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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

lol, i have been getting them to. but since my CM has dried up and my temps have risen, I just keep ignoring them. Maybe we can feel the egg as it moves through the tube? OOOOHHH ...maybe the eggi is dividing and gbrowing bc it has been fertilized and since the FT are so narrow, maybe thats what we feel? Wouldn't that be nice? ;)
oh yeah, and then my mind tells me "maybe u haven't really O'd yet" and then I get panicky and feel a huge desire to BD "just in case"
ah ha... where do you buy yours from? online? I need to buy more. and get THIS, Im having small pains in my left side again- O pains? WTF?! back to being really confused...

Oh, forgot to answer this. I have used several. In the past I have used Dollar Tree cheapies, but that was before I understood how to use them, so not sure how good they are. I have bought internet cheapies, from EARLY-PREGNANCY-TESTS.com, and I like them. they are not too sensitive. But this month was the first time I went to WALMART and bought their brand, which is supposed to be comparable to Answer brand strips. Box of 20 cost 20bucks. They work, but I think they may be too sensitive. I have had dark OPKS sincew CD 9!!!! I think if I do not get my BFP this cycle, i will go back to using the internet cheapies.
why hello! everything is good, I think Im going to order some opk's from early pregnancy tests.com too and start from early on like I should have cause my monitor isn't being so reliable these days!
but all is well, so far my temps are still up but no symptoms besides those pains yesterday which have gone away. what about you? you still having them? I hope they are the FT travelling eggs! :) wouldnt that be something?
I wonder how Kate is getting on, she will have O'd by now and probably be right behind us.
Wouldnt it be WILD if we all got our :bfp:s at the same time??
this could totally be your month- didnt you say that lots of people got pg after doing the hysterosalpingogram?

So when will you test? Im going to try really hard to hold out until after af is due if she doesnt come. its just SUCH a bummer to see the one lonely line...

I found all the baby stuff I had collected stuffed in a bag in my closet so I put it all away in a box :cry: (it made me sad -I had made this cute little hat that looks like an apple) it was kind of cathartic though. Its so strange to think that I would giving birth in around 7 days (although I probably would have been late) did you say a little prayer or anything when it was your 'time'? I keep thinking Id like to do something special to say goodbye, I feel like I never really got to...

anyways, enough of the depressing stuff! :)
Hope your doin good!
Seriously, I keep having thoughts and visions of us all writing about our BFPs. It WOULD be EXCITING! I kept thinking I would have my answer in JUNE, for some reason, this month stands out to me. But since I O'd late, I won't be due for AF unitl about July4th. But I might test on the 30th, just for June's sake. I'll use my 10miu IC and see what happens. I totally expect neg. but won't test again until after AF due. So far, no more pains. Just a few "butterflies" here and there. I try not to think about any of it, because I never know if its just all in my head. MY DEFENCE = IGNORANCE. Guess Kate will have alot to read about when she is back, and hopefully, a lot to tell us about. can't wait. I am back to work tonight and tom night ... YUCK!! So I probably wont be on as often, but I will check in. I am sooo tired of the night shift. I have to work Thurs/Fri, then Mon/Tues, then Thurs. The only good thing is it will keep me distracted during this very long wait.
Last night I was craving chocolate, which I usually do before AF. so I wasn't thrilled with the idea, but still wanted some. I told my DH I was craving chocolate, and he was like "it can mean 1 of 2 things...either your knocked up, or you expect me to go to the store and get it for you". lol, it made me giggle to hear him say "i am knocked up". lol, anyhow, he went to store to get it ;)
The weather here is HORRIBLE!! raining constantly, and thunderstroms with hail too. makes the time go even slower bc there isn't much to do :(
How is it by you? wait, where do you live anyway, in the US or UK?
I hope your visions come true! :) thats cute about the chocolate- what a sweet DH (sweet-get it? har har) FX to being knocked up!!

