Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Loz, I'm sorry that you are having such trouble with your roof. I didn't realize you were renting from your mom. That really sucks. I really hope that you can get something worked out about it soon. Can your OH get on the roof and try to patch it with some tar or something? (I know nothing about patching roofs, so that might not be a good suggestion!) I guess there is probably more work to it than that. :( :hugs:

Kelly, I'm sorry you are feeling so blah. I am not sure about the folic acid but I second Lozdi's suggestion to cut back a little to see how you feel. :hugs:
It needs doing professionally, I can;t remember the details but basically its too far gone to just patch, we have tarp on it, but rain still gets through, and next door's is the same, they both need doing at the same time, and my neighbour hasn't got the money yet either however she can ask her oldest son for it. Basically waiting now for my mum to find a quote she trusts- she got burned before about fixing that roof, so she is super wary now. The last quote we got was from someone who my oldest's dad knows, he services their work vehicles, and doesn't overcharge like most mechanics so thats why the quote for the roof is lower than most quotes, but my stubborn mum doesn't trust it. :dohh:
That is really too bad :( I hope she finds someone she trusts soon.

It is really hot today and all my shorts are in the wash, which I can't do because the water is off :( I don't have many shorts because I generally don't wear them but this summer has really been hot. I tried to buy more the other day but there were none to buy in my tiny town :( Boooo. Haha!
Hi all,

Kelly - 10 tabs is okay to take, nothing wrong with that but it could be the folic acid making you feel yuck although being on teh sofa for 3 days is normal too! I felt nauseous in the mornings taking my 5mg tab so maybe do as Loz says, cut back a litttle see if that help. Also you don't have to take them all at once, or in the morning, try before bed, see if that helps.

Loz - glad you had a good mw appointment today and everything is on track and you feel more happy with the bathoom roof situation. Don't overdo it tonight cleaning though!

TS - sorry your house is without water. I hate not being able to wash. Can't sympathise with the hot weather though as I would imagine most of us are jealous as we have had almost zero summer here this year!! LOL But I hope it does cool down a bit and the water is back on soon. :hugs: for wobbles. My boob pain came and went daily also 10 weeks is when the placenta starts to take over so so thing may fell better becoase of that but having mmc myself know that is not always reassuring. I am sure though everything will be great on your next scan.

Hi to everyone else, just going to read back a it more. I tried to pop on but the visitors kept me busy. I am knackered today, really tired. OH wanted to get jiggy with it last night, which normally I would have said yes, especially since he went a bit funny about the bump a few weeks ago and would'nt go there. I think prior to that bump wasn't too bad so was able to 'forget' about baby whilst dtd but now he can't. I knew though he'd get over it when the 'mood' got too much lol! Anyway, had dad, stepmum, neice and nephew up for a few days which was lovely but difficult knowing how to keep them all entertained.
ts do you have like shops where you live or is it really remote would love to see some pics
Thanks Pink :) We have had visitors too, so I know how tiring it can be. I hope you get some time to rest up now.

Kelly, we do have some shops but not many. We have a 2 pharmacies, 2 grocery stores (but they are quite small, and not well stocked), a few small corner stores, a "department" store that is quite small and caters to the "older" population of my town (meaning not fashionable! haha!), and a clothing store that is more geared towards teenagers. I actually forgot to go to this store when I went to look for shorts. It is new and I tend to forget about it. We also have 6 restaurants! Haha!

Our town has about 1200 people in it but they are mostly seniors. Our town is the main "hub" on our peninsula so many people from the surrounding communities come in here to shop. There are 22 small communities on our peninsula but still less the 3000 people. One town has 1 man living in it now.

I don't really have any pictures of our town. it is really stretched out. we live in the "new" section of town and all of the shops are in the old part of town.

This is the best I can find:

The bay comes right into our town, we can see it from our back deck but in where we live is the river that runs in to the bay about 1 km away. This picture is taken from the house we lived in before we bought this one. It is looking back towards our new house now.

The fog often rolls in the bay - the water is out there somewhere!

This is the soccer field in the middle of our town. We are surrounded by the forest, it is wonderful. (plus I get to show off my doggies!)

If you want to find me on FB I have more pictures there from the communities out around us. My town isn't very pretty, but surrounding communities are beautiful! PM me if you are interested :)
Hey TS, aw no what a pain about the leak in your house, glad you got it sorted out but things like that are always expensive aren’t they :dohh: I LOVE your dogs!!!

Ginny, I remember feeling happy when I was nauseous, I know symptoms don’t actually mean anything but it does kind of remind you that something is happening in there!!

