Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Haha, based on all those wives' tales, I must be having one of each! I had breakouts very early on, but now my skin is all cleared up. Also, I have one on each side of my uterus. But I'm definitely not craving much of anything- definitely nothing sweet or nutritious... I have so many food aversions that it's seriously a chore to find something I want to eat and stay reasonably full. I am STARVING every two hours! These little buggers are so demanding!! :baby::baby:

I have another scan on Friday. I will be 8 weeks to the day... I am so nervous, though my symptoms really give me no reason to be. DH won't be here to go with me but I'm glad he got to see the 6w4d scan and their heartbeats before he left.
Spoke too soon - boobs are definitely still sore :thumbup:

And my constipation is honestly horrendous.

Eat sultana bran for breakfast!! And grapes for snacks :)

I am the opposite... Every morning I have an upset tummy. Boo

I eat sultanas every day as a snack with some nuts. I also take Metamucil AND eat grapes most days. Waaaah :(
Haha, based on all those wives' tales, I must be having one of each! I had breakouts very early on, but now my skin is all cleared up. Also, I have one on each side of my uterus. But I'm definitely not craving much of anything- definitely nothing sweet or nutritious... I have so many food aversions that it's seriously a chore to find something I want to eat and stay reasonably full. I am STARVING every two hours! These little buggers are so demanding!! :baby::baby:

I have another scan on Friday. I will be 8 weeks to the day... I am so nervous, though my symptoms really give me no reason to be. DH won't be here to go with me but I'm glad he got to see the 6w4d scan and their heartbeats before he left.

I had my scan at 6w4d too and don't get another until 12 weeks. It seems SO far away (it really is I guess!)

My body is so confused at the moment. I am super nauseous in the mornings, and then I all of a sudden become starving to death around lunch time. It is so tiring.
I had my scan at 6w4d too and don't get another until 12 weeks. It seems SO far away (it really is I guess!)

My body is so confused at the moment. I am super nauseous in the mornings, and then I all of a sudden become starving to death around lunch time. It is so tiring.

Oh booo! I guess that is the one good thing about being high risk upon high risk upon now even more high risk :winkwink: I will probably get to see the babes every few weeks or so. I can't imagine waiting until 12, but what a wonderful shock it will be to see how much the baby's grown! It's really not that far away, but I know how consuming all this is... every hour feels like survival and brings a new worry!

I know everyone is different, but have y'all found anything you want to eat (or drink for that matter)? I need some inspiration. I don't think I can keep doing bagels, french fries, and rice, with the occasional apple thrown in, much longer!
Rice, pasta and cereal are my things at the moment. I also really crave junk food like KFC and McDonalds - mostly just the fries :haha: But I try to refrain from that. I can drink loads of milk!
Praying- I've found that having a sandwich in the morning really helps me (I never eat bread usually because I gain weight just looking at it!)... And I have been naughty and eating Nutella in it. I cant wait for hot cross buns at Easter!! Yummy.

Whenever I eat fruit for snacks when im hungry, it feels as though I haven't eaten a damn thing! I'm still ravenous afterwards. It's such a bizarre feeling.

I would also like ideas for food that sits well in your stomach. Snacks especially. Yoghurt and raspberries is so yummy, but I always feel sick about 5 mins afterwards. I also don't really like nuts... I always feel like I can't get the traces out of my throat afterwards lol.
Today was my worst day so far of nausea. I literally do not know how I made it through work.

The only thing I can eat today is cereal.

Please let me feel ok in the morning (Thursday's are my longest day at work!)
Hope you feel better tomorrow Buffy. Thursdays are long for me too (don't finish til 9pm, so sleepy)
Hi guys. My nausea hasn't been so bad that I can't eat all day and I'm not really having any aversions to food either. Some foods sound better than others, but nothing really bad. I despise brushing my teeth now as that sets off my nausea for the morning if I don't eat soon enough - like right now. I'm hungry but want to throw up. I do find I'm eating a lot more carbs than usual which has me concerned as far as gaining weight but I figure my fruit cravings may help balance it out?