Im in the US, in Texas (hence our EXTREMELY hot weather.) right now its overcast but SO humid... blah. BLAH I say!
hope work is a good distraction for you, Ill be sad to not chat as much :( Can you check B&B at work or are you keep really busy? being an nurse must be intense.
Being a nurse on the unit I work IS INTENSE! I work orthpeadic/neurology. Last night was hell, and it didn't help that I got into an arguement with one of my co-workers. It's all the stress that does that :wacko:

So I am ready to sleep the day away (and one more DPO :thumbup: ) how are you feeling? I swore I wouldn't symptom spot, but last night I kept feeling a wave a nausea, then it would pass. Kept ignoring it, but that made me think more. Couldve been bc I was just sooo busy. Anyway, I promise I
wont symtom spot ANYMORE. I feel like an ASS, lol.

I am on the east coast...New Jersey, by the shore. It has been HORRIBLE weather, been raining for about a week straight. So much for the start of summer, right?!
It could have been exhaustion OR your KNOCKED UP!!! ;)
yay! I hope so! Nausea is not a symptom for me, I get it frequently... My temp went up to 98.6 today though which it has never been before! And I done feel ill or anything. Well, I checked it at 6 20 which was early and I went back to sleep and treid again at 7 which is when I typically get up and it had gone up so maybe cause I had wojen once (but I didn't get up)
We shall see!
Stupid cbfm is still reading high. I think I should stop now it's just wasting expensive sticks! But I'm scared to in case I miss something! :)
Your job sounds tough but probably rewarding right? I've always thoughthat would be ahold job to have. (except working nights!!)
It could have been exhaustion OR your KNOCKED UP!!! ;)
yay! I hope so! Nausea is not a symptom for me, I get it frequently... My temp went up to 98.6 today though which it has never been before! And I done feel ill or anything. Well, I checked it at 6 20 which was early and I went back to sleep and treid again at 7 which is when I typically get up and it had gone up so maybe cause I had wojen once (but I didn't get up)
We shall see!
Stupid cbfm is still reading high. I think I should stop now it's just wasting expensive sticks! But I'm scared to in case I miss something! :)
Your job sounds tough but probably rewarding right? I've always thoughthat would be ahold job to have. (except working nights!!)


still makes me giggle. I slept all day, still tired, but thats not unuasual after working a night after being off for 3 nights. Do u work days? everyday? the good thing about being a nurse in the hospital is working 3 twelve-hour shifts, instead of five 8-hour shifts. get to have more days off. and of course if I do fall PG, I get to have VIP treatment in the hospital ;)

Gotta go now and get ready for work. hope tonight is better then last night. have a good night ;)
I could not be more confused If I tried. my temperature went up again today (I felt really tired yesterday but didnt have a fever during the day) and when I put it into FF it changed my O date to 3 days ago (I guess cause it keeps going up?)
maybe I am getting sick, I do feel really tired and my head has been killing me.
but anyways, I havent dtd for a while now so If I O'd 3 days ago then I TOTALLY missed it. and so did my monitor (still says high!)
If I was pg, my temps wouldnt keep going up would they?
What do you think?
I went back to FF and went through all the days and realized I never put the dark OPK in the tests so I did and it went back to where it was... but Im still really confused.
I cant find anywhere that rising temps are a sign, just if they stay high for over 18 days...
OMG..thats soo interesting. I have read about 'tri-phasic' patterns. Your temp can rise a second time somewhere in the middle of the LP if PG. Hope your not sick :wacko:
The chart does look sort of tri=phasic to me. FF is suppose to indicat when they pick up a tri-phasic pattern, but maybe it needs a few more temps to determine that (like w/ ovulation). :shrug:
How long is your LP usually?
I hope Im not sick too. I have low energy and my head has been killing me but I took my temp just now and it said 97.06... ARRRRGGG!!!
a good thing or Ive got some dreadful disease which is planning to ATTACK!! :)
jeez... now im nervous.
idk. i did a search, and like you said, i couldn't find anything on that. just abot rises post ovulation and the continued elevated temp beyond usual LP length. Do you feel sick?
not really. occasionally I feel a teeny bit nauseated but nothing like I normally do so if it were a tummy bug, I think Id be very sick by now. those tend to hit me hard. Im tired though. I had a flu shot back in October...

I guess Ill just have to wait and see... why is my temp not up now though? maybe it was a bad reading this morning... Maybe tomorrows will shed some light on this.

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