Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Pink, I really hope the highlights are ok. :S I really can't let my hair grow out. I have tried again and again to go back to my natural colour but every time I look in the mirror I just feel so down about myself. Silly to connect hair colour to how you feel about yourself, but it is just the way it is. I feel so washed out and drab with my mousy dark blonde/light brown hair. I hate what colour my hair has turned as I have gotten older.
Loz I really hope your rash clears up soon. To hear you sounding so down is so unlike you - it must be awful and I hate that it is casting a shadow over your first precious few weeks with Tenzin.
Ginny, my ex hubby was from Northern Ireland. It's a beautiful place. The town we live now is very rural, but this place is a hamlet really, no shop, no pub, nothing just some houses. I will see how Mark feels after he has given it some thought.
I can't stand my hair it's natural colour either, it's got too much grey in it now. I was supposed to be getting it cut and coloured tomorrow but I'm not sure if there is anyone to do it now. The stylist at work very tragically lost her father to cancer at the weekend. My hair can wait.
I'm still feeling rubbish but must have more energy as I've just had a sort out in Edie's room. It made me feel good.
I am so sorry to hear of your stylist's loss. :(

I am starting to get a few greys now too. :( My natural hair colour is so ashy and drab you can barely see the few greys in my hair. How sad is that??

I am glad you have some more energy but please try not to over do it. It will only make you sicker. :hugs:

My parents and sister are on their way out here for the night. I have been cleaning all morning. :dohh: I still have to vacuum, dust, and clean the kitchen. We just didn't have time before to get it all done. Shawn is gone to work today so it is all me. I am very grateful that my 3 day headache seems to be gone today. My dad told me yesterday "I don't see any reason why we can't come tonight" I couldn't believe he wanted to do that! I told him that it just wouldn't work because we had too many things to do. He said that he didn't care if the house is spotless but then thought that maybe his family would like him around the night after the funeral. Thankfully he didn't come. I had my sister keeping them from leaving too early or they would be here NOW. My dad is insane about leaving to go places really early.

I hope you all have a good day. :flower:
Oh I hate grey hairs! I have 2 grey hairs that grow on the very top of my head which I search for at least once a week to pluck out - DF thinks this is a bit strange hehe

I use to dye my hair when I was younger for fun, but I actually don't mind my hair colour as it gets natural highlights through it anyway during the summer. I dread the day I have to dye it because I'd be bald if I pluck all the greys away.

TS - hope you get all the cleaning you want done, but your dad is probably right and they won't care either way

Loz - sorry to hear the rash had gotten so bad for you, hope those new meds work!
Thank Ginny :)

I got most of it done. I didn't get to wash the floors. After the vacuuming my back was hurting so I know pulling out the steam mop would be a bad idea now. And, I didn't get to wash all the dishes. Only the dishwasher dishes are getting clean for now... Oh well.

I know they won't care about some mess at my house but I really hate to be rushed like that. I hate that everything has to run on my dad's schedule. I have lived my whole life like it and now I would like to do things on my time! He even used to set the house alarm in order to get us out the door faster because it would beep for a minute before setting and we had to rush around like idiots to get out the door. I really hate it. Not fun. Maybe that is why I am never in a rush to get anywhere. I am not late for appts or work, but I never rush for anything else.

I have 2-3 grey hairs right at the front of my hair line. I have pulled them out once but since my natural hair colour is so strange, and I get highlights every 6-8 weeks, I hardly see them. What colour is your hair naturally?
I've had grey hairs for a few years now :blush: I always get mine dyed red, I did used to get it dyed my natural colour but got bored of it :lol:

TS hope you've managed to get all the cleaning sorted but as the others said I bet they won't be bothered :flower: x
sorry for the half post earlier!

ts - Luckily I don't have any white hairs on my head but I do have the odd white eyebrow but they get plucked pdq!! :hugs: families are so complicated, I am not looking forward that much to my mum coming up in a few weeks. How different I feel to my dad/step mum being here.

clobo - aww Danny having to have 2 baths! Do you use a bath thermometer? We got one delivered the day after the antenatal class last week were she said those who buy those gadget use them 2 time then don't bother. Just wondering if I should send it back.

