Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Weird about you feeling better at work than at home Buffy! Haha. I was regretting finishing up so early but now I'm struggling at work at times. I'm vomiting (still!!!) and the last couple of shifts I felt pretty dizzy. So despite being broke and bored at home, it's probably better that I rest up :) only a few more days to go!

Spicy I hope your appointment goes well! Hopefully your bub is head down :)

Baby has been putting so much pressure on my cervix recently, it becomes painful at times! But mostly just uncomfortable. I have a scan on Wednesday. Hopefully I have a nice sonographer, it makes such a difference.

I can't believe that in 3 weeks baby will be term... Gosssssh!!!
Hey All!

Hope everyone had a lovely few days. Being out at the lake camping was absolutely magical. My feet looked perfectly normal after the second day. Being able to nap during the day and walk in the cold water was amazing!! Not to mention it was about ten or fifteen degrees cooler out there than in town. I'm so unhappy to be back at work. It's crazy hot in town still and I know my feet will be balloons again by the end of the day:(

I'm also not feeling great so being at work is that much more of a pain. I wish I enjoyed it more. Only 6 weeks left!

I've had braxton hicks since somewhere in the 20 week range so I can definitely feel mine. I just feel a tightening (which I can also feel with my hands on my belly) and I get a strange winded feel like I can't breath very well also. I usually get at least a few a day which is annoying but I figure practice makes perfect right?

Did everyone else have a good weekend?
I had a lovely weekend, well Saturday anyway, I went for afternoon tea with dh to celebrate our 5yr wedding anniversary.
On Sunday I went to a baby shower, I hate them! Gross games and a room full of women telling horror stories about birth. I just don't get the appeal!!!
Lala - I can't believe you're still vomiting. I've actually been feeling quite nauseous again, like in first Tri. It is SO annoying. But I haven't vomited.

I'm not at all looking forward to doing nothing when I finish up work, yet my back hates me when I'm at work. I still haven't told my boss that I'm not coming back to work. It's getting awkward because patients keep asking when I'm coming back. I just lie & say I'm having a few months off - which I suppose actually isn't too much of a lie. I just won't be coming back to work there.

Sweetpea - glad you had a good weekend. Sorry you're not feeling so great. Like Lala said before, I'm so glad it's winter here! I would struggle during the heat at this point. Even at work, the girls turn up the heater and I'm like "it's too hottttt!"

My weekend was ok. I had a friends birthday on Friday night. It was just a catch up and drinks with a few people at her place so at least I didn't have to go out and about anywhere. It's the last thing I feel like doing on a Friday after working all week. Then we had a friend and her boyfriend over for lunch on Saturday. Sunday was a pretty quiet day because I had to work yesterday (Monday). Normally I get Monday's off but a girl I work with asked me to swap. I'll get Friday off instead this week, which will mean a 4 day weekend :flower:

It's school holidays here at the moment. My father in law is a teacher so he's obviously got time off, and my sister in law is 14 and on holidays too. So my in laws are driving up to visit us today and then staying the night. Works out ok for me because I'll be at work anyway and I go to bed so early that I won't even really see them tonight :haha: The only annoying thing about them is that they stay up SO late and it annoys me that I can hear the TV from our room.
Just popping in to say hello I am still here.. hovering around... nothing much of interest to report. I am fat, tired, sore, and am counting down the weeks, almost days! I have my OB appointment tomorrow but I am not sure I will get my baby's eviction date until I have another scan. Last time I saw the OB was at 27 weeks, so I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. I assume another scan at 36 weeks and then a date for my cesarean in the 38th week, but I have to see what happens. I did have a scan last week, she was 5 lbs 7 / 2.4kg so average for my dates, and everything else was just fine. The sonographer wasn't very keen on helping me get a good 4D pic. She said they don't usually do them but she will see how she is for time, and that we started a bit late. Well I was there 10 minutes early and she called me in 20 minutes late, so that's not my fault! But all I got was this crappy Stay Puft marshmallow man looking blob on the screen. I have seen a hundred other 34 week babies and they look perfect... and at the beginning of the scan in the quick glosses over her face, it seemed like she could get a good shot but apparently not. By the time she bothered trying, bubs had snuggled the placenta again. So I am pretty disappointed with that. That's 3 scans in a row we haven't been able to see her face, and I get so excited in the lead up and then walk out kinda let down but at least I know she's healthy and everything is on track.

