Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

I think it looks good! I think if you wanted to BD tonight it wouldn't hurt! I am pretty sure we only BD'ed twice before I ovulated, we were on an every other day schedule. I really hope this is your month, you definitely have the timing and frequency in your favor! :D

I certainly hope so! I'm starting to get peed off with it all now. This will be our 9th cycle now (though only been OPK'ing for maybe 4 of those). Might take a break after this one if no BFP result.
I'm on a break atm Noo. We haven't dtd at all this month and I would be in my ttw right now. It's quite interesting to see what "symptoms" I am getting! I think when we start ttc again in Jan I'll be less concentrated on the ttw symptoms :)

Sorry Desperaux I was supposed to post this link a few days ago. Appologies for my baby brain. Your welcome to join and anyone else to stalk readying for your BFP. This is def a lucky thread. Much love ladies a lots of:dust::dust:
I'm on a break atm Noo. We haven't dtd at all this month and I would be in my ttw right now. It's quite interesting to see what "symptoms" I am getting! I think when we start ttc again in Jan I'll be less concentrated on the ttw symptoms :)

Yes! I've only just started to notice a pattern with my ovulation symptoms - Bloating, diarrhoea and frequent urination! I'd never noticed before but this month I compared charts and I got it last month too so at least it gives a bit of a heads up before the positive OPK! I also seem to get dull cramps in my cervix, like a cold ache, a few days before which I'm assuming is my cervix being pulled up into the higher position. Who knows. Give it a few cycles and may be able to give up on the OPK!
lotus - I can't wait to be a part of the refugee club someday!!!!

morebabies - I hope the spotting stops soon!!! I've heard its very normal to have spotting in the early months of pregnancy. I know its easier said than done, but try not to stress out if possible!! Good luck!!!

Breadsticks - good to see you here! Thanks for checking in on us :D

Noo - good luck and have fun BDing :happydance:

Toms - that's funny. I bet I would have a ton of symptoms even if I knew 100% that I'm not pregnant!!

afm - I'm 4dpo and waiting somewhat patiently :blush:
Haha! Yeah, I'm on 4dpo today and my boobs have started hurting, normally I'd be like ooh a symptom I must be pg!!! But although I'd love to be pg it's also quite nice not to be stressing for once and knowing that these symptoms are my body going though prep for af. I hope it will make me more chilled out for when we start ttc again :)

Morebabies, as Koj said, I know it's easier said than done but please don't stress :hugs:
Haha! Yeah, I'm on 4dpo today and my boobs have started hurting, normally I'd be like ooh a symptom I must be pg!!! But although I'd love to be pg it's also quite nice not to be stressing for once and knowing that these symptoms are my body going though prep for af. I hope it will make me more chilled out for when we start ttc again :)

Morebabies, as Koj said, I know it's easier said than done but please don't stress :hugs:

Omg Toms - I'm so glad you said that!! My boobs were kinda getting sore today! Now I know not to make anything out of it. HAHA :haha: Can you please keep posting your "symptoms" this week?? I know not everyone's the same but its nice to hear what you're going through and what's normal :)
Eurgh! 2dpo today and got a huge amount of creamy CM. Not my normal amount and it's definitely not thrushlike. Wonder WTF is going on. It's really annoying!
Noo - I've been getting tons of creamy stretchy CM since 2dpo as well. It kind of looks like EWCM but it has a creamy color to it and not as stretchy. I've had this in previous cycles so I'm not making too much of it.
Thanks Koj and Toms! :hugs: Ive really been stressing this weekend over the amounts of spotting that ive been having at times. Saturday seemed like a lot. Always brown though so hopfully thats a good sign! It was a little better today and am going to call the doctors office in the morning to see if I can get in and hopefully get some sort of peace of mind!

