Caught O yesterday and EWCM this morning so just hoping for the best now! its been a Difficult week so im just hoping my body is relaxed enough etc...
Me and A went to a parent to be event this morning (naughty I know) but it was really good and got a £10 Mamas & Papas gift card which will come in useful oneday... I hope..
Anyway I'm officially in the TTW and I have a good feeling about this month
Starryeyes - keep going I didn't get EWCM ubtill today and I've been checking since October lol I have a feeling mine does last long so I must have been missing it every month
Hi All! Good luck to you starry and Sasha in the TWW.
Abe- sounds really lucky you started early.
Fluffy- hope you o soon!
Afm- I'm triphasic! Never had temps this high for this long. Also had a non-squinter on an IC. Not calling BFP yet though- still super super faint and want to check on a FRER or CB.
I'm doing opks this cycle too. 2 days into it and my lines are noticeable too but I've heard that opks are a bit useless for people with pcos anyway. My LH levels are higher than normal.
I think I might try a digital opk next cycle during IUI because this guessing at the lines is already doing my head in! Im getting like half the width of the line dark and the other half light so I think opks were just put on this earth to give me the irrits.
I am very new to this (joined this morning and so this is my first post ever on any forum) so please bear with me. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost a year now and I was diagnosed with PCOS in January after having no periods at all since coming off the pill. Thankfully I rarely have other symptoms of PCOS, but I have noticed that since coming off the pill my body seems to want to put on weight. We are health and fitness fanatics so it is being kept more or less at bay, but it is frustrating.
After blood tests, semen samples and an HSG we were given the go ahead to start clomid 50mg CD2-6, with my last tablet due to be taken this afternoon.
I don't really have a question as such, so I'm sorry about my rambling, but I've just been feeling a little down about everything and worried about what might be to come in the future. The extra stomach fat isn't helping my mindset to be honest as I have previously suffered with eating disorders.
Anyway I promised my husband that I would at least try and reach out to people who may have experienced similar things, so here it is!
Hey Steph- welcome to the group! These lovely ladies are great and are awesome to vent with. Hope your TTC journey isn't too much longer. Lots of baby dust to you!
AFM- I got my BFP!! I confirmed on a FRER. Thanks so much for being here girls
Hey Steph- welcome to the group! These lovely ladies are great and are awesome to vent with. Hope your TTC journey isn't too much longer. Lots of baby dust to you!
AFM- I got my BFP!! I confirmed on a FRER. Thanks so much for being here girls
I've seen tons of girls on this forum get their BFP with PCOS. Have your doctors talked to you about letrozole/Femera? It's a growing choice drug for women with PCOS. I hope the clomid works this cycle though, and you won't need to go any further!
Sweden- congratulations and a happy and healthy nine months! I'll mark you down for that BFP!
My husband and I are both 25, so well aware that we have time for different avenues if things don't work out as planned. (Although I tell myself that but it doesn't make it any better!) I think one of the most frustrating things I've discovered, is that as soon as you are told you have fertility problems, all you see if pregnant women wherever you go.
Doctors haven't said anything about Letrozole or Femera, but I have just done a quick google search, I'll definitely read about it properly I think
The side effects are way better than Clomid, that's for sure! DH and I are 25 as well, we've been TTC for 2 years now. We fall into the unexplained infertility category, sucks really. We've done a round of IVF, and are doing a round of IUI while I lose some weight before we touch our frozen embryos.
Ah, I imagine it's so difficult when you can't even pinpoint a problem to begin with. Do you both manage to stay positive?
Luckily I have just this second finished my fifth clomid tablet, and have not really had any side effects yet other than waking up a couple of times all hot and sweaty, but then the temperature here has increased over the past few days so it could just be that anyway.
Then you're one of the lucky ones haha! The hot flashes were horrible and I remember my husband was fearful of my mood swings that cycle! I swore never again.
We try to stay upbeat. DH confessed the only reason we're doing the IUI this month is because I've gotten too mopey just waiting for our FET. I've still got about 11 pounds to go to a healthy BMI, and he's quite adamant about waiting until I'm there to give our embies their best chance possible. We've only got two embryos left (we had 3 make it to Day 5, and we transferred one during our IVF cycle) so it's crucial we give them the best environment possible. We can't really afford to do another retrieval anytime soon.
Hi guys! I'm never to this board. I was on another one, but it got far too intense & this one seems more relaxed. My DH (33) and I (30) have been together for 10 years - last month actually. This is our first cycle trying & we are in the 2ww.
Definitely trying to keep the thought process my doctor told me & just have fun with it for now. But apps are already on my phone & I'll start to get more serious next month if we don't get a BFP this month. My AF is due 4/11.
Hi Kerensa - I'm with you, took my final clomid tablet yesterday but I'm not going to get too intense with monitoring anything this time, and just try to not to stress out!
DH is a police officer so trying to time things around his shifts is going to be the fun challenge over the next couple of weeks!
I've had zero cycle since coming off the pill, and the norethisterone I have to take to trigger AF only gives me light spotting for a couple of days rather than any actual flow so I'm not sure when to expect O (if at all) after taking these clomid tablets.
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