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December 2014 babies

Great news shellbell!!!! Dd was a slow developer too and finally caught up at about 7.5 weeks. Hope your next scan shows everything right on track!!

Have you ladies tried b6 for your ms? I've read it can really help in certain cases.
Hi ladies. I'm not so sure that girls are worse. My hg was just as bad with my son so don't think it matters really!

Nothing more doctor can do really it's just a matter of pushing through it and doing whatever I can to help it.

Glad everyone sounds a little more positive :) xxx
So the positivity ends!

According to hubby we shouldn't of gone in for a third baby if this is how it makes me! Apparently me been so poorly isn't helping him and he has to work all day then do house work when he gets home!!! I'm so upset! Basically feel like now he doesn't want this baby. I understand that he works all day and iv said I'm trying my best but according to him that's not enough and it's not fair on him.

He's normally so supportive and we text when he's at work and he always says he understands and that it's ok and he doesn't mind then he comes home and says that!

Feel so useless! He says I need to go to doctors but there's nothing else they can do apart from give me meds! I'm so upset!
:hugs:I'm so sorry DH said such a horrible thing :( I think he's just feeling overwhelmed and burnt out in the moment.
Just feel like he's been so unfair! Be different if he was poorly! X
im so sorry clacko- its not something you can do anything about! Hopefully he gives his head a shake soon!!!

I had my first appointment at the maternity clinic today.. took my son with me- BIG MISTAKE- he threw an epic toddler meltdown in the middle of my appointment screaming so loud the dr and I couldn't hear each other so my appointment ran way longer than it should so my parking expired and I ended up with a $48 ticket... lovely. In the good news I have a scan in 2 weeks!
Clacko- oh sweets. That's tough. I'm living with my partner right now, but we're not planning on coparenting. A bit of a non-traditional situation, I'll be moving before the baby is born. My partner really struggles with being supportive of the pregnancy though and resents me for it... so I can relate. Sending big hugs.

Bug- Ahh that sounds awful! The ticket was the last thing you needed!!
Clacko- I'm sorry your hubby is being like that. I've found my fiancé seems to be extra moody lately (as well as hungry, sleepy, and everything else I am. It could be that your state is just rubbing off on him a little too much.

Bug- Haha, that sounds like me waiting for my appointment last week... a 3 year old girl had a screaming and flailing on the floor full-on tantrum in the tiny waiting room. Frustrating for sure.

Aimee- Welcome

My dating ultrasound is tomorrow at 12:15pm. I'm very excited and nervous.

Is anyone else having trouble with excessive weight gain? I have gained 8 lbs already during the 7.5 weeks of this pregnancy. I'm tracking my calories as I know that's way too much to be gaining in the first two months, but even when I eat a modest amount my weight just climbs every week. It's upsetting. From what I have heard first trimester gain for first-time moms is supposed to be 5lb or less.
Clacko I can understand my DH has his attitude on his shoulder as well since I have been sick. He says that if he knew I would be sick like this he would not have gotten me pregnant :cry: so I am very upset with him.
Bug - Oh my goodness! Sorry about the ticket, that's awful. But at least he silver lining is you'll have your scan in 2 weeks, exciting!!

Welcome Aimee!! Happy to have another December baby coming!:happydance:

Dark_Star - All I've managed to do so far is lose weight :( How exciting for your scan tomorrow! If you see your doctor you could mention the weight gain, although only 8 pounds I think you're alright :)

MrsTruth - I'm sorry your hubby said something so awful :( Same with Clacko. Men just don't get it and they tend to blurt out a lot they don't mean or they at least regret even thinking it later.
Hi Ladies!

Clacko & Mrstruth - I'm sorry your OH's are being idiots!! I think men are so used to women being strong and looking after them that when they roles are reversed they just don't know how to cope. :shrug: Sending you big :hugs:

Dark-star - Good luck with your scan today hunni! Can't wait to hear how it went!

Bug22 - Sorry you had such a rough time! But scan in 2 weeks sounds fab!

