Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Clobo, he is just perfect <3 You look so wonderful with your little boy.

Pink, I tried the hairband trick but it didn't really work because it stretched too much and my pants still drooped! I think I need to get smaller hairbands. I'm sorry you are feeling tired. I'm glad you enjoyed the class. How long is your dad and step mom staying?

Kelly, sorry you are feeling so rotten today.

Hope, I'm glad you are feeling better lately.

I hope you are all well.

My aunt passed away today. It was so sudden. She went into the hospital Wednesday night to have emergency surgery for blocked bowels because of a hernia. Her bowels ruptured during the surgery and her vital signs dropped. She hung on until this afternoon. I only found out about it all after work yesterday. It is awful. My family in Ontario are all on their way down.
I am very sorry about your aunt. I had an uncle who passed away suddenly this spring. He went to the Dr. because he wasn't feeling well and they thought he had a bowl obstruction. Checked into the hospital and never came out. He ended up going into liver failure due to other complications. While it is always hard to deal with, it is even harder when it is someone who is fairly young and it was so unexpected. T&P to you and your family.
Thank you Twinkie. It is hard when it is so unexpected. I am so sorry for your loss as well.

Sorry for putting such a sad thing into such a happy, positive thread.

Crayz, I forgot to mention in my post before. It is so wonderful your little girl has doubled her birth weight! I am glad you will get to see a specialist in the US soon. I hope they find a solution for her reflux soon. I can't wait to see pictures :)
clobo: He is so cute!I just want to eat him up too haha! How much did he weigh again? Hope you are doing good after your section and that you didn't have to give your injections yourself :(

T_s: sorry to hear of your news :( that is so sudden too :hugs:
re. Cramps ;I've had random bouts of cramping but I remember having more with pixie. It is prolly baby just re-arranging and making more room :haha:

Pink: will you be going to your other classes then? Glad you enjoyed them though. Nothing worse if you got there and thought you didn't benefit from it. Its nice to meet people similar stages to you too :) that's what I like about the aquanatal :)

Hi everyone else - sorry im on my phone so I can't remember what else I read :dohh:

Friend of mine just has her little girl yest :) she was measuring small so at 38 weeks she was induced (she had no bump and fundal was measuring 28 for 38!) she was a tiny 5lb 6 and my god she just looks so much like a wee china doll! All these babies are making me get more and more impatient about meeting this little guy *rubs tum* and all the other rainbow babies in this thread too!
Thank you Pichi. The cramps went away after an hour or 2. I was telling myself that it was just from baby growing. I read that baby is going to double in weight in the next few weeks. I think that things have to be changing in there to make room for all that!

Not too long now and you will meet your little guy :) It is so exciting!
I've been trying again to post all day lol but its been a boob day, relentless! Luckily the engorgement has gone and production is going well.

Crayz lovely to hear from you! So sorry for all the anxiety :wacko: it must seem neverending at the moment, but you will all come through it, you have one determined little girl there, and she will triumph! Next time someone comments about her size just say of course she is small silly, she's a baby! :hugs:

Mindy cramping is common throughout, but if its not feeling normal to you, get yourself seen immediately, and demand to have your cervix checked, to make sure its coping well.

Clo he is GORGEOUS! :cloud9: Hang on in there with the boobs, the engorgement doesn't last forever. Take some ibuprofen and you will sail through the worst of it pain free, trust me. Its safe to take, I took some to get through the painful part. What else I found useful was switching boobs frequently during a single feed- it will give you relief, plus ensure that after the initial engorgement, the supply is good. Stop thinking about time in terms of day and night, and you will be totally fine :haha: babies have many days and nights, all in one 24 hour period! Did the midwives show you how to unlatch a firmly latched baby? Might sound like a daft question for me to ask you but I find it valuable knowledge- simply poke your finger into your nipple next to the corner of Danny's mouth to break the seal. If you try to pull him off, he will likely just clamp down and it hurts! During engorgement I would unlatch every 5 mins, and keep switching, which also encouraged him to feed more in general as he would fill on foremilk then want to carry on for hind milk. The poops were epic. :haha:

I'm typing as I read and just saw the update on your aunt Mindy...I'm so sorry :cry: Don't be sorry for posting something sad, we are all here for you :hugs:

Friends of ours had their baby the other day, we found out today, she was 5 and a half weeks early, weighs a bit over 5lbs, but is doing very well. Babies everywhere!

My booby monster is stirring, and the milky zeppelins on my front are sounding the alarm! :haha::holly::baby:
Thank you. I don't really think it has sunk in yet.

