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December 2014 babies

I'll be sending good thoughts your way, mirandala!

Nothing new to report here. My Diclectin has eliminated my nausea, but breasts feel like they are bruised. I can't hug at all.

Doctor's appointment is on Monday to go over my bloodwork. So far it doesn't seem my betas will be monitored regularly, just monthly before my appointments. I suppose that's better for me, one less thing to worry about.
dark_star- glad the meds are helping!

hope&faith- great news!!

clacko- oh so exciting!!! :) :) I rented a doppler last time, not sure if I will again.. but it is sooo nice to be able to check in on baby!

Mirandala- ooo thats are great jump for your last beta!! Fingers firmly crossed!!!
Mirandala - my hcg level wasn't doubling as quickly as they wanted but after scan yesterday everything looks good - Just remember everyone is different!

Hope everyone is ok.

I am so happy but I still have a bet with hubby about not telling people until 12 weeks! 3 down 5 to go!
Dark_Star - Great about the meds helping!

Hope&Faith - I hope you win the bet just for fun :winkwink:

I hope MishC is doing alright.

afm: We went to my in laws for a visit and told them, earlier than I had wanted but they were so thrilled and FIL started jumping up and down for joy I'm so glad we did tell them!! We stayed up too late playing card games and I snacked too much so even though I have some Zofran in my system tonight I'm still feeling woozy and super bloat. Oh my goodness, is anyone else experiencing the worst bloat of their lives? :haha:
Mirandala - keeping everything crossed for you Hun. Mine also took off slowly at first. When is your next blood draw? :hugs:

Dark_star - glad ur meds are helping.

Mrs dragonfly - that's great! Such wonderful news to share with family! I chatted with MishC in another forum and she's doing better. She's on new meds and said she's starting to feel more human again.

I felt waves of nausea all day yesterday. Other than that nothing to report.

How are you ladies today?
Shell-bell - I'm so glad to hear that MishC was able to find a medication that helps her feel better, and I hope she continues to feel good! Sorry you've had waves of nausea all day:hugs:
Hi ladies, sorry to hear you have nausea. I too get nausea waves all day but the medication has stopped me been sick. I decided to start taking half a tablet each time which helped with the feeling of been spaced out and seems to be working. I'm really hoping it continues to work! I'm so proud of myself so far for managing not to end up in hospital!

My meds run out tomorrow so I'll be getting onto the doctor to try and get some more! I'm only 8 weeks and already looking pregnant! I know it's bloat but I feel so big!

We've told our families and there all so happy for us. There's just our friends and our children to tell. Hubby isn't fussed about telling his friends, I wanted to tell my best friend but we had a falling out last week because she told me that people who have more than 2 children are selfish and don't appreciate the ones they have and just popping them out for the sake of it. Unbeknown to her I'm pregnant with my third. She does have fertility issues but this did upset me. She told me she wasn't interested in talking babies or pregnancies do don't really feel like I should tell her.

I wanted to tell her sensitively because of her problems but now don't feel like telling her at all. I haven't heard from her since and this was a week ago!!!

Anyway I'm ranting! Sorry ladies lol xx
Clacko I'm glad you have medication that's been helping with your ms and that you've been staying out of the hospital! I'll keep you in my thoughts that you'll manage the whole way through without needing to go. So sorry about your friend! That was such an unkind thing to say :( Even though she's having fertility issues, it's still very hurtful. She was probably just lashing out with frustrations with her own problems, but I think you have the right idea of not bringing it up with her for a while.
Thanks mrs dragonfly! I think iv caught the sickness this time at the right time and hopefully got on top of it!

Iv been having sore boobs and some fluttery and popping sensations low down in my abdomen. Had lots of stretchy ewcm last night which I haven't noticed before! Xx
Oh gosh, my boobs feel like electric jolts go through them when DH just hugs me!

I haven't had any ewcm just plain old creamy looking stuff. Okay, tmi alert - but does it smell weird to you? I don't have any signs of infections and have been tested multiple times, but to me it just smells not myself!
I think it smells different too!!! I had lots and lots and creamy stuff yesterday but then on the night this ewcm! Weird!!!

I keep feeling woozy every now and then almost like I'm falling asleep and then coming round and not been with it! Think it might be the tablets too!


Caught beans Hb today :)
Can I join you ladies? I am due dec 24th! Congrats clacko!!! How far along are you? I couldn't get a heartbeat on a doppler til close to 15 weeks! The dr told me I have a really deep pelvis. It is so reassuring when you can find it and check for it all the time!
Nevermind clacko, I see you are 8 weeksish. That is awesome to find a heartbeat so soon!!!!

Mirandala- fingers crossed for you! Your numbers seem to be progressing nicely!
Oh my gosh Clacko, I love that you can find baby's heart beat already!! What kind of doppler do you have? I'm so tempted to get one although I think since this is our first I probably wouldn't find heartbeat until much later.

Welcome Stranje! Goodness a Christmas Eve baby:cloud9: So sweet!
Welcome stranjegirl! What an amazing Xmas present! H&H 9 months to you xxx

That's awesome clacko!

Have a great day ladies xxx
Welcome stranjegirl.

I have a baby sound b Doppler! I still can't believe I found it so early. I can only think that baby must be near the front although the sonographer said that my womb was tilted back, maybe that's made a difference. I don't think I found dd until around 9-10 weeks so this is really early!

Well I ran out of tablets yesterday, I saved one for this morning but didn't have any last night and can definiately tell, iv been sick twice already and iv only been up an hour! Iv rang doctors and waiting for them
To call back. Really hoping I get more tablets!

Woke this morning with back ache and some cramping but it seems to have eased now.

How you all doing? Xx
Dragonfly - I'm doing great now thanks for remembering me! :) I've not been keeping up with the thread to well but I see you are on med now too. Glad to hear you FIL is really excited about your news.

Clarko - Glad to hear you meds are working too. Its good to feel normal and be able to eat/drink isn't it. Great news finding the HB so soon!

Shell-bell - How are you doing?

I'm doing ok, I have a poorly daughter at the moment so just looking after her. I think I may have found a new house to move into. I'm going to hopefully view the show home this week and if I like it the I think we'll be securing the plot. Exciting stuff! I have my first MW appointment tomorrow which should be interesting.
Hi MishC - I'm fine thanks. Been for my bloods but just waiting for the doctor to call me back. It's a public holiday here today so might need to wait a bit longer than usual but hopefully not too much longer. I have another scan booked tomorrow afternoon too. Just feeling waves of nausea and still have tender boobs but that's it.

Gope your daughter is better soon! Fantastic news about the house! Fingers crossed!!!
Good luck for your scan tomorrow shell bell!

I'm still feeling totally sick, it's so exhausting. Also found a little cut on the side of my belly button. It's so sore :-( I remember having this when I was last pregnant, don't know why :-(

Poor hubby is feeling frustrated sexually I think because iv been so rough and tired he's not getting any attention lol x

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