Cycle Buddy wanted

EB!! You are so right! You're hubby is DEF going to have a baby in 9 months! :rofl:

MT, I'm so sad you are feeling down. :cry: Did the docs think you would have to have IUI or IVF? I hope not. What did they say was the problem? The Endo? or the hormones? Besides loads of ladies were told hey could not get pg and ended up proving docs wrong. Hang in there... there's reason to believe you can (and will) do this!

As for me... symptoms gone so far this morning. But I've only been up for a little while. My temp dipped just a little, but still looks good.. and I took it 40 min early anyway.

I had that metallic/sharp taste in my mouth for most of the afternoon and evening yesterday. But it is gone today. :shrug: Like I said in my journal, I guess I shouldn't have been sucking on that penny. :winkwink:

Well we are in the home stretch... we should all have answers before too long! :dust:
Morning ladies. I too have lost all the promising symptoms, but then again, they may have been symptoms i wanted to be having... The only one i cant be making up or creating in my head is the c cm. I dont know if i have any today or not because it usually doesnt show up until the second pee break of the day and i got a late start today so we will c. like i said, if it isnt a good sign for this month then i will be ready next month to discard it in the tww. my temp dropped a lot today back close to the line. that worries me a lot because today is 7 dpo... last month af came on 8 dpo. I am only on cd 25 though and my cycles are usually close to 28 like 27 or 28 so this would be pretty early if af shows up tomorrow. i am ready though because if she does then i know i have a problem and i will start taking the b complex right away and then make my appointment for the cd 21 blood draw.
FX big time! But i am just doubtful. If you look at last month thats sort of what happened right before af showed up. I honestly think i ov on cd 20 which would make me 5 dpo ff thinks i am 7 dpo and some think ff should have stayed on cd 16 ov which would make me 9 dpo. So hmmm who knows. I guess all i can do is wait until tomorrow and test my temp, or if af shows up then my lp is only 7 days.

Question though, its no question whether i ov or not though right, since the temp change is so drastic? I mean as long as i ov everything is ok except maybe my lp then right?
Personally, I feel confident that you o'ed... pos opk and temp shift. There's NO reason to think you didn't!
Hi girls, hope yr all ok. We've been a bit quiet today.

I've been an irritable bitch today - my poor OH made me tea & all I did was moan about how he did it wrong - I DON'T like my pasta & sauce in the same pan!!! :rofl: Not taking it as a sign though, I normally get like this before af.

MT how are you? Hope yr feeling better, try not to worry, remember we're going for the record on this thread & ALL of us are getting :bfp:'s!!

Just wanted to wish you all luck too, it's getting closer to the time for testing, especially for Meli Tia, Tiger Lady & Lunaty. Me & 1stBaby won't be far behind & then Gabrielle will complete the 6 :bfp:'s. IF it does end up that it's a :bfn: just remember that it's not over till the :witch: shows up and IF she does show her ugly face, just remember that we're all here & will give plenty of hugs & support (I'm writing this to myself also). Here's loads of :dust::dust::dust:

Oh and one final thing - our dance


Love ya girlies, bring on the :bfp:'s xxxxx
Ahhh thats sweet, thanks for the peptalk Elliebank!!!!!!

After a few days of no real appetite im starting to have a huge one to the point i eat myself full and cant do anything but lay in the couch hahaha, not like me at all!!!!

Some weird stitches in my tumtums too :D Im starting to get a bit more hopeful but have had no reall other things to show for it (apart from constipation ) :muaha:

How is everyone else doing?!
Still no real symptoms today, but chart still looks okay. I'm tired, but that's it. :shrug:

Going for cd25 bloods tomorrow. A bit nervous, but not much that can be done. Trying to focus on day AFTER tomorrow... pick up ring!! YAYAYAYA!
Good luck Tigerlady :) i hope your blood results will be all good..
Wow we have been very quiet today i agree. I was looking forward to getting on here and reading about everyones symptoms today since i had a long day, and there have hardly been anyone writing! Thats ok, we are all pretty anxious to test and the weekend is near! I am still holding out till Tuesday if af doesnt show, which I think she might :( . I have had odd cramps which start out making me think its my legs cramping but i think its like af cramping as well. We will see tomorrow, i hope my temp rises !! FX!! If af does not show by the time i get on tomorrow that means i have one more day added to my lp at least. well i hope everyone is ok!
Well ladies, 10 dpo...I POAS.........BFN!
What are the chances at 14dpo it will be BFP? Slim.
Well I'm going to bed. Thanks EB for being such a positive sweetheart! :hug:
Thanks everyone! I hope you all are well... big big :hug:
Ok, well I was going to go to bed but I decided to answer some questions you guys asked...

