Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Abe - When are you going on your cruise again? and where? The idea of a cruise fascinates me. I've never been on one but I would love to do a canada / alaska one one day. Bit far from home though :P

I'll be heading into year 3 come January if nothing happens before then. Still holding out hope for 2017 for the both of us Abe!

We're going to Hawaii! 10 Day cruise from Vancouver to Honolulu. We got upgraded to an Oceanview Stateroom on Deck 8, so I'm sure we will have a more relaxing time this time around (we were on the bottom deck in an inside room and could hear EVERYTHING!). I'm so looking forward to the nice little break. I love cruising :happydance:

I'm hoping year 3 doesn't come around for either of us. DH and I don't have much hope for this next FET, and have already accepted we will probably have to do another retrieval at some point in 2018. It's hard to remain positive when you're told IVF should work based on your age and diagnosis and it just doesn't happen. Twice. So we'll wait and see, but we've got low expectations for this next one. Hopefully we'll just end up being pleasantly surprised.

It does look like you've O'ed Sheece! Looks like that IUI is just around the corner :happydance:
Wow that sounds amazing! Oceanview stateroom sounds very fancy too :D

I have everything crossed that you will get a good surprise Abe :)

Yeah my temp went up again this morning so i've definitely ovulated. the no fertile CM thing threw me at first, but now I reckon its just a dodgy ovulation.

I'm definitely happier about starting IUI (next week!!) now than I was at the start of the month when I was umming and ahhing about it. Seems time is all I needed!
Your cruise sounds amazing! I have always wanted to go to Hawai and to do a cruise but have never done either (yet).

I never see much of a change in my CM, not even in my lucky cycle, so I think that one is just a difficult sign to observe for some of us!
Glad you're feeling happier about IUI now, it really is like a normal (medicated) cycle with 5-minute-assistance on ovulation day ;) I really hope it does the trick for you!

Woke up this morning, 5 weeks 6 days, and nearly threw up next to the bed. Hello morning sickness I guess :S Is it weird that I'm kinda happy about it? I feel like I waited and waited and now it's finally here, I'm even happy about all the stupid things ^^" First scan on Thursday, cannot wait, both excited and nervous!
Fluffy that's so not weird at all! With my pregnancy I felt so ill...was counting down the days til the end of the first trimester so I would feel better. I gained so much weight as I basically could never let myself get hungry or the nausea was debilitating, but all I could stomach was carbs and smoothies (one day I ate 3 bagels!!! who does that?!)...Then, of course, we found out I was going to miscarry. What I wouldn't give to go back to feeling like garbage again just to have my baby with me! Of course I don't HOPE to be sick the next pregnancy, no one hopes for that, we all want a perfect pregnancy where we feel amazing, but I will embrace it if it comes!
Fluffy - yeah usually I get at least one day of ewcm but some months I really have to look for it, and there was once or twice I've got none, so its normal I guess. Probably another PCOS related thing!

Definitely normal about the happy to be feeling sick thing! Relishing the experience even though it kinda sucks too :P I was lucky in that I didnt get nausea, but I relished even feeling really tired & my sore boobs because it made me feel pregnant hehe.
Little update from me: Went in today for my first scan and got to see the heartbeat :cloud9: So, so relieved - I cried, I couldn't help myself. It feels real now <3

Just to check again, how does everyone feel about pregnancy updates here? Short & sweet or every little detail (or something in between)? I want to make sure everyone feels okay with what I'm posting since this is the TTC section after all! So please just let me know if/where there would be a line for you or what would be more difficult for you to hear about!

I generally eat really healthy and so far I've not had any weird cravings, so while I eat almost every two hours (crazy!), it's mainly veg/fruit, some protein and whole grains. Can't stomach much at once, so I have only gained 1 pound so far. My mum gained a lot of weight in all her pregnancies though, so I'm fully prepared for the pounds to pile on come 2nd trimester, haha!

I'm sure you'll be there again soon and then we can both complain about nausea! How is the wedding planning coming along in the meantime? :)
I'm glad you're still able to eat healthy Fluffy! I totally tried, and I did have a lot of fruit smoothies, but it was more the volume of food that did me in. Just to keep myself from being hungry I was snacking on pretzels, crackers, bread, whatever all day long. Meals were a bagel with cream cheese and an apple then an hour later a banana then an hour later a smoothie then an hour later a handful of crackers. It was just too much. Plus I wasn't working out because I felt like I was constantly going to throw up so I probably gained like 5-10lb, and I have a pretty small frame. I am the same as you, I usually eat really healthy and limit treats but it was so tough...I hope you can keep this up!

As to pregnancy updates I so want to hear me hope! <3
Fluffy - such a special moment!!

And of course I want to hear all the updates :) I'm with Alligator, it gives me hope too, plus I just like to hear about all these things!

AFM - 8dpo today. Completely written off this cycle but of course I'm still living up to my POAS-aholic ways. Swear I saw a squinter this morning in certain light, but its a FRER so not getting my hopes up.

Plus BD'ed 4 days before ovulation so also not getting my hopes up with that :nope:
Well AF came early giving me a 8 day lp :/ but the good news is that the last cycle was 28 days! Shortest ive had in a long time. Too bad the wrong side of ovulation was short though heh.

Rang the clinic and im officially starting IUI! They have to call me back about some paperwork but should be having my first blood test on Monday :wacko:
Abennion & Sheece: Thanks for the encouragements and thanks for being hopeful with me, i'll be hopeful with you guys too

Fluffycookie: please, please, please and thank you for pregnancy updates. when I conceive it will be my first so i'll take all I can get. congrats!!! <3
I've done my first two injections, IUI cycle has officially started!

