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If I have a Boy this time Round he will Not be cut Its 200 bucks that i dont see a reason to spend. Its just my personal opinion. My OH isnt Cut and we have talked about it and both of us dont see the point.

Totally understandable! :) Im still really torn on what to do. There seem to be pros and cons to both sides (as with anything I suppose).

Its a very common practice in the U.S. (where im from) but not for any good reason (although some potentially good reasons have been shown recently...but still not conclusive...).

Actually..I believe that the reason circumcision became popular in the U.S. was that the Catholic church believed that circumcising would decrease sensitivity (ive hear thats true) and there for decrease masturbation and premarital sex among adolecents and young men. I'm not sure where I heard that...but I know I read it somewhere during my research.... and it wouldnt surprise me at all.. lol

I personally believe that is a silly reason to circumcise as is cosmetic appeal.... however I know women who would never consider not circumcising because they think it looks strange....:nope: Once again... I feel that is an inadequate reason (personally for me...I have plenty of respect for other ppls decisions...) for me to circumcise my newborn.

From what I understand circumcision in newborns is pretty painful (although they wont remember it and have less complications/heal faster then older children/adults) From what I understand they numb the area, but are unable to give a newborn a strong enough dosage of the pain blocker/number to truly prevent discomfort. Therefor they feel it and it is painful and is a painful recovery as the only pain killer an infant can really have is tylenol...and really how many of us would be able to be comfortable after a part of our bodies were removed with just tylenol?

I dunno... just writing that info (which I found from medical sites) makes me cringe... I am on the fence about circumcision... but I tend to be leaning more towards not circumcising... I'll keep pondering over it (im sure..) until he comes in November... lol
my twin brother had to have it done when he was young, he couldnt pee properly, my OH said to me the other week, he does not want it done if we have a boy, he wasnt done, & i dont think i would want my baby to have it done either
I think I read that the reason it seems to be cutting down the rate of HIV infection in Africa is that it is spread through exchange of bodily fluids and an uncut penis is more likely to have cuts or nicks where the infection can get through to the bloodstream, whereas a cut penis is less likely to have these. Still not a good enough reason to circumcise in my opinion for the reasons already stated! xx
I never even considered the option of circumcision to be honest but out of interest I asked my oh his opinion, he nearly bit my head off! In all my time of being a mum and ttc I have never even given this subject much thought at all, it is interesting to see how strongly some people feel about this subject!
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:

This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x
im having a little boy and he will remain how he was created un cut...
eurgh can't even believe there is a debate about this! when anything down there of a female gets cut it's classed as mutilation and i believe it should be for boys too! poor things
If we have a little boy, we will not have him circumcised. It is very uncommon here for a boy to be cut, unless for religious beliefs etc. I personally dont even know anyone who is cirsumcised. It would also break my heart to see my baby in pain.
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.

er i think people have a problem with this study is that it is pretty misleading! lets cut off part of your body and you wont die of aids!

what else did they take into consideration when doing the study? that circumcised men sometimes have much less feeling and sexual pleasure than uncircumcised males, therefore may not be having as much sex to actually catch the sti in the first place OR even the uncircumcised guys might be getting so hot and into it that using protection slips there mind whereas as the circumcised person may not be feeling as much pleasure has more time/alertness to think about using contraception etc

in my mind that was a stupid study and the results were NOT conclusive
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.

That is a totally opposite thing to what I saying :dohh: And also, when did I mention whatever it is you just said?!?! I've never heard of it so how could I make a comment about it?!

It is totally irresponsible of scientists to be saying that that circumcision reduces HIV REGARDLESS if it does in however many % of people, because for the people it doesn't work with, it's a disease that will more than likely eventually develop into one that will kill you!!

Please don't twist my words and bring up some random thing that I haven't even mentioned, look at what I said and the context in which I was saying it.
If I have a Boy this time Round he will Not be cut Its 200 bucks that i dont see a reason to spend. Its just my personal opinion. My OH isnt Cut and we have talked about it and both of us dont see the point.

Actually..I believe that the reason circumcision became popular in the U.S. was that the Catholic church believed that circumcising would decrease sensitivity (ive hear thats true) and there for decrease masturbation and premarital sex among adolecents and young men. I'm not sure where I heard that...but I know I read it somewhere during my research.... and it wouldnt surprise me at all.. lol


thats true! jewish people used to make teeny tiny cut like a papercut and the father would suck the blood from the penis (yes i know sounds gross huh)

after that catholics thought it would prevent masturbation and sex for pleasure (rather than sex for reproductive purposes once married) so they just chopped the whole thing off.

they were right though, in most males sex is not as pleasurable etc

anyway now everyone thinks its jewish peoples fault even though it wasnt :dohh:

this is the only reason it used to happen and i find it really sad that people choose to do this now days when the only real reason for it was to stop their children having pleasure from sex.

This is the reason that I don't think there are any good answers to why a child should be circumcised.

