Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Just got out of my anatomy scan- have two baby BOYS on board!! I still need to go through all the pics, but I will post some later for sure :)
Aww Yay!!! Congrats praying:) You sure are going to have your hands full! I'm so happy for you! Now you'll just have to crack down on thinking of names. Was your OH so excited?

I'm over here just waiting:( Waiting to see if my morning sickness is coming back (I'm suspecting yes), waiting to feel some movement, and waiting for my scan on April 13th. I told DH last night that I need a project to help make this time go by faster! I hate my job so much it seems to make the days drag on:( Anyone have any projects on the go that is keeping them busy?
Yay 2 boys! That is so exciting :flower:

I'm feeling like total crap today - going on day 3 of a headache, and I also have another UTI. My boss didn't answer his phone when I tried calling in sick, so I guess im pushing through today.

Sweetpea, I get what you mean. What about walking, or any crafts?
Caribbean- thinking of you right now going through that yucky test!!

Praying- OMG!! Congratulations!! :blue: :blue: that is so exciting!!! Looking forward to seeing pics.

Sweet pea- you are very welcome to do any of the assignments that I have (which are all due on the 30th and I am starting them today... Oh god) haha. Seriously I don't know why I am working, studying and being pregnant all at once. I have cried a lot. But in a suggestion that could actually help... Maybe learn an instrument? (If that's something you've always wanted to do). Or start planning/decorating the nursery?

Buffy- ugh no one warned me of the 3 day long headaches of pregnancy. They are ridiculous. Sorry your boss didn't answer :( hopefully you start to feel better soon.

I got all my test results back yesterday. Don't have gestational diabetes (my results were really low for that yay!) but because I am overweight I will have the test again later as well (boo!). I had a bunch of other tests ordered by the hospital that my dr didn't understand the need for but they were all okay too. I meet my OB tomorrow at the hospital for the first time (I am really nervous, I hope they are nice) so I suppose I will learn more then.
Feeling really overwhelmed with uni and everything. :(
I have my morph scan next Tuesday though, and really looking forward to that. Can't wait to see how much bigger baby looks!
That's great that your results came back ok lala :flower:

I'm At work with this thumping headache still, but I'm glad I came because there is a giant mud cake and ice already had two pieces. I swear I'm going to eat the whole damn thing!! And I don't even care. Because I feel like crap.

Praying: do you have any name ideas? :)
Praying - Congrats on two boys! Very exciting!

Sweetpea - I typically like my job but lately I've been very not into it. I just have so much on my mind that I could care less about it. Luckily, school lets out in early June so I'll have the summer off before baby then 12 weeks when she arrives. I really would like to learn how to crochet or something, maybe make a small blanket? But I never really follow through lol.

LaLa - glad your test results came back well! I'm nervous that I will have GD because I'm overweight. Are there any signs or symptoms of it so I can maybe mentally prepare myself? I don't even know when I'm getting the test done!

AFM, I haven't been on the boards yet. It was spring break for the school I work at so I went away to Disney World with my mom for a couple days and spent lots of time with my boyfriend and his visiting sister. It was a fun but busy week! I had my anatomy scan yesterday and our little girl is looking good! She was very wiggly but they were able to get all the measurements they needed and as if the blood test wasn't enough, we saw the girly bits too for extra confirmation lol. Such a relief it went well. I cannot believe that I'm almost half way through this!
Wow I feel really spoilt up here in Canada. We get a full year off with 55% of our pay from the government. And if you have a great employers, some of them will top it up to 100% for a certain number of months. I definitely don't have a good employer but I think we can make it work on 55% of my income.

I think my project is going to be more exercise. I'm freaking out a bit because I was up so many times last night with insane thirst! I would guzzle a bunch of water then wake up an hour or so later to do it again:( That's a sign of GD so I'm super nervous now thinking that I have it. I'm probably over reacting but I figure getting some more exercise can't hurt!

I also found out at my last appointment that my thyroid is low (not sure if I mentioned that in a previous post?) so now I'm on synthroid to help activate it a little bit. Apparently hypothyroidism while pregnant can cause a bit of delayed growth and increases your chance of miscarriage in the first tri. I'm lucky I'm passed that!!

