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December 2014 babies

Just read the last 2 pages

Mrstrust - Wow that was pretty harsh thing for him to say I can imagine how upset you must have felt.

Dragonfly - How are you feeling Now?

Shell-Bell - How are you? I haven't checked in for a while have you had anymore scans or anything?

Clarko - Sorry to hear your DH isn't being very supportive I hope he manages to understand how you feel.

Bug - Sorry to hear you son had a melt down but it did make me giggle. They always to it at the worst time don't they! Good luck with your scan.

Hi MishC I'm doing fine tx. Just got waves of nausea. Got my next scan on Tuesday and hoping all will be fine. How are you doing?
Dark_Star that would be exciting if you turned out to be farther along! Best of luck at your appointment, it's almost time :)

My doctor called me back, they're not going to see me and basically told me I call too much. I was in tears when I got off the phone that they could be so harsh. Apparently unless I'm seeing red they don't want to hear from me.
Shell-bell - Good (ish) news on the waves of nausea that's got to be a good sign.
AFM - I'm good, i'm trying to cut down on my tablets i'm finding some days I can get away with just 1 tablet but usually the next day I need 2. I can see an improvement which is great.
Great news MishC!!! Mars dragonfly I'm so sorry - your doctors are full of shit! :hugs:
Good news and bad news... baby has a heartbeat and is properly placed, but is measuring a week behind. Also I have a 7cm mass on my ovary. I'm not sure how to feel at this point, I will upload a picture of my scan later.
Thanks Shell-bell, I couldn't pick a better word! My family doctor saw me asap and told me I was alright but to not hesitate calling them or the OB if the cramping gets worse. I'm on the hunt for a new prenatal care provider and we have a consultation with a midwife next week! So ready to dump this current OB.

Dark_Star - I'm glad to hear that baby is snug in the right place. Could the mass on your ovary just be a cyst or are they concerned it's something else? I'm sorry for the mixed news you received today, but on the bright side you got to see baby! :hugs:
Yes she said the mass may be a cyst, but the thought of having a growth the size of a golf ball on my ovary is unsettling.

Here's a picture of baby. It measured at 6w5d even through by my LMP I should be 7w5d. My cycles are only 26 days and I had monitored my ovulation date, so this doesn't make sense to me.

Oh well, hb was 110 bpm which is good for 6w5d.

Dark_star I know how u feel! Will they rescan you? Keeping everything crossed that our little beans will catch up and all will be fine :hugs:
Hi all -

Dark-star - I measured behind on early scans with all my babies - they have previously caught up by the 12 week scan so I am hoping this one does the same! I dont want my dates moved back almost a week!

Sorry for not keeping up very well we are having building work done on the house and its been a nightmare being out all day everyday with my kids and feeling pants!

Hope your all ok. X
Thanks Hope&faith that def gives me a bit of hope!!! Good luck with the building work xxx
Hey ladies! How are we all doing?

Great news on your scan dark star, most babies are difficult to date so early which is why they don't give you a due date until around 12 weeks so I wouldn't worry too much about baby measuring behind. My first scan baby was 2 weeks behind then a week later had caught up a week so try not to worry about that! A heart beat is a great sign too.

Mrs dragonfly try not to worry about the cramps too much, will just be your uterus growing and stretching, we're bound to feel something right!

How are the rest of you ladies doing?

I was sick more often yesterday but didn't feel quite so nauseous! Weird I know. Iv decided to stop taking my tablets today and see how I go cause I feel like there making things worse, they make me sick less but actually think they may be making me feel sick more! So far today iv not been sick at all, I feel a little sick and very breathless when moving around. Think this is normal though so whenever I'm walking around it's lots of deep breathing for me! I'm also really thirsty but have to stop myself downing drinks cause it makes me sick :-/ urgh hopefully in the next few weeks when the placenta takes over it will all die down!

Good news and bad news... baby has a heartbeat and is properly placed, but is measuring a week behind. Also I have a 7cm mass on my ovary. I'm not sure how to feel at this point, I will upload a picture of my scan later.

I found out I have a cyst on my ovary last year. It's totally gross when you first find out, and it totally made me feel yuck! But I've kind of got used to it now. Mine is 2cm, so a bit smaller than yours, but that's consider very small, so yours will be reasonably small in the grand scheme :) so that's reassuring!!!

I've been referred to a gyno, but I doubt they will do anything. I had my first scan today and she looked at it and wrote '? Endometrioma' on my notes. Just googled it, gross! They did think it might be a dermoid at my original scan to locate it.

Just trying to say I know it feels weird, but if it's not interfering with anything then don't worry, it can't hurt the baby :)
Thanks for the reassurance Clacko and Ziggie. Feeling helpless is definitely the worst part of pregnancy.

Doctor says that my HCG is now 54,000 which is believe a good number as far as I understand, even if measuring by my LMP (7w6d) instead of my scan measurement (6w6d). He will reassess my cyst at my 11 week ultrasound but it is considered to be a 'functional' hormone producing cyst right now and not a threat.
Clacko - I'm happy to hear you're not feeling as nauseous! Although how strange that you were sick more? I hope that you keep feeling better.

Dark_Star - Your hcg sounds good and it's reassuring that your dr doesn't sound concerned over the cyst. Praying that at your 11week scan that the cyst goes down so it's less stressful for you.
Thank you Mrs. Dragonfly :)

Are you feeling any better today?
I go between feeling pretty good and start being productive around the house, then I'll just poop out instantly and feel nauseous and want to lay down. At least I got some laundry done lol. Thank you for asking :)
Hey ladies -

Feeling really sorry for myself today! Completey shattered, nauseous and generally rubbish, I constantly feel hungry but then the thought of eating makes me feel sick! I forgot how rubbish 1st tri can make you feel.

Sorry for the moan just needed to get it out without hubby moaning at me!
I'm the same ladies! Not too bad in the morning but nausea gets progressively worse as the day goes on. Come night time I feel pretty crappy :sad: anyway hope you all have a great Sunday! Can't wait till my scan on Tuesday!
Hi ladies. How are you all feeling? I hope your sickness improves. I think the tablets were making me feel worse cause I felt so drugged up and out of it on them. All I wanted to do was laze around. Yesterday I went all day without any tablets and was to sick once which normally I am at least sick in the morning! I was almost sick in the afternoon but kept it down luckily. I'm still feeling really nauseous on and off but managing to control it without the tablets. Just hope I can keep it up.

I haven't been able to find baby on Doppler since but have only tried a few times. Don't want to get myself obsessed with not been able to find it. Had some stitch like cramps yesterday, felt like all my belly was going hard at times! Weird. 9w and 1 day today, counting down to 12 weeks when I'll have my next scan. I should find out Wednesday when my next one is. Luckily baby was too early to date at my last scan cause here if you have an early scan and your around 8w they will date your scan then and then you don't have another one until 20 weeks!!! So I was glad baby was too early to date so we get to see are bean a little bigger at 12 weeks!!

I sold my car yesterday, was gutted to see it go but we need something bigger seem as we will have a 5 year old, two year old and a newborn!!! Trying to find a car near us that's big enough and in our price range is difficult!

Is anyone else suffering from a really dry mouth and lips! I seem to be constantly licking my lips and my mouth seems to be really dry x

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