Aimee-1691 - Welcome & H& H 9 months xxx

Mrs dragonfly - Losing weight ?? You are lucky! Dark-Star : I'm also gaining! :cry:

My nausea seems to get worse at night these days! Once I eat it subsides for a while but yesterday I was eating non stop :wacko::dohh:

Have a great day ladies xxxx
Just read the last 2 pages

Mrstrust - Wow that was pretty harsh thing for him to say I can imagine how upset you must have felt.

Dragonfly - How are you feeling Now?

Shell-Bell - How are you? I haven't checked in for a while have you had anymore scans or anything?

Clarko - Sorry to hear your DH isn't being very supportive I hope he manages to understand how you feel.

Bug - Sorry to hear you son had a melt down but it did make me giggle. They always to it at the worst time don't they! Good luck with your scan.
Hi ladies. Me and hubby hardly spoke last night. He was still a little off this morning!

Iv made a definiate effort today to try not let the sickness rule me. Taken ds to school this morning and been doing washing and house work this morning. I had a sickness tablet this morning but considering skipping dinner times to see how I cope. There making me so exhausted which is half the problem so want to try control the sickness myself.

I'm still sick first thing in the morning. My ultrasound gel came today so might have another little listen for baby x
Clacko - I hope DH changes his tune. It's not fair to run yourself ragged just because he's being so moody.

I suffer from a panic disorder and was happy to say that since bfp I haven't had a single panic attack or anxious moment - even went shopping at Costco alone a few times and did a stellar job! Last night I had the first panic attack and melted to pieces :nope: It all revolved around going to work this morning, it gets me all nervous and I have a hard time eating while working so I feel sick. And my coworkers always seem to reheat stinky food ALL DAY LONG and it just churns my stomach. My studies are slipping and I never get any house work done, I'm just too tired after work that I take naps and only get school stuff done on my night class days. I have this dumb phobia that if I quit my job the universe will laugh at me and make something happen. so stupid I know, but it's a huge dread in the back of my head. Sorry to rant about it here ladies, but I don't have friends I can speak openly about it to. Partly because we haven't told many people yet but also because most of my friends don't understand my panic disorder and just ask why I can't just get over it. I wish it was that easy.
Mrs Dragonfly- I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and have had to stop my meds (Wellbutirin and Ativan) cold turkey since becoming pregnant. I definitely know what a challenge it is to have anxiety issues in such a stressful time of life. Don't beat yourself up over one meltdown.

Just the fact that we are trying to continue everyday life (and succeeding most of the time) is the best we can do right now, especially given that all our thoughts center around a baby that we can't see, hear, or control.

My scan is in 4 hours and I am bouncing off the walls at work with anxiety... I will feel so much better when I can see Jellybean's heartbeat.
Thank you so much for understanding Dark_Star, I literally cried knowing you understand. I've been lucky and off medication the last two years, only taking xanax as needed and have had to stop those but it's been alright. Well, except for my melt down last night. I've been having bad cramps all morning, mostly in my back and legs - they remind me of what I felt he first two weeks so I'm trying not to freak out. But the after hours nurse told me to lay down and rest until my doctors office opens and see if they want to see me. I hope they have me go in for another u/s so I can see that baby is okay. It makes me so anxious to have a nurse tell me not to go to work and rest. Maybe the panic attack last night just set my body off so it's not feeling 100% today:shrug:

Your scan is going to go beautifully and I can't wait to hear all about it :) This is your first u/s, right? Ah it's magical! I hope the day flies quickly for you
I definitely do understand. I have had cramps and days when my symptoms suddenly disappear, and I worry a lot. Also I am 35 and one of my friends just found out at 16 weeks that her baby girl definitely has downs syndrome, and that has been stressful to me too. I'm not sure I even believe that I'm really pregnant yet.

Just relax until it's time to see the doctor. Maybe put on a favourite movie or tv series and have some tea.

Yes, this will be my first ultrasound. Also there is a chance that my last period might have been pregnancy spotting and I may be almost 12 weeks along, so that would be great news to me.
Mrs dragonfly & dark_star I think you ladies are doing great! Just take things one day at a time. Mars dragonfly I'm also struggling with everything and it gets quite overwhelming at times so you are most def not alone!! Big hugs Hun xxx

Dark_star can't wait it hear how your scan went xxx

Clacko hope you're managing okay xxx

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