Sorry I haven't been responding and being very active in here. I've been fairly busy unpacking the house and getting everything organised. The real estate are replacing all the carpets on Friday so we need to move every single thing out of the bedrooms, so of course we still haven't even been able to set up the nursery yet. The crib isn't even put together! Annoying! But at least we get nice pretty new carpet so I am okay with that outcome. I have my baby shower this Sunday so I am looking forward to that. I went to a friend's baby shower last Sunday, but no gruesome birth stories or anything like that! I felt a bit weird being WAY more pregnant looking than my friend having the baby shower, and felt awkward people talking to me about my baby rather than to my friend! I didn't want to steal her limelight, I was just there for the food. But I am hugely pregnant so it was hard to hide, and my friend has only just started showing at 30 weeks so I guess giant belly gets more looks. So I ended up sitting in the corner with my cake and having a rest. Even the paternal grandmother was coming up and feeling my belly lol... so weird. She's only met me once before at their wedding last year! She was less handsy then.
Caribbean I'm sorry about your scan:( So glad everything is good with the babe but it sounds like the tech wasn't a very good one. I know they see a ton of babies everyday but they should try to remember that it's exciting for us, even if it's not for them.

Hope your baby shower goes super well! Handsy people annoy me but it's only a few weeks til they'll stop touching. Then we just have to worry about them touching our babies!!! Is anyone freaked out about that at all? I'm a big believer in hand washing before touching my kid, at least for the first little while when they are so vulnerable.

I'm absolutely HATING work this week. I guess the days I took off last week kind of backfired on me. I'm so glad my pregnancy is healthy but I almost wish my doc would tell me I need to stop working lol. I'm sure if I had a job on my feet, I'd already be on mat leave. I'm definitely not willing to sacrifice babe's health to stop working but I'd totally be willing to sacrifice my own a little. I already feel so "off" anyways. I can't even describe it, my body and emotions just feel really weird these last couple of days. Doesn't help that I'm getting the nesting urge but it's too damn hot to do anything at all! DH and I just hide in the basement all evening until it's cool enough to go upstairs.
Hope your baby shower goes super well! Handsy people annoy me but it's only a few weeks til they'll stop touching. Then we just have to worry about them touching our babies!!! Is anyone freaked out about that at all? I'm a big believer in hand washing before touching my kid, at least for the first little while when they are so vulnerable.
I'd not even thought about it, I don't think I've ever washed my hands before holding a baby :shrug:
Oh sweetpea it's nice that you had a lovely time by the lake. But returning to work always sucks after having time off, let alone being pregnant!! Haha I know this sounds silly, but do you think you can talk to your dr and see if they will give you some time off? Some doctors are really understanding! :)
In terms of people holding bubs... I haven't been too worried about it, but my DH has. He's already mentioned that he wants people to wash their hands and also that he will have a hard time letting people hold the baby in general. I know that I owe my friends 100000 baby cuddles because everyone always let me snuggle their little ones so I don't mind. Haha

Buffy, i hate when friends want to go out places now haha. Suggesting to stay in is always a win :D haha I laughed about your in laws. But really, I hate when people are loud after others have gone to bed, it's just rude.
DH is a teacher and I've really enjoyed having him around during this week :)

Congrats on your anniversary spicy :) haha my shower is on Saturday, wish me luck ;)

Hi Caribbean :wave: it's great your scans have been looking good. Really sucks about the sonographer. I have a scan today and I am really hoping we have a nice person because it makes suchhhh a difference. I hate going for scans and a nice person makes it much more enjoyable. It's the first scan that I'm having done at mater mothers hospital, I've always gone to an outside clinic to get them before. Is that where you get your scans?
I hope you have fun at your shower :)
My scan went well :) baby is measuring large though at 3kg haha so they are going to keep an eye on its size... Hopefully they have overestimated :haha:
Yes Lala, I had my last two scans at Mater Mother's... 3kg! I assume you will be getting more scans then? I have my next scan at 36 weeks on 21st July. The OB today estimated my baby should be around 3.5kg / 7.7 lbs at 38 weeks. What time was your appointment? I was at the hospital today too :D We probably walked / waddled past each other lol :haha:

