Decembers little darlings now in first tri

OMG Lala that's insane! I'm sorry it got that bad for you:( Glad everything is good now and you're doing alright at the hospital. I'm sure the ultrasounds in the morning will be great!

Have you heard if you'll have to have baby a bit earlier now? Like maybe they'll induce you at 37 weeks or something?
Poor you LaLa. How you feel better soon and they let you go home with no further flare ups. Glad baby is ok.
Thanks everyone.
I don't know what will happen, I guess they will tell me in a few hours when I get my next scan? It probably doesn't help that I am not at my birthing hospital lol still
No idea why my dh took me here instead of there. Maybe he has baby brain too?

A very old lady has just been put into the "room" next to me and she honestly sounds like she is dying. She keeps making these horrible croaking noises. I hope she is okay. I hate hospitals.

Feeling very lucky to be living in a country where all of this is being paid for... I always read horror stories of Americans leaving hospital with ludicrous bills. At least that's something I don't have to worry about.

Thinking of my dh, I hope he is sleeping and not too worried about me. I want to text him but I don't want to wake him up lol.

I'm so glad I have this thread to be able to talk to you girls on here :hugs:
Oh no lala!! That's awful. I remember my mum having gallbladder problems and she looked so sick! She ended up having hers out - but she wasn't pregnant! You poor thing. Thinking of you & hoping your husband isn't too worried :hugs:
Eek Lala! I hope everything will be okay. I have gallstones but luckily they haven't played up too much so far.
Why on earth did he take you to Ipswich!? I thought you were out in the East / Cleveland area - no idea why I thought that.

Hopefully it's a very short stay and if you have to go back in again - MATER! If you had to go to surgery and then have the baby, you would want to be at the Mater! Even if they had to take you to the adult's hospital, it's right there! Silly men.

I don't have a date yet, but that's because I left the country at 27 weeks and not back until the end of June. I have like 5 appts the week I get back (thankfully all in one day) so hopefully they will send me for my scan and maybe get a c section date locked down. ARGH. It's getting a bit too real now!
Oh ladies I am just not feeling it today. It's very hot here and even though I'm sitting in my air conditioned office and I've been drinking a ton of water, I just feel awful:( I've had a head ache all day (which is quite rare for me) and I'm just exhausted and achey all over. At least baby is moving around a lot so that makes me feel a bit better.

Sorry for the rant just needed to vent so DH doesn't have to get an earful of it after work tonight lol.
My baby has been in the quiet side today, I've probably paid more attention today because I've been at home on the sofa all day though!.
Been really hot today even though it's not actually hot at all
That sucks sweetpea. I hope you feel better soon. It's getting cold here. I'm in a scarf and jacket this morning.
I decided to go in to work today even though I'm still coughing quite a bit. Hopefully it's ok once I'm there.

I forgot to tell you girls about my hideous day on Monday! A couple of weeks ago I applied to a temp agency so that when I'm ready to go back to work after the baby, I can just temp until I find permanent work where we are moving. They called me & gave me an interview date - Monday the 8th at 11am. The agency is 1.5 hours away from my house and I also had to use a toll road to get in there ($16!) Not to mention the fact that I'm 29 weeks pregnant and I am sick with this cold. It was a big effort! When I got there, the door was locked and I couldn't get in. So I called their number, which is a 24 hour number and the lady who answered was like "it's a public holiday. No one is in the office today." It was the Queens birthday holiday. I knew it was, but because they are open 24 hours on their phone line, and my confirmation email said 8th of June at 11am, I went without questioning it too much. The lady I spoke to on the phone tried calling around to see if someone was close by the office and could come and meet me, but of course no one could. I seriously just wanted to cry.
Oh sweet pea I hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse than feeling all hot and yucky.

Spicy, quiet days suck. But I usually find that the day after, baby is super active and makes up for it :)

Oh wow Buffy what a terrible day!!! Obviously you would think that the confirmation wouldn've meant that they were confirming THAT DATE. The queens birthday isn't much of a public holiday anyway. Ugh I would've cried so much.