You guys all mentioned the foods I would have suggested for upset tummies...maybe a peanut butter sandwich? Sometimes I'll eat frozen waffles like toast, just with a little butter but no syrup.

Buffy...I've been craving junk food too. It took all my energy not to stop at McDonald's on my way home from work yesterday because I wasn't excited about our planned dinner.

Today is my ultrasound! My boyfriend is coming with me - he said he really wants to be involved and there for "our" baby. Makes me happy that he is coming around and I hope it stays that way. Nervous about the appointment. My symptoms have not been super strong the past few days, but still there at times so always fearing the worst!
Hey everyone :) :flower:

How is everyone doing?

Wonders - really happy your boyfriend is going with you!

Buffy - I hope you feel okay tomorrow! Sorry about your bum troubles :( I am the same as Lala, I am getting an upset stomach every second day or so.

Praying - My husband won't be with me for my 12 week scan either. I am also really happy he was here for the 8 week one and got to see our little bean. Hopefully I can get a recording of the heartbeat and send it to him :) I want to video our 12 week scan too, hopefully!

When I was early pregnant with my daughter (first trimester), it seems silly but I just KNEW she was a girl. I had a very strong feeling. I have the same feeling this time, but now I don't know if it's because I really feel that way, or I want to feel that way. I am leaning towards girl, even though of course with a boy I would be just as happy because I already have my girl. My feelings are confusing me this time around! Maybe it will become more clear to me in the next few weeks. Definitely getting the gender scan!!

Today, I went to my doctor for my after ultrasound appointment and she said all blood work is good, I have to take another urine test as I was too dehydrated in the one I provided so it had too much protein or something. She said my ultrasound all looks great and she gave me my referrals for my 12 week NT scan and blood work. So all is looking good! I have minimal morning sickness, which I am very happy about - it's about the same as with my first pregnancy, and it stopped right on 13 weeks, so only a few more weeks to go hopefully! Just a gnawing hungry feeling rather than nauseousness, unless I don't eat, and then I just feel sick. My boobs are still sore but less so than a few weeks ago, but holy cow they are popping out of my E cups like I just had them done. Ridiculous.

My husband went home on Saturday night :cry: but I go over there in 3.5 weeks so I will be just fine. Really not looking forward to the flights though :(

I have been eating carbs: toast, easter hot cross buns (YES! Welcome back, my tasty friends.. my Aussie girls know what I'm talkin' about). I've also been into fruit and LOVING fruit juice right now.

Oh - I was originally due on 11th August but my 8 week scan put me back to 16th of August. After consideration, I know when I am due. I knew my LMP, the day I ovulated etc.. I was charting! Scans that early on such a tiny bean can be accurate only to within a few days, apparently 1mm can be the difference of +/- 3 days, so I have decided to keep my original EDD It's my daughter's birthday so it's a special date to me, and either way, I am going to have a cesarean at 38 weeks apparently, so what does it matter!
Caribbean - I find dating it is so confusing. I'm just going with my LMP and O date because I am very certain of them. Can I ask why you're getting a C-section? Did you have one with your last baby?

AFM- I'm still feeling pretty rough, I keep skipping work and I feel awful about it but that's okay. Going to see my GP tomorrow to get a referral to a baby doctor in my town. Then scan on Monday, I can't wait! DH is able to come with me so I'm really happy about that. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Caribbean - sorry your husband has gone back. That must be so hard. I couldn't imagine doing it!

I'm totally convinced I'm having a boy. I don't even have a reason. It's just a feeling. And you have made me want hot cross buns really bad!!

Sweetpea - I have been feeling so awful. I've thought about calling in sick but I just feel like I cant. Plus I keep thinking there might be a day when I feel way worse and I'll want to use my sick days. It is just so hard to get through the day.