Ladies how would you feel if as a baby your parents decided to cut off your clitoris for no decent reason so that you now don't get much pleasure from sex.

other things are;
there are complications in ONE IN THREE circumcisions.
the boy can feel aches and pains there for the rest of their lives
more suseptible to infections (no matter what aids studies say ;))
boys feel a LOT of pain when getting it cut off

and many more things im sure
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.

er i think people have a problem with this study is that it is pretty misleading! lets cut off part of your body and you wont die of aids!

what else did they take into consideration when doing the study? that circumcised men sometimes have much less feeling and sexual pleasure than uncircumcised males, therefore may not be having as much sex to actually catch the sti in the first place OR even the uncircumcised guys might be getting so hot and into it that using protection slips there mind whereas as the circumcised person may not be feeling as much pleasure has more time/alertness to think about using contraception etc

in my mind that was a stupid study and the results were NOT conclusive

I could argue for hours (I am an attorney) --- my poor husband never wins a fight b/c I always manage to manipulate facts. So I will not try to change any ones minds. Even though I don't think the reason matters, if it reduces it, it reduces it - and no one should be afraid of scientific exploration b/c they think people will get the wrong idea (all those years the Church wouldn't let scientists reveal/explore the fact the earth revolved around the sun and not not vice versa b/c it showed we arent center of universe both figurativly and literally, its just scary to hear someone say it --- whether one thinks the benifits are worth the risks is a personal opinion.
In my opinion, I don't know if thats a reason, personally to circumsice, but doesn;t mean I think the study shouldnt be published to the public so people can make their own decisions (again, keeping info from people...bad thing)
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.

er i think people have a problem with this study is that it is pretty misleading! lets cut off part of your body and you wont die of aids!

what else did they take into consideration when doing the study? that circumcised men sometimes have much less feeling and sexual pleasure than uncircumcised males, therefore may not be having as much sex to actually catch the sti in the first place OR even the uncircumcised guys might be getting so hot and into it that using protection slips there mind whereas as the circumcised person may not be feeling as much pleasure has more time/alertness to think about using contraception etc

in my mind that was a stupid study and the results were NOT conclusive

I could argue for hours (I am an attorney) --- my poor husband never wins a fight b/c I always manage to manipulate facts. So I will not try to change any ones minds. Even though I don't think the reason matters, if it reduces it, it reduces it - and no one should be afraid of scientific exploration b/c they think people will get the wrong idea (all those years the Church wouldn't let scientists reveal/explore the fact the earth revolved around the sun and not not vice versa b/c it showed we arent center of universe both figurativly and literally, its just scary to hear someone say it --- whether one thinks the benifits are worth the risks is a personal opinion.
In my opinion, I don't know if thats a reason, personally to circumsice, but doesn;t mean I think the study shouldnt be published to the public so people can make their own decisions (again, keeping info from people...bad thing)

why on earth would you want to manipulate facts? surely that dissolves the point of the debate? we can all sit around making things up.

The AIDs study wasn't conclusive and it was misleading - fact :happydance:
No, not now. When I am mad at my husband I do it - hence he never wins an argument. And manipulate doesn't mean make things up. I also just like science. I was on the med school track for a while with psychology intertwined (and contrary to popular belief its not about talking to bored houswives) and I did lots of scientific studies. But I guess law won.
Sorry i said made up as when you manipulate a fact it isnt a fact anymore so its basically just a made up sentence
This HIV argument frightens me to death!

Circumcision will not stop the spread of HIV. It shouldn't be mentioned in my opinion. However many bits of scientific research there are to back it up, it's still a case of luck or bad luck!! How do you know if you'll be one of the ones who manages not to get it or vice versa! Makes me shiver thinking of these children being told that they are safer from HIV infection...just a terrible accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!

Condoms will reduce the risk...abstinence will eliminate the risk. These are the only 2 things that will really help!!

It is scary that people are using this as a reason to circumcise :nope:


Very dangerous indeed - I think it was irresponsible to do such a study in the first place. x

Regardless of the circumcision debate here, you think its irresponsible to do scientific studies????? B/c what, they tell you something you don't agree with? What about the guardasil shot??? You think girls shouldnt get it b/c it only reduces the risk for 4 strains of HPV when they can still be exposed to the rest??? So, if a study/treatment doesn't eliminate a problem its irresponsible.

er i think people have a problem with this study is that it is pretty misleading! lets cut off part of your body and you wont die of aids!

what else did they take into consideration when doing the study? that circumcised men sometimes have much less feeling and sexual pleasure than uncircumcised males, therefore may not be having as much sex to actually catch the sti in the first place OR even the uncircumcised guys might be getting so hot and into it that using protection slips there mind whereas as the circumcised person may not be feeling as much pleasure has more time/alertness to think about using contraception etc

in my mind that was a stupid study and the results were NOT conclusive

I could argue for hours (I am an attorney) --- my poor husband never wins a fight b/c I always manage to manipulate facts. So I will not try to change any ones minds. Even though I don't think the reason matters, if it reduces it, it reduces it - and no one should be afraid of scientific exploration b/c they think people will get the wrong idea (all those years the Church wouldn't let scientists reveal/explore the fact the earth revolved around the sun and not not vice versa b/c it showed we arent center of universe both figurativly and literally, its just scary to hear someone say it --- whether one thinks the benifits are worth the risks is a personal opinion.
In my opinion, I don't know if thats a reason, personally to circumsice, but doesn;t mean I think the study shouldnt be published to the public so people can make their own decisions (again, keeping info from people...bad thing)

I wouldn't say that is something to be proud of to be honest!
I'm not proud. I can't help it. But no wife is perfect. I have other good qualities (or so I hope). Good news for him is if I feel guilty I will cook whatever he wants (homemade creme brule, homemade ice cream, osso bucco, I will spend 12 hours in the kitchen to make him happy --- so I hope that makes up for my bad qualities)
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