December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Hi ladies! Such cute scans! My doctor doesn't normally do 12 weeks scans but last week I had a little bit of bleeding and the doctor did a quick ultrasound for reassurance. The source of the bleeding was never found, but baby was dancing away happily in there.
How's everyone feeling now that we're heading into the 2nd tri? I've actually been having a little more nausea again, but hoping it goes away soon. And I've had a non-stop headache for about a week now! I remember I had this with me son, too. It's like a transition between 1st and 2nd tri for me, lol. Hoping that goes away soon too!
When does everyone figure out sex of the baby? Any early scans out there? I have a little under 3 weeks to go until my private scan!
So happy and thankful to see all the good news and scan pictures. :cloud9:

Indian maa How are you doing now? Did it cause any issues last time?

I may have a scan on Saturday, I'm not entirely sure as the emails with the clinic were confusing. But if not, I definitely get one on the 23rd with my main doctor which is very exciting. I'm so anxious to make sure baby is still okay! We're starting to buy baby stuff - my friend is buying us a double stroller and I'm like "You guys but what if the baby isn't okay?" And everyone just rolls their eyes. Ughhhh. I hate this anxiety.

In terms of symptoms going into second tri - Ughhhhh it's like a second wave of crap! After a brief period of time where I was feeling somewhat energized, at least enough to cook and take care of my kid and get basic stuff done,I am back to being dead tired all the time. My lack of appetite never really went away, but now the nausea is coming again, it's actually a bit worse than it was at the beginning! The hell is this!

Tomorrow I am most likely getting a job. Another warehouse job :dohh: because I'm autistic I can't really succeed in jobs involving people, like retail, and I actually really like warehouse work, but I'm terrified my hips will give out any day now and make it impossible to keep the job. But you gotta do what you gotta do. (not to say all autistic people are unable to work with people, I personally am just unable to function)

Oh and to finish, I am about to go apeshit on my family. My mom and my grandfather, mostly grandfather, are pressuring me to get my tubes tied after this baby. My grandfather was just casually making dinner and was like "Have you given any more thought to getting your tubes tied? You really can't have another child, it wouldn't be fair to Jonathan[my husband] or the kids, and you'd be miserable for the rest of your lives." And I'm just like, "Um, well, I'm not really comfortable with that," because idk if I want more than two kids! And he just kind of tsk tsked and said "Well, you better get to thinking about it." Like, as in, you better decide you're doing it. Like WTF?! Am I insane? Is it normal to pressure women into unwanted sterilization?! I'm so frustrated and I feel kind of violated tbh.
Ah love all these good news happy vibes! :) I got id'd in Aldi the other day for wine (not for me obv) ....I'm 28! :/ was half pissed off half flattered!

Just had my 2nd banana...I've not eaten bananas for years and now I'm nicking the kids lol. Finally seeing a midwife today!
Blimey Knees, they sound like a right piece of work.....its your bloody business nobody else's! I don't know how you restrained yourself...
Knees I would tell them to STFU. It's none of their business whether you do or don't do anything like that. I hate when people think it's your business.
It's like when people say to Amy and I "isn't IVF really expensive?"
Erm well yeah. Yeah it is. But 1) we didn't sodding conceive through IVF. 2) if we would have needed to we would have saved up. Not their business. I don't mind people asking "so how did you get pregnant?" As obviously we're a lesbian couple and people do wonder, but I hate people that make assumptions.
And the people who say "I hope it's a girl. You two wouldn't know what to do with a boy har har har" piss off. No, we've never had a boy... But we've actually never had a BABY before so the whole thing is going to be a learning curve for us, like it is for most first time parents.

Oops sorry. That turned into a rant.

*steps off soap box*
It is shocking what people deem appropriate conversation. Especially when they see a pregnant lady it's as is all common social graces go out the window and the brain to mouth filter is removed. :/
ive had the mother of all migraines for the past week, I have odd days I feel really nauseous and some days not so bad today is one of my better days and my headache seem to be tailing off.

People really have no tact these days I get asked if the twins were via IVF and the "oh your going to have your hands full" or "was it planned" I've learnt to graciously blank them lol
I've only told a handful of people about the pregnancy, so I've not gotten any inappropriate comments. Yet. I'm waiting for the results of the DNA testing before just telling everyone. I should get those result in less that a week (maybe, just maybe today). So I will know baby's gender with nearly 100% certainly very very soon. Though US tech said 80-85% sure it's a boy, so I've already got my mind around having a second boy.

