Decembers little darlings now in first tri

My dh felt first kicks last night. I lay in bed and I could see my bump jumping all over the place, it the first time I've seen it so I txt him (he was downstairs and I didn't dare move incase it stopped) and he came up and felt it. It was so nice.
Yay Spicy! How exciting.
I can definitely see baby move from the outside now.
I could watch it all day, I just wish it did it more! I can't get enough of it
Mine is still only a few times a day. I have an anterior placenta too.
Blah my second glucose tolerance test tomorrow! Not looking forward to ittttt. Last time I spent the whole 2 hours praying that I didn't vomit it all up. It's not so much the drink, but the fasting beforehand and then having that drink be the only thing in your stomach. Oh well, at least my appointment is at 7.30am so it will be over by 9.30 :)
Oh lala, I'm dreading it too! I'm going in on the 1st of June. I just have a really bad feeling about the whole thing. I have put on 10kg, so that can't be a good sign, and I definitely eat a lot of sweet things. It's what I'm craving! It sucks. I also vomit if I haven't eaten first thing in the morning. I think I'm doomed. Good luck though to you!! :)

As for me, I had the worst day yesterday. I normally have Monday's off, but I had to swap with another girl for my Friday because she couldn't work. I got up early to walk the dogs, and I got rained on. So I was running a bit late, because then I had to wash my hair because I got so wet outside. Work was actually the ok bit of the day. After work I had to take my cat to the vet because he has these huge sores on his face and his back. He absolutely HATES it - ever since he had to get his toe amputated. When I got home, he had pooped in the garage, but I couldn't find it. But it stunk! Then I couldn't get him in his carrier because he hates it so much. He was scratching, and crying and it was awful. Then when I was trying to shut it, I noticed 3 of the clips to lock it were missing. So it wouldn't Lock properly and I couldn't carry the carrier by the handle. I was so flustered. And I called my husband to ask where they were bc he was the last one who took him to the vet. He said "oh, some of them broke." WHY would he not tell me that?! Anyway, then I got to the vet, and Zeus wouldn't get out his carrier so the vet was pulling him out, and he was screaming. And I burst in to tears. It was so embarrassing.

On my way home I called my mum to tell her about Zeus. She was worried about him after seeing him on the weekend. Then I burst in to tears again. Then, while I was sitting at the traffic lights, a HUGE huntsman spider crawled right across my windshield in front of me. I stopped breathing. It took me a few seconds to figure out whether it was inside or outside. Outside, thank god!

When I got home, hubby had cooked dinner and was running me a bath with my lush things. He brought me dinner in the bath & then some chocolates, and then I got a massage. (He obviously felt bad about the carrier!)
Urgh I feel for your girls who have to do that, I don't think they do it here unless your high risk, I'd never even heard of it until I came on here! I see my mw on Thursday so lucky forward to hearing squigglet's heartbeat again.
Oh Buffy you poor thing. That sounds horrible. It sucks when your pets are sick! I would have gotten soooo frustrated at dh if he broke the carrier locks and forgot to tell me (which sounds exactly like something he would do haha). Ughhh cat poo stinks soooo much, I don't know how their cute little bodies make such a BADDDDD smell. Oh, and I cry over everything all the time now. My work and my husband both make fun of me. Last night dh made fun of me crying and then that made me cry, he felt BAD haha. It's so hard not being in control of my emotions like usual.
Also- my hubby got me some Lush stuff recently too! I love lush so much <3 we have been having baths together each night in our big bath. Love it!

Oh spicy you lucky thing, this test is horrible. I'm currently sitting in the waiting room for the first hour to pass. Trying so hard not to be sick!!!! Squiggle is such a cute nickname!
Hope it's over quickly for you and your not sick.if you are do you have to start again?
Omg about the spider, I don't like spiders much and we don't have anything dangerous.
We've nicknamed it squigglet because I call dh squishy (i think it comes back to finding nemo "i shall call him squishy and he shall be my squishy") and he calls me squige so it fit nicely and seemed appropriate for a squiggly blob on a scan screen even more so now it wiggles. My mom told me before I was born they called me norbit?!! Lol.
Someone at work called their unborn baby "bean" and when he was born it's middle name is actually bean!!
I'm off to visit the nursery after work. I'm really nervous, I've never been to a nursery apart from work experience.
Yeh spicy if you vomit your test becomes invalid and you have to do it again another day.
Anyway I wasn't sick, yay. Haha hopefully I get the results at my next dr appointment on Thursday.
I hope the nursery is great spicy :) I'm sure it will be!

