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Cycle Buddy wanted

ooo... i was a bio major, a vet tech, and a zookeeper... I have done necropsies on more animals than I care to remember (including a giraffe once, that was interesting)... no squemishness here!! Where do I find the pics???? :yipee:
ooo... i was a bio major, a vet tech, and a zookeeper... I have done necropsies on more animals than I care to remember (including a giraffe once, that was interesting)... no squemishness here!! Where do I find the pics???? :yipee:

I'll pm you some links
MT - when sending TL the links of cervix pics I noticed that the opening does go slightly off to the side when it's closed.

If anyone wants the links let me know & I'll send them to you
MT - when sending TL the links of cervix pics I noticed that the opening does go slightly off to the side when it's closed.

If anyone wants the links let me know & I'll send them to you

Yes, please. :)

Wow, I seemed to have missed a lot of convo here, EB, Fried?! Seriously?!?
TL-My cervix is like a doughnut, but with a very small hole :) :rofl: Just picture an entenmann powdered sugar doughnut......LOL! And when it's hard the outer rims feel like the tip of my nose as hardness goes, and when it's soft the whole thing is soft...like they say, your lips...I know you know this, no clue why I just typed it....but sometimes when it's hard, it's still soft around the os....strange?
Gab-Hello! Temps aren't my friend...but symptoms are! :rofl: my high cp is so high I can barely reach it...and I have long fingers :blush:
oh, and 1stbaby, good cm symptoms!!! I was hoping to look at that thread too in the next few days I want to have it memorized which will only make my symptom list grow.... :rofl:
Thanks for the pics, EB!! I did make me realize one thing for sure... I need that EP to increase my CF, I think! I NEVER get handfuls like the lady in that last link did! HOLY COW! Do you guys see that much???

Ok... I think I am getting a better idea... I'll have to keep checking with all this new shared info from you guys and see what I come up with. This is way too complicated! It makes BBT seem like CAKE! :roll:

Not sure I'm brave enough to get out the digi camera and tell OH to put on a headlamp, tho! YIKES! :shock:
I don't get ANY EWCM - hence the preseed. It's taken me a year to realise that :blush:

:rofl::rofl: at the camera & headlamp!!!
Yeah, I thought the same thing, loads and loads she had!!! I need to up my EPO too! :rofl: All we need is a good zoom lenz and we wouldn't need a speculum.....LOL!!!
Think I'm being stooopid here - EP? EPO? What's that stand for? :blush:
NO! you're not stupid.

Evening Primrose... I only know that cuz I started a thread asking about it... and MT gave me some advice, too. It helps increase EWCM, but can cause miscarriages, so you have to be careful with it. Only take it during the follicular phase. I think I may start it next cycle if i get another :bfn:
Ah yes - I remember replying on yr thread now. Grapefruit juice is supposed to help with ewcm too.
Ok... new symptom alert, help!!!!


So I checked my CP/CM, this is roughly the time I normally check it anyway. I think it is like what you said MT, hard around the cone part of it, but soft at the tip. It has been like this for a couple of days.

Here's the symptom/tmi...

Had some CM on my fingers, so looked at it (did NOT bring it to my nose) and the smell nearly did me in! It normally does NOT smell like that... my stomach lurched and I about gagged... That has never happened before. :shock:

I DEF don't have the guts to taste it tho (like that first link suggested), especially when just the smell gags me.... :sick: Maybe I'm just a sissy after all.
Can you described how it smelt? I noticed mine smelt a bit yesterday & it reminded me of the 'sex' smell :blush: - normally it doesn't smell like that unless we've actually had sex but we haven't for a couple of days as we're taking a rest! Wasn't a strong smell though. You sure you haven't got an infection?
EEEW! Taste it!?!?!?! EEEWWW Who the eff does that!? :rofl: I've heard vinegar-ish smelling cm is a good sign, and anything out of the ordinary could be a sign.
I don't mean to side track but I thought this was cute, it happened 2 nights ago, I was telling my hub about a dream I had, 2 in a row each night and they were extremely vivid and involved. I told them to him just in convo and he said... "aren't vivid dreams a symptom?" LOL! I laughed then too...he and I call everything a 'symptom'. But I'm going to add that to my list.
And EB-I was going to be a smart allek and tell you that EPO was 'Eggwhite Producin' Oil' .
TL-I don't think you're out until AF shows. I am very hopeful this month and I'm trying to play it cool...I have such a busy week ahead and weekend too that I don't even know how much I'll be able to keep up with this thread!! I hope this is it for us all...
Yeah, I am sure it's not an infection. And it is not from BD - didn't DTD last night.

I dunno if I can describe it. TBH, it didn't smell THAT different from usual, just a little more sour maybe... but not infection sour... just off. Not yeasty... and not super strong... just made me gag for some reason. Maybe sorta sex/sour/musky??? It usually has a very faint watery/CM smell. This was just a little different. Random, I guess. :shrug:
I thought that was normal to taste it???

ONLY JOKING!!!! :rofl::rofl: :sick::sick:
Yeah, I am sure it's not an infection. And it is not from BD - didn't DTD last night.

I dunno if I can describe it. TBH, it didn't smell THAT different from usual, just a little more sour maybe... but not infection sour... just off. Not yeasty... and not super strong... just made me gag for some reason. Maybe sorta sex/sour/musky??? It usually has a very faint watery/CM smell. This was just a little different. Random, I guess. :shrug:

Maybe it didn't smell any different than normal but yr sense of smell has been heightened because of you know what!
EEEW! Taste it!?!?!?! EEEWWW Who the eff does that!? :rofl: I've heard vinegar-ish smelling cm is a good sign, and anything out of the ordinary could be a sign.
I don't mean to side track but I thought this was cute, it happened 2 nights ago, I was telling my hub about a dream I had, 2 in a row each night and they were extremely vivid and involved. I told them to him just in convo and he said... "aren't vivid dreams a symptom?" LOL! I laughed then too...he and I call everything a 'symptom'. But I'm going to add that to my list.
And EB-I was going to be a smart allek and tell you that EPO was 'Eggwhite Producin' Oil' .
TL-I don't think you're out until AF shows. I am very hopeful this month and I'm trying to play it cool...I have such a busy week ahead and weekend too that I don't even know how much I'll be able to keep up with this thread!! I hope this is it for us all...

:rofl::rofl::rofl: EWCM producing oil :rofl::rofl::rofl: your OH is symptom hunting for you :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ok... maybe vinegary... but I dunno.. but now I'm giong to THINK that is what it was! :roll:
Yeah, I am sure it's not an infection. And it is not from BD - didn't DTD last night.

I dunno if I can describe it. TBH, it didn't smell THAT different from usual, just a little more sour maybe... but not infection sour... just off. Not yeasty... and not super strong... just made me gag for some reason. Maybe sorta sex/sour/musky??? It usually has a very faint watery/CM smell. This was just a little different. Random, I guess. :shrug:

Maybe it didn't smell any different than normal but yr sense of smell has been heightened because of you know what!

Yeah!!! That's what it is!!! She nailed it! Your smell sense is just stronger!

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