Bump Buddies? 4w2d [mid-late March due dates]

Midwife wasn't any help with the hips, but I'll just see how I get on and if they get bad I will mention again.

Booking appointment went great. I'm low risk this time, I was high risk last time. The work at the gym has paid off, blood pressure is no where near high and pulse is perfect I'm very healthy. So happy! Edd 19th March, but expect it to be delayed at scan

Great news!! Congratulations!

Tmi question but is anyone constipated? I keep hearing how preg women are supposed to be constipated but I'm not at all..in fact I sometimes have the opposite problem. Yesterday I was having veggie stir fry and literally while I was still eating I had the most painful stomach cramps ever.
Scan day tomorrow.....I'm pretty scared, hope everyone is well x
Hi LadyGecko - fingers crossed and make sure you post the beautiful pic on here asap :)

Mah - I'm the same, nice & regular. But to be honest, I always have been & that didn't change in my first pregnancy (not until towards the end). I also have a few days that I get the 'bad cramps', but I thought that was my husbands cooking ha ha.

I have come down with a terrible cold & hate the fact that we can't take any medication (usual cold & flu pills).
Scan day tomorrow.....I'm pretty scared, hope everyone is well x

how did it go?

welcome peachlolita! I am just about 4 days behind you. how are you feeling? have you been in for your first scan yet?

our second scan is on tuesday...i hate how every single time involves teh SAME anxiety. I thought after the first one things get less anxious, but nope.

I have my LAST licensing exam tomorrow [a 2 hour professional responsibility/ethics test...ethics for lawyers, lol, most would laugh :p] and was supposed to study today. instead i passed out for 3 hours. i literally had NO energy I kept trying to move and couldnt. sigh.
The scan went ok baby looked fine and was spot on for my dates but there was a mnumber of bleeds around baby the main one is right below the sack so they will be keeping a very close eye x
Welcome Peachlolita!

Mah how did the exam go? I hear ya about the tiredness, but with a toddler running around I haven't napped at all during this pregnancy - just been dead on my feet.

Ladygecko, glad baby is good. Sorry to hear about the bleeds, do they reckon they will go with time? Does this mean you'll get more scans so they can check?

I actually threw up this morning (after 4 weeks of just heaving and feeling nauseous all day, the throwing up has finally started).

Now only 5 weeks till my first scan though...the thought that the baby will be the size of a peach by then is mind boggling!!! That seems so big compared to the raspberry size it is now...
They are hoping they will reosorbe, I will have extra scans throughout my pregnancy regardless of the bleeds due to my history of miscarriage :'(

Sorry your having ms its no fun....the joys of pregnancy huh x
Hi LadyGecko, fingers and toes crossed all will be fine for you!!

I think it's high time they found a way that the man can carry the baby! Ha Ha. Although, saying that, I believe this pregnancy is just as 'horrible' as my first, but once your bump grows and you feel the baby move, you forget all this horribleness. I remember that even though my first was horrible (pregnancy), I still loved it.
cantwait: so um...lol...i kind of slept thru the exam. I was like "this baby is trying to sabotage my career so i stay home with him/her!" I couldnt believe it. I just sleep in such a zombie like state these days, I literally slept through like 20 alarms :( I will have to take it in november now.

I have my next appointment tomorrow at 845..kind of nervous. my hubby cant join me bc of work so my mom will be with me and we will facetime him in so he can see the baby and hear the heartbeat. I know he is sad to miss it tho :( he wants to see the baby. what happened is, there was a huge delay with trains today and he wound up being an hour late to work. a month ago, HR had complained about his timeliness in the morning..he was coming in around 915 instead of 830 and then just staying later and his immediate partners and managers were fine with it, but HR told him that even though his group is okay with it, he still needs to be more timely. kind of gave him a warning. since then he's been on time, but then today happened. so we are just worried about him asking to come in late tomorrow after being an hour late today..we decided its best to not rock the boat. God willing, there will be lots of appointments and lots of chances to see the baby..a life time really :)

I do wish he could be there though. I feel sad for him, because he has been counting down the days. scans feel like you are going to "visit" the baby lol..its silly bc the baby is always with me but its different seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat <3

anyway, so hopefully baby will have grown on schedule and will have a nice strong heart beat!
Oh no Mah!! That little Bean wants to keep you all to itself!!