So I just googled "will sitting hunched over hurt baby" because I'm officially at that level of crazy-pregnant-lady now.

I wonder how all of the girlies who haven't posted on here in a while are doing? I hope everyone is well!
I'm going away for a long weekend with friends to a cabin in the mountains this weekend... Looking forward to it! It's going to be so cold, but I can't wait to snuggle next to the fire :)
Lol, the other day I had a freak out about whether my mobile phone in my pocket by my bump would hurt the baby (I decided probably not but I've started putting it in my back pocket in case).
I'm going to the baby show on Friday and I'm so so so excited, finally buying stuff!! I'm going with my mum and I think dad and dh are both worried just how much stuff we will buy!
Hi Ladies!

Lala I'm so glad you didn't get sick at your test. It sounds absolutely awful:( I'm lucky I get to eat a normal breakfast before my first test on Thursday morning. I hope your results come back and are great!
Spicy, so happy your DH got to feel some movement. It's an amazing moment right?
Buffy, I'm sorry you had such a crap day yesterday. I would totally cry if my cat was not feeling well and scared too! He actually got in a fight with a neighbour cat the other day and I was super upset cuz he had quite a scratch on his nose. He's totally fine though, I'm just crazy!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone:) Mother's Day happened to be my V day which was perfect. The day itself was just Ok. We had a long day at our prenatal class and we both found it a little boring. As First-time parents, we are definitely not experts but with four nieces and two nephews, I think we were a little more experienced with kids than most of the couples there.

We also did a tour of the hospital. DH and I have both been up to the new maternity ward 3-4 times before but we were the only ones who had seen it. I felt a little bad that we weren't as interested but I am glad we went! They gave us a blank birth plan to fill out. Any of you ladies writing out a birth plan for the big day?
Blah my second glucose tolerance test tomorrow! Not looking forward to ittttt. Last time I spent the whole 2 hours praying that I didn't vomit it all up. It's not so much the drink, but the fasting beforehand and then having that drink be the only thing in your stomach. Oh well, at least my appointment is at 7.30am so it will be over by 9.30 :)

I had my 3-hour one yesterday because I failed the 1-hour. It sucked! I was done by noon but felt off almost the rest of the day even after eating and moving around. And a different nurse was sticking me and she's not as good as the usual lady that does it. Getting poked 4 times was not the way I wanted to start my Monday. I'll have my results tomorrow or the next day. Really hoping I pass or at least be a mild enough case that I can monitor with diet.

Mine is still only a few times a day. I have an anterior placenta too.

Same here. My doctor said its normal right about now, especially for me with my extra tummy padding. I feel her usually in the morning, after eating and in the evening and doctor said that sounds about right. She said you won't feel her every hour because she has to sleep some time. D'uh, I never really thought about it but she's right lol.

Sorry about your crappy day! Hope today was better for you!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone:) Mother's Day happened to be my V day which was perfect. The day itself was just Ok. We had a long day at our prenatal class and we both found it a little boring. As First-time parents, we are definitely not experts but with four nieces and two nephews, I think we were a little more experienced with kids than most of the couples there.

We also did a tour of the hospital. DH and I have both been up to the new maternity ward 3-4 times before but we were the only ones who had seen it. I felt a little bad that we weren't as interested but I am glad we went! They gave us a blank birth plan to fill out. Any of you ladies writing out a birth plan for the big day?

Happy Mother's Day (to all of you!) and V-Day!

I had a nice day, nothing special, just hanging with family. My mom and sister-in-law both gave me a nice mommy to be cards and a little gift. The OH said I don't get gifts because I'm not a mom yet. I wasn't expecting anything from him anyway plus he hates the holiday ever since his mom passed away so next year he will learn real quick that he needs to start celebrating it lol.

