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December 2014 babies

Yay!!!!! I knew it was going to be good news!!!!! An increase in levels is an increase!!! Your chances of miscarriage once there's a heart beat reduces by I think it's 78%!!!! Yay so so pleased for you!!!! Xxxx
Thanks so much ladies! I burst into tears as soon as we saw it:blush: I asked doc what is baby measuring at and he said let's just focus on the good as if it's smaller he doesn't want me stressing myself out and let's just take it one day at a time and see what next Tuesday brings!!! I'm on :cloud9: I honestly expected the worst!
oh wow I'm soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAYYY that is so wonderful.
Fab news shell bell - so so happy for you. Seeing a heartbeat is such a positive step in the right direction. Yay!!!!!!
Shell - Bell - That's excellent news i'm thrilled for you. What an emotional roller coaster you've been on!
woohoo!!! wonderful news shell-bell!!! :) :) :)
So I just had my latest hcg tests back and I am so confused! I went from doubling in 68 hours early last week, to now doubling in 28 hours but the numbers are still so low. Any thoughts? So fast to double now, I don't even know what to think. They have been so concerned with ectopic, do you think that is still a possibility with the current speed?

15dpo = 16
17dpo = 26
18dpo = 36
19dpo = 67
22dpo = 384

They will u/s at 1500. Maybe I have to just wait and see until then!
wow that really picked up speed!! Im really not sure hun... I thought if it was ectopic the numbers would stay on the lower side but yours have jumped nicely.

ok now im driving myself nutty.... with my son I was puking 10 + times a day by now.. this time nothing... i know each pregnancy is different but the lack of symptoms is getting to me!! I have my first appt with the mat clinic on Thurs but won't be having a scan for another couple of weeks.. im crazily thinking i want just a little nausea to reassure me!
Shell-bell I'm so happy for you:hugs: This is such wonderful news and made my day!!

Mirandala - I feel good about your numbers going up, that's quite the jump! I thought with ectopic the numbers stayed low. I can't remember if you have said when they plan to do an u/s (sorry!).

Bugg - I think leap for you joy that you're not ill:haha: Every pregnancy is different, and especially stalking through the threads I can see that for sure.
Mirandala - your numbers seem similar to mine my first was taken at 5 weeks ish but was around 200. I was told its not the number that matters as long as it's increasing and yours certainly are!
Thank you so much Hope&faith; MishC; Bug222 & MrsDragonfly!!!

I had a splitting headache last night after a rollercoaster day!!! I'm hoping this little bean sticks! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the lovely support you ladies have all shown me! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Mirandala - My numbers were slow to take off too and then all of a sudden they shot up! My doc said its not the amount but the increase that counts. Sending you big :hugs: I've got everything crossed for you!

Bug22 - Its true every preg is different. Maybe it means this time you are :pink: !!!!

Hope & Faith - How are you feeling?

MishC, Clacko, Mrstruth, Waterlilly - how are you coping with the sickness?

Mrsdragonfly are you managing with your workload? I'm struggling and am going to have to defer this semesters exams to next semester. Juggling fulltime work, an almost 4 year old and day to day life hasn't left me anytime to prepare for my studies. Studying through correspondence is soooooo difficult :dohh:

Dark-Star - Not long to go till your scan on Friday!!!! :dance:

Have a great day ladies xxxx
Good morning ladies, what a great news shell-bell - very happy for you!!!!!!

I ordered the sea wristbands and got them yesterday, started wearing them and I'm not sure, but I think I feel a tiny bit better! At least I have been sick less than I would normally be!

I haven't started ny tablets yet, waiting to see if my wristbands will take the age off (one can always hope!). I can't afford to be sleepy - one of the side effects of tablets apparently - I won't be able to do my job, I feel like I'm in hibernation mode as it is.....

Bug222, bless you, you can have my sickness feeling if you would like and it will make you feel better?:winkwink: I am happy to share!:hugs: But really, be happy you are not sick, and enjoy!

All my pregs have been with feeling/being sick, I guess chances are high that I will have another girl (I have got 2 already). What do you think?

NHS direct website says that if you are being sick, you are more likely to have a girl than a boy:)

Mirandala, quite a jump in numbers... maybe twins???????
Hey ladies!

I'm still struggling with my sickness, I'm still sick as soon as I wake up and feeling sick for the rest of the day!! My tablets are still stopping me from been sick all day. Doctor thinks I'm suffering from hg again but the tablets are keeping it under enough control. I just want to feel normal!!! I'm hoping it won't be for much longer.

Iv read lots saying that your more likely to be sick with girls but I personally think it's just down to how sensitive you are to hcg. I had hyperemesis with ds and dd and again with this one: it tends to settle near to the second trimester for me when the hcg levels start to decrease a little. Feeling like this is so depressing, feel so useless!

Oh no Clacko I'm so sorry you are feeling so rotten!!! Is there nothing else the dr can do?
Shell-bell - Praying your sticky bean sticks like glue! The work load is tough, I'm slacking in studying since when I get home from work all I want to do is sleep. I missed class again yesterday because I was tired and just wanted to catch up on my other classes. Everyone keeps telling me to stick it out at work and that it'll get better, but I'm wondering that even if the ms gets better at work will my studies? Sounds like a full load with your added LO! A semester off sounds like a good idea so you can get at least a little rest :)

Waterlily - I hope the sea bands do the trick!

Clacko - Take care<3 I'm sorry that the hg is kicking in, but I hope that it lets up long before second tri so you're feeling better.

I'm so tired this morning, I was sleeping so sound I got grumpy when my alarm went off to get ready for work. I'm tired enough I thought I was going to fall asleep eating breakfast:rofl: What a sight that would have been....:shy:
clacko I read somewhere (who knows if it is true, probably not) that hcg is higher with girls. If it is true, that may be why morning sickness is worse?

Shell & dragonfly- I'm doing a masters online right now too. I've been thinking about doubling up on classes while I'm pregnant so I can take some time off when the baby comes. Hearing your experiences makes me question whether that is wise. hmmm...

Anyway- It seems like everything is relatively calm for us all today- I'm so pleased to hear that. I love the days when it's just symptoms instead of worrying so much about sticky bean staying.

Sending out positive thoughts to you all...
Mirandala - I think why I'm struggling is because I have one night class on top of my online and working - before my job I was getting straight A's and never missed an assignment. Now I don't even know what's due anymore unless I look at the calendar nightly:wacko:

I was talking to DH last night about how next quarter will finish 2 weeks before baby is due and I'll have to think whether to jump back in come January or take a quarter off.

Left work early today, I had such awful heartburn I could feel gunk coming up in the back of my throat so I left. Now and home and in pjs and it feels amazing, I may stretch out on the couch and nap :)
Welcome waterlilly!! :wave:

Great news Shell :happydance:

Afm my sickness is lightening up, I mean I still have nauseation but not as bad. Yet the nasty habit of spitting is still here. And I can't eat a lot of my favorite foods

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