Club OvaCue!

Im glad you are pulling out of it hun. I cant imagine how hard it must be. Take a load off for a while and Im sure things will work out. :hugs: hope you have a really fun time and make lots of good memories!
Hi All,

Arein-I hope the next few months are awesome and relaxing. Your DD is adorable, I love the new pic!!!! Thanks for the temp advice-it was the best I got and I went with it.

ZeeZee-I am drawing a mental blank at the moment but I thought the dip and then spike was only with the v sensor-I will have to check my readings.

Whit-I'm so glad to hear your tubes are nice and clear! Hopefully this gave you an extra boost too!!!!!!
zee-What's your history as far as TTC?

First, :hugs: to you sweetheart, I know you must be feeling low and sad right now. I have my fingers crossed for your RE/FS appt and finding out that its something simple and easy to fix.

My history is boring and limited really, I was told I was infertile when I was 19 b/c of endo and PCOS, so been on some drugs and the pill since then to control it, along with laps to keep the endo under control. I moved to the midwest, got myself an RE last year who told me to go off the pill when I was ready and after one AF I would start fertility treatment b/c too much time off meds would = endo monster. So I go off the pill in February and... two weeks later I am preggo. No freaing way right? My RE wanted to put me under a microscope LOL. Anyways, it was bad from the start, serious cramping - ER level cramping - and ended up a mmc at 7 weeks and I had a d&c in April (ugh). I had my AF 4 weeks after the d&c, then tried naturally that cycle with no luck. This is my second cycle and am on clomid and doing IUI TOMORROW (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE). I hope it works for many reasons, but one of which is that I can tell the endo is going nuts in there - BD hurts a bit again :-( I want to get preggo to avoid another lap and losing the time etc.

Anyway, that's my boring story - what is everyone elses?
Okay ladies, I am sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days but man have I been on a rollercoaster ride. So I had the faint positive at 7dpo, which now I think could have been an evap. Went to the hospital on 9dpo (for chest pain) they did blood work that came back neg. Now I am 14 dpo and this morning I test with FMU and got 2 very definate positives. What the Heck!!! So I called my doctor and she called me in to the lab to do a urine spot at 430 in the afternoon...I had tested again in the afternoon myself and got a neg. Should I be concerned or could it be that urine was too diluted to pick up the hormone in urine later in the day? Either way I am convinced that I am pregnant and am going to ask for an ultrasound or bloodwork to clear this whole thing up first thing in the a.m.
I was just wondering what anyone thought about the situation. I am trying not to stress out too much.
Happy Friday everyone! Okay, so I woke up this morning and got an o reading of 69 which is the lowest o reading I have ever had and I have also been charting my temp. I have been 96.6 and 96.9 most of the week, but this morning I am 97.3. What do you ladies think is going on. I also noticed and increase in my cm.
jmikolin-good luck hun-FX'd for you and sorry about the stress. I wish I could give you some advice but I've never had even a faint + hpt in my entire life so I don't have any experience to help you with. Hope for you all is good.

Hi Ready-do you chart? If so could you post a link or a ticker? It would help to have some visual info. as I get everybody mixed up just going by memory.
I do not chart online, but here are my readings. Oh and my ovacue changed color and said high fertility, so I am just curious because it is guessing my o day as the 21st

cd12 69 97.3
cd11 97 55 96.9
cd10 93 44 96.9
cd9 81 58 96.6
cd8 104 76
cd7 101 104
cd6 95
cd5 101
cd4 138
cd3 75
ZeeZee-Your history isn't boring and I'm so sorry for what you went through. : (
I hope you get a sticky bean really soon. :hugs:

Per request, here is our history: DH & I started dating in 2000 and I was on depo provera. Niether of us had never been or gotten anyone pg.

We built our house in 2003 and planned on getting married but wanted a nice wedding and didn't have a lot of money back then, and we still had a lot of other stuff to straighten out. We finally got engaged in 2007 when we felt everything in our life was in the best place (stupid us for waiting, now in hindsight but oh well, we tried to do right thing). I had come off depo in summer of 2004 and we used condoms only for about a year and then switched to w/d method. In May of 2008 I had my first midwife apt. for TTC as I planned to start soon after wedding. (09/08). All my preliminary blood & pap stuff looked normal/good and I went on prenatals. We officially started trying Jan 2009.
By Oct. 09 I had a transvaginal ultrasound done to make sure everything was okay as far as cysts etc. since no luck whatsoever. This came back clear and also showed a nice ripe follicle.
So then I had cd21 bloods done to confirm ovulation and other hormone levels and that all came back good.
So DH went to our primary for an SA and that didn't come out so great. His count was normal at 45million but his motility was only 49%. This was in Novemeber.
Since then he quit smoking and started eating healthier and taking fertilaid and spemen. Still not even a faint bfp ever.
We have tried about everything imaginable.
We haven't gone back for a recheck SA as our primary dr. did the first one and we've been told that once you go to an FS they want their own anyway, and we just haven't booked with an FS yet as DH is quite sure that we just need to give it time. I am getting VERY ready to book.