I had my surgery for endo Feb of this year, so it's been a while since my results but in the results the doc told me it would be my best chance to ttc immediately. I decided my body wasn't ready and waited 2 months to heal. (I'm a bit of a 'naturalist' and prefer to 'fix' things that way and not rely on synthetics) After that we have gone back to being careless. I went to a homeopathic doc because I didn't like the medical doc's advice so I got a saliva hormone test. It tested my saliva for 24 days during my cycle. I got the results and we went over them. She told me that with results like mine we'd need to really get me 'straightened out' before a pregnancy could happen, in short, she'd never seen a woman with a similar chart conceive without tons of intervention.

I'm sorry I don't mean to be 'poor me'...but I guess it's my mood due to upcoming AF. I was such a grouchy grump today and I've been talking to my hub and he's the one that suggested I test just to see...and to buy more so I could test tomorrow morning and Tuesday. I am trying to not give up hope, but I'm pretty sure this isn't my month...and I'm not too sure next month would be either...

I may in the future (near or far future) get another surgery (though in my experience it was excruciating......!) and try immediately, but I'm not too sure that I believe wholey (sp?) that it's the endo and not the hormones. Well, they're related...I could write a ultimate goal is to find out how to fix myself and I WILL GET MY BFP (and the F does not stand for 'fat' :!:)
:hug:for all.....
First -- YOU GO GIRL!!!

Second... big comfy warm :hugs:

You really have been put through it, haven't you. I am very impressed that you have maintained such a good attitude and have soldiered on. Keep going and you WILL get your Big F'ing Positive! And you will deserve it soo much and s/he will be your little miracle baby and loved and cherished to no end!

We are here for you, whatever you need, for however long you need us. :)
Sorry about yr BFN MT, but it could just be that it was too early. Like TL I'm impressed with yr attitude & feel sure that if you don't get yr BFP this cycle, you will very soon.

TL - good luck with yr blood test today.
Hi girls. Just finished work so it's weekend!!! Well sort of, I'm doing a few hours overtime tomorrow :hissy:

I've been having weird 'feelings' in my boobs the last couple of days. Can't really explain it but every so often I can feel something - almost like something is moving inside of them. Hope it's a good sign.

TL yr chart is looking really good!!!
Well it's a new day! Last night was interesting. I haven't had the sore bbs like I ALWAYS GET loooong before AF shows...but I have had sore nips and that's slightly unusual for me especially without the sore bbs. Anyway, my bbs started hurting at night! and only on the sides! and I did notice that the last few nights I only got sore nips in the eve and now this am my bbs feel bigger. And I feel sickly like I need to eat but nothing sounds good. I hope I'm not out yet.

Thanks girls for being so supportive :hug: I have really really tried to stay positive, but I am hoping it's just the pregnancy hormones starting to take effect... :rofl: I know 10 dpo was too soon to test, but I am planning to not start AF and get a BF'ingP on Tuesday! or even Monday...

TL-best wishes today sweets, and hope you get some answers soon!

EB-keep up the symptoms! I know I am! whoo hoo!
well ladies, sadly my temp went down down down..... i am very sad about that, and i have been having cramps. so af is on her way. I called my dr because that means my lp really is only 7 days and i need to get on progestrone. as discussed with her a few days ago she wanted me to come in on cd 21 next month but i called today because to me that would be wasting another month i could have prevented the problem. I have not got af yet, in fact still c cm, but i just know she is on her way today or tomorrow and i would still have a short lp. the dr is going to see me today at 3, and i dont know what she will do but hopefully something.
Oh, hon! :hugs: I'm sorry. :cry:

I'm glad you are going to the doc today! Hopefully she will put you on prog... push her hard if you have to!

Let us know how it goes as soon as you can!

I'm sorry 1stBaby, hope the doc can sort it. I'm not an expert on charts but yr temp is still above the coverline, so yr af might not be on the way? Sorry if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen in the chart gallery, temp goes RIGHT DOWN, i.e. one of the lowest you've had including pre O, when af shows up. So maybe not out yet? :hug:
1stbaby- I'm sorry. I know it's hard to stay positive, but your doctor can help a ton, and in all of my hours and hours researching progesterone and so forth, I really believe your chances for a sticky bean after using progesterone are awesome! I only suggest one thing, at least ask about forms of natural progesterone...your body will accept it and process it much better. :hug:

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