Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

I'm 19dpo and haven't tested yet. How's that for not testing early, lol? But I didn't test till 18dpo with dd. I have to "make sure" AF is late first....
This is the first cycle I've actually had an uncontrollable urge to pee on something.... so I peed on an OPK instead haha

Does my chart look promising?
Good luck Noo!!! Hope to see you get a BFP soon! Symptoms sound really promising :dust:
Hi ladies, I'm not planning on testing early, I'm 9 dpo and have 5 tests ready and waiting upstairs, it is hard though especially when you see others testing at 10+ dpo and getting faint bfps.
I wanted to stop in quickly to share some exciting news with you all, I got my BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I honestly still am in shock and cannot believe it. I had spoke with my natural family planner last Wednesday, a day before AF was due and we were talking about my cycle, etc. She didn't even mention the possibility that I could be pregnant, (even though I thought our timing had been pretty good). I was SO disappointed as per usual and waited for AF to come the next day, even though I didn't feel like she was. When she didn't come, I started to get my hopes up as I am NEVER late but didn't want to get too excited as I knew that my cycle could be late. I waited to test until December 16, (3 days late), and got a really dark BFP within 3 seconds of POAS.:cloud9: I was honestly in shock, happy, thrilled any emotion you can think of. I was going to come on here as soon as I found out but my DH and I decided to keep the good news to ourselves and had our own little celebration yesterday.

In case anyone is interested, the only symptoms that I had were really sore boobs, (that got continuously painful, especially in the last two days), darkened areolas, light-headedness, fatigue and some queasiness the past week.

In terms of doing anything differently, we just BDed every second day starting on CD8 and then BDed twice in row (day of OV and day following) and then went back to every second day.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with all of you wonderful ladies as I don't know how I would have gotten through some months without all of your wonderful support and knowledge. Thank you for listening and always offering words of encouragement. I am definitely going to stick around here like so many others do to cheer you all on and watch you all get your BFPs!!!

I wanted to stop in quickly to share some exciting news with you all, I got my BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I honestly still am in shock and cannot believe it. I had spoke with my natural family planner last Wednesday, a day before AF was due and we were talking about my cycle, etc. She didn't even mention the possibility that I could be pregnant, (even though I thought our timing had been pretty good). I was SO disappointed as per usual and waited for AF to come the next day, even though I didn't feel like she was. When she didn't come, I started to get my hopes up as I am NEVER late but didn't want to get too excited as I knew that my cycle could be late. I waited to test until December 16, (3 days late), and got a really dark BFP within 3 seconds of POAS.:cloud9: I was honestly in shock, happy, thrilled any emotion you can think of. I was going to come on here as soon as I found out but my DH and I decided to keep the good news to ourselves and had our own little celebration yesterday.

In case anyone is interested, the only symptoms that I had were really sore boobs, (that got continuously painful, especially in the last two days), darkened areolas, light-headedness, fatigue and some queasiness the past week.

In terms of doing anything differently, we just BDed every second day starting on CD8 and then BDed twice in row (day of OV and day following) and then went back to every second day.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with all of you wonderful ladies as I don't know how I would have gotten through some months without all of your wonderful support and knowledge. Thank you for listening and always offering words of encouragement. I am definitely going to stick around here like so many others do to cheer you all on and watch you all get your BFPs!!!


:happydance:Congrats Mrs Eddie:happydance::happydance:

So excited for you.
I wanted to stop in quickly to share some exciting news with you all, I got my BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I honestly still am in shock and cannot believe it. I had spoke with my natural family planner last Wednesday, a day before AF was due and we were talking about my cycle, etc. She didn't even mention the possibility that I could be pregnant, (even though I thought our timing had been pretty good). I was SO disappointed as per usual and waited for AF to come the next day, even though I didn't feel like she was. When she didn't come, I started to get my hopes up as I am NEVER late but didn't want to get too excited as I knew that my cycle could be late. I waited to test until December 16, (3 days late), and got a really dark BFP within 3 seconds of POAS.:cloud9: I was honestly in shock, happy, thrilled any emotion you can think of. I was going to come on here as soon as I found out but my DH and I decided to keep the good news to ourselves and had our own little celebration yesterday.

In case anyone is interested, the only symptoms that I had were really sore boobs, (that got continuously painful, especially in the last two days), darkened areolas, light-headedness, fatigue and some queasiness the past week.

