Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Thanks Debzie :hugs:

I know my MS was way worse with the last pregnancy than with DS, and hearing stories like yours also gives me a bit of comfort.

To be honest, I didn't expect to be so anxious about this pregnancy until I was close to that 12 week mark. But I just can't help but worry about everything. I'm really hoping that once I have a scan I'll start to feel a bit better.
Ginny you will I did. Don't get me wrong I do still get a wobble every now and then but not as many now. I was a wreck most of the first weeks. We all know what you are going through. I have felt pretty much normal since 10 weeks. I do have niggles but nothing much.
Hey ladies :wave:

Sorry you are all having some wobbles at the moment, its a tricky time those early stages, i have to be honest, you dont really stop worrying but each milestone that is out of the way is a relief and another hurdle passed. The 12 week scan is the main one and it wont be long untill you are there, I can honestly say that time passes so quickly, look at me i totally remember being where you are and now im almost 36 weeks!! Wish i could do it all again, without the worry obviously!! :hugs:

Just take one day at a time, look after yourselves and think positively - thats all you can do really :dust:

Loz, did you manage to push back the home visit?? Love your PMA towards your quick birth, i think ill have to start thinking like that!!

Ooh blimey, thunder much?? Another typical english day .... summer in the morning, winter in the afternoon :rain: :rofl:

hi everyone

feeling a bit down at the moment. I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually wish MS would kick in. I know every pregnancy is different, but with my last 2 pregnancies I well and truly had MS by this stage and at the moment I feel surprisingly really good.

I can't help but think what if things aren't progressing the way they should?

Sorry to put a damper on things

My ms started around 7 weeks, then stopped flat at 10 weeks...and returned at 16 weeks, and stayed til I hit 3rd tri! There is no explaining ms's reasons for how it affects us- you have a boy already right? Maybe this one is a girl and your body is reacting to her differently? You could call your doctor and express your concerns and see if they will give you a reassurance scan, because its not good to be panicking, I would panic when my ms would vanish for a couple of days, but that got better once I got my doppler because I could just check myself, it was a sanity saver. :hugs:

Thanks Debzie that puts me at rest abit, I have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow so I'll discuss the home visit with her and see if she recommends putting it off til the house is fully sorted- she is very on my side about having the home birth so she will want to make sure I get cleared to have one.
I didnt have ms but i was really nauseous from weeks 7-12 then it stopped completely then i had it again about weeks 28-32 ish ..... it really is a lottery i think chick, try not to worry but id agree with phoning your midwife just so they can put your mind at rest

I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday, so I'll mention it to her then. Logically it all makes sense... but just can't help feeling worried. And I know it doesn't help anything.

I might ask her if I can have my dating scan a bit sooner than 8 weeks.

The annoying thing is all during my last pregnancy I was so sick all I wished for was for it to never have it again. Be careful what you wish for hey!
i was started feeling pretty blah at 5+5 until about 7+4 or so and then it went away for about a week. it is back now and it is pretty yucky. no vomiting, thankfully, because i have emetophobia. i think it is so different with everyone and every pregnancy that you can't compare.

i'm sorry you are feeling so nervous, ginny. :hugs: i hope you feel a little better after you talk to your gp this week.

clobo, your post was a nice reminder for me to keep my pma going and to try to relax and enjoy this. i am trying really hard but sometimes it is difficult. i guess that is what PAL is all about.

so...we have been having quite the adventure in our house since yesterday. we were planning to go into town (our home town, about 215 km away) yesterday to see Shawn's brother, his wife, and their kids who were visiting Shawn's parents. i went downstairs to start getting some things ready and i noticed some water on the floor. well, it wasn't just on the floor, it was in the walls too! the main water line coming into our house sprung a leak! we ended up staying home yesterday while our friend came over and, along with Shawn, went through our house making a list of what we needed to redo the plumbing in the house. so, $375 later, we have all the things needed to redo all the plumbing in the house. we ended up going into town today to see Shawn's family because they left to go back home this afternoon. now we are just back and they are starting with the huge task of taking out all the copper pipes and replacing them with new flexible plastic pipes. we are going to be without water for a few days :( it sure is a pain in the butt!!

