Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I'm toying with the idea of using cloth nappies this time round but I'm not sure if I'm disciplined enough!
Debzie good luck with the scan! I think I felt my uterus pop up around 11 weeks.
good luck tomorrow, debzie :)

mrs. m, i am also worried about being disciplined enough to do clothe diapers. but, i figure if i am going to spend all that money on them and then start using them then i will have to get disciplined enough! haha! it will force me to!
Its just the amount of extra washing that puts me off... We did seriously think about it though :)
i am hoping to get enough so that i will have to do only an extra load 2 times a week or so. that is the plan, anyway... haha!
That's what worries me Pichi. I already struggle to keep up with what I've got to do, and I'm going to have a whole other person to wash for! And extra nappies too!
Hiya :wave:

TS, aw mate try not to compare this pregnancy with the last one, Pink is right, take it one day at a time and think positively :dust: Hee hee sounds like your pets are keeping you busy!!

Pink, I thought I had a lot of wipes but blimey!! Im sure you will get through them all though!! :rofl: at the 100 toilet rolls!!!

Pichi, I do NCT Yoga and Aqua bump and love them both!! If nothing else it’s a few hours out of the house on your own!!!

Ginny, good luck chick :dust: take each milestone as it comes x

Debzie, good luck for your scan tomorrow, Im sure work will be kind to you :hugs: It could be your uterus moving up and out a bit causing the weird pressure!! Baby will have grown loads in the past few weeks so things are a changing!!

AFM, Im not complaining BUT it is sweltering today, I had to have a shallow cold bath earlier and im going to have my third lolly of the day in a mo! Luckily Lola is lying asleep on the stairs as Ben has gone out and I cant be chasing a puppy all evening!!! xxx
Burp cloth! I love it! :haha:

The heat is really weird- I don't feel too hot in bed, because I don't bother with a blanket when its summer, but I keep waking up with my hair wet through from sweat! Its really annoying because my hair is so long, I drape it over the pillow so its not all round my neck and still wake up drenched!

Mindy I'll let you know how I get on with cloth nappies- our finances are such that we will HAVE to keep up with the cloth, as sposies would put our outgoings up alot plus I hate them, always hated them just never knew before how good cloth nappies had become since the old days of terry squares, safety pins, and bleach buckets.

After 2 gets used to poo much like after years of dealing with dogs! :haha:

MY BH are getting pretty epic! Want to take bets on when I go? I'm pretty sure I won't be making it to 40 weeks!

3rd lolly Clo...that makes me giggle I eat about 10 frozen apple juices a day!:haha:

My uterus seemed to pop at about 8 weeks lol, I get pregnant then BAM, there is a bump. Didn't have the frequent peeing problem though til very late in 2nd tri- honestly it worried me in first tri because I expected to be peeing every 20 mins but my bladder put up a valiant fight and maintained its space- probably partly why I was showing so early!

I went and got maternity swimwear yesterday, we plan to go swimming on monday- I am so big I'm going to take my pregnancy notes with me incase I need to prove I'm not term/overdue! I have no idea on leisure center policies regarding heavily pregnant women getting into the pools at term, so better to take the notes just incase right?
thanks Loz :) i am looking forward to hearing how the clothe diapers are for you. what kind did you get? how many do you think you will need?

i hope the centre doesn't give you any trouble when you go swimming. sounds like fun :)

clobo, i hope it is cooler there for your today. it is finally cooler here today! it is pouring rain and about 18 degrees. i will not complain about that! maybe i will sleep tonight! haha!

speaking of sleeping, i woke up every single hour last night to pee :( that was the worst night i had yet. before i was getting up about 2 times a night. then i got so hot that i couldn't sleep. i didn't turn on the a/c because i didn't want to wake up Shawn so i just laid there tossing and turning. oh well, maybe i will have a nap today.

for the past few days i have been really wanting pizza. last night we finally made it, gluten free cauliflower crust and all. well, i ate it and then promptly felt like poo. :( i couldn't even go back into the kitchen to help Shawn clean it up. it tasted good at the time but afterwards the smell didn't smell so good anymore. haha! Shawn suggested leftover pizza for lunch today. :sick:

i hope you are all having a good day :)
The staff at our council leisure centre are so gormless I don't think they'd bat an eyelid if an alien turned up with a rolled up towel and asked for an hours swim.
I never had any extra weeing problems in first tri either Loz, and I started showing really early. It concerned me as well as with Edie I was usually up in the night. Maybe that's the explanation. I'm feeling lots of lovely movement now. It's awesome.
Not sure what kind they are classed as lol, later when the kids are inbed I'll get the other laptop out and post a pic, as I don't have a pic on this one of them and must go clean something soon!

Ahh the dubious joys of the effect of pregnancy oin will only get weirder! You will find some food just don;t appeal then all of a sudden they will again. I went off pizza for ages, now love it again but only pepperoni. :dohh: Nap as and when you feel like it- first tri is the most naptastic part of pregnancy!
Just realised my last post sounded like I was comparing you to an alien Loz :haha:
I haven't had a nap for 2 days now. I've been eating better - loads of salad and meat - which has probably helped - but I'm hoping this is the start of the mid preggo bloom!:happydance:
I was also thinking of cloth nappies. Researching into that was just as daunting as prams so any help would be appreciatated. My mum has bought me some newborn nappies (disp) so will use them in the first while but would like to use cloth to save a few pennies and the local landfill!! No one from my family had even asked, they all assume I will use disposbles and I think will be suprised if I don't. I think we got on okay when we were babies and they are so much better now.

