the same way. Trying to keep my head up though.
Hi girls

Welcome Leens! Glad you can join us. I'm sorry you're finding it tough, or is really stressful isn't it? I'm so glad I have this outlet where it's normal to be a little crazy, and then I don't need to talk about it in appropriately to other people... Though I probably still do that too! I can relate to what you're saying about trust. It feels like such a miracle, and I honestly just feel quite unworthy of it. It very humbling!

Tina you were spot on. I'm sorry! I got AF too today, so now we're in sync! Bring on the next month. My hubby reassured me that we will "not leave the bedroom" at the right timing this month which is quite a change in attitude. That means a lot actually! I hope you're ok.

Babydust sorry about your sister in law. That must have been hard to take - especially when she doesn't know about the miscarriage. Of she found out she would probably feel terrible about saying those things. Well done for being strong about it. How long do you have to wait now?

How's Katie and Ms Elisabeth?

Love to you ladies
I honestly don't know if she would feel bad for what she said if she knew about the MC. It's sad to say but she's very much all about herself. I feel very uncomfortable going to his parents house unless the hubby is with me because she is there. She makes me always feel bad and such. I am on CD 5 and ready to start dtd. We are going to do it every other day or every two days until I get a positive opk and then we will hopefully do it two days in a row. I know if you do it too much it effects his sperm counts because he doesn't have enough time to regenerate for it. I have done way too much research! Lol
Hi guys. I'm just checking in you gals. FX for you! How are we looking?
Actually just realized I said I'm on cd 5 but I'm actually on CD 6. Don't want to add time to my cycle lol. DTD today so here we go. Fingers crossed...:)
I've been feeling depressed last few days and not wanting to talk to anyone or do anything. Now I have this really bad sore throat on one side so I looked in the mirror and my tonsil is all swollen and red and has pus spots all over it so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. This is not helping the depressed feeling at all.

Welcome leens!!
Thanks cupoftea and babydust, very new to this forum so I'm still learning lol. I think the worst part is everybody feeling sorry for me when they do know, it doesn't help that I also lost my mom earlier this year. I am a strong person, much stronger than the rest of my family, I've never relied on them, never asked them for anything but they feel sorry for me which makes me feel like crap. You know there are things going on in their lives that I could pity them for but I don't because I have some respect! Is this just me??? ps: know what you mean about sister-in-laws...I had the same problem with mine, their problem is that you are now the daughter-in-law, emphasis on the word daughter so they test their family to see if they will stand with them, I don't have that problem any more because I showed my bitch-side to the whole family and now they are very careful what they say to me, plus they respect me for standing up for myself to ALL of them (sister-in-law still thinks I'm a cow but nobody cares), show your bitch side - she will back off, things will be awkward at first but in the end it will be better!

On a lighter note...woo hoo!!! After running to the emergency and begging nurses to help after hours for my 2 IUI's, my first IVF injection I did myself last night (hubs is useless - so petrified of needles).
Thanks cupoftea and babydust, very new to this forum so I'm still learning lol. I think the worst part is everybody feeling sorry for me when they do know, it doesn't help that I also lost my mom earlier this year. I am a strong person, much stronger than the rest of my family, I've never relied on them, never asked them for anything but they feel sorry for me which makes me feel like crap. You know there are things going on in their lives that I could pity them for but I don't because I have some respect! Is this just me??? ps: know what you mean about sister-in-laws...I had the same problem with mine, their problem is that you are now the daughter-in-law, emphasis on the word daughter so they test their family to see if they will stand with them, I don't have that problem any more because I showed my bitch-side to the whole family and now they are very careful what they say to me, plus they respect me for standing up for myself to ALL of them (sister-in-law still thinks I'm a cow but nobody cares), show your bitch side - she will back off, things will be awkward at first but in the end it will be better!

On a lighter note...woo hoo!!! After running to the emergency and begging nurses to help after hours for my 2 IUI's, my first IVF injection I did myself last night (hubs is useless - so petrified of needles).:winkwink:
Hi Gals!

Welcome Leens :hi: I'm glad you found your way here and decided to post! It's super tough to be going through something so challenging and feel like no one around you understands. None of my friends are really even thinking about kids at this point...and when I had my MC I didn't want to talk to anyone about it...it just felt so awful. I hope you're able to open up here if you feel like it, I know you'll get lots of support!

