Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

TS good luck with your scan and long journey.

Loz hope you settle that name debate soon, we had two girls names chosen for Emily and when we saw her we just knew. She was not a Sarah Elizabeth lol. Aww for stretching hope your ribs remain intact.

Kelly as you know those first weeks I was a POAS addict and gave up when I got my 3+on a digi I think mine was early at 4+6. I did not have many symptoms at all, I think I commented in my journal at 5 weeks that in the tww you monitor every twinge and wait for symptoms. There I was at 5 weeks with hardly any. They picked up at 6 through to 10 weeks then have gone again. I have occasional sore boobs and a massive belly other than that feel normal. Guess I am lucky but in the Pal stakes that has worried me. I was emotional wreck some days. Hang in there hun. x

Clobo I can remember thinking wow I wish I could be as positive as you, though all my darkest posts and worries, you were there with the PMA. Thanks so much. I too feel sooo positive right now. Like a huge weight has been lifted. Long may the PMA stay. I just love enjoying being pregnant.
Aw thats ok my dear, I found it so much easier to get through the days when i forced myself to think positively!! Now you keep enjoying it, it will only get better once you feel the kicks and hiccups and things xxx
Hi everyone again

Good luck with your scan TS :)

Debzie, I can't wait to go through that moment of feeling relief and being able to properly in enjoy this pregnancy! I loved being pregnant with DS once I got to the stage of a noticeable bump, at about 20 weeks, I liked the attention from people asking me what I thought I was having and how long to go etc.

Kelly, I don't have many symptoms. No morning sickness - only off/on sore boobs and feeling a bit more tired than usual.

Actually, I have one more symptom that I wanted to ask you ladies about. I've been having lots of creamy CM the past couple of days I notice that if I see a big glop of it, it's a tad greenish? It doesn't smell funny and it doesn't hurt to pee or anything. I also remember with DS at my first midwife appointment I asked her about the same thing - so would have been around 14 weeks - and she said it sounded normal and nothing was ever discussed about it again. So, I know I must have had it with DS too, but definitely don't remember having it this early...

I have an appointment with my GP on the 8th August - but don't know if I should try and get in sooner? Do you guys think it's something I should be worried about?
Thanks MrsM :)

I was actually just cursing that poor midwife I had with DS in my head for never following it up hehe

Funny enough I never had it with the last pregnancy so I hope this is a good sign, even if it's a bit of a gross one haha
I had loads, and coupled with the AF style cramps you get from stretching, I spent most of the first tri dashing to the loo to knicker check. I constantly felt like AF was here. The cm comes and goes all the way through as well. I also never noticed it with my 2 losses. It's definitely a good sign, hormones all doing what they should be.
Yup i had that too and now in the 3rd tri im getting it again, as long as its not a really horrible colour or smells funny then all is fine! Im getting through at least 2 pantyliners a day at the moment!!

I agree, its soooo glamorous!! :haha: xxx
im not getting that just cm its not green not feeling right today and i made the mistake of poas again and it was lighter now i feel terrible
No more POAS for you Kelly! Its normal for the tests to get lighter the more hcg you have, and also if your urine is more diluted. :hugs:

Ginny the cm is totally normal, mine has gone nuts several times, though at the moment production of it has almost stopped and its making my twinkle feel irritated :wacko:

My ribs are doing fine, luckily. I carry low so even at full stretching effort Lil Fella can't quite get his foot into a rib yet!

