Haha if only I logged on a couple of days ago, Lala.. I could have told you they don't do the swab here!
We had our final ultrasound yesterday. She is now 2.9kg or 6 lbs 7, and all of her measurements are great. Pretty much 50th percentile for her gestational age. She wriggled like crazy in the scan, the sonographer had to keep chasing her around!
Then, I had my last pre natal appt at the hospital today! My OB appt where I had to sign my c section consent forms etc. I thought I was being admitted at 2pm and then surgery 2 hours later but it's at 2pm, which is only 37.5 hours away from right now! Argh.... getting very nervous.
We cleaned up the nursery this afternoon and repacked the baby's hospital bag. Doing mine again tomorrow as I've worn half the clothes in there so had to wash them. I had only packed an overnight bag and wondered how on earth women fit everything! But I saw other ladies were packing an actual suitcase! So I will be doing that tomorrow.
I think we are prepared for her to be here... not sure about mentally but we have everything she needs so now we just count down!
So excited, nervous, scared!