Knees, that is totally inappropriate behavior from your grandfather. I'd be pissed.

Indian Maa, glad the baby is doing well and you got good results on the combined screening. My results were less than great, hence the DNA testing results I waiting for.

Justplay, glad you got an unscheduled viewing of baby. I'm feeling pretty darn well these days, though I had a few days of back pain and a few days of hip pain, which thankfully have completely resolved.

Like some other ladies, I had a brief increase in nausea for a week or two (around 13 weeks). It was less frequent, but more severe during that time. Seems to be really over now, knock on wood.
Shezza just wait until they are born nd you have random people just stoppind dead right infront of your pram and just staring. I absolutely hated food shopping as it always took forever as people would just completely block me from moving just to stare! Constantly being asked what the age gap was, looking shocked when I said they are twins then asking if my b/g were identical. Even skipping over the different genders, if you didn't think they were twins how the heck can you think they are identical. When they are older I can understand people not recognising they are twins as it is very easy for siblings born a year apart to be a similar height, but with 2 babies in the pram you can clearly see one is absolutely no way in hell 9+ months younger! Or the how cute 2 boys whilst looking at my girl with long hair wearing a dress .... Having twins is fun haha!
Great scans everybody! It's exciting to see all the scan pics although not as exciting as all your updates will be in about 6 months time showing off your lovely babies :)

I've not had any inappropriate comments yet apart from a couple of people including my dad asking whether it was planned.

My work trousers have felt so uncomfortable today, I've got red marks where they've been digging in. I think it's stil mainly bloat but I might have to switch to maternity trousers soon. :)

Now if only my bloody nausea would go!
Aw it's so nice seeing everyone's scans. Mine is next Friday which means we can start telling people. I think it will start to sink in then and I'll probably buy a few little bits.

Sorry to hear some people are feeling unwell. Hopefully the 2nd tri will bring a much more comfortable time for everyone

Oh I'm dreading the part where people come up to your newborn constantly in public. I once had an old lady come to my cart and start touching my daughter and I was just standing there like ummmm wat

People are so weird :shrug:

omg and Laura - I love how much people like to get up in your financial business when you're pregnant. Like does it matter if you spent a fortune on getting pregnant or if you spent nothing on getting pregnant? I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. People's sense of decency and social aptitude just completely goes away when they see a pregnant lady.
We got these. Figured they might work well for our announcement. Just casually offer them around at Amy's party...
Knees, good luck with your new job! Your grandfather sounds annoying... I'd be very irritated... Have you been asking about flu or my son stepping on my stomach... I got through both ..I have that bad back pain still, improved a bit though...This pregnancy seems a bit different... I lose parts of mucus plug whenever I do household stuff... like lifting a little bit of things or cleaning... last time I dilated a bit at 14 weeks and don't remember losing any mucus plug... I am trying to be calm about it, as there isn't any blood as of now... don't have any scan until 19+ weeks :(

Elma, I am sure the DNA test will be good. Cool you will know the gender part too.. very exciting! I have to wait until 19+ weeks. Not doing a gender scan.
Saw you have been taking about the weight gain. I am scared of putting on much weight. At the moment I lost a pound from my pre-preg weight it seems like. May be because of the 6 weeks of flu and fever I got. With my first pregnancy, I gained around 25 pounds and I was so lazy, I managed to shed only 15 pounds from that. So now I started from 128 pounds with considerable belly/thigh fat, and I am sure I am going to grow soon from all sides. Howmuchever I gain I make small babies, that's the sad part of it. Last time I have put on all that weight from 6th month. Guess I can go easy until then this time too.

Laura, that looks very sweet! Have fun with the announcement...
It's officially a boy for me :blue: More importantly, the DNA testing showed very low risk for all the chromosomal birth defects.

I need to buy maternity pants this weekend. Don't think I can make it another week at work in my current pants.
I love seeing everyone's scans. I had my scan yesterday and baby was measuring exactly to my dates. It was so amazing to see him/her wriggling around and stretching, it didn't want to keep still !It is starting to feel more real now :) :) I can't wait till my 20 week scan !!!


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Ah I told the kids last night and they just went crazy with excitement jumping up and down and hugging each other and me and my dd even got a bit teary and ds was shouting "I'm gonna be a big brother!"
One of my favourite moments ever :)

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