Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I had all manner of crampings and twinges in the early weeks, some even made me gasp! The tiredness is a very good sign too, means your lil bean is working his or her tiny butt off growing and zapping all of your energy! Also the extra progesterone can make you sleepy! I'm sure you can hide your supplements fron your parents- unless they like to nosey in your bedroom! :dohh:

I went to the local festival today, which starts as a parade and ends up in a park/recreation area full of stalls and fun things to do. I joined the parade with my boys, my friend, her hubby, and their girls (OH was at home in bed recovering from a very late work night made later by getting drunk with his boss :haha:) So I just left him in bed lol we joined the parade at 11 ish, and got back from the day at 4 pm...then I had to sleep for 2 hours just to have the energy to go pee! :haha: I'm achey now but it was alot of fun!:happydance:
Loz look how far across your ticker is now! It doesn't seem long at all since your bfp.
TS I don't know..I can never keep it secret from my folks. They know as soon as I refuse a glass of wine! My Dad really wished I hadn't told him until after my 12 week scan and I would have liked not to have done to spare him the worry but he would have known.
thanks guys :) i think that the cramps and twinges are probably normal, and they are not constant so i am definitely over thinking things, not very often at all. i am just worried about an ectopic... :S

i think i should be ok to hide it from my parents. i hope, anyway! mrs. m, i don't drink (it makes me sick - not a hangover, one drink! :S) and neither do my parents, so i don't think anything like that will give me away. they know i am really working hard at changing my diet because of my new found gluten intolerance so any diet changes won't be a tip off either. my parents did ask if we are planning to try again and i told them yes, but not any details. they don't even know about my last mc. my sister broke the news that she is pg about a week or 2 after my last mc. no one knows. :( i didn't want to tell everyone again after the first time. :(

wow, lozdi! that is a long day! sounds like a fun time, though!
I was scared of ectopic too- even though nothing in my history suggests that I am high risk- its what mc does to us, makes us think every possible thing that could go wrong will go wrong. :wacko:

Less than 10 weeks to go! ( I would say 8 at a push) because I don't think I'll go to 40 weeks. I'm stepping up my nesting now to a more energetic pace, must have the house spotless and organized for the home birth home visit!

Sleeping is becoming difficult- I start off on my back because I'm comfiest that way and don't feel like I'm squishing Lil Fella, but I turn alot in the night and always half wake up when I do so, and 9 out of 10 times say OUCH really loudly during the process :haha:

DTD is kind of funny, because I have put on 4 stone since my faint little bfp, and OH is struggling to find my twinkle! :haha: But then when he does he says its like a furnace and can't last longer than a few minutes before he um, has his moment! I weight more than him now too, so positioning is not easy! I think its the first time in his life that he has been intimate with a women who out weighs him LOL he seems happy though!
thank you, lozdi :) dr on wednesday so maybe that will easy my mind some regarding that.

8 more weeks! oh my! i am so excited for you :D

Loz, Ive started the nesting today too, made a casserole for tea tonight and freezing half and I made a chilli for tomorrow night to eat quickly before NCT class and freezing half of that too!! :munch:

Yup sleeping is getting tricky, I had cramp yesterday morning and since then my calf is killing me, im walking like an old lady and its making my little bit of back ache a whle lot worse!!! Oh dear, making sure i drink LOTS of water now to try not to get it again!!

As for :sex:, im not getting any, either im too tired or hubby is not wanting it, he says it isnt that he doesnt find me attractive any more, more the fact that there is a baby staring him in the face!!! Hey ho, he had two years of it while we were TTC im sure we can cope a few more months!!!

:hugs: xxx
:haha: OH did say he was a little freaked about putting his man bits right in, because he knows the baby is kind of close to it. I explained the cervix to him, and pointed out I would rather he didn't hold back too much :blush: We usually do it spooning, so I don't have to worry about him seeing the baby moving while we are at it, though usually LIl Fella is asleep when we get intimate. I simply don't let OH anywhere near me if baby is in a wiggly mood! :haha:

The calf cramps are horrid! I've had them with all three- its like *wake up, stretch, realize, try to stop the stretch OUCH!* :dohh:

I haven't frozen any meals- 2 reasons for that....1: I need ALL available freezer space for ice cups, and 2: OH is a marvelous cook and he will take care of all that when I am recovering from birth and spending my time either awake feeding baby or sleeping when baby sleeps. :happydance:
Hello ladies

T minus 13hrs and 30mins until my scan. I am praying and hoping that I will see a wriggly baby blob on the screen tomorrow and no "oh shit" look on the sonographers face. I have had some really bad cramps all the way through this one TS. I think alot of it is down to having a BFP so close to your last probably did not fully go back to normal.
i can't wait to hear the wonderful update after your scan!!
Not long Debzie, don't look at the techs face because in my experience, they wear a blank look until they know whats going on anyway, and tend to frown in concentration- NOT good looks to be seeing when your laying there with your heart in your mouth worrying and trying to remember how to breath! :hugs:

I can't wait to see a pic of your wiggly blob :hugs:
Good luck Debzie. I have a great feeling about it, I'm rooting for you. Like Loz says, I usually cover my eyes but the two scans I have had this time I've known everything is fine as they turned the screen round to show me straight away as soon as they saw the heartbeat.
Loz we never dtd when I was heavily pregnant with DD as Mark was struggling with some "issues" around that time and we went a good year or so without it. This time round I have been too scared to do anything since getting my bfp and who knows if we will get round to it later on. I think he is a bit freaked out by it as well.
TS, hope you are bearing up ok.
Clobo, Crayz, everyone else, hello! Hope you are all ok and Crayz I hope little Yeardley is doing well.
thanks, mrs. m :)

i am feeling much better today. much less cramping, thankfully. i was quite nauseous this morning so i am guessing that is a good sign! :)

i hope you are all well!

Loz, yep its exactly like that with the cramps, ive stocked up on the lucozade water and drinking two of those every day to help!! My leg aches so much today i can hardly walk or drive on it today so im home from work!!

Debzie, good luck today, cant wait to hear good news :hugs:

MrsM, wow 15 weeks, brilliant, hope everything is ok with you??Have you got your 16 week apt soon??

Scan was perfect measuring ahead 3 days so 9+6. Very wriggly baby that even gave us a wave. As all my losses have been at the latest 8 weeks I am so excite:cloud9:d now. :cloud9:


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Woohoooooo Debzie! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

*waves at wiggler!*

:cloud9: Have you got a nickname picked out?
Thankyou ladies I am so chuffed I can't stop smiling.

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