So I had to have a special blood test today to check for cholestatis as I have had crazy itchy feet the last couple of months, and my hands a little bit. I probably don't have it as it's very rare but they want to check anyway. Also my blood sugar levels have dropped a lot the last couple of days which can be a sign that the placenta might be starting to give up, so I have to keep an eye on that as well!
I don't think I have any more scans unless something is happening. I have my next appointment next Wednesday with the midwife.

Well, just like I predicted..1.20am this morning I woke to go to the toilet and the TV was BLARING! So I made DH go & tell them to turn it down. They ended up turning it off & going to bed. It's just rude especially when I had to work this morning!! I got home from work at 5.30 tonight and they're still here.....
Ooh Caribbean my appointment was at 1.20! When were you there? Lol :)
They said they will need to keep an eye on it but I haven't been told when to book the next scans for yet. I have a gp appt tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then?
I hope your placenta is okay!! And that your cholestasis goes down and you stop being so itchy!

Oh Buffy your inlaws sound so rude... I'm a night owl but I would never have the tv on at someone else's house at that time of night. Ugh
Wow Buffy I would totally lose it! That's way too late to be blaring the TV:( Hope your sleep after that was okay.

Caribbean I've had crazy itchy feet the last couple of days too! I don't know what's going on but I'm probably going to mention it to my doc tomorrow.

All in all, I'm feeling like complete crap! I keep having a gross vomity feeling in my throat all day long and my bump is really sore down low a lot. Luckily, my feel haven't swelled up yet but I have to do some baking tonight so that might be changing. I'm definitely going to talk to my doc tomorrow about when I should go on mat leave. I tried to talk to DH about going early and he was super unsympathetic. It made me super frustrated and now I just want to cry all day. LOL I'm a mess!
Who watches tv that late!? So rude.

I've felt super overwhelmed and depressed today, random hormones I guess.Got a 3hr antenatal class on bf tonight, seriously, 3hrs?! How hard can it be?
Spicy - I've heard it's actually harder than it looks! For some people, especially. 3 hours is a long time though.

Sweetpea - I slept horribly after the TV thing and I was so mad. Then all day yesterday I felt nauseous at work because I felt so tired. It might have happened Whether the TV thing happened or not though, because the night before that I was awake from 3-5am. And it's 5am now and I'm awake. My alarm isn't going off for another 2.5 hours :p
Oh! Also forgot to mention I'm booked in tomorrow afternoon to have a foot scrub & 30 minute pregnancy massage. Soooo looking forward to it.
I see my mw tomorrow. Yay.

We have a burst pipe that has leaked water all under the kitchen floor, we have stopped the leak but the floor is ruined. Just what we need!!
Ooh Buffy I'm so jealous!! We are so broke right now after I had to take so much time off from work so luxuries like that are not on my list right now, but DH keeps offering to massage my feet haha. Ummm no thank you, mr ouchy hands. I love him but his massages are not so great :haha:

Oh spicy that sucks so much. Of course it has to happen right now while you're super pregnant. I would be super upset.

I woke up a bit sad today (for no reason, just an emotional pregnant lady) and so I peeked in the nursery and it always cheers me up. It's the world's smallest room but I love our cot so much. I will put up a pic of it if it works :)


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Ohh that is a pretty cot! :flower: Ours is still on layby! And we haven't got a mattress yet for it either. I love going in to the back room to look at all the baby stuff, so I know what you mean about it cheering you up :)

My husband has been insisting for a while that I go and get a massage. I think he's sick of me asking him every night for one :haha: He's good at running me a bath each night & bringing me dinner while I'm in there, but he's sick of massaging me! This was actually a really good deal. A place about 20 minutes away from me has a special on for $40! That's a bargain, so I finally gave in.

A patient at work came in with a little gift today - a cute pink and grey chevron bib and a cute little rattle toy. So sweet of her :flower:
Wow $40 is really good!
Aww that's so nice that a patient would do that :)

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