Sorry about your husband not being able to make it today - I can imagine him being quite upset missing it. My husband never really 'got' it when I was pregnant with my first. He was really only emotional about it when he saw the scans - with only two, it wasn't a lot. It's nice that you are going to FaceTime him during it though. Do they do recordings also - or is that just for private scans?

Best not to rock the boat with his job - you'll need him to be in a settled secure job when little one comes along. Blooming HR not understanding though! Meanies.

Let us know how scan went today!! I have my blood tests at 10am - hopefully nice and quick as I'll be using my other arm to entertain my son.
hi ladies! scan today went well--baby measured 8w4d, I am 8w5d according my last period, but dr kept the same march 27th due date.

next scan is on sept 17th so have a quite a wait for the next one!

how is everyone else doing?
Hi Mah, great news!!!! Did your husband get to FaceTime during the scan?

I am nervous about my scan - I don't want them pushing back the due date. When I was pregnant with my son I worked out a due date of 21st Feb, then they pushed it back by 4 days (felt like a long time to me hehe). I didn't actually give birth till the 3rd March in the end, so I suppose it would have been easier if I accepted their date...I just hate waiting and accepting the later date seemed like it was more waiting lol.

This time I just want to know asap if it's one baby or two. I'm no longer 'sure' it's twins, but it's good to get it confirmed :) Four and half weeks till the scan still :(
Glad all went well at scan. I'm still waiting for my scan date. Can't wait to just know when it will be!
Hi Mrs B - you are 10 weeks and still don't have your scan date? I thought mine was bad as it isn't until I'm 13 weeks, but at least I got the appointment when I was 6 weeks along. Yikes. Have you asked your midwife to chase up?
Hi Mah, great news!!!! Did your husband get to FaceTime during the scan?

I am nervous about my scan - I don't want them pushing back the due date. When I was pregnant with my son I worked out a due date of 21st Feb, then they pushed it back by 4 days (felt like a long time to me hehe). I didn't actually give birth till the 3rd March in the end, so I suppose it would have been easier if I accepted their date...I just hate waiting and accepting the later date seemed like it was more waiting lol.

This time I just want to know asap if it's one baby or two. I'm no longer 'sure' it's twins, but it's good to get it confirmed :) Four and half weeks till the scan still :(

i couldnt facetime because there was no network :( but I DID record it and text it to him right after, which actually worked out better bc now we can watch it over and over!

and I know what you mean, the wait sucks! was your son your first? the first tends to come later so maybe this one will be on time, or even a few days early.

what makes you feel its twins? i cant imagine thinking its twins and having to wait 12 weeks to find out! ahhhh. hopefully the next 4.5 weeks pass quickly! are you getting bigger?

Im kind of annoyed bc my belly is getting so big and my boobs arent. i want big boobs!! this is my chance! lol!! but they wont grow!!!
Glad all went well at scan. I'm still waiting for my scan date. Can't wait to just know when it will be!

oh wow youre still waiting too? I had no idea so many doctors waiting so long. I really thought 8 weeks was the norm. did you have an appointment but the dr just doesnt do a scan until 12 weeks or does the dr just not see you at all until 12 weeks?
Hi Mah. Recording is even better - now you can see baby whenever you want. Very good idea!!

I heard that too, that your second will either be on time or earlier, but my friend who just had her second was a week late...so not so sure anymore lol.

My Mum is an identical twin and her Mum's Mum was a twin...so it definitely runs in the family. I'm a size and half bigger then I was pre-pregnancy (only 5 weeks ago), but twins just seem so 'different' that it's hard to imagine actually being pregnant with them, so I've stopped thinking that way. Fingers crossed for one - having twins with a toddler seems waaay too hard!!

Has your boobs grown at all? Mine have gotten slightly bigger (not that they needed to), but are just very sore when touched. With my first the boobs got bigger towards the end of the pregnancy then MASSIVE just after giving birth. Right now my stomach just looks like I've gained weight - I want to scream it to the world, I'm not fatter, just pregnant lol.

I keep having dreams about my scan...just want it to come :(
OOOOH Mrs. B - I just noticed your ticker...so it's 9 weeks that the baby is now counted as a fetus?? I thought it was 10 weeks. Yay - we now have fetus', not embryos'!!!

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