And to add in on symptom spotting while on a break because I did that for two months also.. I had every single symptom possible and even though we were using condoms while on the break one month was so bad with the "symptoms" I actually had crazy thoughts that maybe somehow I got pregnant :rofl: I of course didnt tell DH this because obviously its completely crazy! :wacko: :haha: I swear I had never felt like such a nut case until we started TTC!! I do think the time off made me obsess a little less about the "symptoms" though. Except once I was late last cycle I ended up getting my hopes up. This cycle the only symptom I ended up having was sore boobs which are now killing me! Good luck girls! I hope to see some more BFPs around here soon!!!!! :dust:
Hello everyone. My goodness, coming back in here once a week sure is exciting; especially when there are so many amazing updates!

First, huge congrats Morebabies :happydance:! I am so happy for you and your family. I know that you've been TTC for such a long time and no one deserves this more than you, (in fact I got a little teary eyed when I read your news). Sending tons of good wishes to you and your bean!

Also, huge congrats to you Despereaux as well!

Koj: Not doing anything differently this cycle. When you are trying to conceive using this method you basically do something very similiar to SMEP, (BD every second day starting at CD 8 and then try to BD a lot during OV and the three days following). We mostly just BD every second day though as it is less stressful for my DH. Also, I know we were talking about low iron and spotting. I have been using hemp powder in my morning shakes, (has a lot of iron), and no spotting. Just wanted to pass the info on. I got the hemp powder in a natural foods store and there are a lot of different yummy flavours!

Tom's Mum: I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's baby. I am so sorry for your family's loss and am sending you all big :hugs:

Baby: I am so relieved that you do not have a tumour and am really glad to hear that you will be getting everything sorted out shortly. Forgetting TTC and focusing on other things can be a good thing, (it has honestly been really positive for me, though I miss catching up with you girls everyday), I hope it is good for you as well. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Christmas as well and skiing in France sounds divine. Enjoy yourself Lady!

Noo: Continue to think positive, if your BD timing was good you have a good chance.

Lotus and Breadsticks: Nice to hear from you both. Glad that your pregancies are still going well, (sorry about the MS though)...

Miss you too Mummy! :kiss:

Welcome Jamie Sue, KitteyKat and MommaCC!

AFM, things are really great. I am enjoying life right now; DH and I just had a lovely weekend away together. I also got to take a little girl who was terminally ill on a tour of the Zoo on Friday. Both her and her parents are truly amazing people and meeting them made me realize how blessed many of us are and how precious life is.

I have my fingers crossed for those of you in the TWW, (Koj, Noo, Tom's Mum, anyone else I forgot to mention :haha:). I hope we see a ton more BFPs on here!
Pah, I have such a hairy tummy today :( Literally over night I have a line of faint hair all up my tummy with about 6 black long hairs. Irritating and never normally happens. Think my hormones are all to pot this cycle. I shall be purchasing the Veet tomorrow!
Awww thanks Mrs. Eddie!! :hugs: Glad to hear you're in such high spirits right now!

Went to the ER and literally spent all day there! :dohh: Got an ultrasound and saw my little sac measuring at exactly 5 weeks. Too early for a heartbeat though. Didn't find any obvious reasons for my spotting but will be following up with my gyno tomorrow. They do think its a plus that its brown and not red (for now) so hopefully it sticks! Oh and I also have a horrible sinus infection which is just miserable so got a script for that. It'll be nice talking to my actual doctor about all this tomorrow though and hearing what she has to say. Also turns out my ovaries are in weird places. The one the tech could find is back by my rectum :shrug: and the other she couldnt find as it was mixed in with my intestines. Also the one she did find has cysts on it. So maybe all this is why I have had such a hard.time getting pregnant! I just hope this one sticks and we can see a heartbeat soon!!
Well to follow on from symptom spotting whilst not pg :) .... I have sticky cm at dpo5! Good news for those with creamy cm in tww???
Thanks Morebabies, it is definitely nicer than my previous mindset :haha:

Yay for seeing the sac, how exciting! I've heard several times that spotting during early pregnancy is really normal, especially if its brown. I'm sure your little bean is settling in nicely for a good long time!

And that is interesting re your ovaries. Is this common? I have never heard of that before so just curious...

