December 2014 babies

Ladies pls thank God with me. I went for scan on Friday, I saw the baby's heartbeat. The baby measured 7w4d which was exactly where we were as at that date and my EDD is 15th Dec.

It is well with all of us.
Aw Hope&Faith, sorry you're feeling so awful today, I hope that ms lightens up soon.

Shell-bell - Looking forward to hear how the scan goes! :)

Clacko - That's great to hear your managing well without the tablets! I hope things keep getting better with ms :) Exciting that you'll be getting another scan soon! Best of luck car shopping.

Keneajay - What beautiful news to hear!!
Hey ladies I keep jumping on and off this thread.

I have symptoms of night rashes and extreme pain and itching in my hands and feet in the night. I have lost my appetite for food.. its so ridiculous as I get so hungry and can only manage two bites before my stomach turns. Anyone else felt like this?

I also have sickness that lasts all day and comes on when I'm hungry. When im sick it's only acid that comes up...
Hello all!

Sorry I haven't been present for the past few days.

I am supposed to travel for work on Tuesday, so at the advice of my doctor I went to the ER for un ultrasound because if it is ectopic they don't want me traveling.
So I went to the ER I had a scan yesterday and there was nothing in my uterus or anywhere that they could see. The ultrasound technician said "You probably were pregnant, but it doesn't look like you are anymore. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but at least it doesn't look ectopic. Enjoy your trip." Then I went back down to the doctor, who told me that my HCG was at 1900 (from 1500 on friday) and that I am for sure still pregnant right now despite the ultrasound. Mixed messages! But because there is nothing in my uterus, not even a sac, that it is unsafe for me to travel because of ectopic risk. So I still don't know whether it is ectopic and I just have to continue with the hcg tests and hope that at some point they can see something. At the end of the visit they gave me a rhogram shot because my blood type is A- and the SD is B+, and on a little slip that they gave me to show my OB/Gyn that I'd had the shot they checked that they gave it to me at pregnancy termination. WTF? Maybe it's just because they aren't hopeful that it's going to be a viable pregnancy.


Sorry and thanks for listening! I needed to vent! I hope everyone else is having a much better day. I feel lucky at least because living in San Francisco the hospital had a really nice prenatal emergency unit. I really liked the OB/gyn who was my main doctor yesterday, and her practice takes my insurance so at least I've found my ob/gyn, which I will need whether or not the pregnancy is viable. So that's good!

Mirandala I'm so sorry to hear that you're getting such mixed messages! Glad there's a silver lining of finding an OB that you like! I'm keeping you in my thoughts & prayers that things work out:hugs: Since your hcg is going up it could have just been too early to see.
Hope everyone is doing well. I have a question: if by lmp I am 8 weeks pregnant, but by measurement at scan I am 7 weeks, which do I use when telling people? Do I have to wait an extra week to hit 12 weeks now?
Mirandala, i have you in my prayers. I trust God to show mercy. It is well with you.
Dark_Star - I'm not sure to tell you the truth. I guess I would go by the scan but LMP makes more sense? Maybe baby is just getting a sloe start to keep the Dr guessing until later.

Mirandala - Thinking of you today and hoping all is well.
:wave: Hi mamas! I am due December 30 (I think) give or take a day or two, so I might be a Jan Jellybean - will have to wait and see!

Feeling tons of symptoms, which aren't nice, but make me feel like the little peanut is doing OK. I am 6w tomorrow!!!!!!!! :wohoo:

Nausea nearly constantly, sometimes much worse than others. Middle of the night is pretty bad, often have to get up for a BM :shy: Mornings are bad, eating crackers before moving is helping though. I have only puked once so far!
Sensitive nipples making nursing LO very uncomfortable :(
Skin break out
Bloating I think I'm going to need to dig out my maternity clothes sooner rather than later!
Irregular BM had this with DD. Going like, twice a day at random times, and often in the middle of the night too :growlmad: I used to be like clockwork so this is a drag!
Sensitive to smells
Food sensitivities starting already.. gahhhhh!
EXHAUSTED unable to function. Napped for 2hr with lo today!

Looking forward to baking buns with you ladies! :kiss:
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've been so quiet lately - my Ipad is broken and in for repairs :dohh:

Keneajay - Congrats & Welcome! H&H 9 months hun xxx

Hope&Faith - Hope the sickness is a bit better :hugs:

Clacko - glad to hear you are coping a little better and great news that you have a 12 week scan!

