Cycle Buddy wanted

AHHHHH!!!! I'm totally doing flips!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOSOSOSOSOSO excited for you!!!! :wohoo:


I am sooooo excited for you, sweetie EB!!! You have waited so long for this... it is has been over a year of TTC, right? I cannot BELIEVE it!!!! AAHHHH!!!

I looked at you pic and I can TOTALLY see the pink line, faint, but totally there! What preggers test was that? It looked like you took it apart?

And then confirmed on a digi!!! Amazing!!

<----- This is LadyT going to buy preseed RIGHT NOW!!!!! :rofl:
Thanks chick!!! I can't believe it either!!! Almost 14 months of ttc. HPT was a cheapie I'd got off Ebay, and yeah took it apart.

When are you testing? :hugs:
Broke down this morning and tested... BFN. :( oh well... I have your BFP to make up for it.
Broke down this morning and tested... BFN. :( oh well... I have your BFP to make up for it.

Oh sorry chick, but remember it's not over till :witch: shows up - plenty have people have got bfn's at 13dpo then went onto to get bfp's. And my bfp was darker on smu. :hug:
Broke down this morning and tested... BFN. :( oh well... I have your BFP to make up for it.

:(...I'm thinking I'm out too, but I'm just going to wait on AF, I don't want to see another :bfn: this bummed me out bad enough.

I had such a long day, and I am so tired...and to top it off I'm getting crampy :( I'm not holding my breath much for a :bfp: now this cycle since I've already gotten my bf'ingN.

Come on, who is left to test? :bfp:s on the way!!! :hug:
Hey EB-let us know cp and cm stuff...just 'cuz we're curious what a preggy one is doing... \\:D/
I'm gonna forego testing again, too. I don't think I can handle the emotional toll of another BF'ingN again either. It was a tough one this morning.

Yeah, EB! Do tell about CM/CP! :)

I bet you are still on :cloud9:. Have you told anyone else yet? What was OH's reaction?
I hope yr BFN's were false ones girls, I've got my fingers crossed. 1stBaby how are you doing? Is :witch: still staying away?

I've not checked my cp since I found out, as remember reading somewhere not to as it can irritate the cervix & I don't want to risk getting an infection. My cm is still creamy, I felt very wet yesterday, and had a lot in my underwear that had dried yellow :blush:

OH was in the bedroom on his playstation when I did the 2nd test, I didn't tell him what I was doing. I went back downstairs and when I realised that the 2nd lne was pink, I went in the bedroom and just said 'I think I'm pregnant' then burst into tears! He jumped up & hugged me & couldn't understand why I was crying. None of us were definate though, and I think he probably thought the line's a bit faint to know for definate, although I knew as long as it had colour if was a BFP. We decided not to use the digi as I wasn't sure if it was sensitive enough, so oh said leave it for a few days. I lasted about 5 mins before I used it. When I showed him that we just hugged with me repeating I can't believe it I can't believe it!!!

Oh, back to cp - I did check it on Friday & it felt soft, and I couldn't decide whether it was medium or high, where the opening was it was high but I could reach another part of it (I think) and that was medium. Opening still seemed to be on the side. It was closed too, possibly medium closed. Not as soft as it has been in the past either, so I'd prob call that medium.

Not told anyone else yet but telling my parents this afternoon, can't wait!
Aww, that's great EB! I can't wait to hear their reaction.

Well I'm not putting any stock into it, but my cp is so high I can only reach the side and the os seems to be on the side too, and this morning I had a lot of wet cm, last night it was dry cm...I don't chart temp, but it took a big dip from 98.7 to 97.9 last night and 97.7 this morning. I was having a lot of little cramps last night before going to bed...but I still woke up in the middle of night to pee and the sides of my bbs hurt so bad, but it seems to go away for the most part during the day. So I DON'T KNOW. I'm just waiting for that freaking witch.

So, since some of our cycle buddies will be leaving us for next cycle, should we start a new cb thread next cy?
I don't want to leave you!!! I'll still pop in to see how yr doing. What am I talking about, you'll all be following me to first tri this next week!
I hope so, but my temp tells me otherwise :(
Well, if it's not yr month this month, when it is next month - you can ask me what to expect & what symptoms I have then you have an idea of what's coming up! :hugs:
Thanks hun...
So when are you going to the parents' to tell them?!?!
Thanks hun...
So when are you going to the parents' to tell them?!?!