Now THATs a boring story.!
Whit-Thank you, I'm going to make the best of the situation. I didn't see your post about your HSG but congratulations! Maybe that opened them up and you'll get your BFP now, I've heard that happens!

Titi-Thanks to you too, she is awesome and looks so old in that picture. Makes me sad that she's no longer my baby. I call her my baby and she says "I"m not a baby, I'm a big girl!". Too funny.

zee-It's getting better, it really is. Everytime it happens, the depression seems to last longer but I'm trying not to dwell. I have too many good things in my life to be sad for very long.

jmikolin-I would never say this to be mean and it's just in my experience but if you aren't getting your lines and they aren't getting darker, it's probably not what you want it to be. I got 4 great BFPs then a faded one then nothing at all and the next day I started bleeding.
Here's my story...
When DH and I were 20, we got engaged. We had dated for nearly 3 years before this and were engaged for a year and a half before he broke it off. Cold feet and other girls....yes, multiple girls. We were young and stupid and it was a good thing for both of us, actually. About 3 months later, he convinced me that he was ready to try again so we moved into an apartment together (very much against my parents wishes) and lived together for 5 weeks. I moved back out because of reasons mentioned above. I moved in with my best friend to a little apartment and soon after, Luke and I started sleeping together. Not dating, just having sex. I had been exposed to meningitis while working in the ER and the hospital put me on prophylactic antibiotics and I told him my birth control may not work and he didn't care and BAM! I find out at 6 weeks I'm pregnant with Marley. We move back in together, get engaged after 3 months and got married when she was 5 months old. So minus our break-ups DH and I will have our 10 year anniversary Sept. 1st.
I thought I didn't want anymore babies, I had a bad pregnancy with her and hated the whole idea so I went on Depo. When she turned 2 in April of 2008, I started thinking differently. I took my last injection in July 2008. In August of 2009, I saw my doctor. We had been trying for a year and I was ready for some help. He told me I had PCOS and put me on Aspirin, Metformin and Femara. Checked my blood, everything was normal. He never did an ultrasound until I got preg in Sept and started bleeding in October at 5w. Each ovary had 1 cyst...NOT PCOS. I had and early subchorionic and he told me I would miscarry by that Monday, I never did. I called on Tues and the nurse told me "Good, well then hold your breath and wait". My appointment wasnt' for another 3 weeks and they didn't want to do anything or see me or check another ultrasound so I switched doctors! My new doctor checked an ultrasound, I got to hear the heartbeat and see my little bean and 2 weeks later I lost it (10w5d). I never went back on the meds.
I think you all know the rest, right?
ready-Thank you. I'm feeling better and I missed everyone!
AreIn thanks for sharing. I love everyone's stories. I personally don't have anything to exciting. I laid eyes on my husband when I was 19 when I was working at a credit union downtown. I was still with my high school sweet heart at the time, but we were coming to our end, because we were so young and he just was not wanting what I wanted. You would think after being with someone for 5 1/2 years he may well not when you are young I guess. Anyways when I see my husband for the first time at 19 I told everyone I worked with that I will marry that man. 5 years later at 24 I married him and he is my best friend. Our story is so long I would take me forever to type it, but I do believe in love at first site. We have been ttc for 10 months and he has been checked and he is good. I have been to my gyno and other than my yearly check ups, I have not been checked, but I really have never had issues. I am pretty regular with my cycles, so I just bought ovacue to help me pinpoint my o time! Lets hope it works. I have a feeling I am going to O sooner than what ovacue is saying though based on my numbers I got today.
I wish all of you TTCing the absolute best!!

As I indicated originally, I'm just using the OvaCue to become more aware of my cycles (in conjunction with the FAM in general) and to avoid for the time being.

I am SOOOO annoyed with myself!:growlmad: I had been super diligent about using the OvaCue at about the same time each AM and PM and was finding the whole thing pretty fascinating. My vag reading started off at like 360-something, went as high at 390-something, and has been progressively declining with the appearance of cervical fluid. Even though I entered 32 days as my cycle length, I can tell by the fluid's earlier-than-usual appearance that I'll be Oing much earlier this month; my cycle will probably be closer to 28 days.

So last night, I went to use the vag sensor and got my lowest reading yet -- 192 (approaching O -- cool!). Then I noticed that it had predicted my fertility and peak fertility, etc. (It may have done it yesterday AM and I just didn't notice). I was all excited because it was suggesting that my peak fertility would be next Tuesday, the 22nd, which confirms my early O predictions just based on cervical fluid.