Well I'm 8 weeks today, so my baby is officially a foetus! I had a scary dream last night that I kept wiping blood. I also woke up numerous times both to pee and to eat!! I had cereal once and then a banana. It is ridiculous!!
Hi ladies!

My ultrasound went really well! I need to try to post a pic. Heart rate was 183. And baby was measuring right around 8-8 1/2 weeks so right on track based on when I ovulated and had my last period! You could even see the arm and leg buds sticking out. I swear I saw it move, but I think it was just the tech moving the wand a lot.

I'm still convinced it's a girl and the boyfriend also thinks that. He was very supportive today, it was nice.

Hope you all are feeling well!
Wonders-- congrats!!!! It's so amazing seeing the heartbeat isn't it? Our beans have the same heartbeat :haha: it's great that your boyfriend went to the scan with you, sounds like he is really trying to better himself :)

Caribbean- aww sorry your partner has gone. I can't imagine how difficult it must be. I would cry a lot. But yay for your tests being good, and minimal sickness! Oh and I am SO JEALOUS of your hot cross buns!!! People keep talking about them but my woollies doesn't have them yet. I just want a hot, buttery hot cross bun! Lol

Sweet pea- sorry you feel so terrible. I'm right there with you, it's so hard to function some days. Luckily I have been most sick on my days off, and I have spent every day or afternoon off in bed. Good luck for your scan on Monday!! Very exciting :)

Buffy- I wish I had a feeling of the sex! I feel like a bit of a bad mother not having ANY inclination to the sex at all lol... Like I have zero instinct. I think about it, try to channel the baby inside me... But I've got nothing. I have absolutely no idea. But my DH is 100% positive we are having a girl. So at least he's got that covered lol.

Dreading work today. Not the actual work, just the long shift. I don't know how I will manage. I am very lucky to have such a great and understanding boss though, who is so supportive of the pregnancy. I'm sure there's a lot of women who aren't in that situation, so I need to stop complaining about work so much haha. I'm just so tired all of the time. I wish there was a job where I could get paid to sleep. I would totally kick ass at that job.
Lala...did they say anything to you about the heartbeat? The tech said it's pretty normal, but seems really fast and a little above average for 8ish weeks. But I'm not an expert...I just pretend I am thanks to the wonders of Google :haha:.
He said it was normal. I'm so glad he said that, because when I got home I googled it and one site said it could be fatal... And then other sites said it was normal. My DH said "don't!!! WHY ARE YOU GOOGLING he said it was normal!! Don't do that!" It's the one of the few times he's ever spoken sternly to me lol
He said it was normal. I'm so glad he said that, because when I got home I googled it and one site said it could be fatal... And then other sites said it was normal. My DH said "don't!!! WHY ARE YOU GOOGLING he said it was normal!! Don't do that!" It's the one of the few times he's ever spoken sternly to me lol

Yes, some sites said it was fine and some said it could mean x, y, z. I need to disable all search engines from my iPad, phone and laptop for the next 7 months!
Lala - my work has no idea I'm pregnant, so it is SO hard for me to smile and be nice all day to our patients. I'm finding it hard to be patient & understanding with them when I'm feeling so crappy :( If I start feeling much worse I'll probably end up having to tell my boss before I'm ready :(

Wonders - that's great news!! :)
Can I ask why you're getting a C-section? Did you have one with your last baby?

I didn't! And that was the whole problem. She was a giant baby, 11 lbs 4 (5.1kg) and ripped me from cervix to bum so literally tore me apart. I also had post partum hemorrhaging and lost 3.5 litres of blood, had blood transfusions and well over 100 stitches. I'm lucky they didn't give me a hysterectomy (which I had to sign a permission form while I was about to be rushed to the ER) and the doctor said later that I should not have another natural birth. Even if I could there is not a single chance in hell I would ever put myself through that again!

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