I am glad you aren't hurting so much now and that lil fella is doing so well feeding. :)

The cramping wasn't bad and really only lasted an hour or so. There was no other changes and I feel completely normal now. If it starts again I will call the dr. Thank you.
Mrs m so sorry didn't realise it was the memorial today, hope it all went ok

Clobo - he is absolutely gorgeous, Ryan was the same he was awake all night and slept all day, midwife kept telling me to wake him up for an hour every couple of hours and I was like yes of course I've barely had any sleep all night so yeah I'm just gonna wake him up when he does sleep :haha:

Ts - so sorry to hear your aunt passed away :hugs: , especially so suddenly, ohs auntie had cancer a few months back and we got a call one afternoon to say shed passed away which we all were shocked as the tumour was shrinking, turns out a blood vessel next to her stomach had burst, glad your feeling better as far as the cramps go though

Pichi - I feel exactly the same I'm getting impatient now, my friend also had her little girl yesterday she was supposed to be gettin induced next week at 37 weeks as she had some condition where her blood was attacking the baby's but she went into labour herself, she weighed a tiny 5lb 5oz. Ryan weighed 5lb 13oz and I had him at 38+5 lol I keep thinking to myself must buy tiny baby clothes but everyone keeps saying don't because until the little man is here you don't know how big he's going to be, but everyone including the midwife with Ryan kept saying oooo he going to be a 9 lber so I didn't buy anything smaller than 0-3 then when he arrived we had nothing so was a mad dash to get things to fit, I couldn't even put him in the snowsuit I'd taken with me as he would of quite literally fell into the leg of it :haha:
Thank you Hope. I'm sorry to hear of your OH's aunt.

You are so close to seeing your little guy too. :) It sure is exciting around here lately!
Sorry Pink, I guess you are either there now or decided not to go. Congrats on the good scan Debzie, sorry she wouldn't cooperate more.
Fabulous name Loz, I'm glad you have found your perfect choice.
Kelly, Mindy, you tell who you want when you want. I came out to the world after my dating scan both times.
Ginny, Twinkie, Pichi, Hope, I hope all is well. Clo I hope you are enjoying mummy hood.
Afm -full of cold and feel like crap. Have to travel down to London tomorrow for a memorial party for Marks sister, which will be nice but I have a lot to organise before we go. It doesn't help that Mark has been home late three nights in a row with one thing and another. Oh well.

I'm such a ditz right now, I didn't see this and was wondering what memorial people were talking about. I hope it went as well as can be expected and that your cold is on its way out. :hugs:
Loz - Beautiful unique name! I love hearing the stories behind choosing a name :)

Clo - Beautiful baby! He looks so perfect, I bet you can't stop staring at him!

TS - sorry to hear about your Aunt, it must have been such a shock for you and your family :( I hope she was able to go peacefully and didn't have any suffering

Hi to everyone else I've missed. Sorry I haven't properly caught up, I've been really distracted the past few days.

My mum's partner of 3 years left her on Thursday. She came home from work to find that he packed all his stuff and told her he was it was over. She didn't see it coming at all which has made it doubly hard to deal with. I'm just trying to support her, but it's so hard to know what to say. She's moved from the devastated mode to the angry phase now so it's a little bit easier now.
ts - I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. I hope you and your family are okay. will you be seeing them soon? Any death is difficult but a sudden loss of a younger person is such a shock, sending lots of love and hugs

Ginny - that is one difficult situation and can understand not knowing what to say. Hopefully your mum will get some answers soon.

Glad you baby is doing so well and doubled thier birth weight! Glad you are able to get to the US for more specialised treatment but it all sounds like it is going really well.

loz - at the antenatal class the mw told us how to unlatch like you suggested. I think you are going to be my font of knowledge!! Glad lil fella is going great guns at the milk bar and sounds like you are doing brilliantly.

Mrsmig - hope you are okay and the memorial well. :hugs:

Haven't had chance to write much. OH gone to the Next sale this morning. Never normally do that as it is manic but both of us was wide awake before 6am so I think he just thought he'd go for it. I am still in bed though!!

Dad has plastered the cupboard yesterday whilst I was at work in the morning and now it just has to dry before we can paint (more bloody painting!! -lol) before the shelves can go in. Came home after lunch yesterday to find my step mum had done a load of washing and put it out on the line and done my ironing!!
Mindy, so sorry to hear about your aunt :hugs:, don't worry st all about posting it we are here to support you my dear.

Ginny, your poor mum, that's pgot to be so hard but i'm sure you being there for her is helping so much.

Loz, thanks for the advice chick, yes getting to grips with it, had to express some last night as milk came i'm properly and my boobs were rock hard!! Hope lil big fella is guzzling away!7

Hope you are all doing ok pregnancy wise, I was the same when others had their babies, made me impatient to meet mine!! It won't be long, enjoy being pregnant in the meantime!