Awww thanks Mrs. Eddie!! :hugs: Glad to hear you're in such high spirits right now!

Went to the ER and literally spent all day there! :dohh: Got an ultrasound and saw my little sac measuring at exactly 5 weeks. Too early for a heartbeat though. Didn't find any obvious reasons for my spotting but will be following up with my gyno tomorrow. They do think its a plus that its brown and not red (for now) so hopefully it sticks! Oh and I also have a horrible sinus infection which is just miserable so got a script for that. It'll be nice talking to my actual doctor about all this tomorrow though and hearing what she has to say. Also turns out my ovaries are in weird places. The one the tech could find is back by my rectum :shrug: and the other she couldnt find as it was mixed in with my intestines. Also the one she did find has cysts on it. So maybe all this is why I have had such a hard.time getting pregnant! I just hope this one sticks and we can see a heartbeat soon!!
Could be Tom's Mum, I've heard of lots of people who gets tons of creamy CM before getting their BFP.

PS I LOVE that you're reverse symtom spotting :haha:

Well to follow on from symptom spotting whilst not pg :) .... I have sticky cm at dpo5! Good news for those with creamy cm in tww???
morebabies - yay! glad to hear everything is looking good :D

Mrs.eddie - sounds like things are definitely for the better now! I love the positive vibe I get from your posts!

Noo - anything different from your previous cycles is a good thing right? even if it requires Veet!! hehe

Toms - Thanks for keeping up with your reverse symptoms spotting! I love it!

So... as it turns out I haven't even O'ed yet!!! As I mentioned, I'm taking OPKs for the first time this month. I got a slight surge on cd13 but I wasn't convinced it was a positive so I kind of kept testing. Well, low and behold, I got an undeniably positive OPK tonight at cd19 of my 29day cycle (picture in my ttc journal)!! I guess this is the reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet... if I O tomorrow then that means I have a 9day LP..... sigh... I guess I'm gonna have to go see a Dr. and see what they can do for me.. Things just got super real. Who knew I had a LPD (self diagnosed.. haha)

well, back to -1dpo.
No idea what happened to my ovaries?? The tech definitely didn't act like it was normal :dohh: Hopefully my doctor will elaborate more on that tomorrow! Maybe the kids I have now messed me up in there :shrug:

Toms that's just how I was when I was on my break.. I think its good to take a step back and watch things for a bit!

Koj definitely get things checked out soon since you've been ttc for a while! Can't hurt and may even help!
Thanks Hun! I am feeling much more positive about things lately.

I just wanted to quickly write and say that for one of my earlier cycles I had a really short LP, (6 days), and thought for sure that I had LPD too, I even made an apppointment with my doctor because I was toally freaked. She told me that a perfectly healthly woman can have a really short luetal phase every once and awhile so this might be a one time thing for you or you might end up having a longer cycle than ususal. As long as its not happening all the time its not a serious issue.

If you do have questions though, it can't hurt to see your doctor, especially if it will give you peace of mind. I just wanted to let you know that you might not have LPD and to send you big :hugs: I'm sure everything will work out fine.

OK, now I'm really signing off until next week! :haha:

morebabies - yay! glad to hear everything is looking good :D

Mrs.eddie - sounds like things are definitely for the better now! I love the positive vibe I get from your posts!

Noo - anything different from your previous cycles is a good thing right? even if it requires Veet!! hehe

Toms - Thanks for keeping up with your reverse symptoms spotting! I love it!

So... as it turns out I haven't even O'ed yet!!! As I mentioned, I'm taking OPKs for the first time this month. I got a slight surge on cd13 but I wasn't convinced it was a positive so I kind of kept testing. Well, low and behold, I got an undeniably positive OPK tonight at cd19 of my 29day cycle (picture in my ttc journal)!! I guess this is the reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet... if I O tomorrow then that means I have a 9day LP..... sigh... I guess I'm gonna have to go see a Dr. and see what they can do for me.. Things just got super real. Who knew I had a LPD (self diagnosed.. haha)

well, back to -1dpo.

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