PeanutWhereru - sorry you are having such a tough time. Sending you :hugs:

Mirandala - I cant believe your dr said that! I think it might just be too early to tell. I went for a scan at 7 weeks and they could only BARELY see a foetal pole and also no heartbeat. 3 days later Bean had grown and we got a heartbeat! Hang in there hun :hugs:

Dark_star - I would go by your lmp and see what they say at your 12 week scan.

Floatingbaby - Welcome! :happydance: Congrats & H&H 9 months! Hope you are coping okay with all those symptoms xxx

AFM - I have a scan late this afternoon! I'm pretty nervous! I had some pretty bad cramps last night but all fine today. Other than that just the nausea which gets progressively worse as the day goes on! HAve a great day ladies xxxx
Good luck with the scan shell bell, I'm confident all will be ok!

I'm still feeling very nauseous! Was sick this morning :-( hoping it goes soon! I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow. Can't believe I'm already 9 weeks gone!! Xx
Hi girls. So sorry that I haven't been around I have been struggling but I have managed to book a reassurance scan for friday. I am hoping I will be able to relax a little after that. Im so scared after my previous loss that I cant think straight.

I hope everyone is getting on ok?

Hi all!

Yesterday I registered with the ob/gyn I'd seen in the ER on Saturday. I expected them to have me come in next week or so and was surprised when I had a call back asking me to come in yesterday!

I went in and my betas yesterday were lower than she wanted them to be. 950 wednesday, 1500 on friday, 3100 yesterday. She says if they don't reach 6000 by wednesday they are going to give me the shot of methotrexate as "regardless of whether or not it is ectopic it isn't progressing as a normal pregnancy." If I reach 6000 they will give me another ultrasound and if they see something in my uterus then they will leave it, if they don't they will give me the methotrexate. I'm hoping sooooo much that my levels reach 6000 on Wednesday and I'm going to go in right before the lab closes to have my blood taken- give it as much time as possible! I would really like to avoid the methotrexate as I won't be able to start trying again for several months. Also- my spotting is much heavier- as the doctor said, if she didn't know I was pregnant she'd think I was on my period- tissuey blood (sorry if tmi). I'm still hoping, but it does seem like I may have to bow out of this one.

I hope everyone else is having a much happier time of it lately!!! Thinking of you all. <3
I have everything crossed for you mirandala!

Any news from shell bell?? X
Wow Mirandela - you are going through SO much and you sound like you are handling it way better than I ever could! You are strong!
Crossing my fingers that you reach 6000 tomorrow. xxxxxx Why does the methotrex. mean you have to wait months to try again? What is it? Maybe there is something else you can have???
I hope you have good people around you :hug:
Shell-bell - I know today's scan will be lovely :) Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Clacko - Yay for your midwife appointment tomorow! Sorry you're still sick, but it sounds like you're doing much better than you have been:flower:

Sailorsgirl - :hugs: I'm sorry you've been so stressed, thinking of you for your Friday scan to be perfect so you can be at peace that baby is doing fine.

Mirandala - I admire your strength:hugs: Praying that tomorrow brings a higher count than they doctors expect!
Hi ladies sorry it's been a long day....

Well I need a miracle! At my scan today there is heartbeat but it is slow! So IMO it's not looking good. Doc said we are doing everything we can with progesterone and baby asprin but said considering my history of losses that maybe trying some clexane injections. We don't have proof that I gve clotting problems but it can't do any harm but it might help. So I need to inject into my stomach tonight!!! Yikes! Doc wants me back on Monday for another scan. He also said if I lose this bean we will do tests to see why and I would have an op and check my tubes etc etc

Like I said I need a miracle :cry:
Oh Shell :hugs: Lots of prayers coming your way that your miracle is coming! I hope these shots in your stomach is all that's needed to jump start better results on Monday.
Sending you big hugs Shell. Needles in the tummy- yuck! I'm so sorry the heartbeat isn't where you would like it to be! Fx'd for you!!!

Clacko- I hope the midwife appt goes well!

floating- thanks for your support <3 the methotrexate doesn't work overnight- it takes a while to work, a month or more. After hcg levels are back down to zero you need to have a normal cycle before you can start trying. I think because the methotrex could also cause problems to the next pregnancy if it happens too soon.

I'm trying to be hopeful but also not too hopeful so I won't be too disappointed, if you know what I mean.

dragonfly- thanks for your support- how are you doing?
Mirandala - Even if you're not trying to get your hopes up you're still being amazingly strong:hugs:

I'm doing fine, thank you. My ms has eased up the last two days which has been a lovely surprise, I'd be happy if it kept going. Although I admit it was a little alarming at first and now it feels silly that I felt that way.

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