I was surprised at how easy it was. The build up was the worst part! Didn't even feel the needle in the end. Hope it stays so easy!
Yay Sheece, I hope this will be your lucky cycle!! Chances are much higher with IUI :D Rooting for you!

Little update on me and tiny pea: Went in for my first gynecologist appointment (after the clinic) yesterday at 6 weeks and 5 days. Little pea measured at 6w6d, so perfect :) Everything looks good! I got to ask all my questions and they took more blood. Morning sickness has been present all day from waking up until the later afternoon and I've had two days were it was so severe I could only eat crackers and felt horrible ^^" Hoping it's all a good sign though!
I hope I get lucky first go Fluffy! Thanks :)

Yay for a great appointment! So exciting. I reckon morning sickness is a good sign for sure. It would suck but it's a good sign.

Whats next?
A storm of organisation was next! I now have picked a hospital and a midwife (which kind of came together because that is the hospital she works at), arranged for early screening, booked my birthing class and called my insurance about 15 times to ask what exactly they cover X) I think I have conquered the wave of first trimester admin for now!

Today little pea (still saying that somehow, haha) is as big as a blueberry at 7 weeks 1 day ^^

So you're on CD 7 today Sheece, right? That means about a week until your IUI, so exciting!!
Yep day 7 for me :) Blood test tomorrow to see whats going on.

When did you have ultrasounds Fluffy? I thought I might have one at the start of this cycle but I only had a blood test. Suppose I get one next week.

Bit worried about timing as OH and I are away next saturday. Only a 1.5 hour drive to clinic worse case, but we are looking after a couple of his clients (he works in disability support) so will be hard to do IUI then and look after them too. Hoping the timing works out ok for us. That will be CD15 :/

Wow so much organising done! Even booked the birthing class! For me that didn't even get a mention yet at that stage hehe, it was all about getting referred to hospital clinic. Must feel good to have it all sorted :)

Aww little pea that's cute :) He/she will always be your little pea I'm sure. Time seems to be going fast! Hope it is for you too!
I had one at CD 14 (which was a Monday, I believe otherwise they would have done CD 13?) and was then sent home with the trigger shot as little eggy was fat and ready ;) Then another ultrasound on the day of the IUI to confirm that ovulation had occured. That was it!

I would have been happy to wait to sort out some things tbh, but the first two midwives I called were already fully booked and the third one said I called just in time, she has one last slot free in her class and is also still available for postpartum care in May. So of course I took that last free slot since attending the birthing class by the midwife who will be my midwife for birth&postpartum is what I wanted ideally! :)

Time is going something between super fast and super slow. I have a lot of work to sort out as we're gearing up for the coming semester, so whenever I focus on that, time seems to go fast. When I focus on pregnancy however, time seems to go really slow because I want to be out of the first trimester (nausea, worries...) ^^" Can't wait to have my second ultrasound at 11w2d and then the weekend after, we are planning on officially telling everyone. I know it will be a *nightmare* at work as the professor leading my research group has made pretty clear before he does not support anyone doing half-time and thinks if you are plannning on doing that "for whatever reason" (uhum...), there is no future for you in the institute because things "won't work out anyway". So I'm fully prepared that I will unable to return after my pregnancy, but that's just academia X)
Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I checked in here.

I'm starting my first round of Clomid tonight (100mg, CD5-9) so I'm pretty nervous. Combined with my mood disorder and I'm a bit anxious about the possible side-effects. I guess we'll soon see how it goes, though!
Hi all! I'm onto the next cycle...AF arrived, my first one after my's a bittersweet day. I am relieved my body is returning to normal but it was a nightmare last week of getting faint positives on HPTs and thinking it may be a new pregnancy but likely just residual (even though I have negatives on ICs before). So I am in some ways sad, as it's also the ending of a terrible chapter in my life I never want to relive, and brings up a lot of sad memories...but 'happy' that my body is back to 'normal' (I hope) and the next cycle we can officially start to try again for our rainbow!
Thanks for that info fluffy! I'm CD10 today and had another blood test so we will see. Do you remember your eostrogen levels at all? My first was CD3 - 150. Second at CD8 was 193 and they said slight increase. Be interesting to see what the levels are today. Not sure what they have to be to trigger?

Wow surely that's illegal of your boss? Here you can't discriminate like that against pregnant women. You by law have to give them up to a year unpaid leave I think. That sucks either way :(

Hi smurphy! Good luck with your clomid! Are you feeling any side effects? I hope it goes easy on you x

Alligator - Sorry that AF arrived and sorry that you had the faint lines! I had one too before this cycle, it sucks. But I felt the same as you, just glad it was over.
Good luck to you! I had basically no side effects on 50mg of clomid, so maybe you won't get many either :)

I never saw my blood tests, but they only took them right at the beginning of that cycle. The trigger shot was based off the ultrasound, not of any blood levels :)

Sadly, it's not illegal if you're on a fixed-term contract. In academia, it is common to have 1-3 year fixed contracts as post-docs (postdoctoral researchers, basically anything you do after your doctorate but before you can shoot for professor). Your contract runs out regularly and you get a new one with a new project. So what happens a lot is that you simply don't get a new fixed-contract once yours runs out if you had a kid because they consider it unprofessional (unless you go back full time straight away, and I don't want to do that). Mine runs out a week before my due date, so that will be an easy way for them to boot me *sigh*

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