Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

This is a really bad pic she wouldnot keep still and was upside down.


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:hugs:Mindy not long now and you can stick that bump right out and shout out your news to the world! I didn't tell many people at all til I was 16 weeks gone, and it was really hard to hide my bump!

Kelly you tell whoever you want- you are on the beginning of 2nd tri, and you have had good scans!

Pichi how lovely to have a day off! I hope those feet have been up and that you have enjoyed yourself, despite the cold. Can you stomach garlic? A half a clove of raw garlic cut into tablet size pieces and taken with orange juice will help you get over your cold. Garlic is epic like that.

Kelly- I;m annoyed that they would moan at you about your weight. I put on 4 stone, yes, FOUR STONE with Lil Fella....and no one batted an eyelid! Ignore it! You will put on just enough weight for you. I have read of women being told ohh you have put on too much weight blah blah then they eat less and next thing they are being told ohh, you have ketones in your sample, you should eat more. :dohh: As long as your eating when your hungry, and not for the sake of it, you will put on the right amount of weight.

:haha:Awkward girly eh Debzie...maybe one day our babies will meet and fall in love and be awkward together! :haha:

Pink follow your instinct on the class thing, if you feel its a bad idea to miss it, go. I never went to one, and Thats what suited me.

I've been trying to post all day lol, but everytime I hit decides its booby time! He has had a lot of milk today thank goodness, my boobs were fixing to burst!

Guess what......we have a name! Definitely, 100% to the point of having announced it on facebook, name! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Tenzin Martin Richard :happydance::cloud9: Tenzin is Tibetan and means 'keeper of the teachings' OH randomly suggested it while he was cooking dinner and I looked it up and liked it so much I burst into tears! Hormones! :haha:
Tenzin is a lovely unique name loz :)

Feet haven't exactly been up... Been working on my cot bumper. I'll get more done tonight and post a pic :)
This is a really bad pic she wouldnot keep still and was upside down.

Thats still a fab pic in my book! :happydance: Tenzin (ohhhhh I'm so happy he has a name, may still refer to him as Lil Fella though at times haha) absolutely would not budge from upside down at our 20 week scan. Gotta love how stubborn people can be- even when they are still in the womb!

I just thought, now with having 3 kids instead of 2 I can't call them oldest and youngest, I will have to get used to DS1 does that work? Oldest is DS1, and so on? Its one abbreviation I haven't bothered with yet lol Ohh, or maybe by their first name initials...if I go on posting names and someone actually googles my kids names in one search, they will be privvy to all the 'tmi' I share on here....:blush::haha::wacko:
Sorry Pink, I guess you are either there now or decided not to go. Congrats on the good scan Debzie, sorry she wouldn't cooperate more.
Fabulous name Loz, I'm glad you have found your perfect choice.
Kelly, Mindy, you tell who you want when you want. I came out to the world after my dating scan both times.
Ginny, Twinkie, Pichi, Hope, I hope all is well. Clo I hope you are enjoying mummy hood.
Afm -full of cold and feel like crap. Have to travel down to London tomorrow for a memorial party for Marks sister, which will be nice but I have a lot to organise before we go. It doesn't help that Mark has been home late three nights in a row with one thing and another. Oh well.
debz love your wriggly little girl xx

and loz i love that name unique,decieded just to eat when im hungry as made me feel quite ill today when i didnt eat for a while.
loz how you getting on with the cute nappies? im facinated by these things im guna buy some lol
pink did you go to class?
Tut tut you should have at least had a little putting up of feet!
debz love your wriggly little girl xx

and loz i love that name unique,decieded just to eat when im hungry as made me feel quite ill today when i didnt eat for a while.
loz how you getting on with the cute nappies? im facinated by these things im guna buy some lol
pink did you go to class?

We were using disposables at first, as we had no clue if cloths would fit right away- still got a pack and a half of sposies left but we started introducing the cloth ones today, he seems to really like them! Hasn't poo'd in one yet though, so we still need to see how that goes.

