Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Its ok to not know how you feel...those hormones are running round your system like crazy and may well be blocking you from the worst of it.

Rash still trying to spread...I'm guzzling as much water as possible to help my body flush it out, apparently women who had boys who developed post partum puppps have had male fetal dna found in skin biopsies of the rash, so it stands to reason if I detox as much as I can, it will go away faster.
That sucks, Lozdi. :hugs: I hope it goes quickly.

Speaking of having male DNA in the lesions, have you ladies seen this? I love this. The video at the end is very nice.
My mum's partner of 3 years left her on Thursday. She came home from work to find that he packed all his stuff and told her he was it was over. She didn't see it coming at all which has made it doubly hard to deal with. I'm just trying to support her, but it's so hard to know what to say. She's moved from the devastated mode to the angry phase now so it's a little bit easier now.

sorry to hear of this :( it's a hard situation but i'm sure your mum will appreciate all that you do for her

Haven't had chance to write much. OH gone to the Next sale this morning. Never normally do that as it is manic but both of us was wide awake before 6am so I think he just thought he'd go for it. I am still in bed though!!

Dad has plastered the cupboard yesterday whilst I was at work in the morning and now it just has to dry before we can paint (more bloody painting!! -lol) before the shelves can go in. Came home after lunch yesterday to find my step mum had done a load of washing and put it out on the line and done my ironing!!

your house is going to be so sparkly for little smartie coming home :) and lucky you having an OH that actually wants to go to a NEXT sale. those sales scare me haha. so many people to squish past.

pichi,hope twinkle i cant remenber are you all team yellow forgive me for forgetting!

team :blue: here hun :D

Went to a party today, ds1's friend's birthday, it was MANIC! One little girl asked if she could push my pram, I think I said nono in rapid succession about 50 times. I'm knackered now, the big Fella and I are about to go have a nice bath....with added nettle tea, because of all things I seem to have developed post partum PUPPPS. :dohh::dohh::dohh:Its unbelievable, you know when you have a sore eye and itching feels good? Its like that times 5 billion but on my tummy. I thought it was just sore stretchmarks, but I only have a few of those in a small area and the rash started spreading so now using every ounce of willpower to not scratch, because apparently thats what makes it spread. Nettle tea heavily brewed then applied to the area with cotton wool does wonders but needs to be done every few hours or that dreaded itch urge comes back! I'm also taking dandelion root for it...both nettle and dandelion are safe when EBF...nature knows whats what! I couldn't bare it if it spread, just a small patch of it is bad enough, I feel for ladies who get it all over :wacko:I spent some time in the small hours of this morning googling it, and its certainly what I have....I intend to beat it into submission with the nettle tea and stuff, I hear that theres not much of use doctors prescribe for it. I wish it had shown up when I had colostrum, I reckon some of that would sort it right out, its miracle fluid! :haha:

hope the PUPPPS passes soon hun :hugs:

hi to everyone else i have missed. just trying to catch up on everyone. been a bit crap at keeping up lately so i do apologise if i have missed anyone out :nope:

AFM, this little boy is a real wriggler! i can't ever remember this amount of movement with Pixie. this guy feels like he's trying to take up the whole bed iykwim :haha:
Morning ladies how is everyone?????????
im having a guilty day piddling down outside so ive got my jim jams on lovely fire bubbling away and daytime tele bad kelly lol
Hi everyone!! I'm back from what was actually a great weekend. The memorial service was wonderful and a great tribute to Debbie, a true celebration of her life. Mark and his family enjoyed it. Edie was so so good as well, the service was an hour long and she sat on my knee without saying a word. She thought it was so exciting staying in a hotel. I'm so full of cold though and I have another chest and sinus infection, so I'm back on stupid antibiotics. The doctor asked me how far on I was and I said 26 weeks and he said "just halfway then". Er, no. I'm not a rhino.
Ginny, I'm sorry to hear of your Mums problems. I hope she can soon pick herself up again.
Mindy, also I'm very sorry to hear about your Aunt.
Crayz, it's wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for letting us know how Yeardley is doing. I'm so pleased you can get her to the US for some more treatment.
Kelly, I don't blame you. I put Edie down for her afternoon nap, stuck the heating on and fell asleep in front of Come Dine With Me.
Pink did you book the flu jab? I have booked one for October 13th.
Clo how are you? Danny is beautiful.
Loz, I hope you and Big Fella are doing ok and his brothers are enjoying having him here.
Pichi, hope all is well with you. Maternity leave must be close now?
Cupcake, Twinkie, hope you are both ok.
Wow Mindy thats a fascinating article! Maybe its just coincidence then that fetal dna is found in puppps rashes.