Hi ginny, cupcake and everyone else.

afm - had a lovely weekend with dad and step mum and was sad to see them go. We got the cot yesterday from my FIL and I managed to get it set up this morning. I will try to get some pics, probably on Friday (day off). We have our 2nd antenatal class tomorrow, this one is about labour and birth, so it should be interesting to see how OH is. Shame its his birthday too!!
Thanks mmm :) I got most of it done and no one cared but me. Haha!

Pink, I totally agree that families are complicated. I am just so different from everyone in my family. I just don't know where I came from! Haha! I am really glad you had a nice visit with your dad and step mom. I hope the visit with your mom goes well too.

I haven't noticed and grey eyebrows and luckily I hardly notice my few greys on my head. I just wish my hair could grow in with beautiful blonde highlights... better yet, just grow in all blonde! Haha!

MMM, what colour red do you do? Is is deep auburn or more of a strawberry blonde? I love red hair!
Yey for the cot pink. Glad you had a lovely time with the family :)

It's an auburn type red TS ill see if I can find a pic of it later.

I've been awake since 6.15am! Urgh! I needed to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. This is becoming a regular occurance now :grr: got my flu jab today and DS has his pre school boosters :( poor baby. It was our wedding anniversary on Tuesday but I was working so MIL is having the kids this evening and hubby and I are going out for a meal. Unsure where yet will see what I fancy later :lol: x
its pants isnt it mmm ive been up since 3am feel total poo sore throat headache blocked nose blah blah blah is ther any thing i can take? oh and i got stung by a wasp on my chin very ouchie!!!
Pink glad you had a lovely time with your dad and step mum think my parents are coming in december so looking forward to that, cant wait to see the cot?

loz hows the tabs woking?
mrs migg you feeling any better any more news on the house?
clo love the fact that danny had two baths xx
hows all you other lovely ladies???
Kelly - not much you can take really. Paracetamol is only, you can take plain throat lozenges, ie the ones with no antiseptic/anaesthetic. Drink plenty of water anfd hopefully it will pass very soon.

Morning all, getting ready for my long day at work/antenatal class.

Hope the antihistamines have started to help loz.
It is Kelly :( unfortunately there's nothing we can take apart from paracetamol and honey and lemon drink. Can't have lemsips/strepsils/cold and flu tablets :(

Hey everyone!

Clobo-you are a brave new mommy! I'm petrified to give Yeardley a bath by myself. I'm afraid she'll slip out of my hands and fall face first in water. I have a baby bathtub, but it still doesn't ease my anxiety. I've had dreams that my daughter was drowning in a bathtub. That's how bad my anxiety is over it. I always have my husband help me. Is that awful? I'm sure once she can sit up and support her head by herself totally, I won't have an issue.

Loz, I'm so SO sorry about your rash and the turmoil it's causing you. I know you are into homeopathic remedies. I have Rosacea and when it flares up I use Tamanu Oil on it. It works for everything... Acne, psoriasis, eczema, big bites... You get the idea. I know you've already seen a doctor, but while you're waiting for it to simmer down, you may want to pick some up the next time you're at the health food store. It smells wicked, but it's very concentrated and goes a long way! BTW, I LOVE the name you chose for your son. My sister suggested "Tenley" for us for a girl, and I loved it, but I was dead set on Yeardley.

Kelly, I was blessed with a respiratory infection while I was pregnant. My doctor said I could take Robitussen (only for cough and cold, nothing with alcohol, obvs), Mucinex (which is the same ingredient as what's in Robitussen), Sudafed (which I think has an "upper" in it so I declined that one) and was prescribed a nasal spray safe for use in pregnancy. I'm no doctor, but if you think you are having a rough go of it and may need to take something, I would call to make sure.

Mrs. Migg! I'm so very sorry about your coworker's loss. But YAY for happy healthy pregnancy! I'm so delighted for you.

As for everyone's grey hairs, I'm also sorry. Being a hairdresser I haven't seen my natural color since I was....15? Soooooo, in the last 17 years? Wow. That realization of my age stings a little. Anyways, my point is I don't know if I have grey hair. I'm sure I do, but at this point my ignorance is bliss.

