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Club OvaCue!

Regular consumption of high-quality Royal Jelly has been shown to help balance hormones. This makes it beneficial to those individuals that suffer from a hormonal imbalance, as it helps to provide support to the endocrine system. It can also help with problems that are related to hormonal imbalance, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or irregular menstrual cycles. Some studies have shown that Royal Jelly has the propensity to mimic human estrogen, which can help those that suffer from low estrogen levels.

Royal Jelly is primarily sold as a dietary supplement that can be used for a variety of issues. Some of the things that Royal Jelly has been used for include:

• To increase libido
• Support egg health
• Diminish and reduce the signs of aging
• To reduce inflammation caused by illness or injury
• To naturally boost the bodies immune system
• To help treat auto-immune problems like non-rheumatoid arthritis

You can usually find Royal Jelly in capsule or liquid form. The liquid form is placed into a honey base, that can be taken orally or mixed into beverages, meal-replacement shakes or smoothies. When purchasing Royal Jelly, you want to make sure that you only choose pure, high-quality jelly from a reputable source. Make sure there are no preservatives, additives or chemicals to the jelly, so that it does not counteract what you are trying to do to boost your fertility.

It is extremely important to note that Royal Jelly should not be taken by everyone. As with anything, even those things that are natural, it is possible for an individual to have an allergic reaction from consuming the jelly. If you know that you have an allergy to bee stings or even an allergy to honey, you should not take Royal Jelly, as side affects and reactions can include minor to severe skin irritations, difficulty breathing or even anaphylactic shock.
https://forums.fertilitycommunity.c...-ivf/276953-has-anyone-taken-royal-jelly.html very good forum with lots of information on it
Awesome! Maybe I'll try that one if this one isn't it!
i find the weirdest stuff, i know. haha. i just don't have much to do when i'm not at work. :shrug: i think you won't even have to worry about it, cause this is your cycle!! FX'ed!!
AAAH! I hope you're right. I'm not much for waiting anymore.
good afternoon lovely ladies! :)

arein - well, i have creamy CM today, so thinking that O is on it's way. i've been taking supplements, so not sure if that might have pushed forward O date or anything. I'm going to test tonight probably, and then twice a day until then O. which *should* be friday unless it's changed. we O the same day of our cycles. sweet! DH might get to visit the end of may, but that's not confirmed. so, if that doesn't happen, i get to see him the end of june. we're trying to plan from the 23-30 of june because that's my fertile period, but it all depends on whether his command OK's him to see me all those days. they might not :( FX'ed though!

crazy - so glad that everything is going good for you. we miss talking to you every day but i'm sure you've got a lot to handle with the two kids and new pregnancy. is DH as excited as you? and the kids? i guess all the :dust: we threw on you worked. so throw some on me! haha :)

emilyjean - welcome to the club! i'm so glad that your hubby is in this with you. the same happened to me. i thought hubby would think i was crazy, but when i told him, he told me whatever it takes. i hope it gets to you soon and you get to trying! hopefully ovacue will bring you a :bfp: just like arein SHOULD get this month! :)

Hey girlie!! Things are still good. been super busy this week... ahhhh And I am so tired!! I haven't told my 2 kids yet about the baby. I am waiting until after I go to the doc. But I think that they will be excited. My daughter is 8 and my son is 6, so too have a new baby should be exciting!! DH is so excited. I am throwing buckets of baby dust on you girls!!!
Hey girls sorry I haven't been on for a while DH took me away to the coast for the weekend :dance:

Oooh I take royal jelly not only is it great for fertility I use to be ALWAYS tired and cranky :blush: since I've been taking Royal Jelly I have so much more energy and it really has stabilized my moods, also it increased my sex drive (tmi) but I never felt like it before.

Hubby takes it as well great for spermies and hair lol also increased his :sex: drive.
I started taking B complex 150 hopefully to stop mid cycle spotting and stabilize progesterone hopefully it wont delay ovulation though. I also have progesterone cream if that doesn't do the trick this cycle I might give progesterone suppositories a go :shy:
arein - FX'ed for :bfp:

crazy - thanks for the :dust: glad to hear DH is so excited and i'm sure the kids will be too!

moo - do you take the pill form or the jar kind of royal jelly? glad to hear you're getting your cycles straightened out lovely!!
arein - FX'ed for :bfp:

crazy - thanks for the :dust: glad to hear DH is so excited and i'm sure the kids will be too!

moo - do you take the pill form or the jar kind of royal jelly? glad to hear you're getting your cycles straightened out lovely!!

I'm just taking it in pill form - its Royal Jelly 1000 https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au...me=Healthy+Care+Royal+Jelly+1000+365+Capsules

What form are you taking it in? I wanted to try take it in natural form, there are a few better products other than the one I'm taking which are snap frozen but my best friend is a Natural Therapist and she recommended these capsules for me.
:wave: hi my beautiful ovacue ladies!!

moo - how are ya! i have the pill form as well. the y.s organic bees farm brand. heard it was pretty good. i've heard some very very good things about a natural form that i might break down and get. eek :)

oh - and my OVACUE CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY! :happydance: i'm so anxious to try it, but since i'm CD14. dang it i have to wait until next cycle :( patience is NOT my virtue.

how is everyone's day..? arein. you itching to test yet?? i'm pretty sure i'm itching to test FOR YOU! :)

hope everything is well crazy. miss ya!!
For sure itching! I did test yesterday just to hopefully get it out of my system for a few more days. I barely even looked at it, knowing it would be negative.
Do you love it?! That's so exciting.
Do you girls have vaginal sensors with your Ovacues? Just wondering.. I read that its the only thing that absolutely confirms it, or is it pretty easy to tell without it?
I didn't buy one but I temp and it looks like you do too.
I just bought a BBT. Awesome! Hubby said I could spend some money but I dont know if I should get one or not! Maybe it will solve my problem of not getting enough BD in if I know exactly when to!
I was temping before I bought my OvaCue so I just stuck with that for O confirmation. I couldn't see buying a vag sensor for $100 when it wouldn't tell me anything differently than my temp would.
hey ladies! well, i've been messing with my ovacue and it seems SO simple. all these reviews about it being hard. not quite understanding. all you have to do is read the operators manual and it tells you step by step. i'm girly sometimes too and i love the cute case it comes in. as for the vaginal sensor, i did go for it and i know crazy did too. i temp as well. i went for it, because in february i either didn't o (annovulatory cycle), chemical pregnancy, or started to o but didn't finish..and it caused my march *period i never got* to be all messed up. i wanted the vaginal sensor to CONFIRM that i did o. i like it so far though.. just hate that i have to wait for my next cycle!
Hey girls!!! I just wanted to check in and see how you are all doing!!!!! I hope that things are going well!!! Nevertogether- I bet you were excited to see the OvaCue finally arive!! I am so excited for you guys!!
Do you guys have Ovacue or Ovacue 2? Is there a difference? bout to order i think

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