Long story breakdown.
4:45 midwife appointment: 3cm dilated 75% effaced. Sweep done.
5:45 acupuncture appointment: focus on relaxation and induction. Gave me a drink of pomegranate oil, black cohosh, castor oil and other. Drank at 7pm.
8pm ate dinner.
8:30 digestive upset and diarrhea.
10:00 daughter finally asleep, cramping starting.
10:15 contractions start. Get in bath to help with pain.
10:30 contractions 2.5 minutes apart. Call brother to get my daughter, call midwife.
11:30 brother shows up for my daughter, we leave for the birth center.
12:20 am we arrive at birth center. Put in birthing tub asap.
12:49 baby Henry is born. Water broke while pushing. He was out in two contractions. 20.5 inches long and 8lbs. 7oz.
I don't know if it was the sweep, acupuncture, elixir or the combination, but it worked for me. I highly recommended trying this if you go past 40.