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December 2014 babies

Fab news clacko.

I am very nervous for scan on Saturday - I am really hoping to see that flicker. I think I wouldve burst into tears aswell clacko - I have got to go on my own on Saturday so I will be feeling so sick!
Beta was 327, up from 112! It's currently doubling every 24 hours <3
great news on your scan clacko!!!

wohoo great kayotic!!!
I got my beta levels from last week finally. It was 216. So I had another blood draw today to see how much it's going up. They better not take a whole week to get the blood results back to me this time.
Hope&faith - Good luck with your scan on Saturday. I know how nervous you are as I have mine tomorrow and I'm praying we see a heatbeat.

Kayotic - Great news about your numbers increasing :thumbup:

Babyzoe - Fingers crossed you get your results quickly.

MishC, Clacko, Bug222, MrsDragonfly,Misstruth & all you other lovely ladies - How are you doing?
I'm feeling a bit more human today. Tablets are making me feel really spaced out and not with it so I'm just going to try half a tablet each time today see if that helps! X
Thanks so much for that info Clacko... I will be sure not to panic if that happens... Plus I am currently out of HPT's so looks like I won't be peeing on anymore sticks...lol
Clacko- that's sooooo great. Sigh oh relief!!

Kayotic- ahh those are some pretty numbers.

babyzoe- I sympathise! I'm waiting for numbers to come back too!!

As for me- I'm trying to be hopeful. The numbers came back from Monday and it was 16! So low! At 15 dpo. I won't really know if I just implanted late and numbers are still doubling until i get the numbers from yesterday back. I do still have very light spotting and some cramping. It could go either way really.
Interestingly, clearblue advanced, frer, & frquick result all picked up positives after my first beta when I would have been at 16. The frquick result is especially surprising as that's supposed to have a min of 50.
I hope everyone is having a good, anxiety free day!


Late for work because of morning sickness. I took one of my morning sickness pills (Diclectin) and was feeling a bit better, but needed to stop at the grocery store to get cheese and crackers because none of my food at home looked good.

My pills are a sedative- the same active ingredient as in Unisom sleep aids. I was so loopy that I locked my keys, purse, and phone in the car at the supermarket.

Then I had to wait an hour for my fiancé to drive out with the spare key. I'm shocked that I even remembered his mobile number without having my phone on me. That part is lucky I suppose.

At least my boss knows I'm pregnant so he might have a laugh at this and I won't be in any trouble.
As for me- I'm trying to be hopeful. The numbers came back from Monday and it was 16! So low! At 15 dpo. I won't really know if I just implanted late and numbers are still doubling until i get the numbers from yesterday back. I do still have very light spotting and some cramping. It could go either way really.
Interestingly, clearblue advanced, frer, & frquick result all picked up positives after my first beta when I would have been at 16. The frquick result is especially surprising as that's supposed to have a min of 50.
I hope everyone is having a good, anxiety free day!


According to this, some ladies with successful pregnancies recorded bet levels of 4 at 15DPO.
fxd for you Mirandala- when will you get your next result?

dark_star- i hated that loopy feeling from the diclectin! I did find though once I had been taking them regularly the side effects seemed to lessen

AFM- nothing really going on here lol.. waiting for my first maternity clinic appt next Thurs when they will book my first ultrasound. Enjoyed the last few days off with DS but have to go back to work tomorrow for my set.
Thanks Kayotic and Bug22-
I just heard back from the doc and my 17dpo beta was at 26 from the 15dpo of 16. So that hasn't doubled and it is super low. I have cramping so I think it is ectopic. They have me going in for betas every 48hrs until it reaches 1500 (or zero) and then they will do an u/s. It isn't impossible that it's a viable pregnancy, but it does seem extremely unlikely. To be determined.... thanks for all of your support!
i will be thinking positively for you hun xxx
Thinking of you mirandala! Remember some peoples numbers take a little longer to double that 48 hours! I thinking of you And have everything crossed for you that it's all ok.

Iv been taking half a tablet of cyclizine instead of one full one which at the moment seems to be keeping the sickness off and not making me so spaced out. I'm still feeling a little sick but managing to eat and drink now. Although the only thing I can drink without feeling really sick is orange lucozade! :-/ xxx

How's everyone else doing? X
Hey all -

Good luck at your scan shellbell - fingers crossed it goes well.

Clacko - glad your not as sick and the medication is helping. I am still feeling sick but haven't been sick yet.

Mirandala - everyone's levels double at different rates- I am hoping to prove that tomorrow at my scan.

Hope anyone I have missed is ok ( typing on phone and its not the easiest to read back through whilst typing!)

As for me 24 hours till I leave for my scan - I am literally counting down!

Darkstar - that's the sort of thing I would do anyway let alone if I was on meds that sent me loopy!
Hi ladies

Had my scan done and we didn't see a heartbeat. Doc could see a sac and a very small fetal pole. So doc is going to do my hcg levels again today and Monday then has booked me for a rescan on Tuesday. I guess when I get my hcg levels back it might give me a better idea but tbh I'm not feeling hopeful!

How are you all doing? xxxx
Hi ladies

Had my scan done and we didn't see a heartbeat. Doc could see a sac and a very small fetal pole. So doc is going to do my hcg levels again today and Monday then has booked me for a rescan on Tuesday. I guess when I get my hcg levels back it might give me a better idea but tbh I'm not feeling hopeful!

How are you all doing? xxxx

How far along are you?
Hi Kayotic,

According to my lmp I am 7 weeks today. Doc said either my dates are out or its not looking good but lets not get ahead of ourselves. His office just called to tell me that my HCG levels increased from 5900 last Thursday to 29000 today (Friday) so in a week. I don't know what to think. I go back on Monday for more bloods.

Urghhh I wish I knew what was going on.:sad2:

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