Kelly roaring fire sounds epic, wish we had one!

Still itching here, have got some calamine cream to sooth it.

Pichi the Big Fella was and still is a mega wriggler lol sometimes bf'ing is a wrestling match! Might be a boy thing!:haha:
Hi ladies,

Sorry just a quick post but Danny is asleep and we have no visitors for a bit so its my only chance at getting on the computer!!! :comp:

Loz, I hear you on the gas/poop thing!!! :loo: Boobs aren’t too bad as long as he feeds regularly, otherwise I have to pump!! :holly: Sorry about the PUPPPS, you kick it right out of town my dear!!

Mindy, :hugs:

Pichi, yay for little wriggler, I used to love that!!

Kelly, yay for duvet day!!

MrsMig, ha ha a rhino!!! :rofl: How can a doctor get that wrong?! Hope you feel better soon, I had sinusitis and the antibiotics worked for me :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well, big hugs to you all :hugs: xxx
Hi ladies.

Sorry I've been a bit quiet. But I love this thread. It's so nice having ladies at all stages compared to all my Tri 1 threads.

I'm ok.

Pregnant, so of course happy about that.

But I feel so ill all the time. It's so hard not to just be miserable. :( Then I feel so guilty for sometimes wishing I wasn't pregnant.

If me from 2 months ago, knowing my baby was dead and I had a MC ahead of me, heard me now complaining of nausea, then 2 months ago me would be SO angry. :(

But I feel so drained and sick and tired.

Started some tablets on Friday, they have taken the edge of a little I think. I don't wake up and instantly feel like hell.

My mums MS went away quite quick, and so far it seems similar. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I don't have too long left.

I have a wedding to go to far away when I'm 10 weeks, and would love to feel a bit more human by then.


So sorry for the rant. I have loads to be grateful for. But I'm just a bit blue today.
Aw Cupcake. I know of a couple of ladies on here that suffered really badly with sickness, one of them had HG and even though they were incredibly grateful for their pregnancies (both had multiple losses) they both felt incredibly poorly for a while and it's hard not to feel sorry for yourself. Nobody thinks you aren't happy to be pregnant. I hope the sickness wears off soon for you. I didn't have any when I was pregnant with my daughter so with my subsequent pregnancies it's been a bit of a nasty shock. I wasn't prepared for it returning either.
Left one handed typing again here, apparently I make tasty tasty milk because a certain someone can't get enough of it. :haha:

Mrs Miggins how did the memorial go? Puppps is evil....its not considered serious, but its maddening! Heres a link because explaining in left-one-handed would take ages:

Hope your getting enough sleep Clo...don't go getting lured into spending all Danny's nap times online :haha:

Cupcake...MS sucks, and all the tiredness of first tri doesn't help-if you need a little moan or rant or both, go for it, tis what we are here for!
Hi everyone!! I'm back from what was actually a great weekend. The memorial service was wonderful and a great tribute to Debbie, a true celebration of her life. Mark and his family enjoyed it. Edie was so so good as well, the service was an hour long and she sat on my knee without saying a word. She thought it was so exciting staying in a hotel. I'm so full of cold though and I have another chest and sinus infection, so I'm back on stupid antibiotics. The doctor asked me how far on I was and I said 26 weeks and he said "just halfway then". Er, no. I'm not a rhino.
Ginny, I'm sorry to hear of your Mums problems. I hope she can soon pick herself up again.
Mindy, also I'm very sorry to hear about your Aunt.
Crayz, it's wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for letting us know how Yeardley is doing. I'm so pleased you can get her to the US for some more treatment.
Kelly, I don't blame you. I put Edie down for her afternoon nap, stuck the heating on and fell asleep in front of Come Dine With Me.
Pink did you book the flu jab? I have booked one for October 13th.
Clo how are you? Danny is beautiful.
Loz, I hope you and Big Fella are doing ok and his brothers are enjoying having him here.
Pichi, hope all is well with you. Maternity leave must be close now?
Cupcake, Twinkie, hope you are both ok.

Wahhhhh it takes me so long to type a post I miss great walls of text....then don't see them til hours later because I get stuck being a booby bar! lol! Actually managed to put him down asleep after the post a minute ago...and now he is fussing again! Hungry boy!