In about 45 mins!!! I just hope there's no one there, it'll be horrible sat there having to keep quiet!!!
Yay! I'm so excited, I bet you won't be able to keep a dry eye in the house! :hug: :!:
morning girls. so af is not here yet! my temp went up this morning, but trying not to read too much into it yet because this temp and this exact cycle day last month was when the :witch: arrived. but on a better note, if af shows up anytime now it still means my lp is getting better! my cycle was only 27 days last month, so i am hoping for a longer on either way so my lp will get longer.
Ok girls, I have a question that I don't want to post in the regular TTC board, and I thought you guys could help.
I have been regulating my cycles with Maca root powder (and as most of you know I highly recommend it!) and it is helping!!! I have regular cycles, but sometimes run a little on the longer side...but so far with this new intervention my cycles have been fab. With my severe endo I used to get awful pains and cramping and spotting for days before AF actually arrives (this is what I call, "sending out the invitations"). And when she finally arrives 2-3 days later (called, "the big event" or "party" or "circus") she lasts for 4-5 days.
NOW however, my cycles have been better! I don't have to send out 'invitations' and AF just comes with hardly any notice besides slight cramping (bigger and more productive cramping follows). My question is simple really, how does your AF start? Do you spot for a while before or do you get one or two 'invitations' out before she comes?

This time I can't tell what's happening just yet...I'll know more later of course, just curious now.
Wow, such nice ways of putting it, MT! :)

Well, USUALLY... I start very light spotting for 2-3 days (at least, sometimes 4). It is so light that I often need only 1 panty liner per day to protect against it. Sometimes I can go a half day without anything, but it is there if I wipe or if I BD.

Then it is medium/heavy for about 2 days, sometimes 3. This is accompanied by occassional light cramping, but rarely bad. The heavy usually comes with a "heavy," sore, tired, weak feeling all through my lower abdomen and down through my thighs. I feel icky in general.

Then it is light to spotty for another 2 days or so. Toward the end, I again don't have to wear much protection unless I BD, then it will start spotty/light stuff again for a 1/2 day or so.

In total, beginning spot to end spot, it can last anywhere from 6-9 days, sometimes 10 on a bad month.

However, last month was a little strange. I didn't start until 18dpo and it all the sudden came out of NOWHERE, with NO invitations being sent and was ANGRY!!!! :devil: It was HEAVY and painful for 2 days. Bad cramping, sharp, stabbing pains, headaches. It was miserable. Even with drugs. After 2 days of that, I had 2 days of light spotting and then it was gone. I still suspect that I had a chemical that month, but I never got a BFP, so can't be sure.

I don't know what this month is about to bring. I'm 14dpo and have had some mild, infrequent cramping for the last 2 days, but no sign of AF yet. Not even when we BDed today. :blush: I'm just sorta waiting to see what she decides to do the next couple of days. :shrug:

Dunno if that helped or not! :hugs:
Thank you! It helped. I'm just trying to figure out what's 'normal' because I haven't had a 'normal' af ....ever. Now, last night I got a little hopeful because I had just a spot of blood when I checked my cp (then NOTHING the next time) and that's not the norm for me, but I figured that it would change overnight. I woke up happy because my bbs hurt again like they have the last few nights and I wasn't even slightly cramping (and at 10 til 5 when I peed there was nothing when I wiped)...even made me grin to myself like a dork...but alas, after I peed at 7:30 I had some slight spotting, so I've begun sending invitations. I still don't have cramps yet, which is an absolute miracle for me. Hub and I agreed that if I'm not preg, then I'm going to have a good af and that my Maca must be working...and that takes the sting out of not being preg, at least a little.
Well on a separate note, I don't have to change my ticker...:rofl: :)

.......gotta laugh or I'll cry. :hug:
:hug: MT, sorry that it looks like af is here, but glad it's gonna be a 'nice' one for you.

I've been to the eye hospital this morning - got an ulcer on my right eye & God it's painful :cry: Think it's because of my contact lenses - I wear the ones that you sleep in, so am now either gonna wear the ones that you take out at night, or wear glasses. I think I'll wear glasses. They said if I got an ulcer on the centre of my eye (it's currently just off centre), it could permanently damage my vision. Not worth the risk.

I have 2 lots of eye drops, one to put in every hour & one 3 times a day. The ones I have to put in every hour are through the night as well!!! Oh my God, I'm gonna be very tired!!!

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