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Club OvaCue!

Yay my ovacue is here! I have it all programmed and can't wait til the morning when I can take my first saliva reading! Have to wait until tomorrow night or day after to do first v reading. whowhheeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo Titi! I'm so excited for you to try it, I could pee!!!!
Well Arein-you SHOULD pee!!! Lol! It can be the congrats for Titi's Ovacue 8dpo POAS excuse!
ha ha Whit!

Whooo hooo I just used my Ovacue for the first time. CD4 and I got an 86 and "Not Fertile". I never thought I would say this but I am excited to try the V sensor next tonight (if done with period)-ha ha! How does that reading compare to everyone elses cd4? I am charting again this month-just to compare.

Some of the reviews said the ovacue is better than cbfm but much harder to interpret.......really? I find it super easy-I love it already-although DH thought it was kind of a rip off when he saw just exactly what we got for our $376.....
ha ha Whit!

Whooo hooo I just used my Ovacue for the first time. CD4 and I got an 86 and "Not Fertile". I never thought I would say this but I am excited to try the V sensor next tonight (if done with period)-ha ha! How does that reading compare to everyone elses cd4? I am charting again this month-just to compare.

Some of the reviews said the ovacue is better than cbfm but much harder to interpret.......really? I find it super easy-I love it already-although DH thought it was kind of a rip off when he saw just exactly what we got for our $376.....

Woohoooo super excited for you :happydance:
hey ladies - i had fun last night. my dog enjoyed it. got to talk to my dh on the phone. i super miss him and just want him to be with me :( i can't handle it sometimes! he said they had a hottest wife contest in his unit and i won, LOL, boys boys.

titi - so glad you got your ovacue! i can't wait to use mine. i hate waiting!

whit - 5 days off, wow, i would go crazy, but i would LOVE it. i'm sure i would probably buy all kinds of ttc stuff if i have too many days off, LOL.

arein, moo, crazy, how are ya'll?

i'm on CD18 today, and FF hasn't detected my OV yet. how long does that take? i got my pos OPK on CD15 so i'm kind of curious.. hmm..
I think 3 or 4 consecutive temp rises for ff crosshairs.......
thanks titi! so ready for my dang ovacue so i'm not all confused on when i o or if i o'ed. after my cycle in february, i'm lost. i'm 25 and never had an irregular cycle in my LIFE, but my february cycle i either didn't O or hada very early MC. all i had was discharge and bleeding for one day. and not even enough bleeding to even assume AF. last cycle was right on point and this one..well FX'ed. glad DH isn't here at least so that i am not confused on when to :sex: LOL i just don't.
Yay Titi! Good to know it's not complicated to use. Im suffering from a HORRIBLE bout of nausea right now. I hope I dont upchuck my vitamins!
UGH Just a wave of it.. happened last cycle too so trying not to get my hopes up! On the plus side Ive got some maca in some chai tea, and it doesnt even taste bad!

How's your day? :)
i <3 my maca. hope it helps the wave past. and FX'ed for your :bfp: i've had an OK day. i'm missing DH a lot today, but trying not to throw myself a pity party. i sometimes wish we were just normal.. :cry: other than that, i've just been a couch potatoe all day and wondering when FF will predict my O. got my pos OPK CD15 but still don't show O'ing on FF. :sigh: can't wait to begin using my ovacue!!
i <3 my maca. hope it helps the wave past. and FX'ed for your :bfp: i've had an OK day. i'm missing DH a lot today, but trying not to throw myself a pity party. i sometimes wish we were just normal.. :cry: other than that, i've just been a couch potatoe all day and wondering when FF will predict my O. got my pos OPK CD15 but still don't show O'ing on FF. :sigh: can't wait to begin using my ovacue!!

Thanks hun!

:hugs: I don't know HOW you do it. You are one BRAVE woman! Sometimes I wish my DH would go on a 2 week vacation without me.. I went to my Mom's for a weekend a month ago, though and was surprised at how much I missed him. It was awful, so I can't imagine what you are going through. You must have a VERY strong bond with your DH!

Thats odd about your FF chart. If its in your siggy I will take a look (just out of curiosity :) )
hey whit - we are an extremely strong couple and thank God for that every day. he told me yesterday about a Major that he met that has been away from his wife for two years and that their marriage is the strongest ever. it gave us both hope that all this heartache we are going through pays off in the end. you always want what you can't have. if we were together all the time i would probably complain too, lol. we're women :shrug: hehe.

as for my chart. i even felt like i o'ed. bloating, twinges, etc. i guess i will just hang in there and wait. i've never not o'ed so we will see and i have a very regular cycle. just scared that my o is not too regular, because it needs to be. if i o late in june, dh and i won't have a shot because we only have a week to try. FX'ed!

your 5 days off been enjoyable?
i usually o on CD16, at least last cycle i did. which would match my chart i think... :shrug:
i usually o on CD16, at least last cycle i did. which would match my chart i think... :shrug:

Yea thats what it looks like to me too.

My five days off couldn't be more boring! Trying to do some housework/cooking and tomorrow going to finish up some homework. Gotta register my summer classes Monday :sick: I hate the thought of summer class!
i have a lot of respect for people in school. i could never do it! my sgt's always try to push for us to start school, but i can't even imagine working as much as i do and going to school as well. a lot of admiration for people that do that!

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