CONGRATS ELIZABETH!!! So excited for you that you got your BFP so soon after everything you've been through! Isn't it the best feeling? FX for a sticky bean and fantastic 9 months!

Sorry to hear you're sick again Tina, sounds awful! I'm actually sick too, just a nasty cold, but it's got me feeling really down :(

Sorry about your sister in law Babydust...my MIL said some insensitive things about my MC and it just made me feel so crummy that I wish I hadn't even told her. I mean I think she was trying to be supportive in her own way, but apparently she's under the impression that MCs are caused by women not "taking care of themselves"...blegh. The worst.

AFM... CD8 today and of course I caved and tested yesterday and today...BFN. I got a positive on CD9 last time and it was a pretty good clear line so I thought maybe I'd get a super faint one this early if I am indeed preggo again...but no. Maybe I implanted later but I'm feeling like it's a no for me this cycle. Guess we'll see. Gonna just keep testing till AF shows I think...I have stacks of cheapie tests so might as well use 'em!

:hugs: all around!
Went to the doctor today, I have strep throat. Boo. Got some antibiotics so hopefully it goes away soon!
Aww Tina step throat is nasty! Poor you :hugs: hope you feel better very soon - the antibiotics will help a heap. Sorry you're feeling low too, totally understand though. It's a bit of a roller coaster!

Katie that's a shame your mil said what she said. How does she know how well you were looking after yourself? And a m/c does not mean that, it happens so often and they're never sure why! Though maybe she means it from the point of view that going forward she wants to make sure you're better taken care of. Which is always nice?! My mil knows we're trying, and last time I saw her she pointed out an article on fertility. Oh I really hope she isn't going to start suggested all sorts of vitamins and remedies...

Babydust go get busy!! Can you not do it every day? That's what I was planning on for this cycle?!

Afm, my "AF" turned out to just be spotting which is still there but not proper flow yet. I've had this a few times before flow, and it plays mind games with me. It's so small that if it just went away I would def think I was prego, but it's never just gone away! Just need to try not to think about it. It lasts up to 4 days which seems really long.
Thx katie. Its....still unreal. FX for you. Keep testing. Why not right?

TTTTina. .ugh, sorry you're sick! At least you got meds to clear it up. Sucks!
I hate strep throat. I've had it before a couple times, and also just viral crap, since I was 14. It sucks. I hope it starts clearing up so I can do smep!

I hate it when af plays tricks. Mine is just getting done
Tested with a FRER today at 9dpo which is when I got my BFP last time, and massive BFN, not even anything that could be construed as a line. I'm confident I'm out this month...I know it's not over till AF shows, but I'm pretty sure. Feeling pretty down right about now. Why can't we just snap our fingers and be pregnant? How the hell do people get pregnant by accident??? Blegh.
Blegh indeed! I don't know! I'm sorry, that bfn is just so horrible and empty.

I'm confused. I had 3.5 days of "spotting" - barely anything, just pink cm! Now it's gone. AF is due today, and I did a test but bfn. I will see what happens in the next couple of days but not sure what to think at the moment...:shrug:
Cupoftea I am hoping that the spotting was a good sign for you! Fingers crossed.

Katie I am thinking of you. It's so hard when people are so insensitive. We are definitely in the same boat.

Tina I hope you start to feel better girl! You just can't catch a break. I'm so sorry.

AFM...I'm on cd 9. We have decided to do it here and there until my O week and the. Dtd every other night and two nights in a row when I O. I have heard that if you dtd every other night then the guys sperm isn't as good and the count is lower because it doesn't give the guy enough tI'm to recouperate..
i figure every other day and then two days in a row will hopefully get the job done. We are also using preseed so I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)
Hopefully it is a good sign cupoftea!! Fxd!

I just can't catch a break but the antibiotics are starting to kick in so I'm feeling better so In 2 days we will start dtd every other day till I get a pos opk, then 3 days in a row then skip one day then do it one more time and hope for the best!! We will also be using preseed. I hope cycle 5 is it!
Checking in on you ladies! Wishing you all the best and lots of BD!

Ttttina....hope you get well soon!

Cupoftea....FX for you!

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