Then I realized the mistake I made. I took my reading mere minutes after midnight, and it was registering the vag reading for today, the 18th! No wonder they tell you not to do it after midnight - duh! :wacko: So then I thought I'd get clever and switch the date back to the 17th and trick the OvaCue into recording my vag reading for last night. Not a good idea. It screwed a bunch of stuff up, and now I have two different dates that the OvaCue considers Cycle Day 1 and two different sets of readings for the 17th (one set only oral, one set only vag). Booooo! It was all so lovely, and now, of course, my fertility predictions are all gone (at least I think I remember what it said so I can confirm later). On the up side, I have been charting my numbers in Excel (which does pretty much the same thing the software does), so I can still keep track. But darn it! Ha ha I really wanted to use it flawlessly my first cycle so I could see how it performed, and I messed it up. Oh, well. I'll take a closer look when I get home to see whether I should just delete some of the extraneous readings caused as a result of my user error. Since I still won't likely be Oing until CD 14 or 15 (and today's CD 10, I may still get O confirmation. We'll see.) Anyway...annoying!
Sorry I cant be much help, Ready. Im used to being able to look at charts--since it is the pattern of temps you are looking for.

Our story starts in July 2007, when I was 19-turning 20 that August. Dh worked at a gas station 2 blocks from my house, and I had just come out of a serious relationship with a guy that had 2 kids. (it was awful leaving the kids-their mom was a crackhead that didnt watch them and I mothered them for about 6 months-heartbreaking) So not only did I have to get over him, but his children--which was considerably harder. I knew then I really wanted a stable relationship and children (although Ive always wanted kids-I just wanted them sooner now.) I had a crush on Dh and we flirted whenever I went into the gas station. I needed a job, and to get started rebuilding my life. I had also just quit a really bad drug habit, and I felt really alone. Well I applied and Dh later told me he threw away a bunch of applications and told his manager she should really hire me :haha: So she did, and we started dating about 2 months later. We got engaged two months after that, and married in a park on his lunchbreak on December 31st.

When we started dating in September--we held off until October and didnt have sex until then, and we talked about it and I went off bc. The first year we had to live with his parents for a while before moving into our own apartment.

All the while we had hoped something would happen but it didn't, so we saw a doc in 2008. Dh had a good SA, ran all the blood tests on me, but my testosterone was high so I have been repeatedly tested for that. PCOS was ruled out, but my endocrinologist just repeated a test done for CAH (very complicated--google it if you want) And I'm waiting for the results now. My first gyn put me on Clomid--varying doses but it didn't work. It did, however.. hyperstimulate me and I had 4 bouts of painful rupturing cysts-the last of which in December even though I had been off the Clomid for a year. I had not had any scans or tracking while on the medicine. My doctor got fired for being a womanizer-I don't know the details, but it sucked trying to find someone else who'd help me. Finally I went to a midwife for my yearly in April of this year, and she told me to start temping (I had been considering it anyway) and she referred me to my current doc. The doctor suggested what I would have requested--HSG. She also wanted me to see the endocrinologist to repeat the test for CAH which was what was just done. After I get the results I guess we will talk about the options, and if I dont get pregnant soon, we are going to start on clomid again. I might talk to her about doing femara instead if it comes to that--it makes me a little nervous.
I like hearing everyone's stories-good idea ZeeZee.
Calyk-I have screwed up my ovacue two months in a row. The first month I accidentally deleted one reading-and well I tried what you did it of course got the same result and then about a week later I accidentally deleted ALL the readings! GRRRRRRRRRRR

This cycle was excited to use as normal and somehow entered the wrong stupid date when I set it up and didn't realize it until about a week & a half later. When I tried to just change the date the whole stupid thing happened all over again!!!!
Aww I am loving everyone's stories. I feel like I know you girls a lot better now. So since my temp spiked quite a bit this morning, that could mean I already O'ed? I am so confused. I posted my readings and my temps on pg 136 or 137, can someone shed some light on my darkness...hahahah
Ready- my temp always goes super low around 96ish a few days before O.. probably because of Estrogen production but idk for sure. after that it always goes up a little and then I O. if your cycles are around 33 days you probably havent O'd yet although I cant say for sure--do you know when you usually O? I try also using LH strips around the Ovacue's predicted O, which helps me confirm it and makes me not doubt the monitor.
Whitbit, I don't really know when I O, which is the main reason I bought ovacue. I have 30 day cycles normally. Ovacue predicted I would o on the 21st, so I guess we will just wait and see. This stuff is so confusing..
Even with 30 day cycles--which is what I usually have (anywhere from 28-31) I always O between day 14 and 18.. Titi has 25-28 day cycles (I think?) and her O is normally around day 11-13

So your cycle length is really dependant on your O day

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