I am certain he is head down, but not engaged- I can still sit with my legs closed and my belly on my lap :haha: I wish he would engage so I can quit worrying about breech births. I am terrified of having to have a C-sec but my mum told me that although I was breech and a vaginal delivery, I was a 'floppy' baby, not good at all with an apgar score of 1 and the largest baby in the nicu, though I wasn't there for long. Not sure if I have mentioned that before I have severe pregnancy brain lol, but she did make me think twice about my intentions to do it naturally even if baby is breech. Then I went and read a thread on the birthing section where a woman said her intestines kinda flopped out in the shower at home after a C-sec :nope::nope::nope:the horror! Honestly I thought that only happened in war films....:wacko:
Ladies is it normal to still only have a 12 week scan after a miscarrage as have been reading and my 8 week appointment is just to fill out paperwork no scan just to talk about what hospital etc so do i have to wait 7 more weeks before i know i went last time for my 12 week scan to be told the baby(they called it the pregnancey)only measured 6 weeks. this is agony.
The 8 week appointment is just paper work and bloods, they will weigh you also, and go over some basic things. Unfortunately, unless you call the epau directly and they take pity on you, the only way to get a scan earlier than 12 weeks without bleeding or having pains is to throw yourself on the mercy of your doctor and hope they will refer you to the epau. My mmc was discovered at 12 weeks but baby measured 7- its that time lag between demise and discovery that made the epau take pity on me, that and when I was there for the medical I extracted a promise of an early scan next time I got pregnant. Try calling them and explaining how you feel, they may slot you in but they won't want to do it before your 7 weeks by lmp. I actually had 2 scans before my booking appointment with this one- very weird! Tell them exactly how your feeling, and how it made you feel to know how much time had passed between the mmc and the discovery of it, play it up about how it feels like time was stolen, they are there to help us afterall, and generally won't want women sat at home tearing their hair out waiting for 12 week scans. :hugs:
thanks loz i will do that what is an epu guess i need to know who that is before i ring them lol is this the place where im going to get paperwork and bloods done?
Early pregnancy assessment unit at your local hospital. In our area you cannot refer yourself but have to wait to be referred by your gp. Also the rule is no early scans unless you have bleeding or pain or at least three miscarriages. With my first two I had early scans for spotting, then the last because my GP took pity on me. This time my early scans were because I had had 3 mmcs. I too had a 6 week scan and 9 week scan before my booking in appointment with the midwife. Ring the local hospital and ask their protocol.
I got my early scan as I was at the doctor in tears as I had lost my symptoms. He rang the EPAU for me and they sort of both fibbed and put down on the form I was having cramps. If you are earlier than 6 weeks they can't usually see a heartbeat so it's best to hang on till 6 or 7 weeks if you can.
It really does differ in each area Kelly, so worth ringing just to see. When my mmc (10 weeks) was discovered at the EPU (After private scan showed a 'problem') they offered to see me next time I was pg and just to ring them direct. More so because of my age I think. When I did ring they wouldn't see me till 7-8 weeks which seems a long time to wait at the time but was probably the right time. It is just daft that each area is so different, makes me mad.

Ginny - loads of cm totally normal as the other have said. It is quite unsettling in the first few weeks as Mrsmig says, but quite handy in the 2nd tri when feeling frisky!! lol

Good luck TS with your scan, will be waiting for an update after your long journey.

Had another mad clean up of the computer room, soon to be nursery. OH still wanting to keep the computer in there (up in the corner - like that makes a difference grrr). He is very good in other ways, like buying the wipes an stroking my belly but reluctant to change his computer/xbox room. I had more strange dreams last night. This time I was living in 2 futuristic parallel worlds, one where I should have died (can't remember the details) but didn't along with 2 others then had sacrifice myself to save the world and baby in the end not needing to but couldn't find my baby and the other world didn't feature much but everything was ok but I don't think I was pg. Very strange, I was quite down on Friday and unsettled and unsure so maybe that had something to do with it.
Pink im sorry you felt down on fri hope your feeling a bit better now xxx
im so glad you ladies are here to make me feel better thankyou so much
Thanks pink :)

Well, we made it to st. John's. It was a good drive and the dogs were very well behaved. We are at the hotel now. It is a smoking room, unfortunately, and it is very smelly. My experience is that most pet rooms double as smoking rooms. :( it is yucky but we couldn't leave them home.

I woke up to a little brown spotting this morning :( I am really nervous but I am telling myself that it is because today I am 8 weeks and would have started af if I wasn't pg. I am trying to keep a pma. The spotting only lasted about an hour or so. I am hoping to see the little heart beating away tomorrow.

I hope you are all well!
I don't have any kind of trust relationship with any of my local gp's- I told that to the epau people aswell as reminding them they promised me a scan next pregnancy and thats what swung it I do believe. I couldn't have gone to a gp and been taken seriously, I would have just got fobbed off by them, because they are good at that round here. If you call them and ask protocol, you will be told to get a gp referral but if you just ring your hospital and ask to be put through to epau you can explain yourself and they may well fit you in at the end of one of the clinics, thats what they did with me- so I wasn't taking a valuable early appointment from an emergency, I was just kind of tagged onto the end of the list.

Completely pointless question coming up- any of you with big bumps finding that you can't get a mouthful of food from your plate to your mouth without some of it landing on your bump? I swear I have developed a gravitational pull thats sucking my food off my fork!:dohh:
Lozdi, I am having that problem already and my bump is only small! I think it's because I eat on my lap and I've changed my seating position. I need to borrow my daughters bib. And it's going to get worse.
TS sorry the room is a bit grotty, also I hope that spotting is nothing to worry about and it doesn't happen again. Are you on progesterone?
Thanks pink :)

Well, we made it to st. John's. It was a good drive and the dogs were very well behaved. We are at the hotel now. It is a smoking room, unfortunately, and it is very smelly. My experience is that most pet rooms double as smoking rooms. :( it is yucky but we couldn't leave them home.

I woke up to a little brown spotting this morning :( I am really nervous but I am telling myself that it is because today I am 8 weeks and would have started af if I wasn't pg. I am trying to keep a pma. The spotting only lasted about an hour or so. I am hoping to see the little heart beating away tomorrow.

I hope you are all well!

Its likely just late IB, or a SCH coming away. I had orange spotting at 8 weeks ish will all my good pregnancies. Didn't get it with the mmc. What time is your appointment? :hugs:

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