Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Hi ladies well im here feel i have to do some thing positive as at the moment im a wreck so i feel by stepping forward into this thread is the first step so HI (waves frantically)
Hi Kelly, congratulations on your BFP and loads of sticky :dust: xxx
Hi ladies well its quite nice here think id like to stay if your have me xx

just thought i needed to do something positive otherwise im going to make myself ill with worry so here i am feel better already
Oh my gosh Kelly!!! This just totally made my day!!!! :happydance: :happydance: so very happy for you!
Yay! I was wondering when you would come over and check us out!:happydance:

Any worries just let them out, thats what this thread is here for :flower:
Yep just let us know what you are worried about and we can all share experience with you and help you out, we have all been where you are and its only natural to feel the way you are chick :hugs:

Yay for the positivity!! xxx
arrh thanks ladies its really strange, already i feel a sense of relif just knowing that you guys know exactly how i feel. i just hope i havent jinxed myself lolim still poas mind the two lines were lovely and dark. i really am a lucky lady.
I kept POAS til I got a 3+ on a cb :haha: Poas is a hard habit to break!
lol loz im exactly 5 weeks is it too early to pee on a digi? i dont want to be disapointed so i want to do the right time lol
not too early at all you may get a 2-3 you MIGHT get a 3+ but don't be disheartened if a 3+ doesn't show :)
thanks pichi ok guna ask a question that prob makes me look really silly but ill fire away anyhow. ok my tests have been getting darker so that must be a good thing right as if things wernt sticking so far would the tests of got lighter not darker just been a bit worried as had symptons for a day and now im fine part from being tired and mega bloated.
welcome tacotime and of course Kelly to our thread. The ladies in here have kept me going through (many) of my dark days in first tri.

Loz Im so happy that you got through to the midwives on taking blood. I really do not know why they insist on so many tests. I am OK with needles but thats just because I have good veins and am a blood donor. I take blood and only will try twice then give up. I hate that most nurses will try and try all it does it cause distress. Wow for an iron level of 13. Mine was 12.5 at booking in.

Ladies after my scan on thurs I have totally chilled out it is such a wonderfull feeling being pregnant right now. I woke up this morning and said hello to by growing belly even when laid down I have a blump now.:cloud9::cloud9:

I have had flutters for the past week or so, I had the same feeling when noodle (Chris' name for baby) was doing flips on the scan.:happydance: Even when the midwife had the screen away I said was that on she replied yes. I know its way early but I began feeling Emily at 13 weeks which is soon for a first.
debzie, what a wonderful, positive post :) makes me so happy to read. i am very happy for you!

kelly, i am repeating myself, but i am so, so happy you are here now!! this time i barely poas. i did once at 12 dpo basically to prove to myself that i WASN'T pg. haha! then i poas again, once more, because i had a digital test left from the cycle before. i used it at 4+3 and i got 3+ then. that is really early to get 3+ and it did nothing for me but stress me out. haha!! i don't know how much stock we can put in the digis. haha!

i hope you are all doing well.

we are getting ready to drive 700 km tomorrow for my scan on monday. i wish we didn't have to go so far but i am happy that we are going to see a specialist. i am still trying really hard to keep a PMA. yesterday i wasn't as tired or sick as i have been lately. that really threw me for a loop. today i am feeling tired again but not quite as sick. i am still pretty adverse to most food, so that seems like a good thing. haha!

i will try to update when i can about my scan. we are planning to leave and come back home again soon after the appt so that means i won't be home until evening/night on monday. i am planning to update with GOOD news as soon as i can!

have a great day!
Kelly the tests will get darker until you have so much hcg in your system that they begin to get lighter- its a well known happening so don't panic if it happens! As for symptoms, in the early weeks, I would feel bad for a couple of days, with sickness, then feel fine except for tiredness, but then I'd feel ill was as if my body was adjusting to the rising hcg, then the hcg would go up again and my body would be like 'arrrrrg, sick sick sick!' It was like 3 days on, 3 days off! :haha:

I got a 2-3 at 15 dpo, and a 3+ at 21 dpo...but we are all different and the hcg range per week is massive, so you could get a +3 at 15 dpo...or not get a +3 til 26 dpo! All those digis do are measure the numbers of hcg, I think its 25 miu/ml sensitivity for a 1-2, 200 hcg+ for a 2-3, and 2000 hcg+ to get a +3. I hope I explained that in a way that makes sense! :haha:

Yay for flutters Debzie! 'They' say you can't feel babies so early but thats utter pants, we are all different! I felt first movement at 14 weeks with this one! Can't remember with the others I think it was around 17/18 weeks.

Mindy thats one long drive! I hope you have toilet stops planned theres no way a pregnant lady can last that long in a car without a leg stretch and a bladder empty or 3...unless you have a bladder made of steel! :haha: I do wonder if you have twinnies in there with hcg that high at 4w3d! Though its not far out of the range for that gestation. We shall find out soon enough!

Lil Fella is still doing his best to stretch his full length, despite me telling him that I don't have space for him to do so!:haha: Pretty certain he is head down....I hope he stays that way! Fella has decided against the name Dexter so we are stuck again :dohh: He suggested Batman. I hope he wasn't being serious but its hard to tell sometimes. :dohh:
i like batman too ;) haha! names are so hard! i had a hard enough time coming up with names for our pets! i don't know how we will decide for sure on a name for baby.

sounds like lil fella is a little devil already! heehee! silly boy!

we have a planned stop at the half way point for lunch but i am sure there will be pee breaks besides if they are needed! we have to take our dogs with us because we can't leave them alone over night so hopefully they will be ok with the trip. we have done this trip once before with them when brom was still a pup (he is the german shepherd cross) but that was over 2 years ago. we have a bigger car now so i think it should be ok. the dogs are also more used to staying in hotels now too. it is going to be a long and tiring 2 days. :S
TS, good luck at your scan chick, sorry you have to drive so far but i guess it will be worth it to see a specialist :hugs: Cant wait to hear how you get on.

Loz, my little monkey is deffo head down and feels like s/he is breakdancing most of the time :headspin:, have to sit with my legs wide apart these days to avoid squishing too much, do you find that too??

Kelly, try not to worry too much about the darkness of the lines or what the digis say, it will all be dependant on how much HcG you personally have and how concentrated your pee is. Just stay positive and each day that goes past is another day closer to your :baby: xxx

Debzie, yay for such a positive post, love it :yipee:


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