Decembers little darlings now in first tri

I know! Very surprised since I've only worked here for just over a year. It was very thoughtful :flower:
Had my gp appointment. My liver levels are still slowly decreasing so that's really good, but my red blood cells are getting worse. Oh well! Happy that my liver isn't suffering as much now :)
My dr wasn't too concerned about baby being big- because my glucose results were fine and my fundal height is correct, he thinks that baby is fine, and has said that the hospital can arrange a scan in two weeks if they feel the need to. So I'm not overly worried.
Had my 2nd anti d shot today too. Well... Third (?) He gave me the needle, and then he looked at the label he pulled off to put on my injections sheet and said... "Ooh... I just... Need to give you another needle..." Haha so I don't know, I think maybe the first one he gave me was the wrong thing??? I didn't ask. I really like my gp, he puts up with me being a big sook all the time, so I don't mind too much. But I do really hate needles!!
I have to go back on Sunday because my blood pressure was high... He wasn't worried though, because whenever I have an appointment with a needle, I get anxious and it gives a "false" high reading. So hopefully that's the case again today.

I have work soon... Blaaaaaah I hate Thursday nights. Oh well, it's my second last shift so I can't complain!!
The bf class was really good, feeling much more confident that I will be able to feed now, I was worried about problems. I really think with the right support anyone can bf. It might take some getting used to but actually it's not that hard.
The floor is a disaster, the cost isn't so much the issue as the disruption of getting new flooring done.who knows when!
That all sounds like pretty good news then, Lala. I'm getting my 2nd anti-D on Monday. Hopefully they give me the right one the first time :haha:

I'm also getting my whooping cough injection tomorrow along with DH. Fun.

Spicy, that sounds like a real pain!
Well so far I don't have any needles scheduled that I know of! What is the anti-D shot for?

Yesterday was an awful day, I was totally fed up with the heat then DH started complaining about money and I just cried for like 3 hours straight lol. He felt pretty bad after that and I just went to bed. Feeling much better today which is good since it's my birthday:)

Had a doc appointment today and it was very short and sweet. I've only gained a pound in the last two weeks (I think I lost at least a pound in fluid retention in my feet!) and everything else is looking really good. Next appointment is with a different doctor because mine is going on vacation so I'm a little nervous about that. Hopefully he's nice too!

Lala I'm really glad to hear that your liver levels are decreasing. I don't think I really understand what's happening with you but I'm glad you're getting good news and that babe is doing well! Spicy, I don't have any plans to take a BF class so I might have to pick your brain a bit when the times comes:) Glad to hear it went well.
Well I know the theory so we well see if it works in practice!
I'm so unbelievably tired today after a late night stressing about the floor. We have someone coming on Monday to look at it.
Had mw today, she spent say much, she never does, baby is head down measuring fine, my iron levels from my blood t last time are fine. I was in and out in 10 minutes again. I miss my old mw, she was much more informative, this one really seemed to struggle to tell which way round baby is, she said it's definitely head down but she want so sure about which way it was facing etc. She also didn't seem that interested in working it out!
Anti-D is for those with a negative blood type. You would have known about it already if you were supposed to be getting the injections.

Waiting now for our whooping cough injections. I'm so tired. I've been awake since 3.30 this morning because I couldn't sleep.

After dealing with DH's family the other night, i told him that I just can't see myself living with them full time. We have decided that until we sell our house, while he's working, we will go and stay with them and then come back to our own place on his days off. It will be a pain but I think it will be for the best. I think we will get on each others nerves, and then at least DH and I will get time alone at our own house. So I'm going to set up a bit of a nursery at our house which is exciting.
Blah have fun with your needles Buffy!!

Happy birthday sweetpea!!!! :D I hope you have a great day!!! I always feel better after a big cry haha. Hopefully your next dr is nice :) the anti d shot is for when you are RhD negative, so if you have a negative blood type and your partner has a positive blood type. It's in case baby has a positive blood type, it stops your body from creating antibodies to attack the baby.

I will have to ask for tips on breast feeding spicy ;) it's good baby is head down. Sucks that your midwife isn't the best though.
The key tip seems to be, if bf hurts then your latch is probably wrong.
I'm not claiming to be any sort of expert, I've not tried it yet! But if I can help share knowledge I will. If I'm having struggles I'll def be seeking support to get it right.
I'm so tired today, so glad it's the weekend.
Tomorrow we are going for the "bump" part of our "bump and baby" photoshoot.
I just read an article about "natural breastfeeding" where you breastfeed in a more horizontal position so gravity is working with you and babe to help them latch. Not sure if a lot of research has been done on it but I might try it if I have trouble!

Also, I felt absolutely awful last night and could sleep. I was up gagging and staying in the shower til all hours trying to cool down. I tried throwing up this morning and I think I hurt myself. I have a pretty intense pain in the top left side of my belly. Hopefully I just strained a muscle and didn't hurt myself too bad:(

Taking the day off work today to relax and hopefully feel better.
Urgh that sounds awful sweet pea hope your feel better now.
The class taught us how to get baby to do the latching, we watched a video where babies basically do it all themselves.
Sounds awful sweet pea. I think it's a good idea to rest. I pulled a muscle after mopping a few weeks back. It hurt to move or breathe! Hopefully that's all it is.

