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Cycle Buddy wanted

DRATS!! you guys are right!!!

I could see it now.. ok!!! not TOOO much saliva, hon! OK!! was it sweet?? how sweet? sweeter than yesterday?? still any salty???

They would kill us! :rofl:
(only 3 weeks 'til our anniversary!!! Whooo Hoooo! I'd love to have a :bfp: for a pres to him!)
oooo!!! wrap it up and give the BPS stick to him as a present! What year will it be??
Ok, UNFORTUNATELY I have to get to work now :( I hope you guys have a wonderful next couple of minutes.... :rofl: cuz that's the only longer I'll be able to work before I have to check again. :rofl:
Ok, UNFORTUNATELY I have to get to work now :( I hope you guys have a wonderful next couple of minutes.... :rofl: cuz that's the only longer I'll be able to work before I have to check again. :rofl:

oooo!!! wrap it up and give the BPS stick to him as a present! What year will it be??

EIGHT! The pics on my profile are almost exactly 8 years apart :) From engagement to going to/being in a friend's wedding.
LOL...we're all nuts!
I have a plan if I do get a BPS...hehe...I will definately have to wrap that puppy and give it to him! That is if he doesn't already know I got a BPS...it will be hard to hide it, he'll want to know if AF started and so forth by then....
It can't be Big Positive Stick stick...like you said...(BPS stick) It would have to be Big Positive Shock stick...geez, I need to work.
Just tell him NO and NO BPS either!! And it's driving you CRAZY... and make sure to act crazy so he believes you! :wohoo: oohhhh... the things you could do with this... :devil:

P.S. How's work coming along? :rofl:
As I get up earlier than him, I'm either going to put the digital BPS (new name!) in the toothbrush holder - but knowing him he'll try to brush his teeth with it (it takes a while for him to wake up!) or I'm gonna photocopy it & stick loads of copies all over the house
He gets up earlier than me, I usually get up just as he is leaving for work. Haven't decided what I'm gonna do yet. Ideally, I would get BPS :shock: on a weekend.
wow such a great convo ladies!!! Great ideas and i love the new name bps! I am going to test on sunday due to this weeks schedule i am only sleeping at home tomorrow night *too soon to test* and Saturday night (testing sunday fmu). I have not thought of any creative way to show him i will be soooo excited i will probably just jump on him with it! Of course if its too early to tell sunday and af does not show up i wont test again until Tuesday again. So funny cm convo, but (tmi) today when i am sitting here or walking sometimes, i feel like i have peed a little or af is showing up but when i check it is loads of cm!! I have not smelt it or tasted it *YUCK* but i dont remember this much happening. O O O and I just took a nap, tired, but could be the weather, it is cold and raining, and I had a mini dream OH painted one of our spare bedrooms yellow!! I was so excited, we are not going to find out the sex so yellow was cute!!! And last night i had a dream i was holding a baby and for some reason i think it was a boy! so crazy, this cycle is getting to me!
Ohhh 1stbaby, I can't wait to see your BPS...hehe

I've sharply decided I'm not going to test. I'm just going to wait until AF shows...either she will or she won't and if she's late, that's when I'll break out the Big Pee Stick. :rofl:
I will wait until the 19th or 20th to test. I am calling myself 8-9 dpo today, so it should happen soon if it hasn't already...COME ON IMPLANT ALREADY!

But....If all my cycle buddies are testing and getting BPS's then how will I avoid the urge to test? Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens.

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