Hope Debzie is getting on okay with her scan.

My peeing this pg hasn't been as bad as it was for teh 1st mmc, although at least 3 times per night. I am back into the constpated mode unfortunately. Some one brought dates and prunes into work but I realised they are just solid version of the juice and don't taste any better :sick:
mrs. m, i am so happy to hear that migglet is moving around more :) and that you are starting to feel much better! that is really great!

pink, i have a recipe for a muffin in a cup that is really high in fibre and super yummy! i got the recipe from my friend who got it from her mom. it can be made to taste however you want and as long as you drink lots of water should help ;)

muffin in a cup:

1 tbsp olive oil (i only use a little rather than the whole tbsp - but, i use more when i make a chocolate muffin)

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 egg

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup ground flax

2 tbps sugar

mix it all up and microwave until it is cooked, usually about a minute or 1.5 minutes.

you can add whatever you want to make it taste however you like :)

my favourites to add in so far:

walnuts and dried cranberries

sunflower seeds and frozen blueberries (i microwave it for 2 minutes with frozen berries in it)

or you could make it chocolate... i add a little more than a tbsp of cocoa, an extra tbsp sugar, a little extra oil, and some almond or coconut milk. with the extra liquid you need to microwave this a little longer too.

without the chocolate it tastes quite a bit like a bran muffin. there isn't much sugar so there isn't much taste on its own. i make these for breakfast every now and then. also, sometimes i make the chocolate one when the craving for chocolate cake gets unbearable! haha! yummy!
Just realised my last post sounded like I was comparing you to an alien Loz :haha:
I haven't had a nap for 2 days now. I've been eating better - loads of salad and meat - which has probably helped - but I'm hoping this is the start of the mid preggo bloom!:happydance:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I dodn;t even notice that post til you pointed it out! I'm less like an alien, and more like a planet that could house a whole race of them. I feel massive! In mothercare yesterday the girl who served me asked how long I have left, and her jaw hit the floor when I said 7 weeks. :haha: Sounds very much like the start of the bloom! :happydance:

I totally forgot Debzie's scan is today...will be stalking all day now!

My grandma told me once that a good simple remedy for constipation is to drink a glass of warm water, because the body will digest warm water like its food or something like that. I haven't had any constipation with this pregnancy so haven;t had need to test it, but maybe its worth a try and at least it won't taste of anything except warm!

I did no cloth nappy research beyond what Emum told me, because she pretty much covered all areas- I have it copied and pasted somewhere on my old computer. I went with the cheapest on ebay because finances are an issue and I couldn't afford the really expensive ones. I'll be finding out how good they are soon enough!
lozdi, i was planning to get mine from ebay too. i think there was someone selling 24 diapers and 48 inserts on there. that is my plan :)
I got mine from a seller in china called afumusic- takes a couple of weeks for them to arrive, but arrive they do! Cheapest one was just 84p, most I payed for one was £2, with an average of £1.29 ish.
Hello ladies

All was well at my scan, still measuring 3 days ahead so edd 5th February. I would like you all to meet my rainbow:cloud9:

More pics in my journal feel free to stalk. Bbay was being a pain and would not lie flat for the measurements so I was scanned for 45 mins. It was amazing. :cloud9:


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aw glad scan went well Debzie!

Pink constipation mode is on going here too :haha: it's damn pregnacare and their vast amounts of Iron i think does it :haha: those fibre cupcakes will be getting tried out for sure! (thanks T_S)

Mrs M so glad you're feeling better and not needing to nap so much :) 2nd Tri burst :haha: then the s l o w decline of 3rd tri tiredness again,<sarcasm>woo!</sarcasm>

lozdi with Pixie i had a strange craving for BBQ and meatball pizza in frankie and bennys haha! it's just a bit strange considering before i hated both things lol let alone both together on a pizza!
Hello ladies

All was well at my scan, still measuring 3 days ahead so edd 5th February. I would like you all to meet my rainbow:cloud9:

More pics in my journal feel free to stalk. Bbay was being a pain and would not lie flat for the measurements so I was scanned for 45 mins. It was amazing. :cloud9:

:happydance::happydance::happydance:Hello Rainbow! :cloud9: And well done for not stopping still so Mummy got to see you for a whole 45 mins! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I just realized that my next midwife appointment is on the 8th of august. I usually enjoy the appointments, but last time she couldn't get enough blood out of my arm, and it was horrible, and my arm felt all weird for some time afterwards, and she only got one and a half vials but had wanted 2 and said don't worry we will get the rest next time. WELL. I have been developing an unfortunate dislike of needles since the blood draws after my mmc, and at this point the thought of the midwife trying to take more blood when the last few times have been increasingly difficult is scaring the bejezus out of me. I do not want any more bloods done. How can I enforce this? I am planning a flat refusal, but need to be able to back myself up. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than let her take any more bloods. I can see myself flat walking out of the appointment if she pushes it, arg I will not have my veins messed with again! :nope::nope::nope:

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