In terms of doing anything differently, we just BDed every second day starting on CD8 and then BDed twice in row (day of OV and day following) and then went back to every second day.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with all of you wonderful ladies as I don't know how I would have gotten through some months without all of your wonderful support and knowledge. Thank you for listening and always offering words of encouragement. I am definitely going to stick around here like so many others do to cheer you all on and watch you all get your BFPs!!!


:happydance:Congrats Mrs Eddie:happydance::happydance:

So excited for you.

Thanks Babybemine! Pretty excited too! Can't believe that I have to try and concentrate on work today! :haha:
I wanted to stop in quickly to share some exciting news with you all, I got my BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I honestly still am in shock and cannot believe it. I had spoke with my natural family planner last Wednesday, a day before AF was due and we were talking about my cycle, etc. She didn't even mention the possibility that I could be pregnant, (even though I thought our timing had been pretty good). I was SO disappointed as per usual and waited for AF to come the next day, even though I didn't feel like she was. When she didn't come, I started to get my hopes up as I am NEVER late but didn't want to get too excited as I knew that my cycle could be late. I waited to test until December 16, (3 days late), and got a really dark BFP within 3 seconds of POAS.:cloud9: I was honestly in shock, happy, thrilled any emotion you can think of. I was going to come on here as soon as I found out but my DH and I decided to keep the good news to ourselves and had our own little celebration yesterday.

In case anyone is interested, the only symptoms that I had were really sore boobs, (that got continuously painful, especially in the last two days), darkened areolas, light-headedness, fatigue and some queasiness the past week.

In terms of doing anything differently, we just BDed every second day starting on CD8 and then BDed twice in row (day of OV and day following) and then went back to every second day.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with all of you wonderful ladies as I don't know how I would have gotten through some months without all of your wonderful support and knowledge. Thank you for listening and always offering words of encouragement. I am definitely going to stick around here like so many others do to cheer you all on and watch you all get your BFPs!!!


:happydance:Congrats Mrs Eddie:happydance::happydance:

So excited for you.

Thanks Babybemine! Pretty excited too! Can't believe that I have to try and concentrate on work today! :haha:

LOL just think about how grreat your day is going to be with your happy mindset.
AWWW!!! a HUGE congrats to you Mrs.Eddie!!!! So happy for you! You must be on :cloud9:!!!
Wow that's 2 Christmas BFPs here ladies :D That's amazing!!

I hope we get more BFPs here! Its turning into a very lucky thread :D

How's everyone else doing?
Jamie Sue and Noo - Have you tested yet?

This thread has been so quiet recently I don't even know where everyone is in their cycles!! haha
Toms - I know you and I are quite close in cycles. Are you testing soon as well?

afm - I've been having a lot of pinching and pressure in my stomach. Yesterday I had a pretty strong pinching feeling in the center (uterus area). Nothing like I've ever felt before. I read that some people can feel implantation but I have a mixed feeling about this one. Even if I do conceive, it probably won't stick due to my short LP.. AF is due in 4 days so if she doesn't show, I will test.
I tested today - Early, I know - But I started spotting yesterday (CD28) and it is getting slightly heavier today. Fresh bright red loss - Though AF isn't due until Wednesday so getting a little upset that AF is not only coming but seems to be coming whilst I still have strong pregnancy symptoms and is 2 days early :( BFN. Will see what happens by Wednesday and consider re-testing but at the minute I just don't have the heart to. Mother nature is indeed very very cruel. I normally always have a 12 day LP no matter how long the cycle. This would give me only a 9/10 day LP which isn't normal for me.
Oh wow Mrs. Eddie I had no idea you were even due! Congratulations!!! I'm SO happy for you!! You definitely deserve this and I look forward to being bump buddies you!! Sooooo exciting!! :happydance:

Koj hopefully you get lucky and get your BFP also! I'll be keeping everything crossed for you that AF stays away!

AFM spotting has stopped (for now.. I'm afraid of jinxing myself :dohh: ). I have my ultrasound Wednesday and will hopefully see a heartbeat so I can breathe a little easier.
AWWW!!! a HUGE congrats to you Mrs.Eddie!!!! So happy for you! You must be on :cloud9:!!!
Wow that's 2 Christmas BFPs here ladies :D That's amazing!!