Loz, yay for good MW visit, I have my 36 week tomorrow and wondered whether anything was engaged yet!! I seem to be able to feel two knees poking out the front so need to spend some time on my hands and knees I think!!

Mrs Mig, when is your 20 week scan?? I always had a wobble when things like that were coming up, it will put your mind at ease once you have had it though :hugs:

Kelly, has your doctor told you to take that much folic acid?? Why are you taking so much chick??

Pink, hi how are you doing?? Sounds like you are keeping busy, take care of yourself though!!

1 man town!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I wonder if he likes having a town all to himself? Love those pics, looks so peaceful!

Pink that sounds exhausting! :sleep:
When we visited that town 2 summers ago I immediately felt at peace and that I could move right in. It is beautiful there. The town used to be quite the busy place when fishing was more profitable. Now some people keep their houses up as summer homes and some people still use the dock during the different fishing seasons. There is a lady that sells homemade quilts and sweaters there in the summer for tourists, but I really don't know how many they get. I am not positive if the man still lives there year round. I feel like maybe he had to be moved out last winter because we had so much snow and you can't get in there in the winter. He was an older man.

Here is a picture from that town - it is called Round Harbour.
ts its stunning i love your dogs im not on facebook i just have a bussiness page called the canny chicken company.

clobo i read something that said it helped if you had a miscarriage dr wouldnt give me it as said i didnt need it
Mindy you live in a beautiful part of the world. I have family in Canada and hope to visit one day.
Clobo my scan is on Thursday. I think a lot of it is pre scan jitters. My daughter had a long nap this afternoon and I spent the whole afternoon on the sofa and felt a lot better for it. My friend thinks I may have spd, she had it with her daughter and said what I have sounds very similar, lower back pain, cracking pelvis and pains in the side when I turn over if I'm laying down.
What part of Canada does your family live in, Mrs. M? I have family in Ontario and here in Newfoundland.

What is spd? It sound awful. Is there anything you can do about it? I hope you have less pain soon.
Mrs Mig, deffo pre scan jitters my dear. Thursday is so close now chick :hugs:

I have sciatic pains, baby is getting heavy and pressing even more on my sciatic nerve, sometimes i get up from sitting down for too long and have to walk bent over like an old lady!

Our plumbing issues just got worse :( We had to call the town to come out and shut off the water completely to the house. The valve we were using in the house to turn off the water was working fine, but, there was another valve below that one for some reason and that one sprung a leak! So, in order to fix that we needed someone to come out and dig up a small section in our front yard to find the outside shut off and use their tool to turn off the water. The man came out to now and it is off now and our friend is taking off the old valve and putting on the new one. The poor man left his supper he was just sitting down to to come out and do this for us.

Grrrrrrrrrrr! I can't wait for this plumbing stuff to be done! I don't think we will have water going to all the sections of our house until mid week. :cry:
Oh no what a nightmare!! I hope it's soon sorted.
My family live in Vancouver. My cousin works for customs and spent some time living in Ottawa but I think they are back in Vancouver now. My mum has been out there a few times, I'd love to go.
I'm not 100% sure what spd is or what it stands for, I don't know for certain that's what it is I have, but my friend says it sounds like when she had it. She ended up on crutches. I certainly feel a hell of a lot better for an afternoon on the sofa.
What is symphysis pubis dysfunction?

The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments. To help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, your body produces a hormone called relaxin. Relaxin softens your ligaments.

As a result, your pelvic joints move more during and just after pregnancy causing inflammation and pain. This condition is known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD).

My friend has this and has to use crutches too.

Aw TS, so sorry you are having these problems, really hope they are sorted out soon my dear! It certainly seems to be taking your mind off things though!!

Mrs mig I've got quite sore hips in the morning/night too but i personally don't think mine is spa purely because they so not hurt /ache any other time. Hope you find a way to ease the pain of it soon. If i remember it got to its worst at 36 weeks when i felt like a whale :haha:

T_S what a disaster with your water! Hope its not too much hassle to fix for you >_<

How is everyone today? Sorry I've been crap at posting. Been floating about reading though :)
It doesn't feel too bad today, it was yesterday morning I was really suffering. I feel better for resting yesterday, but the problem is when I rest I don't use any energy then I can't sleep on a night. I went to bed at ten last night, turned the light off at 11, and was still awake at half 1. I've been out today for a walk into town and back which is always good exercise with the buggy so hopefully I'll sleep better tonight but without overdoing it. Just going to hang out the washing, do an online shop, then drink lucozade and sit still and see if I can feel any movement as baby has been very quiet today.
Hope everyone else is good today.

This is the website i looked at, it has some exercises on there and a bit more explanation.


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