Too-scared, highlights are okay because the application is off the scalp. To be honest, there is no scientific proof linking hair color to birth defects, so I let my clients use their own discretion. If they don't want to color during pregnancy, I'm not going to force them. And I understand why they may not want to. If you're afraid of the bleach, you could do low-lights using a Demi-permanent color (no ammonia) just to blend in the highlights you have that have started to grow out. It will soften the line of demarcation you have already. You'll be left with that new "ombré" trend which is very pretty I think! Just an idea.

Afm, things are good. Yeardley is getting bigger. Over 7 lbs now! That's a milestone. We figured out she has a milk protein allergy which is why her reflux was so so terrible. She's doing much better since we switched her formula (fingers crossed it stays that way). She would gag and power vomit about 5-8 times a day. You have NO idea how tired I am of doing laundry and steam cleaning my couch! And she's actually HAPPY! I think someone kidnapped my grumpy little cupcake and replaced her with one who smiles a lot and doesn't vomit at all. Weird. Now that she isn't vomiting so much and screaming while she eats, she actually sleeps less during the day. I don't know how I feel about that yet!
Crayz, yay for Yeardley putting on weight!! Good news my dear!! Aw i dont blame you being scared about bathing her being so small as well ... i have one of those bathtime bouncer things that does help a bit but he squirmed so much he ended up almost upside down on it!!

Pink, i dont have a thermometer at the moment, been wondering myself, i just tested by hand and top and tailed him yesterday. Think i might get one though just to be sure?

Kelly, in tescos they do a fruit juice in the "long life" juice section that is apple and ginger, i drunk that when i had a cold with some hot water in, not sure if it actually helped but i think psychologically it did. I also did the orange/lemon juice and honey in hot water. Hope you feel better soon.

I have greys too, typically all along my parting!! I use a home dye and did when i was pregnant altho not in the first 12 weeks to be sure. Having a quiet day today, registered Danny this morning and now catching up online!! xxx
MMM, I would love to see a picture of your hair. :) I hope you enjoy your dinner out with your husband. I also hope you get more sleep soon.

Kelly, I really hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry I have no suggestion on what to take to feel better. Maybe sucking on a hard candy may help your throat a little? I can't even imagine what it feels like to be stung on the chin by a wasp! Ouch! I was stung on the arm as a kid and that hurt! I heard that putting a warm, damp black tea tea bag (like Tetley, do you guys have that there? Orange pekoe tea) on the sting will help to make it feel better.

Another super long day for you today, Pink :( I hope you have a good day! I think the class on labour and birth will be a good one!

Crayz, that is so wonderful that Yeardley is doing so much better on the formula. That is great. :happydance: I used to be a hair stylist too! I get my foils with bleach so it doesn't actually touch my scalp, but I do get a toner all over after. Since there is no peroxide in there I don't mind too much.

How are you doing today Clobo? I think I am going to be totally nervous like Crayz about washing baby! You are doing so great!!

I hope the itching has eased up, Lozdi.

How are all the rest of you ladies? I hope you are all well!

My family just left to go back to my hometown and then will leave to go back to Ontario tomorrow morning. It was a pretty good visit. Short and sweet.

It seems like my tummy has popped out yesterday! It has been there but pretty easy to cover up with loose shirts until now. I am so glad we decided to tell this week. Haha! Also, I broke down and bought some maternity clothes on Tuesday. I got a pair of pants (there was barely anything there!) and 3 shirts. I don't think I am quite ready mentally to be wearing maternity clothes yet, but I am glad I have it. I will also be ordering some pants online.

I will try to get a bump picture soon to share :)
this is another one of my 12 week pics been looking at it is that the nub i can see?:shrug:


  • 2012-09-27 14.04.54.jpg
    2012-09-27 14.04.54.jpg
    33.6 KB · Views: 5
Hmmmm, I'm thinking I am going to have to update my guess of a girl to a boy if that is the nub :) I am really no good at this whole guessing thing!
I don't remember if I told you ladies or not, but I got the results from my serum screening on Tuesday. It came back negative :happydance:
excellent news ts im still waiting
ok and the two shadows above i think are feet im thinking boy lol i googled scan pic differences for girl and boy lol
Thanks :) When will you get your results? I'm sure it is going to be great news!

I can't remember where I found this, but I think it was linked to a thread I was reading once. It is a good explanation of the nub theory.

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