I hope we get more BFPs here! Its turning into a very lucky thread :D

How's everyone else doing?
Jamie Sue and Noo - Have you tested yet?

This thread has been so quiet recently I don't even know where everyone is in their cycles!! haha
Toms - I know you and I are quite close in cycles. Are you testing soon as well?

afm - I've been having a lot of pinching and pressure in my stomach. Yesterday I had a pretty strong pinching feeling in the center (uterus area). Nothing like I've ever felt before. I read that some people can feel implantation but I have a mixed feeling about this one. Even if I do conceive, it probably won't stick due to my short LP.. AF is due in 4 days so if she doesn't show, I will test.

Thanks so much Koj! I have everything crossed for you this month. Strong pinching could definitely be a good sign! Did you make an appointment with your doctor yet re your LP?
Oh wow Mrs. Eddie I had no idea you were even due! Congratulations!!! I'm SO happy for you!! You definitely deserve this and I look forward to being bump buddies you!! Sooooo exciting!! :happydance:

Koj hopefully you get lucky and get your BFP also! I'll be keeping everything crossed for you that AF stays away!

AFM spotting has stopped (for now.. I'm afraid of jinxing myself :dohh: ). I have my ultrasound Wednesday and will hopefully see a heartbeat so I can breathe a little easier.

Yay for Bump Buddies! :cloud9: Since you have been through this before I can't wait to be able to ask you the tons of questions I will ultimately have :haha:

And I'm happy to hear that your spotting has stopped! Can't wait to hear all about the ultrasound!
Mrs. Eddie definitely ask away! :haha: And it'll be nice to have someone with only a 2 week difference to talk to and go through it with! My friend is pregnant and due any day now and my SIL is about 5 months along but we're not close AT ALL. Also when I was pregnant in the past I didn't know anyone that was and didn't know about websites like this so it'll definitely be nice!
So far all my blood work, ultrasounds, and HSG are all within normal limits or better.:happydance: Due to O in the next few days
That's great news babybemine! Good luck and hopefully you get your BFP soon!
Noo - hopefully its just implantation spotting! I hope AF stays far away from you!

Thanks morebabies! It would mean a lot (and be pretty miraculous) if I got a sticky BFP this month. My mother-in-law's brother (are they called uncle-in-law!?) passed away on Sat and she is a bit depressed. I know a grandchild would make her so so happy...

Mrs.Eddie - I'm gonna see what happens with this cycle - My cycles are always around 29 days, but maybe something weird happened and AF will show up later??

babybemine - good luck this cycle!!!
Mrs Eddie, congratulations! I love all these BFPs before Christmas! :happydance:

Noo, I hope that is not AF! Your chart still looks good, crossing my fingers! I didn't get a BFP till 12 DPO and it was pretty faint.

Good luck to the ladies testing soon!!!
Mrs. Eddie definitely ask away! :haha: And it'll be nice to have someone with only a 2 week difference to talk to and go through it with! My friend is pregnant and due any day now and my SIL is about 5 months along but we're not close AT ALL. Also when I was pregnant in the past I didn't know anyone that was and didn't know about websites like this so it'll definitely be nice!

Thanks so much more babies, I appreciate the support. I will be sure to ask away!

So far all my blood work, ultrasounds, and HSG are all within normal limits or better.:happydance: Due to O in the next few days

Yay babybemine! Good luck!

Noo - hopefully its just implantation spotting! I hope AF stays far away from you!

Thanks morebabies! It would mean a lot (and be pretty miraculous) if I got a sticky BFP this month. My mother-in-law's brother (are they called uncle-in-law!?) passed away on Sat and she is a bit depressed. I know a grandchild would make her so so happy...

Mrs.Eddie - I'm gonna see what happens with this cycle - My cycles are always around 29 days, but maybe something weird happened and AF will show up later??

babybemine - good luck this cycle!!!

I still have my fx for your Hun! At least you have a plan of action moving forward too; that is always helpful.

Mrs Eddie, congratulations! I love all these BFPs before Christmas! :happydance:

Noo, I hope that is not AF! Your chart still looks good, crossing my fingers! I didn't get a BFP till 12 DPO and it was pretty faint.

Good luck to the ladies testing soon!!!

Thanks so much Breadsticks! Hope that things are still going well for you!

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