My pregnancy massage yesterday was so good. And I slept really well last night.
Ugh I couldn't sleep until after 3.30am last night and was rolling over back and forth all night, and was awake by 7. I have my baby shower today and I know I'm going to feel so tired/cranky. Blah
Hope your have a great baby shower.
We are going for our "bump" Photoshoot as part of a bump and baby package tomorrow. I'm kinda excited. I love my bump although I can't wait to meet squigglet now.
I hope your baby shower was great lala! :flower:

Worst idea we have probably had during this pregnancy = going to IKEA today. Absolute nightmare!!!
Oh sweet pea I hope you're feeling better!
Spicy you have to post pics when you get them!! :)
Buffy, that sounds like such a nightmare. Haha. I went a few months ago and it was hard enough then, let alone while heavily pregnant on a SATURDAY. crazy lady. Haha

I had such a lovely day. I feel so lucky.
Huge giant anxiety ridden rant in 3.... 2.... 1.........

Well the last 24 hours sucked :( On Wednesday, I had my Gestational Diabetes Educator appointment and I let her know my blood sugar levels have dropped dramatically over the last few days. She said keep an eye on them and email her if it continues. So it did, and I emailed her Thursday night, and then Friday morning I get a call from the hospital asking me to come into Pregnancy Assessment and oh btw bring an overnight bag... so we go in... not convenient at all btw! Literally in the middle of having all the bedroom carpets replaced (workmen at the house), someone coming over to check the stove and the dishwasher (new rental place - lots of problems) and then I had to do all the laundry and then go shopping for all the baby shower food to spend Saturday cooking and preparing. But we go in about 11am and they do a CTG where they have a monitor strapped to my belly for baby's heartbeat, and another monitor strapped for any uterine contractions. Both results are awesome. No problems. We go for an ultrasound to check the cord is still working correctly, as sudden low blood sugars in GD can mean placenta deterioration. But everything is perfect. She measures 5 lbs 15 / 2.6kg and right on target. She's breech with her feet up in front of her face, but happily hanging out. So back to the CTG for 3.5 hours! Again, perfect results.

So everyone is happy that bubs is doing well, I am doing well. Weird that my blood sugars have dropped but let's just run it by the boss and then I can go home. Nope! I am admitted to stay overnight for 'observation'. So I am not too keen on this idea... but I go to the ward and settle in. My husband stays with me, of course. By this time it's 6pm, I get my vitals checked, baby's heartbeat - all good. By the time 10pm comes, no one has monitored anything for 4 hours, so I ask a passing midwife when I am next getting monitored (so I know when to expect them) and she said probably 9am. WHAT? I am just hanging out in hospital overnight and you're not even monitoring me?? So I am like... well no. I have shit to do at home. I can come back at 9am for the monitoring. The midwife goes and tells whoever that I want to leave (the midwife was supportive) and I get dressed and wait for the word. Then an Obstetric Registrar comes in and she is just a bitch. 'You know why you're here, right? You know what gestational diabetes is, right? You know what happens if the placenta fails, right? Your baby dies." and proceeded to basically tell me that if I leave the hospital tonight, I have a good chance of my placenta failing within seconds, and the baby dying within seconds and there's nothing anyone can do. I, of course, argued that not monitoring me from 6pm until 9am means the exact same thing can happen while I lie in a hospital bed. What's the point of me staying if they aren't even bothering to monitor me?!

So my argument was 'If it's such a dire life or death situation, that I can't even go home for a few hours, then it's urgent enough that we need to start prepping me for delivery. Start me on the steroid injections to help baby's lungs etc... but she said no. The risks associated with prematurity outweigh the risks of my placenta failing and baby dying. Right... so it's not life or death then. But she made me feel so guilty for even daring to want to go home. I got the midwife to check me again at 5am... everything is perfect. again at 9am - everything is perfect. But they decided they were going to keep me in indefinitely and not even let me go home for an hour to gather some more clothes, have someone look after the dogs... I have my baby shower on Sunday I need to cancel... meanwhile I have had maybe 2 - 3 hours broken sleep because when you're told 'the only thing we can go on is baby movement, so if your baby isn't moving, she might have died suddenly. Okay sweet dreams!' and I'm left to wonder if my baby is even still alive when she's quiet for a few minutes.

So come lunchtime Saturday (today) I am basically just sitting on the bed waiting to hear any news. Hoping to feel kicks from my baby (which I do, but of course not every minute so I wonder...) and then finally someone comes in and says they spoke to the GD head honcho, who said this kind of thing happens all the time with GD, the blood sugars start dropping close to the end and you're fine to go home but come back on Monday for some more ECG monitoring. And I could all of a sudden leave. WHAT!?! You seriously put me through that 24 hours of hell wondering how I am going to cope with a stillbirth and how I tell everyone my baby shower is cancelled because my baby died. Wondering how I can tell if she's still okay...

So now I am home, my belly is tight as hell from all the stress and anxiety. I took a bath hoping to relax but it's the same now. I have had maybe 6 hours sleep in total the last two nights... feeling very overwhelmed and I HATE that that bitch tried to use scare tactics to make me feel like I was going to kill my baby if I dared go anywhere.
Oh my god. I'm so sorry that you went through that!!!!! What an absolute nightmare.

I can't believe it. If they were keeping you overnight, surely they should have at least continued to monitor you with the ctg... It's just two friggen straps on your tummy, they could've kept them on, it's not like they're even uncomfortable and they can turn the volume on the machines down and stuff so they could have kept it on overnight... It's not like they have to stand there and watch the machine the whole time anyway... Otherwise what was the point of you staying?? Anyone would ask the same thing!!!!! I'm glad you stood up for yourself (it's so hard) but I can't believe how horrible she was to you. I'm so angry for you!!!
I hope that you manage to have fun at your shower. You must feel so stressed. :hugs:
That is so awful. I am stressed even reading that story. I can't imagine how you must have felt :(
I really hope that you can enjoy your baby shower today.

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