I think I'm doing my hospital tour in a few weeks and signing up for a couple classes. I wasn't going to write a specific birth plan. I know I want vaginal with drugs lol. But I'm open to whatever is medically necessary for healthy me and healthy baby.
I'll write a birth plan but I suspect I'll be very open about it as I have no idea what I want, I'm waiting till after all my classes before I decide, I don't get to do a hospital tour though.
Went to see nursery today, I've waffled on for ages about it on my journal so I a it say much other than I think I'll be happy for squigglet to go there.
I tried to convince dh I deserved something for mothers day (UK one was in March) but he wasn't having it! Although I'll probably still get him something for father's day.
We also got a blank page to write a birth plan. We don't go to our class until August 1st (our first wedding anniversary) so I'm hoping to have a better idea after I go to that. As for a hospital tour, I don't even know if I'll get to do one. I'm going to my doctor tonight to get a referral for the hospital back home (where we are moving to) so I *think* I'm giving birth now there, instead of the hospital I've already been booked in at.

Our house went up for sale on Friday and we have an interested buyer coming through tomorrow to look at the house. Then we have open houses on Saturday and Sunday. I'm really hoping we have an offer at least by the end of the weekend. It would make me so much less stressed. I haven't even told anyone at work that we are selling and moving. And I hate having to keep a secret. I feel like a liar.

My Mother's Day was pretty good. My parents stayed over the night before, after the baby shower, and so we took my mum out for breakfast the next morning. DH also got me a card and chocolates, which I wasn't expecting at all, so that was a nice surprise. Then I spent the afternoon going through all the gifts from the shower and putting them away. That was exhausting! I was very spoilt. It's nice to have an idea now of what is left to buy, still with 15 weeks to go.

Lala, your weekend sounds like it's going to be so relaxing! We have a Mexican fiesta party at my neighbours house. I'm dreading it! Lol. There's going to be so much drinking. Hopefully they all get drunk and fall asleep early so I can get some sleep :p Their outdoor area backs right on to our bedroom basically. And I laughed at you googling the hunching. I'm a dental assistant, so I'm hunched over all day at work! My back has been really hurting this week. It's been fine up until now.
Hey ladies,
Have been off the forum for a bit as I am entering my last push for my thesis (about one month to go now). Sounds like everyone is having their ups and downs but doing well at the moment? Lots of weekends away etc by the sounds of it. Lucky!! And everyone has had different experiences with the diabetes test too. Mine is in 2 weeks. I had V-day yesterday and my mum was here but had no idea what it was all about so I had to explain to her. We went shopping for some winter clothes that will fit me over the next few months, even bought a coat that will do up over the bump finally! Buffy- was good to hear you are also moving as I can totally relate to the stress factor! Luckily we don't have to sell our house, but we have to pack and ship to NZ, sell what we don't want to keep or take to the tip, clean up gardens and house, and also still have to find a home for our dog. Its been upsetting me a lot recently as we have found out that she has a partial cruciate tear that may require surgery later, which makes re-homing her even harder. At a bit of a loss and coming to terms with the fact that we may need to put her down in the end. She is only 5 so feel like we are letting her down, but honestly we just couldn't cope with her and a baby even if we had a place for her to live with us in NZ as she is quite needy and also a bit of a nightmare to take out as she gets anxious around other dogs etc. I am going back to using our halti so I can handle her walking (my parents were quite worried that she will pull me over as she can be very strong). I have spent her whole life dealing with her behavioural issues but love her much so have kept at it with minor improvements over time. Now these issues are making her hard to rehome, plus the medical stuff.... sigh. Just need to get my head around it. My partner is being very supportive about whatever we decide to do, but ultimately I know her best and have to handle this whole situation on top of thesis junk. Just want to have a solution so I we can move on and stress less as it isn't helping her either by getting anxious about it all. Sorry for the rant but needed to get it off my chest before I end up in tears again.
Oh no pihabella. That is so sad. But before deciding to put her down, maybe a shelter will take her & they can raise money for her surgery if she needs it? I just couldn't imagine re homing a pet - and honestly, I would find any excuse and reason not to. They are my family and my babies. They are demanding and need a run or walk every day, and we also use a "gentle leader" so that they won't pull. And my cat has cost us $1000 just in the past couple of months with his toe and now these sores on his face and back. But I love him too much to ever think about getting rid of him, even though my husband threatens it all the time.

Sorry you're having such a hard time. So many overwhelming things are happening to you right now. Feel free to vent though :flower:
That sounds such a hard decision. One if the reasons we don't have pets is that it would break my heart if something happen to them. I really want a cat but dh isn't keen. My parents have cats but my in laws have dogs.I see them as part of the family.
Hope you get your thesis done

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