When I first posted this thread I never expected the response I got. Thank you to all for making this thread what it is. Do you get disappointed by early testing and BFNs? Then you are in good company. Come say hello and tell us a bit about yourself and join our little support group - don't be a POAS addict!
We only have two rules around here. The first is don't test before AF is due. If you break that rule, and you likely will at some point
, then we ask that if you pee on something you post a picture of the result.
BFP Announcements
Elhaym [
January 14th 2012]
carlyjade86 [
February 18th 2012]
flamingpanda [
February 19th 2012]
pinkribbon [
March 12th 2012]
28329 [
April 5th 2012]
Many hugs to you on the loss of your little angel.
AllieIA [
April 29th 2012]
Impet Limpet [
May 6th 2012]
iow_bird [
Jun 2nd 2012]
justmeinlove [
June 27th 2012]
plastikpony [
July 23rd 2012]
nimbec [
July 27th 2012]
Andrea214 [
August 21st 2012]
I only included BFP announcements from ladies who announced in this thread. In actual fact there are many more that have used this thread at sometime and are now pregnant. If you feel you've been missed and would like to be added/have something changed just PM me (and include the date you got your BFP).
Reasons Not To Test
"No matter what symptoms you have, only a longer luteal phase is a good enough symptom to test!"
- Impet Limpet
"I think a good reason not to test is so you never suffer the heartache of a chemical if you don't know about it."
- 28329
"Tests aren't cheap and If we get an early BFN we still pin all of our hopes on a BFP closer to/after when AF is due."
- starlight2801
"Unless you get an early, faint, bfp (which could be a chemical) how is the bfn result helping you? And if its a chemical bfp you're still no better off."
- AllieIA
"Save your money. Test when af is due or late. Put the extra money in a jar and see how much you have in there once you get your bfp."
- AllieIA
"Financial advisors talk about the 'latte' expense. Cutting out the $5 daily latte saves you $1820 a imagine if you saved all that $$ for early tests. Vacation savings account bonus!"
- AllieIA
"For me it was simply just heartbreaking to see a negative test. The way I saw it - not testing wasn't going to make me any less pregnant but it would save me money and upset if I wasn't. I got my positive test when AF was 2 days late. I'd taken one at the start of that week (naughty I know) and it was a BFN. So a few days really can make all the difference to the result. Looking back I was always going to wind up pregnant with that second test but I could've saved myself £4 and a bad mood that day if I had just held off until the weekend."
- Flamingpanda
"If its going to be a bfn month best to find out via AF as you'll already be on your new cycle, lots of daily bfns will keep you waiting for af before you can move on"
- Impet Limpet
My Original Post
Just wondering. My partner was dead against me testing at the end of the month and he said we should just wait and see what happens so I don't get depressed if it's BFN. Only after I'm late can I test. I kind of see his point but I know as I get closer I'll feel really anxious to find out. Reading posts it seems like almost everyone tests early, anyone else not testing and waiting?