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Cycle Buddy wanted

Ok, MT, how about this....


And I've been a good girl today... apple for breakfast, cham tea to drink, and a fresh tossed salad with greens, peppers, artichokes and other healthy goodies, balsamic vinnegrette dressing ... for lunch (OH took day off so made me lunch... how sweet. :happydance:).

WHY do i feel like a blue whale at the moment???? ARG. :grr:

Well since you're askin'... :)...you feel like a whale because your body is telling you to prepare for some growth in the next 9 months! I can relate...I've been having this too.

The only 'symptom' that is bothering me right now is the sleepless, sweaty nights. Last night was the 3rd of these and this is quite odd.

Here's my new list (to add to the other stuff)
still a stuffy nose, and last night I blew it and it bled!
I have ...wind... :blush:
I am not a real moody person but like TL I've been a bit edgy

BTW TL-That's a most famous symptom, and if it follows you throughout the pregnancy you'll be such a joy to have around.... :rofl: :rofl:

EB-What's your CM and CP?

Lun-I'll check mine and give you the info in a bit :blush:
CM-creamy wet with particles ...sort of clumpyish and slightly sticky....can it do all that at once?!?
CP-so high I can't feel the OS (opening) but it is harder than yesterday so I would call it medium soft....but that's not a good description because I was only feeling the side of it...it's sorta turned upward :blush:
My goodness, the things we post on here... :blush: :blush: (!)
The only 'symptom' that is bothering me right now is the sleepless, sweaty nights. Last night was the 3rd of these and this is quite odd.

Here's my new list (to add to the other stuff)
still a stuffy nose, and last night I blew it and it bled!
I have ...wind... :blush:

EB-What's your CM and CP?

They sound like good symptoms MT - especially the bleeding nose!! I've read that loads about early pg stmptoms.

Today my CM is still creamy but not as much as yesterday, and CP is high, hard & closed. I keep thinking I can't be as not really getting symptoms but then tell myself that I'm only 5dpo
I hope so...I've heard/read about that too. I really really didn't want symptoms because I always get symptoms...and never a :bfp: *boo hoo*
OK just had a weird twitching to left of abdomen. Wasn't painful but felt a bit dizzy just whilst it was happening (only a few seconds). *sigh* I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot this month. I probably bloody imagined it.

MT - I know what you mean, every month I seem to get a new symptom (see above!!) only for the :witch: to show up :hissy:
Hey ladies...awww everything sounds sooo promisng for all of you!!! I really hope you girls get your bfps!!! For me on the other hand i still have my temps in the 97's highest one has been 97.7...so the only thing i can think is either 1 i didnt o, or two because i didnt temp in the beginning and when i started temping i was getting up and moving that my pre temps are 96's and i just didnt see em? Make sense. Anyway i told my ob/gyn we are ttc and i would like a cd 21 test and she see that was fine. I go today for it...really soooooo nervous and i wont get results back till FRIDAY!! three days..ahhh!:0
Anyways..my sypmtoms or my head ...hehe are feeling sick here and there, my boobs hurt alittle and feel a tad bigger? Also is itchy nipples a sign? OMG did they itch last night soooooo bad!

CM is creamy and wet, alil bit of ewcm here and there...and cp is i would say medium , medium? What do you girls consider high? like your whole finger???

Hope you all get your bfps very soon!!!!:):) HUGS
Yr symptoms sound promising Gabrielle!! And yr temps might be off as as you say you were moving about etc. Hope the blood test goes ok.

What I consider to be high is when I can only just reach it, so yes whole finger.

I was reading 'The big thread of early symptoms' thread this morning & a few women mentioned itchy nipples on there.
oooooo.... Bloody nose! Great sign, MT!!

I would report that I have bloody noses, too... especially in the morning.. every morning.

BUT! This is, sadly, nothing new. I have capillaries that are too close to the surface and have had bloody nose problems since I was in college. They have gotten even more regular since moving to the high desert. I would LOVE to say they have gotten worse, but I think I'd be lying. :roll:

No BFP dreams last night. :(

EB - I would say you DEF felt that twinge and it is DEF a good sign! :happydance:
morning ladies great signs! how do you get to the thread of symptoms? i want to read i am having this undescribable feeling in my tummy and pelvic area. i am only 5 dpo as well but who knows. also having c cm.
Gab, don't stress too much over your temps, it takes a cycle or two to figure out how to do them properly and get good results!

I'm glad you are going in for the cd21. I hope you get good results!!

Itchy nips are a total symptom! :winkwink:
morning ladies great signs! how do you get to the thread of symptoms? i want to read i am having this undescribable feeling in my tummy and pelvic area. i am only 5 dpo as well but who knows. also having c cm.

Hi 1st baby, the link to the thread is -

thanks so much! I just need to check something and just so you ladies know i just went to the "loo" and I had so much c cm! I was like wow what is that, i thought it was like rolled up toilet paper (how embarrasing!) it was just loads of c cm!
thanks so much! I just need to check something and just so you ladies know i just went to the "loo" and I had so much c cm! I was like wow what is that, i thought it was like rolled up toilet paper (how embarrasing!) it was just loads of c cm!

ooo! good sign! c'mon election baby!!
thanks so much! I just need to check something and just so you ladies know i just went to the "loo" and I had so much c cm! I was like wow what is that, i thought it was like rolled up toilet paper (how embarrasing!) it was just loads of c cm!

That's what I was like yesterday - on that symptom thread practically everyone mentioned creamy cm. Fingers crossed!! :happydance:
i smell cat pee..all the time! everywhere..but maybe cause i got new kiddies...about a month ago..but they dont pee on anything lol...
CP-so high I can't feel the OS (opening) but it is harder than yesterday so I would call it medium soft....but that's not a good description because I was only feeling the side of it...it's sorta turned upward :blush:

So I've just felt my CP & realised that the OS feels like it's on the side & therefore harder to reach, but the bottom of my cervix is easier to reach if that makes sense. Is that what yrs felt like? Thing is I don't know if this is any different from normal. I've had laser treatment on my cervix & according to the doctor 'it's been fried & there's not much left' - he said this won't effect me getting pg though, just might make the risk of miscarriage higher (just what I wanted to know :cry:)
my cp i just feel at the top..and i feel a lil like hold feeling and then i can feel the whole thing...i put my whole finger up there and its there...what would you ladies call this? low..med, high? i have creamy cm
ok... now I'm confused again. :wacko: Just when I thought I was getting pretty decent at figuring this CP thing out...

My cervix feels like a cone, a long one when it is low and a short one when it is high. The opening is always right at the tip of it, the first thing I can feel. Am I not understanding the anatomy of this correctly?? Is my cervix all screwed up? I have been a little confused because it never seems to close all the way. It never feels like a "nose." I can always feel a little indent across the tip of it, its just that the ident is either short and narrow, or longer and less narrow.

What is going on here??? :confused:
ok... now I'm confused again. :wacko: Just when I thought I was getting pretty decent at figuring this CP thing out...

My cervix feels like a cone, a long one when it is low and a short one when it is high. The opening is always right at the tip of it, the first thing I can feel. Am I not understanding the anatomy of this correctly?? Is my cervix all screwed up? I have been a little confused because it never seems to close all the way. It never feels like a "nose." I can always feel a little indent across the tip of it, its just that the ident is either short and narrow, or longer and less narrow.

What is going on here??? :confused:

I think yrs is normal!! There are actually pics of them on the internet if yr not too squemish. Normally my opening is the first thing I feel too, never noticed it as a cone shape though - but that might be cos of my laser surgery.

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