Good decision about the food- our bodies were made to have babies, and its only relatively recently doctors etc have decided what is 'right' and applied it to everyone en masse instead of accepting that we are all different and therefore the 'norm' does not apply! I almost fainted after a day of trying to eat food that were GD friendly, to prove to the midwife I did not have GD. It was a horrible day that I literally spent feeling faint and hungry. Ate my weight in fruit and chocolate after I did my last finger prick test that day. :blush:

Sorry your feeling ill Mrs Miggins...apparently the whole world has a cold today, OH says everyone we know pretty much has one including DS2 (?) our 4 year old. I've got some chewable vitamin C we are all having one a day from now til spring!
Pichi, I'm glad you could get the day off today, too bad you didn't get to rest much. I really can't wait to see the pictures!

My MIL was angry with us the first time when we didn't tell until we were 9 weeks. Who knows what she will say this time! I really don't care to be honest. :devil: Not nice of me but she isn't always nice to me so... :shrug:

Kelly, I am just repeating what the other ladies said, but please eat healthy and don't worry at all about weight! I was really worried at first but I just don't care any more. :haha: I think it is a great idea for you to eat when you are hungry. That is the best idea to keep ms away too!

Debzie, what a great picture! :happydance: Silly girlie for not cooperating!

I don't think I can get into maternity clothes just yet. My belly is big but not really that big. I can still fit into pants that I used to wear before but not all of them. I have some low rise jeans that I can wear as well but I just can't wear them to work. I am going into town in 2 weekends and will try on maternity pants then to see how they are.

Pink, I have no advice on the class. I am planning not to take advantage of the classes in our town. The classes here are very basic, they say this is how you get pregnant... :dohh: I think we already know that! :haha: Our friends went and suggested we don't go.

I am really glad your dad is visiting. I hope you all have a lovely time :)

Lozdi, what a fantastic name!! I love it :happydance: It has such a wonderful meaning too. I am so glad that lil fella has a name now :)

I think the ds1 and ds2 and ds3 thing is just birth order, not who you like best! Haha! I think if you don't like it then you should do something different. I like the idea of using your children's first initials.

I am not really looking forward to sharing my news, like I said I want to be selfish and keep it all to myself, but I am looking forward to showing off my bump! :haha:

Mrs. M., I'm sorry you are feeling so rotten. I really hope you feel better soon. Feeling sick is never fun, especially when you can't take anything to make you feel better. :hugs: I hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow.

I bit the bullet and wore a pair of pants with my a belly band today. All day my pants were falling down. :dohh: I wore some capris and ballet flats and just about froze! I didn't want to wear my wide leg trousers. Silly fashion victim! :haha:

I found out today when I got home from work that my aunt had to have emergency surgery last night and her bowels ruptured. She may not make it. We are all hoping for the best. The drs gave her a 10% change of survival. :( I don't even know what to think. It is all very sudden.

I hope you all have a good evening :flower:
Oh my goodness I'm so sorry to hear that about your aunt. Keeping everything crossed that she is in that 10% :hugs:
Thank you Lozdi. My family in Ontario are preparing to fly in on the weekend. My sister is looking into flights and she is 32-ish weeks pregnant.
ts - :hugs: so sorry about your aunt, I really hope she is the 10%. The first few days will be the most important to hopefully she'll make it through those. I sometimes used to use a hairband looped through the button hole then onto the button with my trousers and that gave them extra support under the band. As for MIL let her be angry, it winds me up something chronic how people can get upset about when people decide to share their news, like they have a 'right' to know. Grr.

Loz - what a fabulously wonderful and unique name -love it!!

Mrrmig - Hope the travel down to day will be okay and that your cold has settled or gone away. Is it today or tomorrow the memorial?

Kelly - as I have said to ts you tell who you want when you want although I know how difficult it can be after a loss. My OH was much more able to tell people, also I am more private (except with you guys!!) so told very few people apart form work and family and a 1 close friend. I have made no announcement on FB to the people on there and limit my posts and pics too.

Debzie - I can see your wonderful pic now. Funny how they like to misbehave at the 20 week scan. I love all these scans and baby pics. Have you started thinking of names yet?

