Oh god hope I don't have to collapse my pushchair it always gets stuck and is hard to do! Its just the silvercross bubble I wanna bring my big pram for brooke but no chance can I get that on a bus then lol
I might see if I could get my dad to pick me up will just have to give hiom petrol money lol
Most buses to and from the metrocentre are lowliner's so you wont have to fold your pram. All buses to town are lowliner's
If you cant fit on the bus just wait for the next one, the 100 is every 10 ish minutes and it doesnt stop till it gets to Newcastle City Centre, so its quick.
You'll be fine with your Silver Cross. Whats your big pram?
If you get lost looking for the right stand no need to ask a stranger there is a information desk in the bus station