All of these little issues are starting to stress me out quite a bit. I just can't wait for my 20 week scan so I can make sure everything is alright!
I have been feeling so amazing since starting to exercise again sweetpea. You won't regret it! It's crazy how good mentally it makes you feel, even though you are clearly still getting bigger and rounder :haha:
I agree- I went for a swim yesterday and felt awesome afterwards. Everything all stretched out and nice to feel a bit weightless for a while.
Hope your headache disappears Buffy! Have you been taking Panadol at all or toughing it out? I have caved a few times but doc said it was all ok so I figure me being less-stressed and able to get things done is better for me and bub overall.
Also congrats on the awesome scan results for those that have had it done so far!
For the first few times I got these headaches I didn't take anything. I take panadol now.
Wonders- I don't really know the symptoms really apart from being thirsty, but it's also super normal to be thirsty a lot in pregnancy too to keep you hydrated. Disney world sounds fun! And yay for the scans. Do you have cute pics?

Sweet pea- I wouldn't look toooooo much into the thirsty thing, there are times when I guzzle down a whole litre of water because I get so thirsty at random times. It's just a weird pregnancy thing I think. But in saying that, exercise is good! I wish I had a pool to swim in every dayyyyy lol it's the only exercise I genuinely enjoy haha. I hope everything is okay with your thyroid, thank goodness we don't have to deal with the scares of first tri anymore.

So I met my OB today. It was alright. He had a guy in there who was in training, but the OB was pretty rude to him and wasn't actually doing any training. They boy was really incompetent but how are you supposed to know stuff if no one ever shows you? Like the OB was telling him to do things but wouldn't even turn from his computer to watch. He didn't know how to put the blood pressure thing on my arm... And then when he was using the doppler, he was on myyyy heartbeat for ages, I whispered to him that it was my heart beat and he said "oh... I thought it sounded too slow..." And then I had to guide him to the baby's heartbeat (but the OB was staring at his computer in the other direction so he didn't see).
The OB told me off for not booking a dietician appointment, but the midwife didn't tell me I had to! She mentioned it but as though it was an optional thing. I told him that I have lost 18kgs (about 40lbs) since being pregnant and he told me that "it doesn't matter, you will gain it all back". I wanted to cry. Honestly I nearly did cry right then. But I will just prove him wrong.
So anyway... I don't love the guy, but it could always be worse. He has agreed to let me have shared gp care (I was so worried he wouldn't let me) so long as I've booked an extra appointment with him at 28 weeks so that's fine.
Lala - ok, your doctor sounds horrible. Sorry to say that. But I guess he doesn't get paid to be nice, just to keep you and baby healthy. That poor student. I remember being an intern in grad school and I would get sooooo nervous over everything!

I have some cute pics. Uploading them now and will post in a bit :flower:
Thanks y'all! We are really excited. DH is so laid back and unemotional, so I can never tell for certain, but I am sure he is over the moon! We have ZERO boy names picked out. I like traditional names with strong meanings, so Gabriel, Daniel, Ethan, and Andrew are some of my favorites, but I also like Beau (we are both southerners born and bred). I'm thinking that needs to be a nickname though and I'm not sure of longer names with Beau. I had my two favorite girl names ready to go but boys are just so hard! Maybe this weekend we will start getting serious about choosing them.

I attached some pictures as promised. They took about a billion and gave me at least 50, but they aren't super quality. The only clear ones were their potty shots... go figure... and they were quite obviously very immodest boys :haha: I have to go back for a follow-up on April 13th because they didn't get all the heart views/measurements they needed because of the way the boys were positioned... oh darn! another chance to see them :winkwink:

So I am concerned about one thing... and it's sooo silly, but it kept me up last night so I guess I need to vent :wacko: The boys' measurements were all in the "normal" range and they even measured big for most, but Baby A's femur length was in the "10th percentile." DH is 6'4" and I am 5'10" (and the shrimp in my family). All the men on my dad's side of the family are 6'7" and above, including my dad and brother, and my sister is 6'2"! So by all estimates, we should have tall (and possibly enormous) children. Definitely not 10th percentile lol. DH keeps saying that their positioning didn't allow the sonographer to get accurate measurements and maybe Baby A hasn't had his growth spurt yet. My sister said I should be eating more, which is probably true--I've only gained four pounds so far and I know I should have gained more than that by now. I'm not feeling sick anymore but my appetite just hasn't come back yet. She laughed at me when I told her A's femur length was on the small side and reminded me I have twins and they will naturally be smaller than singletons :dohh: But I am so concerned that they don't have enough room to grow!

Anyway, is anyone else having issues concentrating on anything else but their baby? I just want to design their nursery and get their registry together and I am getting VERY behind in my work for school :blush: I just want them to be here already!