but, on a happier note, i got huge popsicle molds in town. woooo! i can't wait to make some apple ices in those. yum! i think i am going to try other juices too. i am obsessed with watermelon agua fresca lately so i think i will make watermelon popsicles.

oh! also, i had gluten free pizza at a pizza place in town. it was so good! veggie pizza with goat cheese. i want to go into town every week now for pizza! haha!

i hope you are all doing well.
thanks TS - looks like I spoke to soon.... late last night I started feeling off, but I actually put it down to feeling nervous about not feeling sick. Anyway this morning I woke up feeling very seedy and end up throwing up all morning... yay (I think!?)

TS - oh no! It's great that you guys know how to sort out plumbing issues yourselves though! My DF is not a handyman at all really! Did anything get damaged?
yay! i'm glad you are feeling sick. (you know what i mean!) sorry you were throwing up all morning. i would cry if i threw up all morning!

we have a really good friend who is very handy. Shawn is handy too but plumbing is new to him. thankfully our friend already did his house with pex pipe so he knows exactly what he is doing. with his help Shawn will get it done no problem. generally i am into whatever they are doing too but i just don't have the energy lately to do anything like that. we are also really lucky that our basement is all open so most of the plumbing is very easy to get at.

there wasn't too much damage. our house is a side split so there are 4 levels. the basement is under the main living area (kitchen, dining room, living room, main entryway) and the rec room is under the bedrooms. the water shut off is in the bathroom down next to the rec room. thankfully we caught it before it blew because Shawn has the rec room filled with guitars, amps, and other musical instruments. the only damage is to the drywall and molding around where the downstairs bathroom is. it will be time consuming to replace, but it isn't too bad. just adding more to our house to-do list. :dohh: Shawn made a list a few days ago of all the things he wanted to do for the house (we just bought it last year and spent all last summer upgrading the electrical - summers off are wonderful! i love teaching!) and the list was 28 things long. we crossed off one thing so far and are about the cross off another thing with the plumbing, but that wasn't that high up on the priorities when we made the list... with the pipe going it added quite a number of things onto that list! :dohh:

well, since i have typed a novel i think i will stop! sorry ladies!

i hope you find something to soothe your tummy, ginny. ms is good and bad at the same time :(
Hooray for sickness! I'm still getting a touch of nausea in the evenings, its not as bad as it was though. I had a wobble last night as I was feeling really crampy. It was just wind, but it was just like the wind I get when AF is here (tmi sorry) so it freaked me out.
Kelly, Ginny, when I was in the early weeks I wobbled terribly. Fili told me to read back somebodys journal as she was the same and it really helped. She is called Neversaynever and is in the process of being induced, and her wobbles were just the same as mine, as yours are like mine. If you can be arsed, if you plough your way back in my journal to late april/early may when I got my bfp and read my early weeks (not suggesting you read it all, just pick out the couple of weeks where I was at your stage) it might help. NSN's journal really helped me and I went back to it a lot.
mrs migg great minds think alike i read your journal back to when you got your bfp last week calmed my nerves alot it works ginny xx
still feeling terrible have been getting a bit teary as petrified of being sick and have come close at times,hope your all ok x
I can't imagine what it must be like to suffer with emetophobia:wacko: it must be so awful!

Still, its good to be feeling ill- its reassuring!

I just got back from midwife appointment, uterus measuring spot on for my weeks, baby is head down but not engaged, and feels 'normal' size, bp good, glucose in urine was trace, and the midwife reassured me about the home visit- I'll still be worrying about the bathroom though!:dohh:
thats brilliant news loz do you feel a little better about it now
Good news Loz. I really sympathise with you about the bathroom thing. I haven't had a bath in our bathroom since I was in labour with Edie because our bathroom is so hideous I can't bear to sit there and look at it. It's a quick shower and out. It revolts me.
TS I meant to say what a nightmare about your house! I hope you get it sorted soon.
I've been wobbling today. Crampy feelings in abdomen, lower back pain and suddenly needing to wee all the time. Pretty normal sounding symptoms I know but I feel like everything is suddenly pressing down on me.
Thanks everyone, I actually think my "morning sickness" is a bout of gastro as I've been sick all day and now tonight it's coming the other end too... ew Anyway, it's enough to make me not wish being ill on myself again - what will be will be!