I'm so glad the memorial went well!

Arg I'm going to pee, and well, my hungry caterpillar will just have to moan while I do so!
What a wonderful day, Kelly :) That is my plan for Friday. Well, minus the fire until we can get a wood stove, but for sure the pj's and daytime tv!

Mrs. M., I'm sorry you are feeling so sick. I really hope the antibiotics help quickly. I can't believe your dr! He must not have been good with Math. You are much closer to 3/4 of the way done than 1/2! Don't want to be adding more than a month to pregnancy!! I can't remember what PUPPS stands for but it is basically an extremely itchy rash.

Lozdi, I love that article. I love that even mc'd babies are still a part of their mothers. Makes me so happy to think I am still carrying around my babies, besides just in my heart. I really hope the calamine lotion helps soothe the itch.

Clobo! So nice to see an update :) How are you? How is Danny doing?

Cupcake :hugs: I'm sorry you are feeling so rotten. I really hope your ms leaves very soon.

AFM: I have my aunts funeral tomorrow. I think it is really going to hit me then. My mom, dad, and sister are all in Newfoundland now. They are all coming to visit on Wednesday and will stay the night. I am going to get my parents to stay in the guest room and my sister in our bed. Shawn and I will sleep on the couch. Luckily we have a giant sectional that can fit the both of us laying down along with the cats and dogs! I may sleep on the couch tonight too. I gave up trying to sleep in my bed last night (this morning!) at 5 am after having a completely sleepless night. :( My hip hurt so badly. I just couldn't get comfortable. Plus I had a rotten headache that didn't want to go away all day yesterday and it is still lingering today. The couch helped some so I am going to give it another try.

I hope you are all well! :flower:

Edited to add: Lozdi, I'm not typing one handed and still I am too slow! :haha:
Miss mummy, of course you can join, congratulations!!

Mindy, thinking of you today my dear :hugs:

Cupcake, please don't feel bad for feeling that way, e have all been there, in fact I felt similar in my lady two weeks of pregnancy as I was do late and uncomfortable. You will be fine, just take one day at a time and take good care of yourself.

Hey Mmm! So good to see you here. Mindy, I will be thinking of you today.
It's a vile day. Pouring with rain, and I have to spend most of the morning walking to and from playgroup. Still feeling pretty rubbish, hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon.
Thank you, ladies. We are just getting up and ready to drive into town now. It is pouring here today too. Not too fun to drive 200 km in :(

I was talking to my sister last night and she was at a viewing yesterday. She said the family are pretty sad, but for the most part people are doing well.

Mrs. M., I hope you feel better soon. It is terrible when you feel so awful. Sorry you had to walk in the rain feeling so sick. :hugs:

Hi Clobo :) How are you?

Kelly, you're a peach!! Yay!

Welcome mmm!! Congratulations!!

Well, we broke down and told our families last night. They are very happy. Today will be weird but my sister said they were all really happy to see her tummy so she thinks they will like the happy news. We planned to just tell my parents and sister because of the funeral but they all want to tell. I don't like attention placed on me so... it will be interesting.

Hi to everyone! I hope you are all well :flower:
Thinking of you Mindy- I know it must seem odd announcing it today, but the happy news will give everyone something to feel positive about at such a sad time. :hugs:

Welcome MissMM! How are you feeling? :flower:

Hi Clo hows it going?

Mrs Miggins what an awful day...hope you can put up your feet at the end of the day and have a nice relax.

Hey Kelly hows your ms?

PUPPPS rash is kicking my butt! I have decided its going to detox at its own blooming rate so I might aswell scratch myself to bits, because it feels good and is easier than trying not to scratch it. :dohh: The calamine doesn't touch it and I don't want a steroid cream because then I wouldn't be able to let Big Fella touch my skin and we like to BF skin to skin.
:hugs: Lozdi. I hope it gets off you soon! I wouldn't want steroids either. :hugs:

It is weird to be doing this today. That is why I did it privately last night with my immediate family. My dad was going on about how I was going to tell everyone tomorrow and blah blah blah. I know he is excited, but we were planning to wait with everyone else. But, they think it will be good so I told them to tell. I didn't want to be there with the family and be like "Hey listen up everyone! Guess what?! I'm pregnant!" Not that I would ever do that anyway, but that is pretty much what my dad wanted. :dohh: I told him to tell if that is what he wants. :S

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