Lala- I laughed out loud at your story about the intern! Poor guy, I had a VERY awkward experience with an young male intern once who was doing a pap smear. He was so nervous and I guess he thought it would be good "bedside manner" to chat me up but it was seriously like we were on a date or something! He asked about my family and where I went to college and what I do for a living... ALL WHILE MY FEET WERE IN THE STIRRUPS and he's sitting down there looking at who knows what. After he was finally done, I think he tried to thank me for allowing him to get some experience. Except it was more like, "okay, we're all done here, thanks for the...ummm...<long awkward pause>...have a good day." WHAT!? LOLOL, poor kids.

Sweetpea- I am moving to Canada! :winkwink: Seriously though, that is awesome! I'm in law school, so I will just take the fall semester off, but I would be so sad to go back to work so soon Wonders!

Buffy- So sorry you are having headaches! I hope you are feeling better today! :flower:

Pihabella- I'm planning to go swimming tomorrow! I can't wait. I've just been walking and doing light weights, but I think it will be fun to get back in the pool, it sounds so refreshing! I only have my tri training bikini that fits now and I plan to rock it, bump and all. I just hope I don't scare any young kids (it's the university's pool) :winkwink:


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Anyway, is anyone else having issues concentrating on anything else but their baby? I just want to design their nursery and get their registry together and I am getting VERY behind in my work for school :blush: I just want them to be here already!

I'm in law school, so I will just take the fall semester off, but I would be so sad to go back to work so soon Wonders!

Me! Work is seriously getting in the way of baby planning! Don't they understand I have strollers and cribs to shop for?

I hate that I will only be off 3 months, but I don't have much of a choice. I don't get any paid maternity leave and as I work in a school, I don't have much, if any, work in the summer so I really need to get back to work so we can pay our bills lol. Luckily, my mom will be watching her so I know she is in good hands and will send me tons of pictures all day.

I wouldn't stress about the measurements (although I had a teeny freak out too with mine). I'm trying to stick with the, "if the doctor says all is normal and good, then its normal and good" attitude. They are the experts, not me. And your husband could be right. Our tech had a hard time with some measurements because how baby was positioned or how she started moving. No stressing! :flower:
Lala I think you're right about the thirsty thing. It was probably just a fluke. I get so distracted during the day that I don't think I drink enough water and then my body tries to make up for it at night! Also, I wish it was warmer here, I love swimming so much but it's definitely too cold for the lake. I'll probably try to go to the rec centre for a swim this week! I'm sorry your doctor is so horrible. He sounds like a real jerk! Mine was recommended by a few of my friends but I'm actually not the biggest fan of him. He's really relaxed which is great but he doesn't give me any information unless I ask about it. It's frustrating for me because I'm so interested in pregnancy that I want to know everything I can but I feel annoying asking a ton of questions and I usually forget them while I'm there:(

Praying those are amazing pics!! I want to say don't worry about the measurements but I know I would be the exact same as you. I'm sure once I ask a million questions at my 20 week scan I'll find something to stress about. Awesome that you are moving to Canada!!! What part are you moving to? It's honestly so amazing here:) Weather on the east coast is awful right now but they have fun accents so that makes up for it lol! I live in BC about 5 hours east of Vancouver and we've been having Spring-like weather since Valentine's day. I'd say I live in the most beautiful part of Canada but we definitely pay a "sunshine tax' for living here. Most of the men I know have to work out of town to support their families. We're really lucky that DH found an awesome job in town but neither of us makes that much money. The amazing beaches and awesome ski hill are totally worth it though!

Hope everyone else is doing well! It's deary and gross here so I want to crawl up in bed and do nothing. Unfortunately, my bank account can't handle me taking more time off lol!
Lala - your doctor sounds awful. I hope I don't get one like that!

Praying- I really like Ethan, Gabriel & Beau :flower:

Wonders - I'll only be having around 3 months off too. The thing I hate most is when people question me about it, or tell me I need longer off. If I had the money, I obviously would! We are hopefully moving back home though and I won't mind so much leaving the baby with family at that young age. Also if our house sells for what we are hoping, I can probably afford to have a little longer off work.
I just unenrolled from my uni subjects for the semester and applied for a leave of a sense from study for the rest of the year.
I am sooo ridiculously stressed and I can't fathom how I would be able to handle doing everything I do now in addition to prac coming up for a month.
Feeling pretty crappy but I've done the right thing for me right now.

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