Loz - great news about bubs - sounds like they're getting nice a comfty

MrsM - With DS the needing to wee all the time only started for me about half way though - I guess it's just everything getting squished up a bit. Maybe it's the position of the baby? I know I felt so uncomfortable when DS was transverse
hugs mrs m do you think you are stressing yourself as the scan is on thursday? maybe you could ring midwife to put your mind ar rest it really isnt fair xx

ginny sorry you have a virus i agree i wanted symptons and ive been on sofa for 3 days feel terrible.

ts sorry about your house seems like you have under control now
Lozdi, it sounds like you had a great visit today with your mw. I'm sorry you are so worried about your bathroom. I wish that there was something that I could do to help you. Did you say once that you rent this house? Isn't the owner responsible for fixing any leaks like that?

Emetophobia isn't great. :dohh: It has caused me to put off applying for school to become a teacher because I was afraid a kid would throw up in my class. And it was a factor in me not really wanting children for such a long time. I didn't want to vomit with ms, and I still haven't worked out what I am going to do when my child is sick. :cry: I am not as bad as some people with emetophobia, though. Some people can't even eat out because they are afraid of eating something someone else prepared. I can eat out no problem, unfortunately! :haha:

Mrs. M, it is really frustrating that I have to get Shawn to turn on the water every time I have to pee and wash my hands. Hopefully they will get the kitchen and the main bathroom plumbed today so I won't have to do that anymore.

I'm sorry you are having a wobble today :hugs: I hope that you are feeling better now. Do you have a doppler? Maybe that will help? Your next scan is in a few days, isn't it? You will see Migglet soon and all will be well.

I had a bit of a moment this morning too. :( I was laying in bed and I realized that my hips weren't really hurting that much and my bbs weren't really hurting so much either. Well, now my hips are hurting again and I am up now moving around. I am really nervous about my hips not hurting because that is one of the first things I noticed with my mmc. So stressful. I am coming up to 10 weeks now, which is when it started the first time. I have a scan booked for Aug 31st when I am 12+5. I am trying to keep my PMA that we will have a great appt then and we will get to watch the baby wiggle around on the screen.

Ginny, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten. :hugs: I really hope it is a bug, because that would be terrible if that kept up! Could it be something that you ate? Is there anyone else sick? I hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow.

Kelly, how are you doing? oops! We posted at the same time Kelly - well, I just took too long to post! - I'm sorry you are feeling so sick too. But, it really is a good sign :) Rainbow babies here we come!!

I hope you are all well!
ok prob really silly question but i really do feel soooooo poo and pretty much been on the sofa for 3 days im a bit worried that its the amount of folic acid im taking am i being silly i take 10 of the 400ug to equal the amount of a 5mg tablet hope thats right i just feel sick and dizzy all the time
Mrs Miggins, I got no urge to pee frequently til I was about 16 weeks, then I felt heavy and the peeing every 20 minutes began! My BH started at 16 weeks too. Maybe Migglet is an awkward one like Lil Fella and is giving you wobbles for no good reason!

Mindy the owner is my mum and she is broke :nope: we get housing benefit, so if its not sorted within a month, I will call housing benefit and change the rent from going straight to my mum and have it come to me and I'll organize the roof stuff- but that will scupper her because it pays for her mortgage payments, but she isn't sorting it and it needs doing so if needs be, I'll scupper her. Seems she is waiting for the damn roof to fall in before doing anything about it! My rights as a tenant include withholding rent and having necessary work done myself out of the rent money if landlord is not taking care of it. What gets me is my mum KNOWS how stubborn I am, and how determined I get!:dohh:

Kelly its normal to feel sick and dizzy alot- but if your concerned about the amount of folic, cut it down a bit and see if it helps.

Ginny I want to say I hope you feel better soon....but not too much better! (you know what I mean!):hugs:

OH has pulled everything out of my bathroom, so when the kids are inbed, I am going in there with a comfy chair, a mop, some spray, some bleach, scrubbing brushes, and rubber gloves!

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