Hiya ladies!
Nothing new to report really. We have BDed the past 2 days and will continue every day for the next week or so. I think I am getting too excited about all of this, to the point where I think I will be gutted if I dont get my BFP this month. I think Kevin(DH) will be upset too. It was so funny, last night after our DS was asleep,we are in the middle of BD and our 4yr old spings open the bedroom door and says, "Whatcha doin?" Normally when this happens we just say we were playing, or wrestling, etc. and let him crawl into bed with us and all just go to sleep. Not last night! I had told DH what my ticker siad about this being one of my most fertile days, so he got up and went and put DS back in bed and stayed with him til he was good and asleep. Then came back in and was ready to DTD again! Lol! After we were done, I was like, "Well, that was unexpected!" Then he said, "Well, I didnt want to miss the opportunity to get that baby growing!"