Hi ginny, cupcake, and who every I have missed. It is very early for me having been awake since 5.30 boo.

afm - we did go to the class. There was about 12 couples. It all went okay, We talked about looking after baby straight after birth and when home. Next week is actual birth and labour (poor Oh thats his birthday too!). I am glad I went as I got some 3 free newborn nappies (real ones - tinybots) that initially thought she was giving us to practice with but the hospital were getting rid so we could take a few home to keep! I'll write more on my journal about it later. Should get up and get ready for work. Dad and step mum here now, really nice to see them.
ts so sorry about your aunt i hope shes in the 10%
pink im glad you enjoyed the class tiny bots sooooo cute lol
hope you ladies are all ok ms is back today with a mega headache boo!!!!
:hugs: kelly. Me too. I think its worse when I haven't slept well and am a bit over tired. Did you sleep okay last night?
no really bad im sleeping dreadful at the minute tooo hot window open duvet off still too hot oh and this poxy phlem that just sits in my throat 24 7 part from that im fine lol

are you sleeping bad too pink?
Ts - so sorry about your aunt as someone else has previously said really hope she is one of the 10%

Mrs m - hope your feeling better today

Loz - he's soo gorgeous and lovely name as well

Clobo - yey!!! Congrats on your lovely little man, love the name aswell it was between that and Kieron for me, can't wait to see some pics

Loving all these great scans

Hope everyone is well

Pleased to say I'm feeling a bit better, literally couldn't move the next day so think I've learned my lesson to take things easy the last thing I want is to be bedbound for the next 9 weeks lol
Hey everyone!!

Congrats Loz and Clobo! I started reading at the last page, and you haven't changed your little tickers yet, and I thought, "Dear heavens! They're BOTH STILL PREGNANT?!?"

I had to go back quite a few pages, lol.

Loz, your son is GORGEOUS! Clobo, I haven't seen any pictures of your LO. Are they on your journal? I must see him. I'm sorry you had to have the c-section, but you're right, the drugs are nothing to complain about! I didn't think the ordeal was really that bad, but everyone is different.

Mrs. Miggs and Twinkie, so happy to here that every thing is still going smoothly!

Pichi, not too long for you now!

My days are filled with baby vomit (LO has GERD) and anxiety. She is starting to develop an oral aversion to eating because she knows eating=pain. She'll eat, but sometimes she gags when you put a bottle in her mouth and then she'll vomit. They also found another heart defect called Pulmonary Stenosis. Oy. Poor little thing. Good news is the hole in her heart is most likely going to close on it's own, and if the other defect is mild, it may not require any surgery. We don't know ywt as it could get worse. Other than that, she has doubled in size since birth. So even though she's having a rough time, she is gaining weight at a steady rate, so that's awesome!

Because of her health issues, they are allowing us to leave Japan early and head to the states so she can go to a top ranked hospital for pediatric cardiology. She also needs to see a pediatric GI, and there is no pediatric cardiologist or pediatric GI here, so it's impossible for her to get the care she needs.

And I must say, I'm terribly sick of EVERYONE commenting on how small she is. Especially people I don't even know. I went to the grocery store, and I think AT LEAST 7 people commented on her size. Now instead of explaining her medical issues, I just smile and say, "Why YES, she is small. Thank you for noticing!"

I'll have to log onto my computer to post new pictures! She is tiny and with everything that's going on in her little body, you'd never know by looking at her that she was a preemie with a faulty heart!
Just a quick one at work.

Thank you all for your kind words about my aunt. I really hope she is one of the 10% too. No updates yet so far.

I was just wondering if cramping is common at almost 17 weeks?? I have been cramping off and on most of the morning. :(

I will post more when I get home from work.

I hope you all are having a great day.
Pichi, lovely bump chick!!

Pink, glad you enjoyed the class, I loved mine!!

Debzie, yay for scan, what a cheeky thing you have not posing for her photo!!

Loz, aw I love the name!! Ifeel you on the boobs :holly: and the crying :cry:!! Your pictures are gorgeous!! Such a little character!!

MrsMig, sorry you aren’t feeling well, takecare of yourself, hope the memorial was ok today :hugs:

Mindy, yay on the maternity clothes, you’ll soon be in them!!! Aw chick, I hope your aunt is ok :hugs: I had random crampings all the way through, your body os changing so much ll the time, if you are worried tho don’t google, go see your midwife.

Kelly, hope all ok with you and don’t worry about the food, you need all the strength you can get when you are late on and then have to go through labour so lots of good food and some naughty food is absolutely fine!! Definitely don’t skip meals!!!

Crayz, lovely to hear from you! So glad ypu are ding ok and allowed to go to the US to get the help you need, when do you leave?? Ooh yes pictures please!!

Hi everyone else :wave:

AFM, here are some pics, doing really well except Danny seems to have day and night confused :dohh:! xxx


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