Big hugs to you all xxx
Argh clobo I didn't mean to miss you out. I LOVE the pics of Danny he is just absolutely adorable. How are you both getting on today? Glad the expressing helped relive some of the pressure, that's one thing I am not looking forward too. I remember my sister years ago when she has her son. They were like to 2 unripe rock hard melons!
Morning ladies hope your all ok,
so sory ts to hear about your aunt my heart goes out to you and your family.
clo i love your little man another little topper
pink i love it when my mum visits as she too does ironing etc enjoy it xx
loz your def gunna be my advice guru you know everything!!!!
pichi,hope twinkle i cant remenber are you all team yellow forgive me for forgetting!
hope you got on ok yesterday mrs big hugs
crayz so glad your baby girl has doubled in weight xx
thats a hard one ginny hope your mum is ok ss
you ok debz and where is cupcake?
hi to everyone else x
afm been a bit crampy on and on last couple of days trying not to panic as guessing things are growing quite a bit at the min,guessing it could be wind lol as im an epic pumper tee hee
I'll let you off Kelly :haha: I'm team blue definitely a Kieron, I know how you feel maybe to much tmi but I have never had such bad wind until I was pg with this little man :haha:

Hope all you ladies are well today :flower:
Thanks ladies. I will be going to my hometown for the funeral and will see my family then.

Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom. That has to be tough. I wouldnt know what to say either. I hope it gets easier for her soon.

Kelly, I am thinking we are in the same boat with the gas :dohh: I hope you feel better soon. although I think we might be in for a few more months of it :haha:

Mrs. m. I hope the memorial went well. I hope your cold has eased off.

Pink, I am glad you are getting some help from your dad and step mom, that is great! Boo for more painting, though.

This thread is my go to for anything I need to know. You are all so much more knowledgeable than I am. I am so grateful for all of you!

I just realized there are so many boys coming on this thread. Crayz was the first lady to have her baby when I joined and she is a girl. After that it's all boys for a while, isn't it? Loz, Clobo, Pichi, Twinkie, and Hope are all having (or already had <3) boys! Mrs. m. Is staying team yellow (right?) But didnt you say you felt like Migglet is a boy? We need some girlies in here! Haha!

Hi to everyone. I hope you are all having a great day. I am still laying in bed and managed to write this on my phone. Sorry for typos! Haha! I can hear the birds chirping outside my window. It is another beautiful day, 22 degrees and the first day of Fall.
Aww Ginny I'm sorry to hear that- its bad enough but when coming out of the blue well, I can't imagine how hard it is for her.

Pink I am amazed at your OH! Willingly going to a next sale?! I almost fainted in shock! :haha:

Clo hows your boobs? Hang on in there! They get better soon I promise! Remember, its ok to take ibuprofen for it if they are keeping you awake even when Danny sleeps.

Lol Kelly you crack me up....epic pumper! :haha: You get even more wind after you give birth because your body tries to get rid of poop in gas form to save you having to have a bowel movement soon after labour. Its quite nifty really, because if birth is hard on you down there, then moving your bowel can seem scarier than it actually is. The trick is not to strain! (Lol, such tmi in that paragraph):haha:

How you doing Hope? Apart from being another epic pumper! :haha:

You know what...a 'fart' smiley would be a great addition to the BnB smiley list!

Mindy glad the weather is lovely, somehow, if the weather is fine, its just a little easier to get through bad times than if the weather is gloomy, if you know what I mean.:hugs:

Went to a party today, ds1's friend's birthday, it was MANIC! One little girl asked if she could push my pram, I think I said nono in rapid succession about 50 times. I'm knackered now, the big Fella and I are about to go have a nice bath....with added nettle tea, because of all things I seem to have developed post partum PUPPPS. :dohh::dohh::dohh:Its unbelievable, you know when you have a sore eye and itching feels good? Its like that times 5 billion but on my tummy. I thought it was just sore stretchmarks, but I only have a few of those in a small area and the rash started spreading so now using every ounce of willpower to not scratch, because apparently thats what makes it spread. Nettle tea heavily brewed then applied to the area with cotton wool does wonders but needs to be done every few hours or that dreaded itch urge comes back! I'm also taking dandelion root for it...both nettle and dandelion are safe when EBF...nature knows whats what! I couldn't bare it if it spread, just a small patch of it is bad enough, I feel for ladies who get it all over :wacko:I spent some time in the small hours of this morning googling it, and its certainly what I have....I intend to beat it into submission with the nettle tea and stuff, I hear that theres not much of use doctors prescribe for it. I wish it had shown up when I had colostrum, I reckon some of that would sort it right out, its miracle fluid! :haha:
Oh Lozdi, that rash sounds terrible. :hugs: I hope you feel better soon. I hope the nettle and dandelion does the trick!

I still don't think I have properly processed my aunt's passing. I am not really close with my aunts and uncles (to be honest, I am not overly close with my immediate family either :() so I really don't know how to feel. I feel sad she is gone. But I just don't know.

I have been in such a rotten mood all day :( Damn hormones.

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