So anyway, I am stuck here for the next 3 days. Keeping me under a close eye and on IV antibiotics. Ughhh. I have a lot of complications including blood obstructions and it's all pretty worrying.
I haven't eaten in over 24 hours and still not allowed food. Making me emotional and crying at everything.
LaLa get well soon :(

Buffy that sucks, why put a date then not be there!

Baby hadn't been super active today but def mute than yesterday. Woke up in the night with a really bad pain in my side, it felt like baby's head was actually in my bladder. But moved around a bit and it eased and it was fine this morning. It's the second time I've had it. Cough is still going, in fact today I coughed up a mucus lump of blood. I see the mw tomorrow do I'll mention it. Over all feeling better today, back at work, it's a beautiful summers day and I really wish I was at home on the garden. Second nct class tonight. We've been told to take pillows!
I'm actually getting a bit of blood from my nose, but my cough is really dry! It is so irritating.

Lala!! That sounds shocking. I really hope you have some answers & relief soon!!!

Ps squeezed my boobs tonight after reading your comments lol and I had white stuff come out!
I feel like a prisoner here :(
Last night I cried myself to sleep. I miss Dh. I don't want to be here.
Oh no :( I'm really feeling for you lala. I'm hoping you get to leave soon!! :hugs:
No idea, that don't know.

dh is going to visit in a couple of hours so at least I have that to look forward to.
Aww Lala I'm really sorry:( i hope DH cheers you up when he visits. That sounds absolutely awful!

I've been in bed most of the day:( super bad headache again and feeling a little nauseous. I'm glad I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I've been googling preeclampsia and now I'm worried! Oh the paranoia of a FTM. So fun!
Oh lala and sweetpea hope your both feeling soon :(
Got my mw appointment today and she's going to do blood tests.
Oh sweet pea I hope you feel better soon. Step awaaaay from dr Google!!!! Hopefully your dr makes you feel a bit more at ease about it all.

Hope the midwife appointment goes well spicy!

Oh Buffy your comment about squeezing your boobs made me laugh :haha:

In a bit better spirits right now... Dh visited for most of the day and made me feel a lot better. We both cried when he left though.
In lots of pain on/off. The doctors are amazed at my pain threshold, which surprised me.
They've booked the surgery for 3 weeks after my due date and are really hoping everything stays put until then. They were explaining the surgery and stuff, and I will have to have a tube sticking out my side for a little while afterwards to drain bile and stuff out of it. The idea of it really, realllllly grosses me out. It's not what usually routinely happens but will have to with my case apparently. Anyway it does not sound fun, but way better than having to risk the surgery right now.
I wish they would stop bringing up the fact that it's "potentially life threatening at the moment" because all it does is terrify me. My poor dh started vomiting after meeting with the surgeons today because it's all overwhelming him.
Getting lots of tests and stuff done next week for baby, an antenatal appointment with specialists, and another ultrasound of baby. Had a ctg tonight though and it made me feel better- my uterus is contracting a bit but not too much, and most importantly baby is sounding very happy.
I haven't been telling friends or family really about what's happening because it'll just worry them, but my mum has been calling everyone apparently!! I think she's just going into overdrive because she is in Italy right now so she can't see me in person.

I can't wait to go home and eat foooooood. I just want food!!!!
And to cuddle my dog. And husband. And watch bad TV.
I will literally beg them to discharge me tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it works!
Mw appointment was fine, still bang on measurements, and baby is head down :) atm. Got a prescription for gaviscon for the heartburn. Might as well have it free!

LaLa it sounds horrid, don't they ever feed you? I'm sure they have to tell you all the risks however small, sounds pretty full on but art least you know if your have a high pain threshold your can cope with labour, I assume this doesn't mean your have to have a section? - although maybe they should do it all in one go, get baby out, get stones
Sweetpea how did it go at the Dr? How you feeling now?

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